Harry potter Hogwarts school for witchcraft wizardry and creatures

Chapter 3: Mates and 9 and 3/4

Hermione woke up lazily as per usual and sat up. She stretched, popping three vertebrae before she sighed in content and snuggled back onto whatever the warm thing she slept cuddling last night. Funny it felt almost as if...

$AHH! SALAZAR'S BALLSACK!$ Hermione cried in shock waking the raven haired boy next to her. Her innocent yet volgurly languaged mind instantly remembered what her father told her when she was six, not realising he was joking she began to hyperventilate.

"What? Hermione what's wrong?" Harry asked in concern. He wasn't phased at all by being used as a giant pillow. He'd seen Aunt petunia asleep on the couch in much the same position with the devil's snare, which was quiet a hugger. He admittedly until the age of seven couldn't get to sleep without being cuddled by his aunt.

" We slept together!" She wailed. Tears fell down her cheeks like rivers. "And now I'll have a baby and be pregnant and and I DONT WANNA BE A TEEN MUM!" she sobbed loud enough to get the attention of those waiting outside the door. Petunia, Daniel and a healer rushed in, fearing something had happened.

"What's going on?!" Daniel asked in shock.

"Daddy we slept in the same bed so now I'm pregnant!" Hermione sobbed.

The healer groaned and spent the next hour mortifying the two patients with The Talk. By the end of it both Harry and Hermione were beat red.

"Why were we on the same bed in the first place?" Hermione asked, the more logical side of her brain taking over.

" How do I say this?" The healer sighed. " You both experienced not only a soul bond like humans but also a mate bond."

Harry blinked twice in shock. He then looked over in worry at Hermione who was deathly silent and still. She looked at him with a blank expression.

$ Ah nuts.$ Hermione muttered. $ now I know why I've been feeling tingly since we met.$

The healer flinched at the language, it still had a nasty stigma attached to it, even after the death of Voldemort.

"Tingly? Well I guess it had to happen sometime." Emma sighed from the doorway. With a lazy flick of her 6 and 3/4 inch Birch with crushed Basilisk fang wand (she donated the old fang), confetti rained from the tip in a jet. " I now pronounce you husband and wife." She chuckled. Daniel fainted as his face turned pale.

"What?!" Harry squeaked in shock, he too was now incredibly pale as Hermione instinctively latched onto his side and began to hiss softly.

Petunia looked torn between joy and nervousness. Yes she did want grand nephews to spoil but not this soon!

"Why am I doing this?" Hermione asked absently as she cuddled into Harry.

"No clue." Harry muttered as his blush increased tenfold.

It was not until the next day when they could leave but due to the nature of the soul bond they could be separated for more than 4 minutes at a time without falling ill for the first three weeks. After a quick argument it was decided they'd be staying at number 4 pivot drive as Hermione, upon hearing about the massive amount of plants and books demanded to stay but first, they made their way to Olivander's wand shop. It took three hours of searching before Olivander finally admitted defeat and told them they'd have to have a custom wand.

The results were interesting. Harry had a 11 and 1/2 inches long Holly and Basilisk venom (Hermione demanded she donate it) wand while Hermione had Lazurite gem and Basalisk blood (From one killed 500 years ago by Erwin Bones) which was 12 inches exactly. In short order, Harry's was good for grey magic and nature magic while Hermione's was good for dark magic and wards as apparently only gems were used to make the body of warder's wands. Hermione was ecstatic and instantly asked her mum for some ward stones to help her practice.

The weeks past quickly for the pair and when the neighbors asked about Hermione, she played 'the poor cripple who wanted to stay with her best friend while her parents were on a business trip' card. Needless to say, Dursley the bitch she was, tried her best to belittle, tease and harm hermione, only after pulling a pocket knife from under the seat of her wheelchair however and subsequently explaining to the police what happened, did Delighla back off. That and Hermione did have slitted eyes under her contacts and having forgot them one morning was more than enough to terrify the bully for a while.

Finally September 1st arrived and they took Mrs Frigg's floo to platform 9 and 3/4 which was busy. It was jammed packed full of people wherever you looked. Hauling their trunks behind them they got onboard just as the final whistle blew. They both settled into a empty compartment and stowed their trunks. Not even five minutes later a lanky boy with freckles and hair made of fire barged in rudely.

"Oi, either o' ya seen Harry potta?" He asked.

"Why?" Harry asked cautiously. He knew this kid was bad news, and that wasn't even his natural instincts screaming "STAY AWAY FROM FIRE! FIRE BAD!" the kid gave a stuck up and rude attitude which made Delighla look like a sweet old lady who liked kittens.

"Guess not. Filthy nymph-omaniac. Bloody mongrel lover too from the looks of her. Stay away from my sister you freak, she will not be friends with ya lot." The boy sneered before storming away.

"Bloody hell, hope I don't end up in his house." Harry and Hermione agreed.

It was three more minutes before a polite knock at the door caught their attention. It opened to reveal a blonde boy with aqua blue eyes and a girl with fire for hair who had a black eye.

"Uh can we come in please?" The blonde asked in concern. "Weasel has gone and given his sister a black eye and we'd like a place to stay for a bit."

"Sure come on in. I'm Hermione, this is my mate Harry." The half Basilisk introduced with a smile as she put her book down.

The blonde smiled and shook their hands. "I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy." He smiled. "Water Nymph from dad's side of the family, Vampire from mum's."

"Ginny formally Weasley, fire elemental from Dad's side and runaway after mum led the family dark. Now I'm just Ginny Noname, although the love goods have been kind enough to take me in." Ginny introduced, babbled then blushed when she finished. "Sorry, nervous."

"Hermione Potter née Granger, half Basilisk from mum, muggle from dad, and mate and soul bond to my husband harry." Hermione smiled and gave an over exaggerated bow to the new arrivals, making Ginny giggle.

"Harry potter, quarter Nymph and Nyiad from mum, wizard from dad. Mate and soulbond to my wife Hermione." Harry smiled.

"Anything from the trolley dears?" A voice startled them. They all looked to see an elderly trolley lady at the door.

"Twelve cauldron cakes, three mice, four bottles of water and some honey flies if you have them please?" Hermione asked. The old lady nodded and rummaged through the cart and collected up the items.

"There you go, that's sixteen shickles and four knuts please." The woman stated. Hermione handed over the coins as harry distributed the food. Mice for hermione, honey flies for him and cauldron cakes for the others. Ginny also brought some chocolate frogs and Draco ordered a seaweed and oyster sandwich. As the scenery grew long and the sky got darker, they noticed a castle in the distance and took turns to get changed, excited for the first school year.