Okay, I'm going to try and write a songfic. It's of course going to be about Ginny. It's the way Ginny sees Harry.  Also, I write the lyrics on how the appear so don't say can't spell.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Harry Potter Characters. J.K Rowling does.

You Get Me

From the Michelle Branch album "The Spirit Room"

So I'm a little left of center
I'm a little out of tune
Some say I'm paranormal
So I just bend their spoon
Who wants to be ordinary
In a crazy, mixed-up world
I don't care what they're sayin'
As long as I'm your girl

I want to be with you! I want you to be with me! You and I are perfect.

Hey, You, you are on my side
     And they, they just roll their eyes

When they think I am weird, you come and take my hand, and lead me far away to a place where I am safe.

You get me
When nobody understands
You come and take the chance, baby
You get me
You look inside my wild mind
Never knowing what you'll find
And still you want me all the time
Yeah, you do
Yeah, you get me

"Come on Ginny," He would tell me as he took me up steps. "I'll get you away from those freaks. They don't know what they're talking about." My eyes filled with tears as we made our way into the Gryffindor Common Room. On how I dreamed about this...

So what if I see the sunshine
In the pouring rain
Some people think I'm crazy
But you say it's okay
You've seen my secret garden
Where all of my flowers grow
In my imagination
Anything goes

"You have a unique sense of looking at positive things." He smiled. I would smile back. "Of course I do."

I, I am all you want
They, they just read me wrong

People don't see me for the inside; they see me for the outside but not Harry. He's sees inside of me. That's what is so special about him. I can always trust and believe in him.

You get me
When nobody understands
You come and hold my hand, baby
You get me
You look inside my wild mind
Never knowing what you'll find
Still you want me all the time
Yeah, you do
'Cause you get me

People start talking wondering if it is true. Are we really going steady? The answer is yes! I want to scream YES YES YES! YES HARRY AND I ARE GOING OUT! But...they'll just look at me like they always do. Ha ha. I make myself laugh.

Hey you, you are on my side
They, they just roll their eyes
Yeah, yeah, yeah

So I will walk on, with Harry. I don't care about the stares I get from people, since I have the sweetest man for a boyfriend. I AM SO LUCKY!

'Cause you get me
When nobody understands
You come and take the chance, baby
You get me
When none of the pieces fit
You make sense of it
You get me
You look inside my wild mind
Never knowing what you'll find
And still I want you all the time
Yeah, I do
'Cause you get me
Yeah, oh, yeah, oh

Okay, it was my first. I know it's not the best but it was okay! Please review! ~BlondeNeko