In a far away region, that is hidden from those who may wish harm, live two girls who are more than they seem. In a nice cottage by the water was a woman who had short blonde hair. She was popping some oran berries into her mouth as she was watching one of her favorite shows on the television. All of a sudden the backdoor that was made of glass, slid open to reveal another woman with a lucario by her side. A smile was on her face.

"Morning!" She said in an overly cheerful tone that was abnormal for the woman. The lucario just raised a brow at her tone.

The woman who was sitting down rose her own brow before giving off a chuckle. "Morning, what got you so happy Michelle?" She asked.

"I know i'm not normally a morning person..but...TODAY"S THE DAY!" Michelle said quite normally at the beginning but ended the answer with a giant squeal.

" Oh yeah, today is the day we set off on our journey to meet up with our cousin, Ash Ketchum." The woman nodded with a chuckle.

"Hey Luke, are you excited?" Michelle asked as she turned to the lucario that was standing beside her. His arms were crossed while his eyebrow was raised. He just gave a shrug and a small grunt like noise. Michelle gave him a look,"Really? Did you get up on the wrong side of the bed or something?" She asked. Luke just gave her a small smirk before looking away.

Selene, the woman on the couch, she just shook her head with a small laugh of her own before she grabbed the remote and turned off the tv. She then proceeded to stand up and grabbed the bowl of berries that were next to her. Michelle quickly reached in and stole a berry or two before giving one to Luke. "So, what is the plan? If we even have a plan." She chuckled as she went into the kitchen to put the berries away.

"Mrs. Kasumi, said she would give us a ride to Kanto, and we were going to meet Ash at Professor Oak's lab, at least that was what I thought we were going to do." Michelle said as she put her hand over her mouth in thought.

"Yeah, we should head over there now then? Or do you still need to pack?" Selene asked as she returned to her and Luke.

"No, I've got everything, I just need to grab it and say good bye to my parents. By the way, are Nero and Lottie coming with us? I know Luke is," Michelle responded before looking over to Luke who gave a nod.

Selene nodded,"Yeah, right now they are by my parents. They are in the fields right now. I should go and grab them. I'll meet you down by the docks?" She asked.

Michelle nodded before Luke and her went through the door that they came in and went out of view. Selene then went out of another door and headed towards a field in the distance. She grabbed her invention, a bag that can hold many objects due to a pocket dimension. She was an inventor just like her many fathers before her. It didn't take her long before she had reached her mother who was in some farmer's garb. A small shovel was in her hand. Charlotte, a small girl with long blonde hair was eagerly watching her mother as she was planting some seeds onto the ground.

"Charlotte, where's Nero...and dad?" Selene asked as she looked around.

Charlotte quickly straightened up before looking at her sister with bright eyes and big smile. "Nero is helping Dad make new rows for berries!" As if on cue, a rather large Haxorus was coming down beside them with her father behind him. The Haxorus was pulling a machine that made the rows.

"You ready to go Nero?" Selene asked the Haxorus. He just gave a grunt and a nod as he took off the ring that was around his body. He walked over to Charlotte and bent down on one knee so the little girl can go and climb onto his back. Selene's smile widened. "Awesome, it's about time we get to travel out of our region. Come on, let's go, we don't want Michelle and Luke to wait. "

"Now hold on a second Selene, did you pack everything?" Asked her father who came to his wife's side and crossed his arms.

Selene gave a small groan before nodding. "Yes dad, I'm not sixteen anymore." Nero gave Selene a look and a huff escaped his lips. Selene sheepishly added, "No..offense."

"That doesn't mean anything Selene, I need to make sure that you have everything with you. I don't want you to regret not bringing anything on this journey of yours."

"I know, I know, here, have a look." HIs daughter said as handed him the bag. He put his hand in the bag and shuffled it about. He then pulled out a few maps, a gps system machine, tent, flashlight, clothes, and a few other survival things. Not to mention various food supplies and medical items.

"Good, now just give me a hug and you can go." Her father chuckled before handing her the bag. Selene just rolled her eyes playfully before bringing her dad into a hug. The father's eyes went a bit big as he felt Nero wrap his arms around him and lifting him up slightly off the ground. "Nero...I know you like hugs too but can you please put me down."

Nero nodded and put him down before Charlotte smiled. "Bye Daddy! I'll miss you and momma too!

Selene nodded before the small group of three made their way down towards the docks. Michelle was with Luke and they were waiting a bit impatiently. "Sorry, dad had to go all soft on me."

"Well that isn't anything new, Uncle Helios can be a bit protective sometimes." Michelle replied.

Selene nodded, she was about to turn when she heard her parent's voices in the distance. She looked around spotted her parents and her Aunt and Uncle coming down the path towards them.

"Mom? Dad? I thought we already said goodbye," Michelle said in confusion.

The slightly tall man who was wearing his farmer garb came to them first. "We all wanted to give you all a last hoorah. It's a big step for young ones to travel out of the region." He said as he ran his hand through his short white hair. His brown eyes looking at his niece before looking to the rest of the group.

"And what about you Aunt Lea and Uncle Allen?" Selene asked as she looked to Michelle's parents.

"Well we didn't get to say goodbye to you, now did we?" The tan man said as he chuckled. HIs black dreadlocks swaying slightly as he nodded. His red eyes full of mirth.

"Yes dears, this is all your first time leaving home without us. We just wanted to make sure that nothing happens when you leave."Lea said as she smoothed out her orange hair. Her soft brown eyes looking at each of them before her.

"Aunt Diane, do you have anything to add? " Michelle asked in amusement as her own red eyes filled with mirth, just like her father. Her long yellow hair streaked with black started to sway in the wind as it started to pick up.

Diane just chuckled before grinning and holding on to her hat a bit. "All I have to say is that the winds are changing in your favor, make sure you use it to your advantage." A knowing grin was on her lips.

"Now Luke, you're in charge of looking after Michelle, make sure nothing bad happens and she continues her training." Her father stated as he pointed a finger at the lucario who just quickly nodded.

" You do the same to Charlotte, Nero, make sure she doesn't end up in any trouble," Added Helios.

Charlotte frowned and quickly folded her arms. "Dad! I'm not little kid anymore, and what about Selene?"

Selene chuckled before looking at her younger sister. "You don't have to worry about me Charlotte, I'll be fine, I just need to keep an eye on you as well. No ifs ands, or buts."

"Don't forget i'm an expert fighter, I can look after her as well!" Chimed in Michelle as she put a hand on her hip and looked at Lottie.

Selene just gave Michelle a quick look and was about to say something when a voice was heard at the end of the dock.

"Alright young ones, time to get going, there is no time to waste."

"Good morning , thanks again for giving us a ride," Michelle said as she started to make her way to the boat that the woman had brought over for them.

"Yes thanks again," Selene said as she headed with Nero and Charlotte by her side. Luke was following after Michelle. The parents just waved goodbye as the boat started to pull away from the dock.