Marinette and Chat Noir were cuddling on her chaise in the dark watching The Princess Bride. As the credits rolled, Marinette pushed herself away from him and shoved a pillow over his face.

"I'm going to go change into something," she told him. "I want your honest opinion of it." He started to remove the pillow, but she crushed it back onto him.

"No peeking!" she ordered. "I'll be right back."

Chat Noir heard Marinette open her closet door, and heard the rustling of clothes. Her bedroom door opened and closed, and he was alone in her room. "What could she be changing into?" he asked himself aloud. Then he remembered those cliché movie moments, where the girl left the boy to change into lingerie, and he blushed. He suddenly remembered an episode of How I Met Your Mother. He and Nino had always discussed it, wondering if it would work and how they wanted to try it.

"Plagg, claws in!" Chat Noir whispered. Plagg popped out of Adrien's ring and landed on the bed.

"What are you doing?" Plagg demanded. "She's going to find out your identity this way!"

"I can't take my clothes off if I'm Chat Noir," Adrien pointed out, shedding his jeans. Plagg rolled his eyes and took up a hiding spot in her trash can.

Adrien shoved his jeans and his shirt under the chaise, then climbed up the ladder onto her bed. He felt awkward, but this was totally going to work. He had snatched one of Marinette's shirts and, once situated on the bed, carefully covered his head and face with it.

"Okay," Marinette said, opening her bedroom door and flipping on the light. "What do you-" She stopped, looking up at her bed when she couldn't find Chat Noir where she'd left him. "Oh my god! Chat Noir, is there a reason you're naked in my bed?"

"Was this not what we were doing?" he asked. His plan had had a glaring flaw in that he couldn't see what Marinette was wearing.

Marinette put her hand over her eyes. "Not at all!"

The room was awkwardly quiet for a moment.

"W-well, I'm gonna wait outside while you… you know," she said.

After Chat Noir had taken his alter ego back up (and gotten made fun of by Plagg), he opened the door to let Marinette back in.

She was wearing a cute, Chinese style dress. Her hair put up in a bun and had two chopsticks poked through it. "I made this dress myself," she told him. "I was wanting your opinion on it."

"Oh," Chat Noir said, scratching the back of his head. "I guess I jumped to conclusions."

"More like used a jetpack across the ocean," she giggled.

"To be fair, it was dark and a romantic movie was playing," he argued. "Could we… not tell anyone that this happened?"

"I'll take it to my grave," she promised. "But you know… Maybe next time you come over, we can try it again." She winked at him, causing him to blush again.