Alec stood with his phone in his hand, nervously flipping it from one hand to the other before a knock at the door caused him to anxiously drop it on the floor. "Shit."

He heard the sound of laughter come through the door while he bent over to pick up the phone from the ground. Thankfully, it wasn't broken, and he couldn't really see any cracks but knowing his luck there probably was one. He reached over and set the phone on his desk while he noticed Jace standing at the door with a smile stretched across his face.

"Waiting for someone to call?" Jace asked, and Alec bounced off the ground. Despite noticing his presence, Alec was very distracted to even register his brother talking to him. This, of course, made Jace even more amused to which he teasingly patted Alec's back.

"You okay?" Jace asked.

"Yes." Alec nodded, looking back down at the phone on the desk before taking it in his hand again and turning to flash Jace a fake smile. "Yeah."

"Dude, just ask him out already." Jace shrugged, reaching over to grab at Alec's phone but Alec pulls it backwards letting Jace stumble a bit. After his brother caught his balance, Alec clutched the phone tightly to his chest before whipping around to look at the floor.

"Why do you all keep saying stuff like that?" Alec hissed, letting his middle finger stroke over the home button of his phone. As the lock screen disappeared, the light reflected onto Alec's dark grey sweater where the name last on his screen appeared. M. Bane.

"Because we all see the way he makes you. No one makes you that happy, dude." Jace set his hand on his brother's shoulder as Alec titled his head upwards feeling the blush form over him. "Hell, no one makes you feel at all except Madzie."

"You guys make me feel things." Alec mumbled.

"Family love, and love love are different things, Alec." Jace smiled, setting his hand on Alec's cheek momentarily to distract him and as Alec followed Jace's hand he took the opportunity to rip the phone out of Alec's hands. Alec snapped back quickly, reaching toward it as he tried to get it back from Jace, Jace dialed the number on the screen.

The phone started to ring and Jace pressed it up against Alec's ear and started to walk away. The phone nearly dropped again, but Alec caught it in his hand just as a voice came from the other line. "Alexander?"

"Mis-Magnus. Hi." Alec mumbled, fiddling with a loose string on his shirt as he spoke.

"Mister Magnus, come on Alexander. Not even the kids call me that." There was a laugh in there, definitely. A chuckle that came from the back of his throat, as his voice came through the line deep and slow.

"Sorry." Alec said, turning to look at one of the paintings of an old Head of Institute that hung on the wall. Had they always looked as stuffy and boring, with the same old tired eyes and wrinkles? Would Alec's face sag as well?

"Don't be. It's such a pleasure to hear from you." Alec couldn't tell but Magnus was looking down at his watch, only a couple of hours til Madzie's appointment. When Alec had told him the night before that he'd call him, Magnus didn't necessarily think he'd meant it. So of course at seeing the name pop up on screen, he smiled.

"Yes, well that depends on how you take what I have to say next." He paused, waiting for a sound coming from the other line but when it didn't, he continued. "I was going to ask if you could come to the Institute today for Madzie's session."

"The Institute?" Magnus asked, and Alec tried to read any kind of emotion in the man's voice, but then again Magnus was very good at putting on a show. No matter what he was feeling, or just to entertain. Magnus did seem to like to entertain people, whether it be through his dramatic entrances or graceful movements about a room.

"Yes. Not only have I been avoiding a stack of paperwork since last week, I wanna talk to you a little more about yesterday." Alec lowered his head, blushing a little as he thought about the night before. "Plus, I would like to make sure Madzie understands that she should feel comfortable practicing magic at home, with supervision of course."

"Well, for Madzie of course." Magnus said. Alec could almost envision Magus sweeping across the room his clothes following like a shadow barely keeping up with him. Everything felt lighter when Magnus was in a room, almost like it was all dancing in front of your eyes. "But I suppose the paperwork that probably should be done soon in order for you to keep your job, can be considered a bonus."

"Thanks Magnus, I'll owe you one." Alec smiled, even though the other man couldn't see it.

"I'll take my payment in clothes, alcohol, or coffee." Magnus said, and Alec laughed. Well it was more of a breath out your nose kind of laugh than anything, but Magnus continued. "Or all three, although those threw tell a story of something else."

"Good to know. I will see you later, Magnus." Alec said, shaking his head as images of a one night stand went with Magnus. He imagined it lasted longer than one night, and that Alec wouldn't be standing for very long. As his train of thought led Alec to somewhere he wasn't comfortable with going while he was on the phone with Magnus, he figured ending the conversation would be best for both parts.

"Shall we play 'You Hang Up First', or are you going to be a gentleman?" It was like Alec could feel the air dance around like Magnus was there , talking with a twirl of his wrist and smirking at Alec.

"I'm hanging up now, Magnus." As Alec hung up the phone he could hear another one of Magnus's laughs just beginning to ring in his ear.

Alec sighed, shaking his head as he set the phone down on his desk. He stared at it for a couple minutes, like he expected it to ring again or something. Just a couple of moments passed and he watched the phone vibrate as his 3:00 alarm went off. That was the time he had set for Madzie to meet him, so they could be at Magnus's at 4. He debate going to her room to meet her and tell him about Magnus coming here, but settled on waiting here for her.

Madzie sat in her bedroom staring at the pile of stuffed animals, watching them as f to see the slightest movement. She was trying to make them move, she was very concentrated on making them move. She forgot how long she had been sat there, maybe a hour or two. After all, she wasn't even five yet she couldn't possibly figure it out time yet. She's a warlock, not a super genius.

Her room was very her. Or at least that's what her dad said, she doesn't really understand what that means yet but it sounded nice. The walls were a dark blue, at nighttime it looked like the stars were above her with the little white dots her dad had painted on the ceiling. Her dad did a lot of things for her, and she always loved everything he gave her. Including her teachers.

Magnus was the best, after all he'd helped her figure out how to control her magic, even if he says she's not quite done growing yet. It was a little weird how he kept referring to trees, and she doesn't always understand what he says, but other than that it's awesome. He's not a Shadowhunter, like her dad, he's a warlock like her. She sees him a lot, and she likes hanging out with Azalea.

She opened her eyes again and her stuffed Frog, Saly (cause she couldn't quite pronounce the 'c' sound it scaly), was floating in front of her. She smiled, reaching her hands out for the frog and she looked down. Her hands were surrounded by a golden glow, and she laughed causing the glow to travel up her arms until she felt something warm press against her cheek. This, was what was the best part about magic, she felt like she was getting a hug every time she used it. For some reason, magic used to be cold to hear and it would hurt. This didn't hurt at all.

Then something in the room dinged, she believed it to be the alarm clock that her dad put in for her even though she didn't quite know what an alarm clock was. She looked up at the big clock on the wall, not understanding why but she knew that when the little black lines looked like a L she was supposed to head to her dad's room. She stood up, concentrating on letting the frog down easily, but ultimately it just plopped on the ground with a thump.

She shrugged, walking out the door and closing it behind her. She headed for her dad's room, only stopping or a moment to talk to Jace as he was walking back from that direction. Uncle Jace was funny, and they liked to watch movies together.

"Madzie." She heard her father call as she stepped in the room. She made a sound of acknowledged as she closed the door, stopping just in front of it with her hands folded in front of her.

"You don't mind Magnus coming here do you?" Her father asked. Madzie smiled, she might get to show Magnus her room, she didn't have very many things because too much stuff made it feel small, but she was sure he'd love it. Her and Azalea could read some of the books she had stocked away on the shelf that Madzie's grandfather had made for her.

Her father must have taken her reaction as a yes and he continued. "So it's up to you what we do while we wait for him to arrive."

This, Madzie didn't like as much. It wasn't that she didn't like talking,she did it quite a lot lately, sometimes it just felt easier not to. Her dad never pushed her to talk, either, so that made it easier to do it on her own. But she wasn't very good at decisions, and her dad only ever makes her do small stuff but she didn't want to be wrong.

"Could we-" Her voice was small, and she sounded a little nervous (which she was, after all Magnus was coming here), but excited. "Fight?"

Her dad called it something else, but sometimes they went to this big room with Uncle Jace or Aunt Izzy (even sometimes Clary) and they'd hit each other with stuff. Madzie only ever used her magic or her hands cause she was much too little for anything else, but when her dad went against other people he uses weapons.

Her dad smiled and took her down to the big room where Uncle Jace and Simon were hitting each other with long sticks. Her dad watched for a minute before Uncle Jace called Simon to a stop and angled his head towards Madzie and her dad waiting patiently at the side.

"Hey dude. Wanna go a round?" Simon asked, the sweat dripping off his forehead. If Madzie wanted to, she would have mentioned that the better option might be a shower.

"Actually Simon, Madzie and I are just here to kill some time." Alec held his arm out, keeping the sweaty vampire at a good distance from them.

"Can I-" Madzie said pulling on her dad's leg, catching his attention. He looked down at her, a patient smile across his face, before watching her point in the direction of Uncle Jace.

"You want to practice with Uncle Jace?" Alec asked, his smile widening a little bit as Madzie mumbled a 'please'. Alec nodded, patting her back as she skipped away towards the other end of the room.

"Ready to go Lightwood?" Simon asked, dropping the stick to the side as he held his arms up in front of his face.

Alec laughed, mimicking Simon's stance but with a little more finesse and a lot more technique. "Let's go Lewis."

Magnus stood at the front entrance of the Institute watching busy Shadowhunters pass by in front of him without a care towards the two warlocks at the door. Azalea stood on her phone, not unusual for her to be doing, but Magnus was trying to just patiently wait for someone to approach them and give them the direction to head in.

Thankfully a familiar spot of dark hair, red lipstick, and beaming smile came towards them as her heels clicked against the floor underneath her. "Magnus!"

"Isabelle!" He said, accepting the hug she offered. Thankful for the cool demeanor she offered now, as opposed to the oddly stand-offish one last night.

"Apologies for last night darling, I had the longest day." Isabelle said, ask and you shall receive Magnus always said.

"No worries, dear." He smiled in return.

"What can I help you two with?" Isabelle asked, nodding towards Azalea whose head was stuck in her phone. For anyone else, it would have seemed weird for two people to constantly be at each other's sides but for Magnus and Azalea it just seemed natural.

"We're looking for your brother." Azalea mumbled, engrossed in a mobile game of some sorts.

"Follow me." Isabelle smiled again, flashing them both. Magnus watched her lead them through the Institute almost to the back where Magnus could hear the sounds of sparring going on. Sure enough as they entered the weapons room, he got sight of Alec leaning over a familiar vampire laughing at something. The sight was, engaging to say the least.

Magnus's eyes trailed down the Shadowhunter's body, who had dismissed himself of a shirt apparently. Sweat clinging to hair and runes like, well, sweat. He stared for a good minute and a a half before licking his lips. "Okay, I'm back."

Alec must of heard his voice because the Shadowhunter, a bit out of breath and goofy as heck, looked up at them and smiled. "Magnus."

The vampire took Alec's momentarily distracted state to flip the Shadowhunter over, throwing Alec onto the ground. Alec made a gasp of some sorts that did wonders to Magnus's imagination as his head hit the ground his mouth made an 'O" of surprise that left nothing to imagination.

The vampire cheered in victory, before Alec pushed the vampire off of him and attempted to stand up. Frustrated, Alec kind of just jumped off his knees and landed on his feet with a bit of a wobble. Magnus smirked as Alec started to put on his shirt. "Oh, don't stop on account of me."

Alec blushed, before buttoning up his shirt again. "So, what are you in the mood for first? Lesson, or report?"

"Report. I'll probably just leave after the fun part anyway." Magnus smiled as Alec attempted to fix his collar. Seeing the hopelessness of that made Magnus pity Alec and he reached over and fixed it for him. Alec didn't breathe the whole twenty seconds Magnus's hands were on his shirt, and he didn't know whether that was a bad sign or not.

"Who said reports aren't fun?" Isabelle chimed in, cooling the tension.

"Everyone." Azalea mumbled in response. At the sound of fast and small footsteps she put her phone away to see Madzie running towards them. She had discarded the sweater she had on earlier, now standing in just a pink tank top and her leggings.

"Magnus!" Madzie cheered, hugging the man's legs. Azalea received one as well, and as Madzie pulled away Alec noticed the wide spread grin on her face. "You have to see my room."

Madzie pulled on Azalea's hand, tugging her in the direction of just that and Magnus turned to Alec with pleading eyes. Alec smiled, noting how the man resembled a puppy when it wanted a treat, before shrugging. "I guess the report can wait."

The two chased after their girls, and Alec happily chatted away with Magnus while Madzie rambled off a list of all her stuffed animals and their numbers. Yeah, Magnus thought to himself, the Institute wasn't so bad.