I never thought I would reach the day that I finished writing a novella or finished posting it here. As you may already know, Storms of Love is currently on sale anywhere ebooks are sold. You can find it just by search Taryn Ann Edwards or Storms of Love. I would appreciate it very much that, if you have enjoyed this story, you go and review it on Amazon.

Also, there is a sequel coming out around October, but I will not be posting it here. If you would like to find out more about this story, join my group on Facebook, Taryn's Tea Party. Not only will I discuss the sequel, but I will give sneak peeks and you will eventually get to give input on my future stories, plus all the Pride and Prejudice memes you could want. I do hope you join and we get to chat over there.

Again, thank you for trusting me to bring you on this journey. It has been a learning experience for me, and though there has been some ups and downs, I have loved every moment of it.


Elizabeth was happy. Deliriously so. Every day she swore she fell more in love with her husband and he daily reassured her that he felt the same. There was nothing that could make her even happier, so she thought.

While dressing for the day one morning and talking to her lady's maid, her maid made a comment on how her menstruation scent was causing her husband to give her all sorts of attention. It was improper talk, but the two had grown so close that Elizabeth could only laugh at the antics her maid told her about.

It was after she dressed that Elizabeth realized she had no need of her menstruation cloths in over three months. Elizabeth's hands flew to her stomach. She could not actually be pregnant could she? A panic washed over her. Elizabeth was not ready to be a mother. She had been hoping to have more time until this added responsibility came into her life, but, with her mother's fertility, it was only natural she inherited.

Elizabeth spent the remainder of the day walking in a daze and often stopping in the middle of what she was doing to stare into space. It was only a matter of time before Darcy noticed her lack of attention.

"Darling, is there something the matter?"

"That depends."

"Oh?" This piqued Darcy's interest. "How so?"

"Well, how do you feel about children?"

Darcy scratched his chin. "I would like to have some. A large household like your family's perhaps. Do you want to start trying for one?"

"I think it is a little late to try. I believe we may already be well on our way." Elizabeth bit her lip, waiting anxiously for his response.

She watched his face turn from confusion to delight.

"Truly? A baby?"

He rushed to his side and knelled by her, placing his hands on her stomach. "We have a little one growing already? We will have to make sure to have a second one soon after. I don't want my children to have such a wide age gap as me and Georgiana."

Darcy beamed up at her and Elizabeth could not help but let his excitement spread to her. "Darling Elizabeth. How can I ever thank you for this gift? This is the second happiest day of my life, only after the day I was privileged to marry you."

"I was so scared that we were not ready, but with your confidence I think we can do this."

"Do not be afraid, Elizabeth. You will be the best mother any child could hope for."

Tears of happiness fell down Elizabeth's face and Darcy wiped them away and kissed her. She had once thought she would never be happy in this marriage, but at that moment, Elizabeth was thankful of that fateful storm that lead her to becoming Mrs. Darcy.