Minori-chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan! Hey everyone, this is my third fic and yes, I am aware that as of writing this, I have two rather unfinished stories . . . I get distracted easily okay. Anyway, this is the first of many stories that features my favorite OC character, Minori Yadokawa. I shall give you all a warning now cause I won't later, This is M rated due to language, violence and adult themes.

Please forgive the bad editing, I do it as I write so it can be rather poor, in anycase, see you at the bottom, enjoy.


Yadokawa Minori strode in through the front gate of Konoha as the sun just barely grazed the horizon as it set. Minori breathed out a breath, visible to her in the cold winter's air, as she took in the familiar sights, sounds and smells of Konoha. Minori ha finally returned to konoha after six years and now that she was back, she felt glad to return to her home. Minori rested her hand on the hilt of her sword that protruded from her back on her left side. It was belted in such a fashion that it traveled across the small of her back so that it wouldn't get in the way of anything and was short enough that it didn't stick out much, that being said, most people tended to not know what kind of sword it was. Minori's sword was too long to be a Tanto, too short to be a Katana and had a two handed grip so it wasn't a wakizashi but the truth of the matter was that it was just a sword that the old smiths of the now dead Yadokawa clan made for all it's shinobi, nobody cared what others called it.

Minori's attire might have been considered provocative, wearing a grey kimono so loose that most of her upper torso was revealed to it and a pair of shorts that barely covered her thighs but any cleavage that might have been exposed was covered by darker grey cloths that her sensei had forced her to start wearing when she was a child and her legs were covered somewhat modestly by her loose kimono and leg dull grey leg warmers built into her shinobi sandals. Of course, Minori had a good reason for dressing 'provocatively' and it had to do with her bloodline but that was of little consequence since she hardly used it nowadays, rarely having the need and finding the need to cover her many tattoos that she had hiding the various seal arrays covering her body. Minori's speciality had, and always will be, her fuinjutsu.

Minori's casual walk was interrupted by the voice of her old sensei calling out to her and so, knowing full well that her sensei was dead, she stopped and turned. One hand dipped to the bottle of ink and a brush that she had clipped to her belt to be able to use her fuinjutsu at a moment's notice even in battle conditions.

"Who's there?" she said, keeping any confrontational tones out of her voice as she walked into a narrow alley that was partially hidden from the street by way of a corner of one building sticking out slightly. Walking past this corner, Minori noticed a small boy in it's shadow. The boy couldn't have been more than six years old and had bright blond hair, three shades brighter than her own platinum blond hair. Another detail she noticed was that he was in only a t-shirt and shorts . . . in the middle of winter. One further detail was the stark comparison she immediately drew between the boy and her own sensei. Minori's breath hitched in her throat as the gravity of the situation hit her like an angry akimichi she had just called fat. "What's your name boy and why are you on the street . . . clothed like that . . . in the middle of winter?" she said to the kid who was shivering something fierce

"U-Uzumaki N-Naruto" the boy managed to get out past his chattering teeth, Kami the boy was almost blue he was that cold and Minori had to work furiously to keep herself from showing anything other than mild curiosity. "It's a bit warmer here than in my house at the moment so I-I-I'm j-j-j-just warming up a bit before I g-go to bed" The kid said with a smile that raised the surrounding temperature by a couple degrees . . . the kid had Kushina written all over him.

"And why is it warmer on the street than in your own home? Surely you have a heater?" Minori asked, already dreading the answer

"I-It's alright! I-I-I'm g-going to be a n-n-ninja and I-I'm going to be H-H-Ho-k-k-kage some day! Datebayo! S-s-so this is nothing for a n-n-ninja" I can't afford heating "Plus it's a little breezy in my house sometimes" The windows have been smashed "Who needs warm clothes anyway? Big thick materials cost money and I don't want to waste a warm coat while training! Dattebayo!" This is all I own Minori's abilities to divine truth from the lies was almost legendary, if anyone had even knew who she was in the first place and that's how she liked it. This all meant, however, that Minori's hand was white as she gripped the hilt of her sword in a death grip as her self control fought the most epic battle of all time with her righteous fury at the village for the blasphemy that Kushina-sensei's son was on the street and pretending to enjoy it.

"Here" Said Minori, making a piece of paper as wide as her hand and twice as long appear from seemingly nowhere. "This is a paper tag of mine, it's special, I made them so as to heat ninja up on long missions in cold climates when fires are too risky and it's too cold for a ninja on watch to sit still without shivering" Minori explained as she activated the seal and suddenly, with a now glowing tag, the area around naruto, who was shivering in front of the tag, begun to get significantly warmer. Naruto's reaction was almost immediate as he thrust his almost blue hands over the heating tag and rubbed them together as heat, blissful heat, flowed into his body. Minori saw the look that the kid gave her and, to her, it looked like she was one of, if not the, first people to ever be this kind to the boy. Minori almost pulled out her special bomb that instant. "I'll be back in a little bit, I just got back from a long term mission and I need to talk to the Hokage . . . when I'm done, how about we go get something to eat, I know this place that should still be open" she said to the boy who smiled like his mother had just come back from the dead, given him a hug and told him she loved him.

"Y-you really mean that?!" Asked naruto, overjoyed at the kindness of someone who was a complete stranger.

"Yeah, there is just no way I can leave you like this" She said and, in a spur of the moment decision, Minori leant over and kissed the boy on the forehead, wrapping him in a hug. Naruto was so surprised that Minori was able to count to five before the kid melted into her arms and tried his six year old best to squash her in a bear hug. A solitary tear rolled down Minori's face as she closed her eyes and just hugged Naruto. "I'll be back naruto, just stay here and stay warm" minori said before pulling back from the hug and getting up. Naruto was crying and it broke Minori's heart to know that just anyone could have come on by and given the kid some warmth, a bit of food, and a little kindness and they'd have had a fanatical devotee by the end of the day, the horror that would have been Naruto should Danzo get his hands on the boy. It was at that point in time that Minori noticed the ANBU-nin who was hiding as best as he could from Minori. According to her senses, the ANBU had been there before she had gotten there which meant that the Hokage had assigned him to watch Naruto . . . watch Naruto freeze to death.

Minori gave Naruto a smile and a wave before she rounded the corner and was about to go have a word with that ANBU before the presence of someone she hadn't seen for six years made itself known to her. Minori turned to face Kushina who stood there with a smile on her face and tears rolling down her eyes.

"S-sensei?" Minori asked and Kushina smiled "Don't worry sensei . . . I'll take him in and raise him almost as good as you could have" Kushina's smile went wider before a gust of breeze dispersed the apparition. Minori then turned and shushined over to where the ANBU was trying to hide.

"What were you doing with Naruto?" The masked ANBU said quietly, not bothering to turn in Minori's direction as the two stood on a rooftop, masked by lengthening shadows and a second story to the house just behind them.

"Is watching a boy freeze to death fun?" Asked Minori, emotion having left her voice before she had appeared behind the ANBU-nin

"My orders were to make sure nobody hurt him, nothing else" Said the ANBU. "If the demon can't take care of himself, that's not my proble-erk!" That was the last sound he made as a kunai appeared where his spinal cord had been.

"No, I don't suppose it was your problem . . . a pity you were given such vague orders" Said Minori to the rapidly cooling corpse.

"Ahh! Minori-chan, it has been far too long!" Said Sarutobi Hiruzen, the sandaime Hokage as Minori entered his office. She had found the man sitting there and enjoying his pipe in what appeared to be a rare time when he wasn't neck deep in paper-work. "How have you been?" He said, the smile on his face telling her he had no idea of what had transpired not too long ago.

"Oh, I've been rather good . . . if only missing my adoptive home somewhat . . . speaking of, I had an interesting meeting with a rather unique young boy" Said Minori, are jovial act flawless to the point where even the legendary God of Shinobi wasn't quite able to place it though, he did have the vague sense that something was off.

"Oh? Must have been quite the occurrence if it's got you talking about it, you're normally tight lipped about things that happen to you" the Hokage was referring to the fact that he still only had guesses as to what happened to her clan.

"Yes, the poor boy was on the street! In a t-shirt and shorts and huddling behind a building for shelter from the cold elements! He also looked like he hadn't had a decent meal in far too long and was about six years old" Said Minori as she sat on the desk to converse with the old man and now, Sarutobi definitely knew there was more to this than he thought, a sudden instinct that told him his life was in danger reared it's head.

"Well then the foolish boy should return to the orphanage" He said, his smile having faded as he prepared for the fight of his life and regretting that he wasn't wearing his old armour.

"Apparently the boy doesn't live in the orphanage and instead has his own place . . . according to him, he isn't there right now because it's a bit less chilly on the street than in his house. Naturally I looked into this, what sort of spy would I be if I didn't?" Minori said as she sat, facing the door with her arms crossed and a fake smile on her lips. "His front door had been ripped off it's hinges, his windows were missing any form of glass and his building was taking the full brunt of that rather chilly breeze, this all equates to a nice sheen of ice covering nearly every surface of Naruto's house" Hiruzen's eyes were wide and that same Akimichi that hit Minori not too earlier that evening hit the old Professor. "You okay there old man? You look a little pale" Said Minori as she put her hand on the Hokage's shoulder as if to see if he was alright but when she removed her hand, a paper bomb was revealed in it's place. Moving quickly, Minori leaped backwards and between the two ANBU that suddenly appeared in the room, one hand in the ram sign that would blow the tag on the Hokage's shoulder.

"STOP! Don't move a muscle! Minori's explosives, even her smallest, are enough to kill everyone in this room!" called out the Hokage and the two ANBU-nin froze especially when they realised she was just a quick application of chakra away from making that happen. A feral grin adorned Minori's features as the other occupants of the room got a glimpse into the madness that hid just beneath her self control. "Name your demands" Sarutobi said in a barely restrained growl.

"Number one, Reinstate me as a Jounin of Konoha but stick me into one of the sections that tend to stay in the village, I don't want to be leaving Konoha any time soon and Two, I get Naruto in my custody, I will care for the boy where you and all Konoha has failed . . . even his fucking godfather" Minori stated her two demands to the Hokage who sat there and closed his eyes, a look of shame on his face.

"I will recend Naruto's stipend and you will not be getting paid for your services in whatever I put you in for two years . . . you sure you can afford that?" Said Sarutobi as he looked up and Minori burst out laughing.

"I am a fuinjutsu master, I had intended to sell my works to various peoples that Konoha may be bettered with them. I shan't have issues with finances. Also, something to consider at a later date perhaps, I would like to take a small sub-course at the academy . . . more specifically, I'd like to teach it and it will be on recognising and potentially disarming Fuinjutsu seals, at the end of this course, I will teach the students how to make storage scrolls. This course will be for final year students only" Minori stated, dropping her hand from the ram seal she held it in and Sarutobi removed the paper bomb from his shoulder.

"Agreed . . . I am sorry, for what little that is worth, I know you and Kushina were close . . . what happened to the ANBU that I had watching Naruto? Surely he wouldn't have let the boy freeze to death like that?" said Sarutobi, looking worried for a moment that Minori had done something.

"About that . . . apparently his orders were to 'watch and prevent anyone from harming him' and that's precisely what the man was doing . . . watching a boy slowly freeze to death because nobody was actually harming the kid" Replied Minori as she shrugged.

"I will be having words with the man for this . . . I had assumed my ANBU would be completely loyal to me" Said Sarutobi, looking down at his desk for a moment before Minori's laughter drew his attention again.

"Have fun with that, he may be a little unresponsive though hehe. I believe that talking about Naruto's little secret warrant immediate death right? Well the man said a touch too much and it was rather convenient and excuse to ledge a kunai into his spinal cord" said Minori as she rested an arm on the hilt of her sword and her other hand on her hip while Sarutobi clenched his jaw.

"An unloyal ANBU-nin is a threat to me and Konoha anyway . . . I will allow this just this once, next time I am to be informed before you take lethal action in my name" said Sarutobi, authority in his voice that denoted his role as the leader of Konoha.

"Hai hai, Hokage-sama" Grinned Minori "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a cold and rather hungry young boy to get acquainted with and I promised him a decent meal when I was done here soooo imma go take care of that now" Sarutobi nodded and waved towards the door. Minori waved back before walking away, as soon as she left his sight, the paper bomb that Sarutobi had gingerly placed on his desk caught fire and was incinerated, leaving no trace it had ever been there.

"What is that Nara term that they love so much? Ahh yes, Troublesome woman" Sarutobi said with a heavy sigh.

"Would you like us to kill her Hokage-sama?" Asked one of the two ANBU in the room with Sarutobi. Hearing the ANBU's question, Sarutobi laughed.

"No Crane, I don't hate you so much to order your death like that" He said to the now confused ANBU "I would like to remind you that she managed to get close enough to place a paper bomb on my shoulder before I could even think to react" and with that, and a few more chuckles, Sarutobi pulled out some more papers to get all the paperwork filled out and insure that Naruto was officially recognised as Minori's charge tomorrow onwards.

"Well, here we are! I'm glad this place is still here, they make awesome food!" Said Minori as she and Naruto came up to a restaurant that was on the main street.

"A-are you sure this is okay Minori-nee?" Asked Naruto as he clutched the grey kimono around him a little tighter. The obviously too large garment was almost dragging across the ground.

"As I already said, it's a spare and I can always wash it, I have plenty of clothes sealed away and it will do you until we can get you something better than a t-shirt and shorts" Minori said in reply before placing a hand on Naruto's back and gently pushing him inside the little restaurant. Inside the establishment and directly in front of the entrance was a bar with several cooking stations on one side and stools on the other side while a bunch of tables and chairs filled a large but cozy area on either side of the entrance.

"M-Minori-chan! Hey Aki! Minori-chan's back!" shouted a thin, greying man in a brown apron over a tan kimono and dark green trousers to a girl with short black hair in a long green kimono that went down to her knees.

"Minori-chan! Oh kami it's been six years!" Aki said as she walked over, vaulted over the counter and glomped Minori. "Who is this adorable little puppy you have?" she said as she finally pulled away from the bear hug she had given Minori. Naruto looked up at both Aki and the man who was still behind the counter.

"Uzumaki naruto, I found the poor boy shivering behind a building" said Minori as she put a hand on his shoulder "I then immediately went to the hokage and got him to give me custody" Naruto looked up sharply at Minori as soon as she said custody.

"W-w-what does that mean?" Asked Naruto, his large cerulean blue eyes drinking every detail of Minori's face.

"It means, Naruto, that I'm your family now" she said to the boy, a smile tugging at her lips while Aki squealed in delight at the scene and the old man behind the counter grinned ear to ear.

"Enough! That poor boy is half starved! Naruto, Family of Minori-chan's is family of mine! Get your butt on one of these stools and I'll heap some food on the table for ya! I'm Shota by the way and you've already met Aki-chan, my daughter" Said Shota as he slapped a section of the counter and Naruto looked between Minori and Shota.

"Go on Naruto, hey, Shota! I think Naruto here needs a lesson in the god food of Teriyaki!" Said Minori as she gently nudged Naruto towards the stool and took a seat beside him. Shota grinned and turned around to find his cooking element before chucking some diced meat into a pan and chucking that on the element where it started sizzling.

"Beef for the young man cause he looks like he needs something hearty!" Said Shota over the sounds of the sizzling.

"Hey Aki! You got any more tea over there!" Called out a man from the right of Naruto and Minori. Naruto turned and saw a chunin with dark blue hair and bandages covering his face and nose.

"Ah! Hai! Coming right up!" Cried out Aki as she cheerfully went over to a large tea pot, poured some steaming brew into a smaller pot and carried it over to the table with the chunin. How she did all this with her eyes closed in a seemingly impossible eye smile, naruto didn't know but he was so completely out of his element that all he could do was drool a little as the smells of cooking beef hit his nose.

A few minutes later and Shota had dumped two plates down, one in front of Naruto and one for Minori. Naruto's plate was twice the size of Minori's but Naruto didn't notice this detail as the scent of the food wafted towards him and he drank in it. Minori slowly handed him a pair of chopsticks from on of the cups and watched as Naruto took the pair, looked at her, she nodded, he pulled the chopsticks apart, stuck them between his thumbs, slapped his hands together and shouted "ITADAKIMASU!" at the top of his lungs. Minori could just watch on in amused surprise, her mouth hanging open as Naruto somehow managed to turn a pair of chopsticks into an industrial grade food dispenser that operated almost faster than the eye could track. In the record time of just under ten seconds, the six year old blonde put a double serving of Teriyaki beef away and still looked hungry and was delighted when another plate magically appeared in front of him.

"Whah? Huh?" Said Minori intelligently and Shota winked at her.

"Minato and Kushina had a fair few dates here remember?" Said Shota and Minori turned to look at him before he put his finger to his lips "I won't say a word" He said with a grin and Minori chuckled before digging into her own meal and savouring the bliss.

"The boy doesn't need to take his time, he's just going to shovel so much of the precious god-food down that he will taste it no matter what" Minori said after a couple bites and chuckled again.

As it turned out, two double portion plates was enough for Naruto who sat there with a pleased sigh and two cups of tea appeared in front of them courtesy of Aki who grinned with closed eyes again, tilting her head to the side while her chin length, glossy black hair stayed in position as if held there by chakra.

"So how was it Naruto?" Asked Shota as he leant over the counter, grinning at the blond boy.

"Awesome! I love it! You were right Minori-nee! It really was god-food!" Exclaimed Naruto as he waved his arms about to express himself.

"Heh, told ya! But the best thing about this place is that Shota sells more than just Teriyaki, there is Ramen, Udon, Sushi and a couple other things! So you can get a decent variety whilst still having the best food known to mankind!" said Minori even though her, Aki and Shota knew that Naruto's new found love of Teriyaki may have more to do with Minori loving it than Naruto but the boy was now infatuated with the food and they all grinned at him. "Well, I suppose we should head back to your house Naruto" At that Naruto looked down.

"B-but . . ." He tried to say and it was clear from his dejected look of what he was going on about.

"No problems Naruto! Fuinjutsu fixes everything! I already took care of the damages" Said Minori cheerfully and Naruto brightened up considerably.

"But wait! Where are you gonna sleep? There's only one bed" He said as he gave her a confused puppy look.

"Not a problem I have my own in my back pocket" Said Minori, doing her best to emulate Aki's closed eye smile however her hair did go with her head tilt.

"How can you have a bed in your back pocket!" Naruto laughed and Minori laughed along with him as she put a hand on his shoulder.

"Well Naruto, Fuinjutsu allows me to seal whatever I want into whatever I want so if I want a bed with me, I can seal one into a scroll and carry it in my back pocket" Minori said before taking a small scroll out of nowhere and unrolling before a puff of smoke turned the scroll into a comfy looking bed with blankets and everything. Minori held up a ram sign and the bed turned back into a small scroll before Minori collected it and stuffed it back into the void where she got it from.

"That was so cool! I wanna be able to do that foojutsu too!" exclaimed naruto with Shota quietly chuckling while Aki giggled softly.

"Oh I'm gonna be teaching you that and it's Fu-In-Jutsu, when I'm done with you, you will be at least half as good as me! And then it will be up to you to pass me" Said Minori as she patted Naruto on the head and ruffled his hair. "Now let's go home Naruto" she said, flicking some cash onto the bench which was less than the meal should have cost but she was already aware that Naruto's first plate had been a free gift from Shota, she gave the man a smile and he grinned while nodding his head.

"Thanks Shota-ji, Aki-nee!" Said Naruto as he got off his stool and walked out the door with Minori following closely behind him and hearing Aki's squeal of delight at Naruto's new honorific for her.

Naruto . . . he was Minori's charge now. "Don't worry Kushina sensei! I will love him with all my heart and I'll make good on my promise to take care of him!" Minori looked down at the boy as he walked down the street, beaming a smile so bright that the darkness that came with the setting of the sun seemed to be held at bay. Minori smiled at him and knew she really would love the boy like a little brother . . . or . . . no, he was Kushina sensei's and Minori will never replace her sensei but she will love Naruto.

So this isn't as long as the chapters from previous story but still, I liked it.
In any case, please let me know what you liked, disliked, what could be improved and what you'd like to see more of.

**Update!** edited with scene breaks for your convenience (Funny story, even after I did this when I uploaded the doc to FF.n it still ate my scene breaks)

Hope you enjoyed!