Hello everybody and welcome back to Wakfuback! Anyway I was working on my other stories and their chapters and when I was checking the reviews, which by the way everyone thanks for the compliments and encouragement along with the idea's it helped me immensely, anyway back to what I was saying before I rambled off, I was checking the reviews and in one of them for a different story someone asked me to update this story, i was going to at some point, now seems a good time. So I hope you all enjoy this story along with the others. Also, I'm changing Draco's name to Ryan, it makes things much easier for me. EvaUnit15 owns nothing but his oc's. ENJOY THE STORY!

Chapter 2

At the top of a hill where two tree stumps grew and came together at the top, making an archway with a couple of small crows sitting at the top.

Then a pale blue portal opened up in the opening between the stumps and came out from it was Trista, wielding her shushu in sword form, she stepped to the side looking around.

A few seconds after she stepped to the side Ruel came tumbling out and landed a couple feet away from it. After he came through Trista went to the other side of the portal looking around.

Then came Eva and Amalia, smiling as they walked a few feet from the portal.

Then Ryan came out of the portal, smiling as well and stood in front of it looking at the surroundings.

Not 5 seconds later, Yugo came flying out like a missile, slamming into Ryan's back sending them both rolling forward while they yelped in surprise.

They couldn't get up in time before Fuego came out and hit both of them as it tried to keep itself from falling over, Yugo getting hit a little before he used his portals to get out of the way, Ryan ended up getting taken with Fuego as it tried to stabilize itself. They both ended up halfway down the hill they were at the top of.

"Ow." Ryan said simply as he sat up, he looked over at Fuego to see it finally stabilizing itself and stood there facing him.

Ryan stood up and looked up at the top of the hill seeing Eva, Amalia, Trista, and Yugo laughing, Ryan was about to walk back up to ask what was going on before he saw Ruel throw his hands up and then placed his shovel, which had his bag hanging on a hook, placed it on his shoulder with a straight face and grumbling to himself.

When Ryan made it to the top he heard Yugo finish what he was saying.

"Let's go visit Koba Market, Last one there is a mangy dog!" Yugo finished by running toward the decline of the hill before jumping into the air and ran down when he landed, all the while laughing.

Ryan just looked at Eva for an answer, who gave it to him.

"We're going Koba Market to find a world map to make traveling easier." Eva said before she started walking after Yugo, Amalia following as well along with Trista.

Before Ruel could start going as well, Ryan stopped him.

"Can you do me a favor, Ruel?" Ryan asked as Fuego stopped itself a few feet away.

Ruel looked at him with confusion.

"What do you need, Lad?" Ruel asked with curiosity in his voice.

"Could you tell the others I'm going to stay up here, I'm working on something and I don't want to be in the market if something goes wrong." Ryan said as he imagined what could happen if he were to try what he was going to do in the middle of the market.

"Sure?" Ruel said questioningly while looking confused before Ryan let him go ahead.

As he watched Ruel catch up to the group, Ryan went to the other side of the hill out of sight of the market to practice transforming into his dragon form with Fuego and without Fuego.

With the group, they just entered the market to see many stalls selling all kinds of things from food's to bags and produce.

"Wow," Yugo said as he ran back and forth to many stalls looking at all the items that are being displayed.

"Yep, and for a few kama's, you can buy whatever you want." The stall owner said as he showed Yugo what's for sale, the group was in the middle of the street looking around.

"We're going to need to find a map of the world, but where?" Eva said while looking around at all the stalls.

"Well cut me out of it, cause I have no kamas on me." Ruel said while looking at some of the stalls down the street from his spot.

"What?" Amalia said with a raised eyebrow while Eva and Trista looked at him as well before continuing with a small grin and mischievousness in her voice.

"You spend it all on that beautiful outfit of yours, didn't you." Amalia said before laughing, which was drowned out by a deep laugh from somewhere and stopped with a look of confusion on her face.

"Hey Amalia, you sound like a bork." Yugo said as he turned back to look at them while chuckling.

"Not very classy for a gentle maiden." Trista added with a raised eyebrow as she looked at Amalia.

"But, that wasn't me." Amalia said before the stall owner that was talking to Yugo spoke with alarm in his voice while pointing at something in the sky.

"It was him! The Black Crow!" the stall owner yelled before pulling the cover of his stall down, all the other stall owners doing the same while the Black Crow came flying down on a giant crow with black wings that seemed to be made of clouds of darkness.

He was laughing as he swooped down and angled himself with his sword dragging on the ground, leaving behind trenches as he sped by the group and destroyed a few stalls before he repeated the process again.

Amalia, Ruel, and Yugo got behind cover while Eva got her bow ready and pulled the string back and an arrow made of yellow energy appeared as she pulled the string back.

Trista stood next to her with her shushu in sword form in a reverse grip and her free hand hovering over the pommel.

Yugo came out from cover and stood by them and got ready to use his portals as they watched the Black crow continue laughing as he flew around the market before diving down for another run through.

Eva started firing arrows at high speed while the Black Crow got closer before he sped past them and destroyed more stalls before flying off into the clouds and disappeared.

A few minutes later the group stayed there just in case the Black Crow came back. After they made sure he wouldn't come back they looked around to see people getting out of the wreckage.

"We're lucky, he nearly got us." the father of a family of five said while moving a plank of wood off of them.

"He ran away." Trista said with disbelief in her voice as she looked around with the others.

"I knew that lousy bird would come back to attack us!" the stall owner that was talking to Yugo said from his spot on the ground as he sat up with a fist raised before speaking again.

"But if you think that's going to make me leave, you are mistaken!" He finished with a defiant look before he lowered his fist and slouched with a sigh.

"I'm sorry we couldn't stop him from destroying your stall, sir." Yugo said to him with a down look.

"At least you tried, that's something." the stall owner said as he stood up.

"Are there any other merchants around here, we're looking for a map of the world." Ruel said as he walked up to them with the rest of the group.

"As much as I hate sending customers to my competition, Kabrok's shop is a little bit south of here, he's a specialist in bric-a-brac." the Stall owner said while he dusts himself off.

"Doesn't he get attacked as well?" Amalia asked as she tilted her head.

"No, Kabrok's rich as he is crafty, he built his shop underground out of the Black Crows way." the stall owner said while looking at them.

"Thank you for this valuable information good man and you can be sure that if we meet this Black Crow again he will not escape." Trista said with a raised clenched hand and a determined face.

The stall owner only stared at her with a half-lidded stare before he spoke.

"Really, not to be offensive but there's not a lot you can do." The stall owner said before he continued talking while mumbling as he walked away.

"No yes no I didn't think so." He said as he walked away.

The group then started heading in the direction of Kabrok's shop.

"Hey, where's Ryan, I thought he was with us?" Asked Trista as she looked around for him, making Yugo, Amalia and Eva do the same.

Ruel snapped his fingers with a looked that suggested he just remembered something, making the others look at him before he spoke.

"I just remembered! Ryan said he was going to stay at the hill so he can work on something so if anything went wrong it wouldn't happen in the market, said he would catch up once he's done." Ruel said before looking at the group to see them with surprised faces.

"Well, let's get going, shall we? We won't get a map if we're just standing here." Ruel said as he walked past them, snapping them out of it as the caught up to him at a building with a giant sign hanging on it with other signs along the sides of the pathway showing different items.

"It looks like Kabrok is popular in these part's." Yugo said looking at all the signs.

"Your right, he's everywhere." Ruel said with his shovel on his shoulder while looking at the signs as he walked with everyone else.

As they stopped in front of the building Yugo jumped between Eva and Trista, who stood in front of the door, onto the door and held on the question mark shaped doorbell with his feet on the door under the doorbell.

Yugo took a deep breath and yelled.

"IS ANYONE THERE?" Yugo yelled as he stayed in place on the door. He then heard a woman's voice speak from a pipe on the wall next to the door.

"If you've come to spend a few kama's, then you are very welcome sir's." the voice said before the pipe went silent.

Yugo grinned before he jumped off the door and rammed into it while opening it at the same time. The others followed him inside.

"If the Black Crow is going to attack this place, then he is going to need to become the Black Mole." Trista finished while laughing, getting a few laughs and chuckles from the group.

When they got to the bottom of the staircase and entered the shop, they were amazed by all the things.

"Woah." Yugo said as he looked around.

"Is it my imagination or is that a Magna shield?" Trista said as she looked at a shield on one of the shelves, Amalia was looking at a shelf with different kinds of dolls.

Eva was examining an arrow while Ruel spoke while he looked around.

"Isn't everything very expensive?" Ruel said as he walked up to a shelf.

"They even have a Trillen encyclopedia." Eva said with surprise in her voice from her spot.

Yugo was looking at a helmet he was holding while Amalia went to the one he's at to see what he is looking at.

"This place is amazing, its great!" Yugo said excitedly as he placed the helmet back where it was as Ruel walked up behind him and spoke.

"They'll be other shops, my friend, if your drooling over this hovel, wait until you see the shops of Blanta." Ruel said to Yugo, who turned to look at him when he spoke.

A curtained doorway on the side of the room opened to show a curvy Ecaflip wearing a red shirt with red gloves going from her hand to the middle of her bicep's, she was wearing a black skirt that went all the way to the floor.

"Well thank you very much, always nice to hear that kind of thing." She said to Yugo before she moved her gaze to Ruel before continue to speak.

"Your words are hurtful, Mr. adventurer and very misleading." She said while she walked forward before stopping in front of the group.

"In my shop, you will find riches that are not seen anywhere else." she continued to say before she placed a hand on her hip.

Ruel spoke with a humble type of voice while placing a hand on his chest.

"There are treasures here which I never dreamed existed." Ruel walked toward her and held one of her hands and kissed the top of it before speaking again with the same tone.

"Forgive my lack of tact madam." He finished flirtingly.

He was then sent flying from his spot when the woman yelled a name and landed in a barrel with his shovel in the barrel behind him, his bag hanging next to his head as he looked at her with a surprised look.

"KABROK!" the woman yelled loudly from her spot.

An osamoda walked through the same doorway the woman walked through and stood next to her, slouching with a straight face.

"Welcome to Kabrok's store where you can find everything you need as long as you have the kama's to pay for it." Kabrok said with a straight face.

"Also, we put out potential costumers through a test to see if we're dealing with kamaless costumers waisting our time by looking around." The woman said as she clapped her hands, after a few seconds the group saw a blue blur speed out of the doorway behind Kabrok and the woman and it jumped up onto her hands.

"This is a snoofle, he sniffs out kama's behind the couch." The woman said as she kneeled down and placed the snoofle on the ground while speaking.

"The more kama's you have, the more he loves you." She said as she let the snoofle go, letting it move at high speeds toward Trista, who looked at it with a weirded out look.

As it ran around her it stopped before moving to Yugo, who was staring at in surprise as it stopped and climbed all over him, making Yugo laugh before it jumped towards Amalia, who stopped it by holding her hand out before it climbed over her hand and arm at high speed and climbed around her like it d Yugo, earning a freaked out scream from Amalia.

The snoofle jumped off her and sped towards Eva, who was kneeling, and ran around her at high speed while sniffing her as well before stopping in front of her, letting her pet it before it sped towards Ruel who was still in the barrel.

"Ew, it's not going to sniff Ruel, is it? That's disgusting." Amalia said as the snoofle sped around Ruel before sitting on his knee with its tail waving as it stared at the rest of the group with stars in its eyes.

"I think this thinks broken." Ruel said nervously as he stopped the tail.

Before anyone could speak, they all heard the door open and close.

They looked to the entryway to see Ryan walk in with some dirt on his clothes.

"So, did I miss anything?" Ryan asked with a raised eyebrow, he saw his group along with to new people, the owners by his guess.

30 minutes later

"Why are we doing this again?" Ryan asked after they finished setting up the stall with Ruel acting as the owner.

"To lure the Black Crow out and stop him." Eva explained as they looked over the stall with Ruel behind the counter before she spoke again while looking at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Also why did Miranda take to show you something 'special'?" Eva asked with suspicion in her voice, making Amalia and Trita look at him with the same look.

The answer they got was him paling and shaking slightly while he spoke quietly.

"I don't want to talk about it." Ryan said as he walked to a tree ten feet away from the stall and sat down and fell asleep with Fuego moving its self to stand a few feet away from him before changing to its motorcycle mode.

A couple of minutes have passed when Ryan was shaken awake by a shockwave that made him roll over onto his stomach and as he looked up he saw Ruel be taken by the Black Crow.

"We need to go after them!" Yugo said as he got ready to chase them, the girls nodded before they got ready to go as well. Before they could Ryan spoke hastily as he got up.

"You guys go on ahead, I have to check on something." Ryan said before he ran towards Kabrok's shop in the opposite direction before they could say anything with Fuego right behind him.

As he got out of sight he hid and peeked around his hiding spot to see the group run off in the direction the Black Crow went, but before they could get far he yelled loudly so they could hear him.

"And don't forget to yell my name if you need me to help or if you're in trouble." Ryan yelled as he saw them look back in his direction before yelling their answer.

"Alright!" they yelled before they were out of sight.

"Now we need to get back to Kabroks to see if my assumption is right." Ryan said to himself as he got there in a few minutes after riding Fuego there.

As he entered and went down the stairs he heard humming, as he made it to the main floor he saw Miranda walking around with a limp and a happy smile on her face.

"Excuse me, Miranda." Ryan said, getting her attention which made her face brighten before she spoke.

"Ah, your back, what do you need sweetie?" Miranda asked with a smile.

Ryan chuckled nervously as he scratched the back of his head while he answered.

"I was wondering if your brother, Kabrok was here?" Ryan asked as he looked around, Miranda shook her head before answering.

"No, he left saying he went to get more items to stock the selves." Miranda said she walked up to another shelf before adjusting an item on it.

"So I was right." Ryan said to himself as he turned to leave, but before he could take a step he felt a slender hand grab his wrist.

"Where are you going, we haven't even started round two." Miranda said with a seductive smirk as she dragged Ryan toward the curtained doorway while undoing her clothes while walking through.

Ryan got his wrist free gently before he turned to run in the opposite direction, but he couldn't take a step as Miranda's slender arm shot out of the doorway and grabbed him and pulled him into the room she's in forcefully, somehow making all his clothes fly off and land in a neat pile where he was standing.

Not even a minute later the sounds of flesh slapping each other and moaning came from the room.

10 Minutes later

Ryan was on Fuego with an atomic blush, with Fuego in motorcycle mode, with Miranda behind him as she looked around them as they sped down the path at high speed.

Before long the stopped at the base of a large mountain with a plateau near the top, Miranda got off as Ryan had Fuego change to stand mode, amazing Miranda as she hadn't seen it before.

"I'm going to need to get up there and fast." Ryan said as he stared at the plateau before he looked at Miranda.

"Sorry but I'm going to need to part here." Ryan said with an apologetic tone.

"It's alright, go help your friends." Miranda said with a smile while Ryan returned the smile before he had Fuego shoot off like a rocket, leaving a rail as he went up the mountain path.

At the plateau, the others weren't doing so well against Kabrok, who was the Black Crow. Yugo was standing defiantly, along with Eva and Trista while Amalia was behind a boulder with Ruel, watching the fight as they couldn't help.

As Kabrok was flying, he snapped his fingers, causing a much larger version of the contraption he is on to appear from behind a large pile of rubble and fly around.

"Let's see how you handle this!" Kabrok yelled as he pointed at the group, making the large contraption fly at them at high speed.

Trista remembered what Ryan said and closed her eyes as she took a deep breath, getting the attention of Yugo and Eva and the others, before yelling.

"RYAN!" Trista yelled as loud as she could, the others staring at her before they snapped out of it to see the contraption right on top of them, but before it could hit them something hit it on the side of the head, making it fly off course and missed the trio by a few feet while the object yelled as it held onto the contraptions head.

"This is not fun!" Ryan yelled as he held on for dear life onto Fuego's handlebars, Fuego mimicking him on the contraptions head, making slight dents where its hands are holding.

Ryan looked ahead to see the group are getting hits on Kabrok, he then saw that the contraption was heading straight for the sides of the mountain above the groups.

"Oh CRAP!" Ryan yelled in shock as he figured out what the contraption was planning to do, his yell getting the attention of his group and Kabrok making them look to see the contraption ram the side of its head into the mountainside above them and kept it there while flying forward, grinding Ryan and Fuego into the rock, making Ryan scream in pain.

Before the others could say or do anything the contraption brought its head away before slamming it back down, earning another scream of pain from Ryan, getting frightened looks from the girls while Yugo was staring with wide eyes as tears started building up.

The Contraption lifted its head once more before it whipped it back and forth quickly, making Ryan lose his grip slightly, causing Fuego to do the same, resulting in them being launched off and toward the plateau at high speed.

They slammed and made a deep trench from one end to the other, ending at the edge of the plateau. Ryan's group could see from where they were standing the injuries that Ryan has. He had a broken right arm, a broken left leg with them at odd angles, many sever looking cuts and slashes on his form, large bruises everywhere.

Fuego was dented everywhere with paint scratched off along with many pieces of itself missing, its headlight having a large crack going through it.

As Yugo ran towards them, he saw the ground cracking around the two, he used his portals to get to them, but as he got to them the round broke, sending them falling down to be swallowed by the fog.

"RYAN!" Yugo, Eva, Trista, Amalia, and Ruel yelled as they saw their friend disappear.

With Miranda

As she was walking up the path she saw something falling, she looked closer to see, to her horror, Ryan who was still attached to Fuego falling past her.

She ran to the edge and looked down before she yelled his name as he went out of sight with anguish and tears.

"RYAN!" Miranda yelled as she stared at the spot she saw him before she saw a bright light flash from that spot, an outline of Ryan and Fuego before the light vanished and flashed again, this time the shadow was something different.

Before her eye's she saw a giant form rising from the fog before it parted to show massive wings made of red and black metal that beat downwards causing the form to shoot upwards.

As it passed Miranda, she saw Ryan now fully healed riding the form at the base of the neck, holding onto handles that she saw on Fuego, before Ryan and the form was out of sight above her.

Miranda breathed lightly before she resumed her trek, this time jogging.

At the top of the plateau, the group and Kabrok were trying to stop the Contraption since it started going out of control when Ryan fell off the edge.

"How do we stop it?" Yugo asked as he kept his eyes on it as it flew around, Kabrok was flying in place above them as he stared at the contraption as well as he spoke.

"I don't know, something as big as it will have to take it down since nothing we did to it did absolutely nothing to damage it.

Before the others could say anything, they felt the ground shake and rumble, they looked around to find the source.

"What was that?" Amalia asked with fear in her voice.

"I don't kno-" Yugo was saying before he was cut off by something landing behind them with a thud, they turned to see a large metal claw made of red and black metal, pulling a large form up.

The group looked at it with wide eyes, before they saw Ryan riding it with a sword with red for the edges of the blade and black in the center of it, the guard is black metal and the handle along with the pummel being red metal.

In his right hand looked like a small cannon made of the same metal's, but he placed it in a holster behind his right leg and held onto the right handlebar and raised his sword before yelling as he glared at the contraption with his eye's glowing.

"Into the sky!" Ryan shouted with a robotic, metal tone in his voice as he continued.

"To win, or die!" Ryan finished shouting as his dragon leaped into the air and flapped its wings, sending them toward the contraption and rammed into it.

"When did he even find a dragon?!" Eva asked as she stared the battling titans before continuing.

"I thought they were extinct?" Eva finished as she looked at Ruel, who shook his head before speaking.

"Don't you remember what happened in the forest where we met? When the tree almost fell on Ryan and Fuego?" Ruel said as the other group members nodded.

"That's where that dragon is from, it was with Ryan this entire time, or he is a dragon in disguise." Ruel finished while looking at the fight along with the others to see Ryan and his dragon speed toward the contraption in a spear position with the wings tucked in and around the body, increasing speed before it rammed right through the contraption, leaving a large hole on its torso before it started falling apart as it fell.

As Ryan and his dragon landed, he was surrounded by his group after he dismounted.

"Are you alright?" Eva asked as she had her hand on his shoulder, looking him over along with Amalia and Trista.

Ryan chuckled before speaking.

"Guys, I'm fine, really." Ryan said as he saw Yugo talking to Kabrok by the edge, them sitting.

Ryan walked over to them while the girls and Ruel looked the dragon over as it lowered its head and its eyes lost their light.

As Ryan got closer to the two, he heard them finish their conversation. He simply stood next to Yugo as they looked out at the fog as it blew by.

"KABROK!" A voice yelled from a distance behind them, making Kabrok shake slightly with a fearful face.

"There's a battle I lost before it even started." Kabrok said with a straight face.

Ryan nudged Yugo, making him look up at him to see Ryan gesturing to the other's who were ready to head out, he saw the dragon's head was up when it heard Miranda yell.

They made there way over as Miranda stopped next to Kabrok, who was standing.

As they departed Ryan got back on his dragon as they walked down the path, which was surprisingly still intact, and was answering the questions his friends were asking him while they walked beside his dragon or rid behind him.

Back up with Miranda and Kabrok, they just finished their conversation before Miranda spoke.

"Also be glad that you didn't kill Ryan, brother." Miranda said as she watches Ryan and his group grow smaller as they went farther away.

Kabrok looked at her confused before speaking.

"Why would I be glad I didn't kill him?" Kabrok asked with a raised eyebrow.

Miranda spoke while still watching the group get farther away.

"Because someone would be mad if they found out their uncle killed their daddy." Miranda said with a smile as she placed a hand on her stomach, making Kabrok gain wide eyes and a hanging jaw.

"Y-y-you mean that your..." Kabrok stuttered as he left the question hanging as he pointed at her stomach, which Miranda nodded with a happy smile.

Kabrok snapped out of it before he picked up his stead and jumped off the cliff, before coming back into view with his crow stead activated, laughing loudly and cheering.

"I'm gonna be an uncle!" Kabrok cheered as he flew around, earning a giggle from Miranda before she ignored him as he continued cheering and flying around to focus on Ryan and his group, who are now specks on the horizon before Miranda thought to herself.

"Be back soon so you can see the miracle we made." Miranda thought as she gently rubbed her stomach as she watches Ryan and his group disappear off the horizon with the sun.

End Chapter 2

That took longer than expected, I was going on and off of this and working on other chapters for my other stories and vice versa, it's getting confusing for a bit for me so I hope it's not too bad. Anyways I hope you enjoyed the chapter if you did leave a like, a review, and a PM about what you think. Also, check out my other stories and tell me what you think of them. Have Fun reading everybody!