It was a fine evening. Everything was going great their mission was a success as they saved the captured dragons from being sold at an auction but it sure was tiring. Hiccup and Toothless decided to go for a walk in the forest to refresh their mind. "What do you say toothless how about a short walk in forest?" Toothless was already excited and his facial expressions were clear that he totally agreed. Hiccup smiled and they were off to the forest.

It was beautiful evening. They were walking between the empty space sorrounded by trees, checking on other dragons until Hiccup felt something moving in the bushes. "What was that?" But he ignored as it was getting dark."Maybe we can check up on it in the morning." He paused staring at the bushed but he turned around to go back "Okay toothless it's getting dark we should probably head back...ow" he screamed as he felt sudden wave of pain in his right hand facing the bushes. Toothless turned around in alarm "I'm okay bud.. it was nothing I think we should go now" he said moving towards the base trying his best to ignore the pain but pretty soon it wasn't stinging anymore. Well that was a relief

"There you are I was about to go looking for you" Astrid said smiling in relief as she saw hiccup and Toothless coming towards her direction. Hiccup only smiled. Her smile soon disappeared as she noticed Hiccup's posture.

"Hiccup are you okay you seem a little tired?" She said with worry in her voice. "Yeah I'm fine a little tired I guess ...I just want to sleep for now" Hiccup said tiredly. "Okay then see you in the morning" she smiled as she watched Hiccup going towards his hut

'That is weird Hiccup usually doesn't get this tired or Maybe he just doesn't show it' she smiled

He thought about what he saw in the forest laying on his bed. 'What was that thing a dragon possibly' Then he noticed his hand it wasn't stinging but it was a bit red. Maybe it'll be better in the morning. Soon he drifted to deep sleep

Next morning Hiccup woke up with massive headache, his hand was burning and felt a little dizzy. He didn't took it seriously. He took a gauze and wrapped thick layer of bandeges on his injured hand. And went straight into the clubhouse with Toothless walking beside him

"Good morning everyone" he said still tiredness in his voice. "Hey how are you feeling now?" Astrid asked softly "Much better thank you" he smiled.

"So what are our plans for today?" Fishlegs asked. Hiccup placed a map on the table. That's when Astrid noticed the thick layer of bandeges.

"Hiccup what Happened to your hand?" she asked worridly and walked towards him, she stretched out her hand to take a look at his injured hand. she began to examine it but there were thick bandeges covering it and then reached for his forehead. "Hiccup you're burning up!" She was starting to get really worried

"What happened tell me?" her tone was demanding. "I'm fine! really" he lied. He knew that he wasn't fine but he didn't wanted his friends to worry.

Astrid gave him a death glare. Before she could even say something, she noticed Hiccup's hand reaching for his head. Hiccup was feeling dizzy everything was spinning, he felt light headed and collapsed he might've hit the ground if Astrid wasn't there to catch him."Hiccup!" Astrid screamed. She lowered his limp body into sitting position and knelt beside him. She held him in her arms and laid his head in her lap. Fishlegs knelt beside her.

Toothless ran towards his rider as he saw what just happened. He cooed sadly. Nudging his rider softly... nothing. He looked at Astrid with worried eyes. She faked a smile assuring him that he was gonna be fine. But the dragon could tell it was fake. Yes he appreciated it

"Hiccup!" His friends said in alarm as they noticed him collapsing and ran towards him. "What happened?" Snotlout asked trying to hide his worry. "He was fine a moment ago" Tuffnut said. Ruffnut didn't say anything, probably still trying to figure out what had happened

"Astrid his hand" Fishlegs said while taking bandeges off of his hand . Which was something new coming from fishlegs. He'd usually panic in these situations

Astrid gasped as she noticed the gnash on his hand. "What do we do?" She asked. "Maybe we should clean up his hand" Fishlegs suggested. Astrid nodded in agreement.

Toothless cooed in worry. "Don't worry toothless he'd be fine" she patted the night fury's head .She hoped she wasn't wrong

"There all done" fishlegs said after covering up Hiccup's injured hand with bandeges. "Thanks fishlegs" Astrid replied her eyes focused on her best friend. Fishlegs only smiled and headed for the front door. " Astrid we still have to call Gothi this could be serious I'll terror mail stoick to let him know. Fishlegs said turning around before leaving the room. Astrid nodded.

They were in Hiccup's hut. Hiccup was on his bed and Astrid was sitting on edge of the bed running her fingers through his beautiful Auburn hair . She smiled when she saw him relaxing.

He was in deep sleep or unconscious she wasn't sure. She wanted to know what happened. Did those hunters did it well they were gonna pay if they were behind all this.

She was getting tired but didn't wanted to leave his side. Her eyelids were getting heavy. Her eyes were closing but she heard someone calling her name.

"Astrid?" He cracked open his eyes his voice was very weak it was bearly a whisper. "Hiccup you're awake! I'm right here with you" She replied assuring him that she was there

"How do you feel now? She asked as she placed her hand on his forehead it was now a bit cooler. 'Good the fever is down' she sighed in relief

"I.. I' ve been better but really I feel better now " he gave a faint smile. "So what happened? How long was I out?" He asked. "A few hours you collapsed in the clubhouse you had high fever but it's better now... Hiccup your hand who did this to you?" Astrid asked worridly

"I don't really know yesterday when we went for a walk I felt like something was in the bushes I wanted to check out but it was getting dark I decided to head back and check it out in the morning but suddenly something in the bushes stung me and the rest you know" he told her the entire story

Astrid eyes widened. "What could it be Hiccup a dragon?" She asked. "I don't really know but... Ugh" he was cut off by a scream of pain his hand was hurting like crazy, his vision began to blur. He was getting very pale. His hands shaking. He fell down against the bed unconscious

"Hiccup! Hiccup! What wrong?...oh Thor" Astrid began to panic "I'm here Hiccup! I'm right here. It's okay! it's okay!" She tried to calm him down as she held him in her arms tightly, his head resting on her shoulder, she held his injured hand in her own. Then she noticed he was getting cold... really cold.

She checked his breathing. His heart was pumping slowly

Thump... Thump

it was really slow. She didn't know what to do. His body was getting cold, his breathing was slow. She was aware of what these syptoms meant... Death!