Disclaimer: I, unfortunately, do not own Inuyasha or any of the characters. I'd be rich if I did, but I'm not, so... yeah.

InuKag AU. Story told in bits and pieces. Sorta inspired on the song Toothbrush from DNCE, though this is not a song fic.

Part 1

He woke up to the sunlight crashing on his face, feeling the most relaxed he had ever been in his entire life. His memory was a bit foggy from the night before, though with all the partying and the drinking he did it was no surprise. After a few minutes of just laying there, his body began to recognize the scent that surrounded him and the weight on his right arm. Shit. Just as Inuyasha turned around, he immediately recognized the head that rested soundly asleep on the crook of his arm. Kagome. All of their previous night came like a trainwreck through his brain and his heart almost came out of his chest. What was he going to do now?

A.N. Ok, so I'll try to update as soon as possible. I suck at keeping up with longer stories, that's why I decided to make chapters short. Reviews are welcome.