Winter in Saint Petersburg was unpleasant, to say the least. Yuuri was quickly learning this. He had moved in with Viktor Just a few weeks after the GPF in Barcelona. Initially, he was quite happy to be living with his fiancé, that was until the first big snow storm hit. Now he truly understood the history books. You just don't invade Russia in winter, it's cold as balls! Although by this point he had settled into a rhythm. Practice for 4 hours with Viktor, watch Viktor practice his new routines, go home with Viktor and prepare dinner, have Yurio bust in and steal dinner in typical teenage boy fashion. Whether he admitted it or not, Yuri thought that Katsudon was an excellent cook. A million times better than Yakov. This was his life now, and to tell you the truth Yuuri loved it. Sure he missed his family and friends back home, but he was making a life for himself here in Russia.

Not more than five days ago Yuuri had accompanied Viktor and the Russian skating team to the European Championships in Ostrava, Czech Republic. Here he watched his beloved take first and beat Yurio by only 0.99 of a point. Viktor didn't beat his record he made at the GPF, but he came very close. Yuuri had his work cut out for him if he wanted to keep it. Now they were back home in their apartment in Saint Petersburg resting after the festivities of the banquet. (Neither had gotten drunk although Chris had tried to convince Yuuri to join him in another pole dance competition.) The two love birds were just sitting on the couch cuddled under a blanket enjoying the silence and company, a sleepy Makachin at their feet when Viktors phone started to ring. He disentangled himself from the blanket and picked up the phone.

"Здравствуйте." (Hello) Viktor said groggily to the phone, not bothering to check the caller ID. What followed next was a stream of non-intelligible Russia. Whoever had called certainly got Viktor's attention and he was now fully alert. Yuuri could almost hear crying on the other end. Was someone hurt? Had something happened?
"Мы будем там, Юрий. Просто оставайся на месте, и мы будем там, хорошо?" (We'll be right there Yuri. Just stay put and we'll be there, ok?) Yuuri could only make out a few words but he knew that Viktor was talking to Yurio and that he needed him to stay put.

"Viktor, what happened? Is everything alright? Did something happened to Yuri?" He asked frantically.

"We need to go to Yakov's now! Yuri need help"

The duo made their way quickly out of the apartment and to Viktor's car. They drove the nine blocks down the road to Yakov's house and got out of the car. Viktor didn't speak the entire time, too focused on getting to their destination as fast as possible. They stepped out of the car and Viktor got out his spare key to Yakov's place. He had one just in case, all his skaters did. Viktor opened the door and was greeted by the sound of violent sobbing coming from a corner of the living room. Yuri Plisetsky was sat on the floor clutching an old rotary phone and crying his heart out. Viktor and Yuuri rushed over to Yuri's side and pried the phone from his fingers so that they could move him to the couch. Viktor picked up Yuri and the boy clutched tightly to his jacket, still crying hysterically. Viktor and Yuuri sat him down of the couch with Yuri still clinging to Viktor like a lost child who had just found their parent. Yuuri was still thoroughly confused and very worried. What had happened that could cause the normally moody teen to look so broken.

The trio sat on the couch for what seemed like an hour, the whole while Yuri cried until he had no more tears left. Viktor continued to hold him on his lap while humming lullabies. Yuuri stroked Yuri's hair and sat close to the child offering whatever comfort he could. After a while, Yuri slowly lifted his eyes to look at Yuuri and he spoke for the first time since the two had arrived.

"Grandpa is dead. I got a call. Said he was shot in the head." And with that Yuri broke down again.

Viktor and Yuuri held him closer until he exhausted himself. They silently agreed that they would bring Yuri back to their place until things could be figured out. Yuri was smart enough to call people he trusted to take care of him. Viktor called Yakov to let him know what was going on while Yuuri packed up Yuri's things. He made sure he grabbed anything the boy might need as well as a well-loved cat plushy for good measure and brought everything out to the car. Viktor got the boy buckled up in the backseat of the car and the three skaters drove off.

When they arrived back at the apartment they brought Yuri and his things to the spare room so that Yuri could sleep on an arguably much more comfy bed than on Viktor's shoulder. The two men left Yuri to sleep and made their way to the Livingroom. They sat in silence hugging each other all the while trying to figure out what to do. Yuri had no other family. His father was in prison for life on some mafia crime and his mother had died years ago. Yuri was an orphan, but if Viktor and Yuri had their way Yuri would never be alone. If need be they would fight to keep him. That was final. All they could hope was that Yuri's grandfather had thought of his grandson's future. Whatever happens, they vowed, they would keep Yuri safe and out of bad hands. Yuuri had gotten to know Yuri very well since their first meeting back in Japan. He knew Yuri looked up to him even if he had a funny way of showing it. The boy had so much potential and Yuuri wanted to make sure it was realized.

"We're going to fight for him Viktor. No matter what happens we're going to fight for him"

And with that their fate was sealed. Viktor and Yuuri would work hard to become his guardians, Yuri's positive role models, his fathers that he never got to have.