The Fifth Element
Chapter 1: The Boy in the Ice

Simon Petrikov, the Ice King, walked along the frosty catacombs of the Ice Kingdom. It was his Kingdom. His subjects; The Penguins, the Snow Golems…they were his only company. For Simon Petrikov was the last human in Ooo.

Well, he was human, at the very least. He wasn't sure now. He was 6'2, had icy skin, and wore circular, blue glasses. He had long white hair and a short white beard. He was a black shirt and a scruffy grey coat, and kept a golden crown fastened to his waist. In short, he bore a passing resemblance to John Lennon. Blue skin aside, Simon was the very last remnant of the human race.

Or so he thought.

Simon wandered through the ice caves, and using his icy magic, derived from the magical crown that he fastened to his hip, created two new ice creatures. Ice-o-pedes, he called them, owing to their elongated bodies, insectoid heads, and many, many legs. He let the Ice-o-pedes tunnel, and dig out new caves. Soon, his Penguin subjects would have a new place to live.

One of his Ice-o-pedes stopped in its tracks. It backed off, and hissed. Apparently, it had found something in the ice that it did not like.

"Woah, boy!" Simon said, putting his hands up to comfort the Ice-o-pede. "Easy boy."

Simon looked up at whatever managed to repulse the Ice-o-pede. The sight caused his jaw to drop.

It was a human boy.

The Boy, naked as a peeled banana, had blonde hair. Shaggy, unkempt, long blonde hair, the kind normally found on barbarians. On his left hip was a tattoo, which the boy seemed to have tried to slash off his body. There was red scare tissue covering up most of his tattoo, but Simon could make out the first two letters. FN…

"Finn…" Simon said, spelling out the letters phonetically in his mouth. He rolled the letters around in his mouth, trying it in a variety of comedic voices. Anything to distract himself from the potentially mind shattering revelation that he, supposedly the last human on the continent, had found another human.

"Ice-o-pedes! Break the ice!" Simon barked, suddenly finding a sense of urgency that he did not have five seconds ago. He needed to know more about this boy. Was he even still alive? Where did he come from?

The Ice-o-pedes roared and used their incredible jaws to slice and smash away at the ice. The boy's frigid, unconscious body fell out of the rubble, and onto the icy floor. Simon ran to him, and checked his pulse.

"Finn", or whatever his real name was, was still alive.