Chapter 1

"Do you really think it is possible? Can it really be done? Do they actually even have them?" the younger woman asked the older girl-her sister-as they pored through leather bound books and Google. "Since when can monsters actually…care for anyone other than themselves?"

"Parker, you have always been on the pessimistic side, haven't you?" the other woman, a slender woman with closely cropped black hair shook her head, glaring at her sister with green eyes through her thick black, haute couture glasses. She, Heather, looked like she was supposed to be in a fashion magazine. Instead, she was well versed in the darkest of magics and had held a long standing grudge against those like they were targeting. Time and time again, others had tried to eliminate them and she supposed there was a better way to address the vampire situation, which had only gotten worse over the years with them gaining more and more rights. It was time to show the world what they really were, to rally people to see the truth. That they were nothing but cruel monsters who needed to be eliminated once and for all.

"I just….do you really think that taking souls will do what you think it will…..and what if someone managed to free the souls, undo what we do?"

"There will be immense bloodshed…unfortunate innocents will fall. but when humans se the true nature of vampires…we will rally, we will resist. And the weapons that the late governor had, weapons that were thought destroyed and long gone…well, we will put them to good use and town by town will rally and soon we will all see reason. I care nothing for the other supes out there. Vamps are the worse and they will soon be ended once and for all." Heather looked at her sister who was raking a hand through her brown hair, looking at her sister with impressed eyes that were a lighter green than her sister.

"I know you're talented…and I shouldn't doubt you. That will only make our mission more difficult." Parker said with a comforting smile at her sister, who looked appeased but none the less still intense. "But what about that…hybrid. It won't work on her and I wouldn't expect her not to try to undo what we do…."

Heather was flipping through another book and sighed. "From what I understand from the information gathered, no the magic will not affect her. She is unique and something of a freak show. But she's not my concern. I just want the pure vamps affected. I have a warehouse at the ready for the people of this town to take whatever they wish for their own use. And when they are armed with that which they need, this town will be the first one purged of those fanged freaks. Then word will spread about their beastliness, their attacks on innocents and soon…." she took a deep, blissful breath. "We will help town by town eliminate this threat and finally people won't have to worry about losing their blood, their lives to them anymore."

"After everyone else that's tried eliminating them…to think it could be us….." Parker said with a dreamy look.

"Could?" Heather scoffed. "It will be us and even though you aren't as talented as me when it comes to using magic, your brains did help find these books and we have the spell right here, finally!" Heather pointed a finger to a open page of the book she had been rifling through. "You know your way around libraries and your knowledge of them, well, landed us this book. And soon, there will be war in the streets but it is a war that only our kind are going to triumph in."

Chapter 2

The two sisters made sure they had followed the instructions to a t, making sure they had the right amounts of all the ingredients they needed, some of which were rare and hard to find. But again, the mind and wit of Parker had bested her older sister and as such, she had not hardly broken a sweat getting the most difficult of the things they needed. Now, as Heather dipped the polished blood onyx pendant in the bubbling cauldron, she had to take a deep breath, calming herself before the storm that was about to be let loose.

"So…that pendant…..that thing is gonna be what takes-"

"It will be what hold every last one of their dark, evil souls. Surprising as it may be that they have one at all, but it will remove their false faces and reveal them for that which they are. And the best part is that only I can release them. The pendant is unbreakable and when I set the spell into motion, the whole town's population will be affected. And with each soul taken, it will make the pendant stronger, like a magnet. So that wherever we go, town by town, the same thing will happen and the fear of the people will force them into action. People are smart enough to arm themselves and as I said before, there will be innocents lost but we will rise up and finish those monsters. One way or another, we will cleanse the country, town by town. People will see what happens and will mobilize as we criss cross the country, stealing souls and revealing the true nature of those freaks. And with every town we purge, the more lives that will be saved." she was adamant and unforgiving in her beliefs and her sister was as loyal and as devoted to her as she could be. Still, it did seem like a challenge, slowly going from town to town, stealing souls and helping cause harm to innocents. Parker kept telling herself it was for the greater good. And yet, she couldn't help think of figures throughout history who thought the same way. Hitler, Mussolini…the list could go on and honestly, no vamp had ever harmed her and though she suspected there was a story that Heather had about them she had hidden from her. All she had ever said to her sister when Heather was asked why she hated vamps so much was a cryptic response. Or that she simply wanted to make the world a safer, happier place for people. Being lesser able with magic, knowing what her sister was capable of, Parker kept being the dutiful, doting younger sister. And yet, something was nagging within her….but for her own sake, she kept her nose to the grind and could only pray that no harm came to anyone. Someway or another. But knowing that which her sister was about to unleash, she knew that was a pipe dream

Placing the necklace around her neck, Heather cast a incantation as the entire thing glowed for a few moments, creating a protective shield around it, making it unbreakable and should anyone try to remove it, they would regret it. "There…..and now, we wait for night to fall and then…wait for the fun. And Don't worry, the magic of the pendant I keyed to the both of us and we will be shielded by magic, unwanted by those who would try to harm us. They can see us but will be uninterested in us. A little added safety for me and my sister." she beamed at her sister, who smiled back and knew that the best laid plans often had hiccups. Parker shuddered at the thought of what their hiccups were inevitably going to be.

Chapter 3

Everyone was going to be over for a "vamp's only evening. Something that helped get their jollies out of their system and though she herself could partake if she so chose to, Sookie had decided she would remain behind while the others went into the woods for a hunt. Inevitably, she would be doing laundry-or throwing out clothes altogether, depending on the state of them when the group returned.

They were gathered in the backyard where they had miles of forest for them and them alone to prowl. It wasn't the most glamorous of activities but it certainly was a outlet that the vampires needed and it was something of a stress reliever, Pam had once admitted. She had always changed from her expensive clothes into cheap tracksuits that otherwise, she wouldn't get caught dead in. figuratively speaking and literally, Sookie had supposed with a grin.

"We'll probably be out for a few hours." Eric said as Pam, Jess, Willa and Godric were chatting, waiting for their little nighttime adventure. He kissed the top of Sookie's head as she frowned. He frowned back. "What….do you want us back sooner? You look concerned about something."

She looked up at him. "Being what I am, I can sense…vibrations you could call it and something is starting to feel off. But I don't sense anything terrible, maybe its just some wolves or something out there-" she rolled her eyes as he grinned, knowing he did enjoy a more challenging hunt rather than some bunnies and deer. "Just….be careful and the sooner you come back….well, maybe I will head out in a little bit…just to make sure y'all are ok. For my peace of mind."

Snorting, Pam shrugged. "So what you want, though it isn't like our lives haven't been…interesting especially as of late." she arched an eyebrow. "Usually I live a good fight but seriously, even I need to get down and dirty with a little fun." and the others had to nod in agreement

"I promise, we will be careful." Eric said, though she knew he was as incorrigible as ever. And she knew that was something that wouldn't ever change. That swagger, that bravado was a blessing and a curse sometimes and she hoped that this night, it would be a blessing. Maybe she was too worried, maybe she was on edge after everything that they had endured. But she also knew her instincts, fueled by her own powers, had never let her down. Something was definitely in the air tonight and yet she knew that if something happened, none of them were helpless. And she could be at their side in a instant. It was with a slightly heavy heard she watched them speed off towards the woods and she stood on the lawn for a few minutes before turning to head inside. Maybe to read, maybe for a little tv…but she knew deep down she wasn't going to be able to concentrate on anything until this unsettling feeling passes. Trouble was, she felt it intensifying and she took a last glance at the woods and instead of the starry night above, she saw a slight glimmer to the air, something that was clearly abnormal and she felt the magic spreading from some unknown position. Panicked, she magicked herself to the others and though she saw only a few dead deer and a fox, she knew there was something off about everything, she saw her family, they all were looking in distress, as if fighting something off within them.

"What's wrong…I never should have let you guys go….." she said as she saw jess and Willa stumble over, looking as if they were in intense pain. And in the chests of all of her friends and family, she saw something, a light, that almost seemed as if it were being stripped from them. Closing her own eyes, she used her power to get a feel for what magic this was and it was almost instantly that the answer was revealed and it was, she knew, one of the worst things she could have happen to her loved ones. And try as she might, summoning her own magic to block the other magic was not working and she she watched as her friends and family had their souls take from them, a process that she had not a clue was really possible, that it could be so painful. And as if a lever had been pulled, she felt their warmth, compassion bleed out from each and every one of them and the air around them all changed and it was a change that she had no clue was about to bring. As they all stopped dead in their tracks, gone were the grimaces of pain that they had felt and all eyes turned to face her. There was a madness in their eyes as they seemed to be heading to hunt her down but even her acute agility and skills hadn't been prepared for her being scooped up and taken back to her home. And she noticed that there was still that glow , as if there was some resistance to the magic that had taken the rest of her friends.

"Let me try to break this magic." she said as she looked up at him, seeing the turmoil in his eyes and knew try as he might, he was only stalling the inevitable. How he had resisted this long was testament to his strength and she hoped, their bond. "Stay with me." she pleaded, tears trying to fall but she was managing to hold them back. "Your soul….that magic…its stealing your soul… stole theirs, I feel it leaving you….they lost theirs….."

He looked pained and she knew it was a losing battle. "Just…find a way to fix this before things get…messy." he managed to kiss her once, on the lips. "My soul can not be hers…it's yours….always." but there came a violent shudder to the air and she knew that the magic had stolen his soul completely and she winced, watching as he returned to the others, moving fast through the woods like a pack of animals. For all intents and purposes, she knew that was what they had been reduced to. And if they were affected, she had a bad feeling other vamps were as well

Chapter 4

Parker and Heather were watching the chaos beginning, watching as the light of the souls were stolen from all over, fleeing to the pendant around her neck. And she felt the necklace grow stronger and watching as humans were being attacked, she used her influencing magic to help guide them to the warehouse where weapons were at the ready, waiting for humans to arm themselves. It was a little magical manipulation on her part, guiding the humans into the building where the weapons were, to make them stop in the building before she had begun stealing the souls. Heather figured by manipulating the humans minds in the town, it would help give them a head start, to be able to prepare themselves for the inevitable onslaught of the vamps.

"Look…those humans there…they trapped one in a net!" Parker pointed from their vantage point on top of a building that was closed for renovations. As promised, her magic was keeping them cloaked from being targeted by the vamps themselves and though the streets were growing increasingly violent, there had yet to be any killings yet.

"I suppose once they are contained, then we can look forward to seeing some blood spilled, but I had hoped that by now, we would have seen a death or two…something seems a little off with the magic and yet its not like I've used this magic before. But I would have hoped that by now….."

"Patience…..maybe they will all go up when the sun goes up. But at least they are being contained….some of them. And look, over there!" Parker pointed to a new group that had come to the scene, lulled here to downtown Bon Temps as Heather had planned. The tall blonde vamp certainly was as ferocious looking in person as anything else she could imagine but Heather had sorely wanted him to be the first one killed and seeing his friends with him, well, she figured it could make for a good show. Perhaps the finale for the evening when she was finally able to announce that wit their demises, the town was free of vamps and they could move on to the next town. Everything went bat crap crazy at that point, when a blast of light knocked the two sisters on their backsides.