Hi Everyone! Here's the next chapter! Sorry, it took me so long. Also, I changed my mind and will not be doing Horrificator, unless it's requested. (Btw everyone is aged up to 16 or older)

Ok, Max, I think you've been working on this a little too much. I thought, watching the gaming competition from on top of a bookcase. The big UMS gaming completion is tonight and our class was seeing who would be on the team to compete against the other schools. So far, Max has taken everyone down.

Pretty boy was currently playing against Max when I heard the door open up. I looked to see Cuz some in. I waved at her, letting her know I was there. She grinned and rushed in. I could hear Alya and Kim explain what was going on and got really annoyed when Kim basically inferred that girl can't play games. Mari and I play all the time and there are times where our battles last for like an hour or 2. Then Alya pulled her aside and fussed at her for wanting to try out. I mean, yea, cuz is only thinking about Adrien, but she doesn't need to automatically think that every time.

"Hey! Do you think that maybe she wants to try out because she likes playing games? How about you stop jumping to conclusions already?" I growled at Alya then told the principal how Mari wanted to try out. I watched as Mari sat in front of the screen.

Max, I'm going to slap you. I thought as he tried explaining to Mari about the game. "Mari! Destroy him please! Wipe the damn floor with him." I growled. "Miss Dupain! No foul language." Damacloes fussed. I just glared at him. I watched the match and started laughing so hard when Mari beat him that I actually fell off the bookcase. "Alex! You ok?!" Mari yelled running to me. "I'm good." I groaned sitting up. "I think I cracked my back." I groaned arching my back after getting up, making my back pop. "Nope, there it went."

Max admitted defeat then left. "Don't you think you were a little harsh?" Pretty boy asked. "No, I don't. Get a clue, pretty boy. The world is cruel and needs to stop looking down on girls." I said leaving. "Gotta go cuz! Got another doctor's appointment." I called walking out.

Yea, I was pretty harsh, but he and Kim had no right to say that shit. Just because we're girls, doesn't mean we can't game. I sighed as I walked into the hospital and went into the lab again. "Welcome back Alex. Ready for more tests?" Claude, a member of Blood Red since his sister was killed 11 years ago, asked walking in. "Hey, Claude. Let's get this over with." I said taking off my vest. He drew out more blood from my arm and began the tests.

"Has any of these tests provided any results?" I asked. "Only one thing. Besides Hawkmoth's magic, it seems the only thing keeping you here and out of his control is Marinette's blood. Just a drop of it too." he said making me freeze. "You're kidding me, right? I'm still trying to figure out how to tell her but the 1 thing keeping me from killing her is her blood? Shit!" I yelled punching the wall. "I'm sorry Alex, but you were gonna have to tell her sooner or later." he said.

"Yea, I know. Look, I'm gonna go now." I said walking out. Shit, I have to fucking inject some of Mari's blood in me just to stay alive?! How the fuck can this get any more messed up? I need a damn drink. I thought, heading home.

It's been an hour since I got home and I've down at least 3 glasses of whiskey. I'm 16 and my Pops is here so I'm allowed. Pops turned the news on the see that a new akuma was attacking. "Shit! Widow! Webs spun!" I called transforming. I rushed out and quickly joined LB and pussy cat. "So who is it this time?" I asked landing near them. "The boy Max from your class." LB said. "Jeez. He's pissed off because my cousin beat him in a game." I sighed. "Don't you think you're being a little cruel?" Pussy cat asked. "Shut the fuck up pussy cat or else I'll fucking neuter you." I growled. Pussy cat backed away.

"Let's go. We can lead him to the stadium and finish him off there." I said and we all rushed over. After Pussy cat cataclysmed the first robot, we gained our own and jumped in as Gamer got a new robot. "I'll handle the movements while you handle the attacks." I said manning the controls. "Got it." LB said. "Hey, I want to help." Pussy cat whined. "Shut it." I growled. He quickly shut up. I kept Gamer's arms pinned down as LB quickly finished him off then fixed everything. "I'll get him home." I said pulling Max on my back then jumped away.

"Look, I'm sorry for being so harsh. You were just being rude and I've been getting a lot of bad news lately." I said jumping roof to roof. "No, I should be the one saying sorry. I was out of line with assuming that girls can't play game." Max said holding onto me. "Just, try to be a little kinder next time and I'll do the same." I said. "Agreed." he said as I dropped him off at home. "Later." I said leaving.

We all met up back at the stadium for the gaming competition. We watched the other competitors play until it was our turn. Mari tried giving up the spot to Max, but Pretty Boy gave up his spot. "Besides, I'm no where near as good as a gamer as you 2 and my sister." he said. "You have a sister?!" We all yelled. "Yea. She's away at an all girl's school right now." he said. "Wow..." I said and we heard the intercom. "Alright, you 2. Knock them dead." I said as Mari and MAx rushed in. It didn't take them long to completely destroy the others, bringing us to victory.

I'll tell my cousin the truth, just not now. Not yet.

Please leave a review (please no hate reviews) and I'll update as soon as I can. Have a great day!