Chapter 1

You know how you think of the worst things at the worst times, well I'm guessing in the middle of a war zone isn't the best time to be thinking about the voiced in your head. Call me crazy, but for the last couple of weeks I have been hearing this woman's voice in my head. Soft but saturn, questing but in control. She was telling me to go to the old pavilion in the outskirts of town. Because only sane people would waid into a war zone to fowle a voice in their head. Well if you haven't figured it out be now, I'm not necessarily normal.

People would usually not allow a 14 year old girl to join a war, but with a last name like mine, you don't really have a choice most day. And don't think I'm going to tell you my last name, you have to figure that out on your own. The streets of Duncele were littered with robots. And may I add, robots trying to kill me. I was about two blocks away from the edge of town. It would normally take me three minutes to get their. But with the robots unconventy place right in the way I was going it would take a lot longer. Because my live needs more robots.

It took me about ten minutes to finally take down all the robots in my path. I saw the top of the pavilion. It was mostly covered to the eye from here. People havn't really used it in years, it was crumbling. I sheathed my dagger and started running. The voice was getting more frantic. It was about 200 bions away, with I'm guessing is about 400 yards. The closer I get the more damage I saw, broken robot bodies seemed to cut a path down to the pavilion. I prepared myself for another fight. I gripped my dagger and pulled up. Placing my hand near my hip ready for a sudden attack. When I got there, there was not a fight. Just a man, in a red and black suit with a brown leather jacket.

He had collapsed on the steps the pavilion. He was bleeding from his side, I heard whispers. I took me a second the release that it was coming from his coms chip. I picked it up from his ear and held of to mine. I knelt down to the man looking at he injures. I didn't look like the blast hit anything. I'm guessing, he looked like he was human. The main thing I had to worry about with him would be bleeding out. From the coms I heard screams and names. Thought their was one thing repeating.

"Lance, you there, Come in. Lance?!" I'm guessing that that was his name, Lance. You need to protect him, Save him, He needs to be able the fly. The voice could be annoying sometimes. I stood up and grabbed the man's arm and wrapped it around my shoulder. Supporting his weight on me. I started to head the way I came. It was much slower with a grown man's weight on me. I took my hand that wasn't keeping him from falling off of me and added pressure on his wound.

It's not like I wasn't use to blood, I've seen it a lot. I've felt it just as many times. So I wasn't sure how this man's blood fault different. More like fire, than thick water. It took about a half an hour to get to the entrance to the catacombs. Most kids like me lived in them. If you were found on the streets you were taken into government custody. And I can talk from experience, is not fun. It took some maneuvering to get him down the small tunnel with out hurting him more. Once I got him to the closed off corner I called home I laid him on he floor. I grabbed the medical supplies I had. Some bandage wrap, antibiotic cream, and this white powder. I wasn't quite sure what it was. But it can stop anything from bullet holes, to stab wounds from bleeding.

I cut the top of his uniform off and lifted it up. I whipped the blood off from around the wound. I poured some of the powder on it and wrapped it up. I also wrapped some of the injured I got getting to him. When I was down I picked up is com peice and placed it in my ear. I wasn't sure if I should say anything. Thought it was nice to hear people talk that cared about each other, I never really hear anyone talk like they were talking to family. I waited in the corner for my guess to wake up.