Bond length

Month: 10

Week: 3

Day: 1

The physical call

The ancestry call

The waxing moon was high in the sky, as the five blacks took their place. With a sigh, Tonks begun, she called the trees, the plants and the woods. The smell of wet dirt begun to resonate. It was rich and it was sweet.

And Before anyone had time to comprehended what had happened. Water, air and fire had joined the ranks. Each element carefully being controlled by their caster.

From where Harry observed- he could only see a whirling cascade of flames, water, leaves and earth. They were swirling evenly around Draco. It's was both beautiful, majestic and terrifying.

Harry's heart was beating faster and faster, anxiety filling the air. Yet, Harry was hypnotised.

As Voldermorts cage was levitated slowly. The sliver power of Draco's soul reap, was reaching the cage every step of the way.

The light of the waxing moon made contact with Draco's magic- causing the whirlwind of raw magical power.

A low, soul enriching Latin chance was heard.

Grey eyes met green as a orb of great deep green appeared In Draco's left hand.

With a swift movement in his right hand, A loud ripping sound was heard. It was as if the earth its self was breaking into two. A black sludge, begun to ooze out the Voldermort body. Mud - Harry thought. It reminded Harry of mud. The muddiest mud.

The time it took Draco to extract the sludge that is Voldermorts soul surprised Harry. It seemed like hours...

And yet... with a small flick Draco sent the soul to the waxing moon. Ready to be absorbed back into the magic of the universe.

Harry could feel his mate hold his breath. The bond pulsing nervous energy. Harry was too afraid to think... to afraid to feel... to afraid to breath.

The elements begun to spin faster... and faster one colour becoming another another. Tell Harry could not recognise one element from another.

With a shift in posture, Draco guided the green orb into the now limp body of Tom Riddle. It was slow and it was gentle... but.. it seemed to be hold. The green orb spread slowly around Voldermort, spreading to every inch of his body. Even in his cage, Harry could see Voldermorts body rerejuvenate. Dark silky locks, begun to frame his face. eyes of blue replaced the red, colour begun to graces the white shade of his skin. It was clear that the man in the cage was not Voldermort... but simply Tom Riddle.

It was with a sigh of relief that Draco once again lowered the cage. The elements slowing, and coming to a stop.

With a slight smile, Draco flicked his wand, opening the cage.

And with a smile only a Slythren can make, the blue eyes met the gray

"Good Evening young one...I acknowledge..."

The first sentence spoken by the founder was cut short. As a blood curdling

"DRACO!" Could be heard...

The physical call of the bond could felt by everyone near by. Harry pulling Draco to him. The blonde appearing my Harry's side within a blink. the black sludge of Voldermorts soul creeping closer and closer to Draco. Demanding a body. the closer it moved the Draco, the more it appeared to squirm in pain. Again and again the sludge tried to enter Draco and again and again in failed.

Until it turned to Harry. A perk in its non existent step... and attached it's self to Harry's chest. It was with clear that with each beat Harry's heart, the sludge would dig deeper and deeper into Harry's body.

"No" was all Draco cried, as grab the remaining sludge- yanking it from his mates chest. The last half of the sludge, wriggled and squirmed until in bedded himself into Draco's hand- slowly speeding into his body.

Both boys saw black.

Harry didn't know how long it had been, but when he awake... the stars were still shinning. The night breeze was will flowing... but the moon was not waxing...

Harry's green eyes opened to find his mothers face staring down at him.

"What happened?" Moaned Harry.

"Well according to Salazar... you and Draco both each absorbed half of Voldermort soul" it was during this that Harry saw Draco, sitting besides him. His arms folded.

"Why wasn't his soul absorbed into the universe? Like it was suppose to?" Draco asked.

"For a 100 generation Slytherin- I must admit young Malfoy. I am ... disappointed" came a smooth voice from the doorway.

Salazar sat, legs crossed. His black hair flowing freely... his blue eyes glistening.

"He still has horcruxes active" Draco replied

"I dare say that is the answer" Salazar said, jumping enthusiastically "but good news! You both how contain a piece of Voldermorts.. tracking the rest should be easy"

"So I a Horcrux again? I almost died ridding myself from the last one!" Harry yelled. Frustrated.

"Oh my boy, no. An object Infused by a Hurcruxes is actively dark. No, my boy, no. I saw only light from your soul. Only light"

"But... So... what?"

"Hmm... I suppose the best term is... a temporary split personality" Salazar replied. Clicking his fingers, now producing a pipe.

"Temporary?" Asked Draco

Salazar responder by pointed his pipe at the two boys "you both are under a bothreal bond? Yes?"


" do you plan to wed?"

The question was simple... but did require Harry and Draco to look at each other. They knew they would have to Wes eventually... but... when? That was never really decided. They never felt like they had too...

"Doesn't the bond automatically marry is at the 12 month mark...?" Draco said

"It does... but to let the bond wed you... would still mean it's a involuntary marriage... do you want to change the bond to a voluntary one?"...

"Would it make a difference?"

"... it may but It may not... it may make all the difference... but it may make non at all...You used a physical call last night Master Potter. Am I right to assume that you are at the 11 month mark?"

"Yeah... I think so? I don't know. I've lost track"

Harry said, scratching his head

"I believe it's 11 months next Thursday" Draco replied

"Excellent. Excellent. The bond is advancing quickly. This is good."

"And what does this to do with split personalities... how?" Draco replied

"Because, my dear Slytherin, once you've reach the magical core connection, chances are that when your cores combine... it will just combine Tom's soul along with it" Salazar replied... taking another puff of his pipe "but if it's involuntary bond, then Toms soul may resist; this could result in HIM using your core to strengthen his soul .. causing havoc and devastation...end of the world as we know it…"

"So, if I understand you correctly. If we create a voluntary bond, then it will strengthen the bond?" Draco asked

"Strengthen the bond. Make a second bond. Unite your cores more efficiently."

"Well... we are going to be bonded anyway. We might as well turn these thorns into roses" Draco replied "what do you think Harry?"

... "Harry?" The green orbs of Harry's eyes were dark and distant. No light shining from them.

"What's wrong love?" Draco asked

Silence. Nothing.

"Scar head?"

"The serpent with rise again tonight..." Harry's eyes now shining red.

"Oh, dear..."