Okay, as a Bible-believing Christian, I'm not sure if I should be doing this, but I could not, could not, could not wait to type down and post this story when it came to me! I don't own anything. You can view it from either version (doesn't really matter), but I am writing this based on the new live-action film Beauty and the Beast. Hope you enjoy!

I'm not sure if Belle would actually do this, though I'm sure she wanted to sometimes! But that's what is fun about being a writer. So, in this case, she does do it.

After all the pain that Gaston brought to others, it bugs me so much that he always got off unscathed before he died. Well, I've decided that he should suffer a little, ha, ha, ha, ha! Someone as macho as him? Eh, he'll survive. Please, please do leave reviews. I would love to hear your thoughts on this one! I had a blast concocting it. Enjoy!

While Maurice worked on blueprints for his new music boxes, Belle headed for the blacksmith to purchase the new horseshoes they'd ordered for Philippe. She also had a few other errands to run so she skipped along to fulfill her mission. Her last order of business was to stop by Pere Robert's to borrow another book. She sped through her trips in town, as usual people stared at her suspiciously and some turned up their noses, and finally was off to the church. Pere Robert greeted her with a friendly smile which she returned. She made her selection and departed already reading her book.

Belle was passing the butcher's when she heard a cheering crowd nearby. There were victorious shouts of "Gaston! Gaston! Gaston!" Belle rolled her eyes.

He's at it again, She thought, whatever 'it' was. Belle didn't care to know, but it was obvious that Gaston was showing off again and it was apparent that the townspeople were having a thrill. Belle just walked faster absorbed in her book, having absolutely no interest in what Gaston was doing. Her story was so much more appealing and soon she was lost in it so much that she felt she was actually there.

Gaston was indeed showing off. Lefou had set up a pool to see if any of the men in town could outdo Gaston in an arm-wrestling match. Gaston was loving every minute of it, and naturally he was winning. At this point, two of the men had decided to give Gaston a challenge: he had to arm-wrestle both of them at the same time! Lefou naturally encouraged him as did everyone else, and Gaston took them on. Of course, he won. Lefou cheered louder than anyone, and he gathered up their winnings. Gaston posed tall and proud, wearing that smug smile as the crowd gathered around him as if he was a Greek god. Being taller than everyone else, his eyes immediately fell on something else. "Excuse me," he smiled and pushed his way through. As usual, he was in pursuit of his favorite prey.

Belle was giggling at the dialogue she was reading in her book. She was so into her story that for once her ears failed to warn her of the familiar pesky big boots plodding behind her. "Hello, Belle!" Gaston exclaimed from right behind. Belle was so startled-it sounded as if the guy was on top of her-that she jumped, dropping her book and her basket of items which scattered on the ground.

"Ahh!" She exclaimed, and then stared down at her belongings, embarrassed and annoyed as she saw the cause.

"Oh, forgive me, Belle. I didn't mean to startle you." Gaston smiled. Belle barely smiled back.

"I...I was reading, I...I didn't hear you." Belle said quietly, and began to gather her things. Gaston didn't even bother to help.

"Did you see?" He asked excitedly.

"See what?" Belle replied.

"You really missed it!" Gaston announced. "Several of our neighbors went up as a challenge against me."

"They were all men, I hope." Belle rolled her eyes since she was bending down with her hair blocking her face.

"Oh, naturally." Gaston agreed.

"I take it that this was Monsieur Lefou's idea." Belle said, brushing the dirt off her precious book.

"Very good, Belle." Gaston nodded. "But as I was saying..."

"Uh...excuse me, Gaston," Belle spoke quickly, "but I should be going." Thank you for the help! She muttered sarcastically in her mind.

"Oh, shall I accompany you back?" Gaston offered.

Nooo! Belle wanted to shout. "No thank you. I believe I know the way to my own house."

"But you haven't heard the rest of my story!" Gaston insisted, gripping her arm. Belle yanked her arm back and stared at him, peeved.

"Please," she said flatly. "Excuse me." She started to head in the direction of home but Gaston blocked her. Belle glared at him. "Do you mind?" She huffed.

"Belle, you don't know what you're missing," Gaston sneered and narrowed his eyes. Belle was disgusted. She didn't know exactly what he meant by that, though she had a grisly idea, and he's the last person she'd ever want an explanation from! Plus, the look on his face made her feel uncomfortable. She didn't even bother to answer. Enough was enough! She curtly brushed by him and ran home.

Belle was relieved to be home. She felt much safer in here than out there, within the walls of her home, the home of her father's love. She roughly set down her basket and slammed her book on the table. She couldn't believe what a creep Gaston was, and it frazzled her the way he kept trying to get her to notice him. All the more reason that she wanted more, so much more than this provincial life!

Maurice had to make a delivery to another village. He kissed Belle good-bye, and promised to be back by dinner that evening. She waved to him as he drove away. Belle sighed and turned. She was about to go back into the house when she bumped right into...Gaston! She gasped and jumped back. "Gaston!" She growled. "What are you doing here!?"

"Surprised you, didn't I?" Gaston smiled triumphantly.

"Gaston," Belle groaned, "pray tell me, why is that when you want to talk to me, you always wait until my father is not around?" She asked angrily. "I find it extremely unnerving!"

"Pardon me, Belle. A mere oversight on my part." Gaston shook his head. Belle tightly pursed her lips.

Papa's barely been gone a couple moments, and already I have to deal with a pesky roach! Belle thought. "What is it you want? I have things to do."

"Well, now you know what a marvelous hunter I am." Gaston said casually.

"How so?"

"Well, I took you by surprise...and very efficiently, mind you."

"Yes, we've established that." Belle crossed her arms.

"How do you think it is that I am able to get all my killings when I hunt? Without ever missing a single shot?"

"I for one am not a hunter, Gaston, so you're asking the wrong person. Excuse me." Belle tried to run into the house.

"Ohh, Belle." Gaston moaned dramatically. "Why is that you never come to see my trophies? They are real prizes I can tell you. And you have no idea how much I've wanted you to see them. You know, all of my talent, my superior intelligence...it all means nothing if you won't give it even a glance."

Enough already! Don't start now, Gaston! Don't pull that pathetic 'I can't live without you, Belle' act! Belle wanted to screech. I've heard it too many times. And the answer is the same as always...no! She was about to shove him out of the way when suddenly an idea popped into her head. An embarrassing memory that she hadn't thought of in years started flowing her memory filter, and she turned back toward Gaston who stood there puffing out his lip and putting on the best puppy dog eyes he could. Inwardly cringing at what she was about to do, she spoke politely to him, which was as difficult as having a tooth pulled!

"Gaston, will...will you..." Belle was practically choking on the words.

"Yes, Belle?" Gaston asked eagerly his eyes lighting up and he got in her face.

"W-w-would you be...my guest?" Belle nearly puked as she finished. She literally felt lightheaded and wished that she would pass out! "Maybe sit and...perhaps have something to drink?"

"Oh, Belle!" Gaston gushed, pulling her hand to his lips so he could kiss it but she roughly yanked it back to her side. "I was beginning to fear that you would never ask me! I would love to be your guest."

"That's what I was afraid of." Belle muttered under her breath. She unhappily beckoned him to follow. He was right on her heels. She reached the porch and he was practically inside the door behind her when she slightly pushed him back. "Why don't you wait out here?" She suggested. She would never let him set foot in that house if she could help it.

"Out here?" Gaston sputtered, disappointed.

"Well, yes." Belle put on a pasted smile. "It's such a lovely day, nothing like a fresh cup of tea and lovely sights to look at."

"Don't I know that." Gaston smirked.

"I'll just be a minute." Belle said and quickly shut the door behind her. At least she was safe in here. At least in the house Gaston wasn't breathing down her neck! "I hope I know what I'm doing!" She begrudgingly thought aloud.

Ooo! What is she up to? What is she going to do? Will it work? Please, please leave reviews!