It turned out that it wasn't Sam who picked up her parents from the airport when the decided to come. Sam was at that point in time in a prison cell at Stargate command. More properly, she was imprisoned by a Goa'uld in her own body.

Cassie was still a little shaken up by being the one to discover that her new mother was possessed by a Goa'uld.

Caleb was teething. Or maybe just screaming. The kid had a set of lungs on him, and he knew how to use them. Jack had once pointed out to Sam that he was what the baby books would categorize as a "difficult" child.

She'd threatened to divorce him if he ever dared to insult her baby that again.

He reminded her they weren't married, and she'd retorted with, "Then I'll just have to think of more painful ways to punish you."

"Hi, Jack," Jacob says greeting the man with one of those handshakes that are just a ploy to pull you into a hug. There is another ploy at the end of the hug as he gets his grandson out of Jack's hands.

"Young man, come down here," Mrs. Carter demands with all the firmness of a general. He obeys kneeling next to her wheel chair. She stares at him for a long moment of silence. "You'll do I suppose. Assuming you treat her right."

"I hope I do," Jack says.

"You could marry her," Dot points out.

"Dot," Jacob scolds lightly, all the while looking with hope at Jack.

"You're a force of nature, aren't you?" Jack asks Dot, "Well, I'm glad to have you a part of my family. I'm sure you'll whip us all into shape before long."

"Hand me the baby," Dot demands with a nod.

Jacob has no qualms about passing the screaming squirming four-month-old over to her hands, even though her hands are shaking. He is sure that if she could not handle it she never would have asked for him.

"What exactly do you hope to accomplish with that rhetoric?" Dot asks the child that is now in her arms.

The baby breaks off screaming, and crinkles an eyebrow at her.

"You're not impressive. We could all make more noise than that. We just choose not to. In a civilized society you have to try not to make noises others don't enjoy."

The baby continues to stare.

"There is already an awful lot noise in the world. Try adding some beauty to it,instead," she suggests.

"She just reasoned with a baby," Jack says in shock looking at Jacob.

"I know, she's pretty impressive," Jacob agrees looking at the woman in open love. Jack can't imagine that no one knew he was still in love with his wife if he went around looking at her like that. Then she looks up, and basks in the look of love, and Jack realizes that that look is brand new. Even though he never saw the two of them together before he can tell that there has been some cosmic shift in their relationship.

"Can I take that infant for you, ma'am?" he asks.

She hands the happy baby over reluctantly.


It's four hours before they have all the machines set up. Jacob sits on the couch too exhausted to begin the unpacking of his own room. They decided that the nurse room would go to Jacob. They would still need part time help, but with three adults, one retired, they would not need a full-time nurse with her own room.

"Things look like they are going pretty well between you too," Jack observes.

"Yes, we're fixing things. There is a lot to fix. She used to say that I was really selfish, but apparently I proved her wrong in the last few decades."

"You are anything but selfish, Jacob," Jack says with a smile.

"How about you and my daughter. Is there a reason she's not here?" Jacob asks nervously.

"It's classified Jacob. I'm sorry, but while you are living here you are going to hear those words a lot."

"I'm an old military man. I understand," Jacob pauses. "She's in danger though isn't she?"

Jack nods with a firm set of his jaw.

"You know, I could watch the children if you wanted to go and try to save her."

"Thank you," Jack says gratefully, "Please don't temp Cassie to tell you what is going on. She's not used to secrets the same way the two of us are."