A/N: So this is my first venture into writing fanfiction for FFXV. I always thought Noctis and Iris would be cute together and I had this little one shot on my computer for a few weeks and decided to finish it. Let me know what you think. I may or may not add more to it.

Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters…just my AU ideas.

By some strange miracle he was spared. The six allowed him to live despite what the for told prophecy had stated. He should be happy, but deep down he mourned all of those who gave their lives for his, entrusting that he would save Eos. The fact that he lived laid heavy on his heart. But despite all that he knew he wanted nothing more than to see her again. The way he left things in Cape Caem all those years ago left him uneasy and he had a lot time to reflect pent up in that crystal for ten years.

After reuniting with his comrades they made their way to Hammerhead and the very next day back to Lestallum. The second they returned they were greeted by the marshal, who had been patiently waiting their return since Ignis had alerted him and to debrief the newly ascended king on the events of the last ten years.

But there, behind him off in the distance he saw her. Her mouth agape with tears in her eyes as she looked from behind the immortal marshal. To any passerby it seemed as if she was looking on to the whole group, but Noctis knew…he could see it in her eyes that she was looking only at him.

She had changed since he last saw her, still the same honey colored eyes as her brother, her hair, albeit darker had gotten longer over the years, now past her shoulders she had it tied in a loose braid that hung over her shoulder. As he looked her over, taking her presence in he couldn't help but notice the long vertical scar on her left forearm, a stark reminder of what she must have gone through the last ten years.

Seeing that she noticed he was staring at her he watched as she covered her face in embarrassment. Curing his lips up into a smile he waved at her.

"Iris, long time no see!" Noctis greeted her.

At the mention of his sister Gladio's ears perked up and looked past the marshal waving his hands "Hey! Come on whaddya doing all the way back there?!"

Iris gulped and gave them a smile as she approached the group. After giving them all hugs she turned her attention to Noctis who had been standing by Ignis giving her a warm smile.

"Hey…" he said in an almost whisper.

Iris couldn't help but give a small laugh "Hey yourself. You kept us waiting a long time Noct."

Noctis raised his hand behind his head and laughed her comment off "Yeah…I know…but what can I say…I'm worth the wait."

Iris smiled and pulled him into a hug. As she pulled away she couldn't help but whisper "You could say that…"

After his briefing with the marshal, Ignis and Iris insisted on cooking a victory dinner for the group back at Ignis's apartment. They had agreed they would hold a press conference tomorrow announcing the defeat of Ardyn and the Starscourge as well as their tentative plans for rebuilding the Crown City. Ten years gave them all a lot of time to think about what the next steps were once the darkness had ended. It was a family affair of sorts, aside from he core group, Talcott, Monica, Dustin and Cid joined them. Even Gladio brought his girlfriend to the affair, a woman who grew up in Lestallum and worked at the power plant. As soon as he introduced her Noctis knew how serious the big guy was about her.

As to be expected the dinner was delicious. Noctis hadn't felt that stuffed since his days traveling with his friends around Eos. Post dinner chit chat ensued as Ignis and Iris tended to the dishes. After a brief period of time he watched as Iris slipped past the group and out onto Ignis's balcony. Curious Noctis slipped away from the ensuing conversations, not that he was much of a talker to begin with, and joined her.

The second he stepped out on to the balcony he watched her turn with a surprised expression.

"Mind the company? I needed a break from everything going on in there." he asked her.

"Sure…make yourself at home." She said gesturing to the open space next to her.

Noctis chuckled "Well technically speaking, this is my home…for now…"

Iris nodded "That's right, I forgot Iggy invited you to stay with him."

"Yeah…you know him." Noctis said giving a small laugh.

"Can't say he's changed much these last ten years…you know besides the whole being blind thing." Iris said nonchalantly.

Noctis looked out upon the bright lights of the city and smiled "Yeah…but he really seems to have been doing well for himself…your brother too."

Iris nodded "Yeah…Gladdy's been keeping busy, helping out where he can."

"Keeping busy with his girlfriend?" Noctis teased.

Iris giggled "Something like that. He really is happy with her though…she's different than all the other girls he's dated. He's really serious about her."

"Yeah I'd say. Said he planned to marry her when all of this was over." Noctis said with a smile.

Iris nodded in confirmation "So he told me."

There was silence between the two for a moment before Noctis spoke up.

"Do…you like her?" he asked curiously.

Without hesitation she nodded "Yeah…I do. She is a good match for him. And we get a long…which is a plus. I'm happy for him."

Noctis nodded his head and raked his fingers through his hair in silence. He looked over to see Iris watching him intently, giving him a warm smile, just as she used to when they were younger. Suddenly his eyes wandered to her left forearm again and frowned.

"How did you get that scar?" Noctis asked pointing to the deep line that went up her forearm.

Iris gave him a nervous laugh "Oh you know…demon hunting…Iron Giant to be exact."

Noctis gave her a small laugh "Well I guess they don't call you Iris the demon hunter for nothing."

"Was Iris the demon hunter. With the Starscourge gone there aren't any more demons to fight." Iris said with a sigh.

"You could still hunt…you're an Amicitia….I am sure you are pretty bad ass at it." Noctis complimented.

Iris laughed "Yeah…but with ten years of darkness I think I am finally ready to move on from desperate survival mode…you know…settle down, start a family like Gladdy plans to."

Noctis was quiet for a moment before speaking up "Do you…have someone you plan to settle down with?"

Iris shook her head "No…not yet at least. I have been so busy protecting everyone else I never really had time to date. But who knows, now that the light is back maybe I will meet someone."

"I see…" Noctis said thinking out loud as they continued to stare out into the scenery before them.

All of a sudden Iris began to laugh "You know, when I was a kid I had the biggest crush on you."

Noctis smiled knowingly "You don't say?"

"Yeah, when you saved me that day in the garden and took the fall for me I always thought you were my knight in shinning armor. I…was even jealous of Lady Lunafreya when I heard you guys were going to get married…I didn't get it at the time, but now I do. I'm sorry things didn't work out with her…and I'm sorry about what happened in Altissia…" Iris said somberly.

Noctis moved to put his hand over hers and gave it a reassuring squeeze "Thank you Iris…I…had a lot of time to come to terms with it…but it was never meant to be in the first place."

Iris looked down at his hand on hers and blushed a deep red. Seeing him notice this she pulled her hand away and covered her cheeks in embarrassment.

"Ss…sorry I don't know what just came over me…" Iris choked out.

"It's…ok…I should have asked before invading your personal space…" Noctis said apologetically.

Iris shook her head "No, it's ok Noct really…"

Iris caught him staring at her again, his blue eyes piercing through her.

"You know…ten years look really good on you." Noctis complimented.

Iris's cheeks when flush again as she gulped hard "Tt…thanks…you too…you look very kingly with your beard."

The pair was silent for a few moments once more, staring at each other intently. Iris couldn't help but notice Noctis looked like he was mulling something over in his mind. Finally she spoke up.

"Everything ok Noct?" she asked concerned.

Noctis was silent before smirking back at her "Yeah, everything's fine just…your brother for sure is going to kick my ass…"

Iris looked back at him confused "Noct what are you talking ab…"

Before she could finish Noctis leaned over and softly pressed his lips to hers in a gentle kiss. Iris's mind went blank as he reached up and stoked her cheek as he gently pressed his lips to hers. This was something that she had wanted for so long…since she was a kid, and now that it was happening she didn't know really what to think. Before she could respond Noctis pulled away giving her a sleepy smile.

"Yeah…Gladdy is defiantly going to kick your ass…" Iris said from shock.

Noctis gave a small laugh "I…I'm sorry if I just made things complicated…."

Iris gulped hard and shook her head "No…no it's fine…just…unexpected…"

Noctis looked away "Iris…what do you want this to be?"

She looked back even more shocked at him as he stared off into the night. Whatever happened in that crystal for ten years has turned an awkward prince into a self assured king.

"I…well…" Iris said hesitating.

He could see she was conflicted, as if she was trying to pick the response she thought he wanted to hear.

Noctis turned to her and took her hands in his and made her look at him "Iris, I'm not asking what you think I want…I want to know what you think…what your heart is telling you."

Iris was silent for a moment taking a deep breath in before continuing "I…would be lying to myself if I said I was completely over my childhood crush on you Noct. In fact I…haven't been able to stop thinking about you at all since you left for Altissia. I was devastated when Gladdy and the others came back saying they didn't know when you would return I…I had so much I wanted to tell you…so much to say…"

Noctis reached up and brushed away a tear that dropped from her eyes "Iris, I'd be lying too if I said I only ever saw you as if you were my little sister…because that was never true…and to be honest I think your brother always knew too…that's why he wanted me to give you those flowers that day not him."

Iris choked back a few tears "Noct…"

"And while I was in the crystal…gathering all the strength it took to defeat Ardyn…to defeat this darkness…all I kept thinking about was you. Hoping you didn't feel like I abandoned you…I…realized how much I really cared for you…that if anything happened to you while I was gone I would never forgive myself…just seeing your scar…" he rambled but Iris stopped him with a searing kiss on the lips.

"Noct stop…this scar is nothing but a reminder of everything I've done to help protect those who could not protect themselves…" Iris said breathlessly.

Noct looked down at her and smiled "Spoken like a true Amicitia…"

Iris smiled "Would you have expected anything less?"

Noctis chuckled pulling her towards him, wrapping his arms around her "Not at all…"

Iris smiled into him and wrapped her arms around him, taking in the moment.

"So what now?" she whispered into his embrace.

Noctis pulled away and smiled down at her gently "Well I'd…I'd like to see where this goes. I, know it's kind of sudden and things are about to get crazy busy with the rebuilding process but…I would be happy to know we are going through this…together."

Iris blushed at his statement but nodded firmly in agreement "Yeah…I'd like that too. But either way, no matter what happens, I will always be by your side Noct."

"Yeah…I know…" Noctis said leaning down and capturing her lips once more.

As they pulled away Iris let out a sigh, resting her head against his chest.

"You have no idea how long I've waited for this moment." she said happily.

Noctis leaned in and kissed the top of her head gently "Believe me…I do…"

"Just one thing though…" Iris said trailing off.

Noctis looked down confused "What's that?"

"Maybe we hold off on telling Gladdy for a bit…" she responded, nuzzling herself into his chest.

"Yeah…I agree. The news might overwhelm the big guy. Besides I think I might want to keep you all to myself for a bit." Noctis chuckled.

Iris laughed "I think overwhelmed is putting it mildly."

The two both laughed as they turned their attention back to the Lestallum skyline…enveloped by the happiness that awaited them in the future.

Unbeknownst to them, another was observing their long awaited reunion from just outside the balcony doorway.

Ignis smiled to himself as he heard the new couple finally admit the feelings he always knew the two had for each other.

"About time those two finally figured it out." he whispered to himself before turning to join the others back in the living room.