As Peter swung across the city, he thought to himself. Thought his so much had changed in the span of a day.

So much before had changed in a day.

In a day, he was a happy child with two wonderful parents. Faceless smiles he couldn't remember, but he remembered kind words and their brilliance instilled into him.

In a day, he had lost them to a plane crash, where his whole life crashed and turned. And soon he was sent to live with his new parents, Aunt May and Uncle Ben.

The sun began to sink below the tall skyscrapers that seemed to stretch to the sky. The sinking sun casted an orange yellow glow across the city.

And in a day, he was a wimpy nerd often bullied by the likes of Flash Thompson, tripped and knocked off his feet. His normal.

And in that day, he had gone from scrawny to a six-pack and the ability to climb walls.

A tingling sensation bloomed across his skull, and immediately he heard the distant roar of screams and explosions. Shooting out his web to a crane, he looped around it several before his hands slipped from the web and he landed effortlessly on the pole, an American flag flapping in the silent wind.

Uncle Ben, warm blue eyes dimming away into glass, lifeless and bleeding out...

Below, he saw thick black smoke coming from a festival, and a familiar green glimmer beneath it.

Whatever life holds for him—Peter shot a web at a nearby building and swung—he will never forget these words:

"Hello, my dear," Green Goblin snarled at Black Widow, whose hand clutched her bleeding abdomen. He hovered in the air with his glider, a sadistic gleam in his yellow eyes.

With great power—

A little bit pointed up at sky.

"It's Spider-Man!"

The Green Goblin whirled around, just as Peter slammed his feet at his face, knocking him off the glider and towards the ground.

Comes great responsibility.

"Are you okay?" Peter asked Natasha Romanoff worriedly, crouching down beside her as he saw a small puddle of her blood.

This was his curse

"Look out!" Natasha barked when Green Goblin sprinted towards them, a glimmering emerald knife in his hands.

And this was his gift.

Peter shot up to his feet instantly and shot out a web. It latched onto the knife and he tore it from the maniac's hand.

Who was he?

"Dude," Peter breathed out, staring at the dude with wide eyes. "You attacked a friggin Avenger, man. Not cool."

Goblin snarled. "You nuisance."

He was Spider-Man.

Normally I wouldn't post an update with this chapter, since it's pretty short here, but I had to make due considering today is a very special day.

In May 3rd, 2002, Sam Raimi presented one of his greatest works, the Spider-Man trilogy. With the iconic final swings and epic fight scenes, it set a precedent for other superhero films. I wish him luck on his directorial debut for Doctor Strange and I want to thank Tobey Maguire for being one of the first to portray our favorite webhead.

Just a heads up, updates are gonna be a little slow again since I have exams and other classes online to work on. Wish me luck!

Stay safe everyone!