Chapter 1 A Cold Moment

Erina roamed the streets brimming with luminous lights and vendor-filled markets. People had been rejoicing and everything was brightly made. But then, a sudden change of heart reached her. She definitely had wanted to taste the cookings of the whole crew which they especially made her, not to mention she was hungry walking around for so long.

She wasn't convinced to go away at first because of her undeniable love towards the dorm, but nevertheless, she couldn't spend the precious Christmas altogether with them which in everyone else's hearts had definitely mattered. She felt deeply apologetic and selfish because of her actions. Especially to Megumi, who Erina shoved off when Megumi tried to invite her for dinner with everyone present.

"I should've stayed inside." Erina muttered, letting her body relax while taking a seat on the unoccupied bench she had seen out of nowhere. "Why did I even lie of all times? I should have said the truth." Erina sighed. She looked around looking for a drink and luckily, she saw a vending machine sitting over the other direction. She grabbed a drink.

She didn't let any coffee go to waste and drank it all. Despite having a delicious drink, she still wasn't satisfied and continued to regret what she just did. She looked at the can and saw the ingredients. "Coffee Beans... Milk... Sug—" Erina was startled as her abdomen made a strange noise, as if screaming for help. Erina looked around, hoping that nobody heard the noise she'd inevitably conveyed.

"...Uwah. Your belly sure knows when to eat." Erina was startled as she heard a familiar voice which she didn't want to hear. She was scared to look behind, but she had no choice. "Nakiri? What're you doin' here?" Sōma asked, and made Erina unable to speak back. Nakiri Erina was definitely blushing, no taking that back — she's just really lucky that he's stupid.

Erina was about to tear up, looking at him and said, "H-How about you? Why does it even concern you?" She asked, putting on a forced stern face. Sōma shrugged his shoulders and scratched his head. "I just bought fish for dinner. And about that," Sōma paused and took something from his jacket. "You're coming for dinner, aren't you?" Sōma flashed a convenience store bread, giving it to Erina.

"Wh-What are you...?" Sōma grabbed her hands and put the bread in her care. "...Well, since I'm gonna be cooking tonight, why don't you get yourself prepared? It's like... an appetizer y'know? And I wanted to know your opinion about my cooking, so you should definitely come by if you aren't busy." He let out a huge grin and picked up the plastic bags containing fish and started to walk to the other direction.

Erina was hesitant to call out his name, but she did. "Yu-Yukihira-kun!" It was a slip of her tongue. What are you thinking about, Nakiri Erina?! Why are you calling him back?! He's already finished talking with you, and you just have to go back to the dorm! Why are you delaying so many things when you're the one who started all of this, hu— "Is it okay?" Erina asked, and her face was beet red.

"What's okay?" Sōma asked back. Erina's breathing became heavier than ever. "Is it okay i-if I... if I go" Erina was frozen startled as Sōma felt her forehead. "Oi, Nakiri, are you alright? You seem to have a fever...?" Sōma noticed Erina's body going wobbly. "O-Oi! Nakiri? Oi! Keep yourself together! Oi!" Erina had collapsed.


A morning of which nearly all of the people inside the Polar Star Dorm were awake early approached as just some hours after the dinner's preparations, Christmas would be dominating the sky of Japan. Isshiki was of course, an early bird, and Fumio-san was out to buy some fresh ingredients in a nearby farm. It was fascinating how the people of the dorm had been causing panic because of the time.

Meanwhile, Sōma, who was sleeping soundly, was awoken because of an invitation for an interview from his Kouhai. Sōma didn't want to be bothered the first thing in the morning, so he refused the interview. But unfortunately, he couldn't sleep that much when he woke up. He didn't have anything to do, so he went downstairs and experimented on different ingredients, testing his productivity.

The girls were nowhere to be found as well. Sōma thought about them helping Isshiki's crew, but instantly changed his mind, completely unconvinced. He was the only one left inside the quiet dorm. He thought of making Erina taste the best combinations he had made with his father, but recalled that she didn't have any reason to go to the dorm anymore. Sōma defeated her father after all.

"E-Eh? Sōma-kun?" Sōma looked behind him and saw Megumi who was carrying basket filled with vegetables. He stood up and went to her. "Yo, Megumi. What're these?" Asked Sōma, inspecting the insides of the basket. "O-Oh, that? These are the lettuces and other cabbages Fumio-san asked for me to buy. How about you, Sōma-kun?" Said Megumi. Sōma stared at her, wondering what she was talking about, and realized.

"Ah, that. Nothing much, I'm just doing things." Sōma mouth curved to a smile. Megumi beamed back at him. "I have to go, Sōma-kun. See you later." Said Megumi. Sōma simply bobbed his head and stared at Megumi's retreating back. He later then went back to his experimentation.

-some minutes later-

"It's no good." Sōma sighed while making a goofy face. He couldn't have fun after all the effort he'd put for the spices. He was all alone, he thought, that must've been why it seemed so boring to him. "I want to have a Shokugeki. But no one wants to. And now, I'm here doing nothin' great at all... I shouldn't be doing this." He mumbled to himself. He kept silent for a few seconds, and an idea brightened his mind.

"...I'll go visit her then."

-flashback end-

Erina woke up, same with before, glowing lights were towering over her. She saw only white, and couldn't identify where she was and who she was with, until she saw a red-headed figure, with a resting-idiot face. It was her (almost) greatest enemy/ally of all, Yukihira Sōma, the rebel. Her face appeared to be redder everytime she saw her, including the present moment. She just couldn't resist his cooking scent. It was really good.

"You awake?" The red-haired Sōma asked, staring at her. She bit her lower lip, trying not to feel sheepish. She sat up and sighed. "I-I'm okay." Erina replied. Sōma nodded his head for response. They were awkwardly silent. And then Erina broke it. "...Th-thank" Erina muttered, causing Sōma to ask again, "What?"

Erina glared at Sōma for apparently making her repeat but she shook off the thought. "" Her voice grew softer. There was no use. The red-headed boy just couldn't hear what she was talking about. "Come on, speak loude—" Erina punched the hospital bed and glared even harder at Sōma.

"DO I REALLY HAVE TO REPEAT IT?!" Her mouth was twitching as she paused, and saw the man in front of her dumbfounded with no expression, "THANK... YOU! THANK YOU SO MUCH! Ha-happy?!" Erina was startled and instantly covered her mouth.

Sōma foolishly laughed and cracked a grin. He tapped her shoulder causing Erina's face to become redder.

"You're welcome." He said.

Alright, that's it for the first chapter. Make sure to add feedback if you liked it, so that I can improve my writing skills. Thank you very much for reading the chapter. I'm a big fan of SoRina so if you liked it thanks! The two are one of my ultimate OTPs in anime after all! Make sure you follow me and this story if you liked it!