Oh dear, I didn't actually think that any of you would like this fanfic! Maya is so happy! Seriously, you're making me blush with your reviews!

Crucifix HiMe-san, thank you for pointing out that silly mistake of mine! I accidentally mixed up raven-head and brunette so it became 'ravenet', I still can't believe that I used it multiple times without realizing...=_=

This is an epilogue, a bit shorter than last time - I think, and also the last part.



A raven-haired man strolls through the streets, posture relaxed and gaze almost lazily passing over the nearby stores and crowds as his fedora shadowed the upper part of his face, though anyone could see that he was clearly a charming, handsome man.

Many women stared at the man, some shamelessly, others shyly, and most batting their eyelashes- as if flirting.

The man in a suit's lips twitch upward into a smirk of amusement, making most women blush and become weak in the knees. This raven, Renato Sinclair- or Reborn as he goes by nowadays, The Greatest Hitman in the World, was looking for a certain store; he sighs in annoyance inwardly.

How am I supposed to look for that store again? Renato thinks, face becoming a poker face once more, no one could tell how he felt at the moment.

"You just need to look for a sign that says Lumiele Jewelry, Reborn-san!"

One of his hands- which were in his pockets, twitch. Easier said than done with all of the women seemingly trying to block my view. Renato's lips form a thin line at the memory, before he calms his annoyance.

I can't whine now, I'm the World's Greatest Hitman. And also... His onyx eyes, covered by the shadow of his fedora, soften slightly from the sharp look from before. This is for her.

The suit-clad hitman stops in front of a store's door, a sign hanging above it; Lumiele Jewelry, written in classy caligraphy.

Finally, Renato thinks. I found it. Then his eyebrow twitches in annoyance. I sound like a whiny teenager. He comments about his previous thought, mind drifting towards a certain curly-haired and green-eyed teen, before he snaps back into his usual mindset.

Renato opens the translucent glass door, the tinkling sound of the chimes making him feel nostalgia - Tsukina, his lover, had also exited the cafe to the sound when he first saw her.

"Welcome to Lumiele Jewelry! How may I help you - ?" The woman with blonde hair and a customer-friendly smile pauses once she catches sight of the hitman, blue eyes growing wide, before her stance shifts from disarming, to defensive.

"Reborn-san, how may I help you?" The tanned-blonde questions curtly behind the cashier, blue eyes now frosty as the fedora-wearing man leans to one side, smirking. "Don't be so tense, I'm just here to receive a delivery." Renato states, causing the blonde to blink and relax slightly.

"For whom is it?" "..The Vongola Donna."

The blonde's eyes widen and she flounders, waving her arms frantically as she starts to hastily exit the counter. "T-The Vongola Donna..!? Oh dear, I need to get it immediately!" Renato looks on, amused and slightly skeptical. If he were to receive a delivery, someone would've notified the shop, wouldn't they?

..It seems that he would have to beat whichever subordinate that was in charge of notifying the shop into the ground. (He nearly smiles at the thought.)

"..nope...this one, nope...this - nope!" The raven hears in the storage room, then he scans his surroundings for a moment.

It was..homey, in a way. Like the cafe in which him and Tsukina had hung out in often back in the day - No, Renato thinks; This isn't the time to be thinking about her. Move on, Renato.

The raven-haired man blinks, He thought that he had heard Tsukina's voice overlap with his thought for a moment - "Ah! Found it!" Came the triumphant voice of the shop owner, bringing the hitman out of his thoughts.

A few shuffles later, and the blonde emerges from the storage room door, Renato brings his attention towards the velvet red box the size of a fist.

"Here you go, handle it with care, it's quite new after all." She hands the box over, before adding; "You're quite the lucky man." Renato raises an eyebrow at that, then shrugs it off.

Renato exits the store, with the small, red box in his hand. Inside the box, sat an almond-shaped pendant with a morganite[1] engraved within it.

Much, much, later, he would realize what the blonde meant by that.


It was a nice morning, the sun was out, but not by much with the clouds, and there was a cool, gentle breeze.

And Tsukina, the 10th Vongola Boss, knew; something was going to go horribly wrong today. She knew to expect the unexpected, a lesson learnt during her teenage years of being trained by Reborn and also from time to time in her childhood. In her teenage years, most of the terrible things in her life had happened on a wonderful day, and she was not going to take any risk of not being prepared.

And so, Tsukina Sawada, 10th Vongola Donna, and also victim-of-paperwork, had been on guard all day; going as far as to warn her guardians and close allies about it and resting with her gloves and gun in hand.

(She never took notice on how her Hyper Intuition never rang with foreboding throughout the day, but sang warmly.)


In a future, 7 months later

A brunette will be facing her raven-haired companion, tears in her eyes with a look of shock and happiness, a red flush on her face. The man, clad in a suit and fedora, will be standing before the woman, a red box open in his hand, a simple golden band with a rose quartz[2] engraved into it.

The raven wouldn't kneel, he knew that kneeling made the woman before him uncomfortable, she just wanted to be equals in a relationship - and he was willing to do so.

"W-wha.." The brunette will finally stutters out, the suit-clad man smirking at her response. "I thought I taught you better." At that, the woman's blush will grow, before she gathers her composure and looks at the raven semi-seriously. "Are you sure about this?"

The raven-head will raise a sharp eyebrow - as if asking; 'Do you really need to ask that?'

The brunette will be staring for a moment. Then smiles brightly and launching herself at the raven.

"Of course I will!"


A certain raven-head sighs inaudibly at his student, said student currently hitting her head on her desk. Groaning in agony all the while. "Once a Dame, always a Dame." He mutters underneath his breath, making the Vongola Donna stop with her actions and look up at the man. She pouts at him childishly, "Shut up, Reborn! You don't know anything."

Renato (or Reborn, as he goes by nowadays) stays silent, not because he was agreeing with the brunette, but because he actually had been a victim of paperwork - back when he was a teen, of course. He would never bound himself to a desk when he was an adult, that would just be boring.

But Tsukina didn't have to know that.

The raven-haired man stands up from where he was sitting on the couch, and walks to the mahogany desk. Where his dame-student was still pouting up at him.

He smirks, leaning over Tsukina, her pout fading as she locked eyes with his onyx eyes.

Now, most people would cower in the face of these very intimidating eyes that seemed to suck light into them, but Tsukina would never. She had always been curious of her former-tutor-now-adviser's eyes, most especially when he had still been cursed in the body of a child, where his eyes had been at their widest.

Renato observes as the brunette looks at him curiously, not breaking eye contact with him. She's in that mindset again...

It would happen every now and then, where her eyes would soften and a tinge of sunset orange would appear - like her Hyper Dying Will Mode, but not quite. It reminded Renato of Tsukina - his lover - in a weird way; Since the hitman would always spot a flicker of sorrow, pride, and affection in those orange-tinged eyes of the brunette's...

As if she was Tsukina herself.

A knock resounded throughout the office room, breaking the two's gaze as the Donna looks towards the doors.

The raven-head removes himself from his place before the brunette's desk, and leans against the wall behind Tsukina, adding a more overwhelming aura to the image the two created.

. . .


..I'm so happy for you, Renato.


I don't quite know what to feel since you're with my incarnation though.

I'm not really the angel you view me to be. So I guess what I'm feeling is jealousy?

A smile.

Nevertheless, I am happy for you. Although I'm sad too, I left and called you a liar...

Shamal carried out his promise too.



I love you, Renato.

Tears drip down a small face, a smile still on the figure's face.

I hope my incarnation treats you well...Like I did when I was still her. I just sound arrogant don't I?


I love you, to hell and back.

《 END 》

[1]Morganite - a pink beryl related to emerald and aquamarine, means Divine Love, Emotional Healing; Helps with Releasing Heartbreak and turning Grief into Wisdom.

[2]Rose Quartz - a pink variety of quartz, means Love, Trust, Emotional Healing; helps dissolve old hurts and open the heart to trust in love and have faith in the benevolence of the Universe.


NO I DID NOT GROW LAZY TOWARDS THE END OKAY?! I just wanted to leave some of you a bit skeptical.

Anyway, the gemstone.

The Morganite means Divine Love and Emotional Healing, saying that Reborn - or Renato, should..you know, heal. Despite saying to himself that he should move on, he can't quite do that, as evidenced by his constant reminiscing of Tsukina. Also, if any of you noticed, Tsukina wasn't aware that a delivery was being received by Reborn for her. XI and XII happen in the same day.

You guys can request for some fillers for certain events that happen in this. If you don't quite get it. (eg. Tsukina's birthday, XII) XD

Only if you want to of course. If any of the events are slightly unclear for you, just tell me and I'll make a book dedicated for any of the events you request to have more explanation on, or fillers on Renato's and Tsukina's love life, or Reborn's and Tsukina's.
