Author's Note:

Good morning, my lovelies! I know, I know. It's been months since my last posting; sorry! I was very busy with my first original novel, which was published two weeks ago! Anyway, I've been watching a LOT of Korean dramas of late, and Moonlovers was one that captured my imagination - and broke my heart the way it ended...coincidentally. If you haven't watched this show yet, or are in the process...DO NOT READ THIS! It contains spoilers! For the rest of you...enjoy!

End Note

Chapter 1

If we are not from the same world, then I will find you...My Soo. These words echoed once again through Wang So's mind as he sat on the throne of the Damiwon palace. His hands clenched in his lap as her face flashed for the hundredth time – just this morning – through his mind, causing his heart to freeze in his chest. Oh, Soo, he thought, Wherever you are, I hope that you're happy. So sighed and returned his attention to the pile of scrolls in front of him that needed his attention and approval. His counselors stood anxiously, watching his expression with apprehension.

So raised an eyebrow and glanced up from the scroll in his hands, "Why should we raise the taxes on an already overtaxed people?" he asked with a dangerous edge to his voice, causing them to fidget nervously.

One Chancellor was brave enough to answer, "Pyeha; we need to refill the Royal coffers. They have become severely depleted with the renovating of the Damiwon."

From slightly behind and to the left of the King, Queen Yeon-Hwa flinched almost imperceptibly. There were few who knew the King's temperament so well as she did.

The Councilor shifted and had the presence of mind to look distinctly uncomfortable under the scrutiny of the King, "Paeha. The renovations you wanted were far more expensive and extensive than we had originally been led to believe." The King's eyes narrowed dangerously, but the Chancellor did not notice and gained courage as the silence from the throne deepened. He smirked as he continued, "We need to increase the taxes so that we can continue with these...eccentric renovations."

Wang So remained silent for a long moment as he studied the arrogant man standing before him; the man had served under So's father and the two brothers who sat on the throne before him. At last, he chuckled softly – a harsh and humorless sound. "Eccentric?", he asked softly, "How are these renovations eccentric? If we are to stand as equals with our enemies – let alone our allies – then we must be equal to them. I have personally visited the Chinese Emperor, and believe me when I tell you that his palace is far more eccentric than mine. He has amenities that I never even imagined before I visited him. And don't even ask about Japan. Now, I hear that the Kings of the West are even more sophisticated than any of us in the East and you dare lecture me on eccentricities?" So's voice had now dropped to a dangerously low volume and he was leaning forward menacingly. The Chancellor who had spoken shrunk back and shook his head hastily, as though he feared he may lose his head at any moment. "Let me ask you all a question," So continued, "Why is it that this project is not yet completed, though I wanted it done three months ago?" He glanced around the now-silent throne room, "Well. Since you've all chosen now to become forgetful, I will refresh your memories." So shifted in his seat, turning to reach into the massive trunk beside him that held numerous scrolls going back many many months. As the King began to pull out scroll after scroll, the Chancellor began to look nervous – each scroll detailed proposed work, laws, and any Kingdom business that needed going over. On each of these scrolls could clearly be seen the King's own handwriting where he had taken detailed notes regarding any problems or alterations that had been discussed before either discarding the bit of business or signing his approval and handing it to his scribe to make copies for distribution. So glared at the offending man as he opened scroll after scroll and began to read. "Proposed renovations for the Royal Bath: a network of copper piping will be run below the inner bath from a special chamber to provide the Royal Family with a constant stream of hot water. This will serve two purposes: first, it will spare the occupant of the pool the discomfort of cooling water. Second, and more importantly, this will make it far more difficult to poison the King, as in the case of Hyejong, the Second King of Goryeo." So paused in his reading to glance up at his Chancellors with a coldly amused glint in his eyes, "A reasonable alteration. And yet, it was denied. What was the objection?" He cleared his throat contemptuously before he continued reading, "The amount of work involved is of great concern to the Chancellors; it is feared that tearing up the floors to install the copper pipes would be a great inconvenience." So raised an eyebrow at them, "'Inconvenience?' Hmm. Well, maybe the next one will be more reasonable. Ah, yes. One of my favorites. The proposal to improve the gardens. What was the objection this time? 'It is feared that the noise would be a distraction to the Chancellors.' And the next...Changing the paint color in the throne room to a slightly warmer shade. 'It is feared that the smell would cause fainting spells among the Chancellors.'"

Yeon-Hwa bit back a smile as the Chancellors all began to shift uncomfortably, "Very well, Paeha. But...What is the point?"

Even Yeon-Hwa jumped in surprise as So shot to his feet, hurling the scroll in his hands at the Chancellor in front of him, "The point?" He whispered dangerously, "The point, gentlemen, is that every single objection that has been brought up has been brought up by all of you. And what has this gotten us?" The King stood and hefted an armful of new, unopened scrolls which he began to systematically open and throw on the floor at the foot of the throne. "Months of additional work and added expense that has been so long delayed that I wonder if it will be finished by next year, let alone the short six-month project I had in mind! Therefore...I think it would be more appropriate that you make up for the damage done to the royal coffers. Perhaps by taking less of your salaries until such time as the renovations are completed?" So smiled evilly, "Yes, I think that will be just perfect. Since you are the reason that the renovations have been taking so long, you will be the ones funding it until everything is completed. I am rather fond of the idea, myself. What do you say of your salaries?" The Chancellors instantly began to bellow their objections, but So slammed his fist down on the desk in front of him, "ENOUGH," he roared. "It has been decided. There will be no raising of taxes to make up for your failures. Now, I think we can manage to get this finished before the month is over, don't you?" At last, the Chancellors fell silent and hung their heads in embarrassment, "Yes, I thought as much. Now, what other business do we have to see to today?"

For the next hour, Court consisted of details of upcoming festivals, troop movements, district reports, and so on. His mind began to wander, as it frequently did, to his beloved Hae Soo. It had been ten years since he'd lost her, and he missed her every day – especially during moments like these. He was so consumed with memories and wishful thinking concerning his beloved that So hardly spoke for the remainder of the session until a matter was raised that frequently turned his stomach. "Now, the matter of taking another wife, Paeha..."

So glanced up from the scroll in his hands with a look of revulsion, "Another wife? Don't you think I have quite enough of those? My evenings are busy enough as it is with the half-dozen wives you forced upon me without taking yet another wife." So sighed heavily, "Who is it this time?"
The Chancellor perked up, "Oh, she's perfectly lovely, Paeha. Young, too."

So froze for a moment, "How young?"

The Chancellor smiled widely, "Yes, I thought that might catch your attention. She's only thirteen, Paeha."

So raised an eyebrow, "Thirteen? To my thirty-eight?" The Chancellor's smile grew as So stood and walked slowly down from his pedestal towards the man. He stood for a long moment, staring into the man's revolting face, finally allowing a small smile to flick his lips upward slightly. The Chancellor began to chuckle for a heartbeat before So brought his hand up as hard as he could, slapping the man across the face and sending him sprawling. Bending low over the man, So spoke in a sneer, "You disgust me. The girl is hardly more than a child, and you wish me to take her as my bride? She is only just coming into womanhood, and you want me to take her into my bed? You make me sick." His hands trembled in rage as he snapped to the room, "Get out. NOW! Before I change my mind about letting you go."

The King's rage echoed through the throne room as the Chancellors all bowed hastily and rushed from the room, none daring to test the King's temper any further. So sighed heavily as he heard footsteps approach him from behind, "You did well, Paeha. They will likely speed the remaining renovations along as quickly as they can."

So turned sharply to look at the Queen, "What made you think I wasn't talking to you as well?" So snapped coldly.

Yeon-Hwa drew back in surprise, shock at the venom in his voice flitting across her face for a short moment before she collected herself and bowed respectfully, "Of course, Paeha. I will leave you alone." She bowed again and backed quickly out of the throne room. She paused outside the door and sighed heavily, thinking about the past ten years and how her King had changed.

"Eomma?" Came a quiet voice from behind her, "Is Father alright?"
Yeon-Hwa sighed again, "Yes, dear. He's fine. I think he's just thinking about someone who died a long time ago."

So paced slowly back to the throne, climbed the stairs, and slumped back into his seat. I hate this place, he thought to himself. It was just a short eleven years ago that Hae Soo had been beside him in this very room. Staring into nothingness, a pillar caught his eye, a memory flashing into his mind. Soo had hidden playfully behind that pillar, peeking out when she thought So may have had time to see her. So laid his face in his hands as the tears began to well in his eyes again, Oh, Soo. What a fool I was. There were so many ways I could have kept you with me and yet I just let you walk away. It should have been me you spent your last days with, not Jung. What I would give to feel her here beside me again. Just one more night with her; one more afternoon with her head on my shoulder as I work. One more morning to wake watching her sleep. So's shoulders shook as the tears began to fall silently as more memories and regrets filled his mind.

Soft footsteps alerted him to someone's presence and he bit back a groan, "I thought I ordered I be left alone," he snapped into the room.

Warm and gentle hands were laid on his cheeks; So noticed abstractly that they seemed too rough to be Yeon-Hwa's. A quiet, ghostly chuckle made So freeze in shock as there was a silent beat before an equally ghostly voice echoed through the chamber, "You did, but I thought you might make an exception if it was me."

So's head snapped up as he stared in shock at the slightly opaque form standing before him, "Soo...Ya?" Came the King's stunned whisper, "How...How is this possible?"

Hae Soo chuckled and came to sit beside her beloved, leaning her head on his shoulder as she did in life. "I was lonely, so I thought I'd visit you. Are you well?"

So shook his head, "No. I'm not well. Not well at all. The only reason I ever agreed to become King was to better protect you, but now you're gone and I'm left with this position I never wanted, and a half-dozen wives that I can hardly bear to look at. Though, I must admit...My children are something of a comfort to me. But it is a small comfort on days like this."

Soo nodded, "I know," she whispered, "I feel exactly the same. My days are cold and empty without you. I wasn't sure it would even work, wishing so hard to see you again, but it did." She glanced up at his face; below the foundation he always wore, she could see lines that had not been present the last time she'd seen him, "How long has it been for you?"

So shuddered at the question, "Ten years," he whispered, his voice cracking on the last word. "Our daughter is well. Jung dotes on her lavishly, and yet she remains unspoiled." He smiled softly at the shock on Soo's face, "You thought I wouldn't find out eventually? Don't worry; I understand why you hid her from me. She's nearly a woman now; she's fifteen, and I swear she looks just like you."

Soo smiled, tears streaking down her cheeks, "I miss her as much as I miss you, my love. I'm so sorry for leaving you."

So turned in his seat and reached hesitantly for her face, pleasantly surprised when they settled gently on her face rather than passing through her opaque form, "No. Don't be sorry for leaving; I'm the one who forced you out, remember? I was a fool, and it cost me greatly. It cost me more than I can bear." He leaned his forehead against hers, tears falling once more.

Soo patted his head gently, "Hush, now. Hush. I'm alright, I promise. Dying really wasn't all that bad. I just fell asleep here and woke up somewhere else."

So pulled back, leaving his hands on her shoulders, "Somewhere else? What do you mean?" Suddenly, he noticed that she looked...a bit odd. Glancing down, he saw that she was wearing an odd, white slip of a dress that bared her shoulders and fluttered playfully around her ankles – it was made of an odd fabric that he'd never seen before. "Soo-Ya...Where are you?"

Soo sighed sadly, "Do you remember when I told you we were not from the same time?" So nodded, "Well, I woke up back in my time. It seems like I fell into a coma when I was brought here to your time. You have no idea how I wish that I had been able to stay with you. Do you know why I left you to live with Jung?" So shook his head, confusion flashing across his face, "Because I thought it would be easier for both of us if you didn't watch my die slowly. In the end, though...I just couldn't do it so I started to write to you. Why didn't you ever answer my letters?"

So's hands clenched on Soo's shoulders, "They were in envelopes addressed by Jung. I thought they were from him."

Soo gasped, "That little...Oh, if he were here, I'd give him a piece of my mind."

So chuckled softly, "I finally did read every letter, though. I still have them; I read them now and again when I'm missing you."

"So, pretty much daily?" Soo teased.

Chuckling, So responded, "True. Yes; nearly daily lately. My heart still aches with missing you. So, it was true then? That you were from another time?"


"Well, then. It seems I only have one choice," he said quietly, "I'll just have to find a way to get home to you."

Soo's eyes filled with tears, "Oh, my love. I wish for that every day, but it's been three years since I woke up here, and I haven't so much as seen you, except in museums. I bought some paintings of you, and they hang in my house. Did you know that Baek-Ah painted the two of us together? I own it now, and it hangs in my bedroom. Probably not the best place for it, but...At least you're in my dreams every night."

So shuddered out a heavy sigh, "You have my word, Soo-Ya." He took her face in his hands, gently turning her so that she was looking him directly in the eyes, "I will find a way. I will find you again."

Soo smiled and lifted her hand to trace the scar that marred the left side of his face beneath the makeup, feeling its rough edges beneath her fingers. "I'll be waiting," she whispered. "I'm afraid I have to go, now."

So's heart clenched in his chest, "No. Soo-Ya, don't go. Please."

Soo smiled sadly at him, "I'm sorry. I'm waking up in my time, so I don't really have a choice. I still love you," she whispered as she faded from his view, leaving behind a phantom warmth in his hands and the scent of peach blossoms in the air. So moaned as his heart shattered again, falling forward into the pillows that layered the throne, sobbing quietly into his hands.

Author's Note

I know, I know. Heartbreaking beginning, but hey. Did you really expect it to be sunshine and rainbows? This is me we're talking about, here! Thanks for reading!

Lots of love - Lady Darkwind