It's the first summer morning in Royal Woods and we begin our story on the most ballistic residents, The Loud House. Lincoln Loud awakens to officially start off his day, which is a very special day for hi-

"I got it from here narrator guy" okay then, proceed.

"The narrator is right, this is special day! It's not only the first day of summer vacation but there's a special deal going on at the game n'grub, and who better then to spend it with than my best friend, Clyde".

He picks up his walkie talkie to call his frie-

"hey, I said I got it from here"

well the readers need to know what exactly you're doing and it would be weird if you were narrating your own actions.

"Oh, okay then, proceed"

alright then, he picks up his walkie talkie and calls his friend Clyde.

"Hey Clyde, ready for an awesome day at the arcade? The first game we should start off with is robot buster 5"


"and then we should move on to zombie kicker 2"


"and then we'll take a break and have some pizza, gotta keep ourselves energi-"

"LINCOLN, I can't go. My dads wanted to do a summer in Tahiti, so I'm going to be gone all summer long, so I can't hangout".

"What!? But we had somuch planned for summer. Who am I going to hangout with?

"You still got Liam, Rusty and the gang! I'm sure they'll hangout with you"

"They're all going to summer camps or going on vacation too!"

Well, what about Chandler?"

They pause for a moment. Then they both say


"Sorry for suggesting that. Well what about your sisters? I'm sure they'll hangout with you!"

"I get enough of my sisters throughout the whole year! Plus I don't think they would care about going to the arcade and reading Ace Savvy comics."

"There's always Ronnie Anne!"

"Ronnie Anne!? I don't know. We always had kind of a weird relationship!"

"It can't be any weirder than Lori and Bobby's relationship"

"What do you mean? Lori and Bobby's is as basic is it gets!"

"Yeah, but why would she get with that, when she can have all of this manliness." He flexed his nonexistent muscles.

Lincoln pinched the the bridge of his nose.

"You really gotta get over her Clyde."

"The heart wants what the heart wants Lincoln."

"Anyway, I don't really know if she would want to hangout all summer with me."

"I mean she does enjoy a lot of the things you enjoy!"

"That's true!"

"Maybe you should try asking her. It's that or you spend the summer bored and with no one to hang."

"I guess."

"Hey don't sweat it. Maybe you'll have astronger bond with her and by the end of summer you'll be best friends...just don't think of replacing me."He said in a panicky manner.

"Wouldn't dream of it buddy. Okay, thanks for the help Clyde, I'll see you at the end of summer"

he put the walkie talkie down.

"It's not that I don't like Ronnie Anne, she's cool, kind, and caring even, it's just I keep getting this feeling that there is something weird between us. We haven't had the strongest friendship! She bullied me at first but only because she liked me. I surprised kissed her only to get a black eye in return. I talked bad about her at bonded over having the same problems with Lori and Bobby. I talked bad about her again at Jeán Juan's French Mexican kissed again at the buffet. I dodged her trying to get out of going to a dance and go to the arcade instead only to find out she just wanted to go to the arcade and we had a fun time there. Then there's the egg parenting assignment we had to do, and I just assumed the worst of her thinking she would break the egg. Only to find out how nice she really is. It's just complicated. Maybe it will be fun to hang with did have fun at the arcade before." He picks up his phone and proceeds to call her.

Ronnie Anne picks up the phone.

"Hey Lincoln, what's up?

"Hey Ronnie Anne, I was thinking of going to the arcade today andI wanted to know if you wanted to join me."

"Sure, I heard they got the new skullbasher game and I need someone to help me get the high score."

"Cool! I'll come by your house in 20 minutes."

"Alright then, see you when you get here. Bye"

"Bye" he hangs up the phone

"Well that does it for the easy part now the hard part is getting out of the house without my sisters turning into a tornado trying to make me look good for Ronnie Anne."

He proceeded to get dressed in his normal attire of an orange polo shirt and blue jeans and walked out the door to ask his parents if it's okay to go to the arcade. He walked with caution making sure none of his sisters are aware of him and find out about who he's going to hangout with. He made his way down stairs to his parents bedroom and knocked on their door.

"Hey Mom and Dad, is it okay if I go to the arcade."

"Sure, are you going with Clyde?" Said his mom

"No, I'm going with (in a whispered tone)Ronnie Anne."

"Who" said his father.

"I said I'm going with (in a whispered tone) Ronnie Anne."

"Speak up we can't hear you" said his father.

Angrily he shouts. "I SAID I'M GOING WITH RONNIE ANNE!"

Then rumbling can be heard from the top of the steps indicating his doom.

"Oh no"

the sisters poked their heads out at the top of the steps. In unison they shout


They ran down making their way to Lincoln.

It was all his sister rushing through trying to get to him. The parents poked their heads out see the commotion.

"This is why I don't like telling them about Ronnie Anne." he prepared for the worst. All 9 of his sisters bombarded him by messing withhis hair, spraying him with perfume, and shoving breath mints in his mouth. He finally had enough and shouted.


All of his sisters came to a halt

"Look I know you mean well but I'm just going to the arcade to hang out with my friend who just happens to be a girl. There is nothing more to it."

"But Lincoln this can be such a good opportunity for you to finally tell Ronnie Anne your feelings." Said Leni.

"Ronnie Anne doesn't really care about feelings."

"Trust me Lincoln, when a girl hangs out with a boy there's usually some feelings involved." Said Lori.

"Think about it, little bro, you and her playing your games, then as you play, you start getting closer to one another, then before you know it, your in smooch city." Said Luna.

"I'm not trying to be in smooch city. I want to be in high score city."

"Listen to us Lincoln and you'll SCORE big time with her. Heh heh heh, get it. Said Luan.

"Ugh" said everyone except for Lynn Sr.

"Hahaha, good one honey" said Lynn Sr.

"Look, I just want to have a fun day at the arcade with my friend! I'm trying not think about romance while crushing zombies in zombie kicker 2. Let me just go as I am without having to doll myself up."

"Fine but don't think there isn't something deeper there. There always is." Lori said smugly.

"I'm pretty sure there isn't." He proceeded to walk out the front door and close it behind him. Siblings can be such a pain, can't they?

"You have no idea Narrator, you have no idea."

he started to make his way towards Ronnie Anne's house.

End chapter 1.

AN: This is mainly going to be a story about Lincoln and Ronnie Anne's relationship and then trying to figure out where they stand. There won't be many interactions with the families. It's mainly about them talking to each other, figuring things out for themselves. Their will be some moments of them talking to others for some guidance but mostly about how they themselves can tackle these new emotion. The narrator will not have much of presence other then to say who's doing what. They'll interact for comedic effect but that's it. See you in the next chapter.