Disclaimer: I own nothing, characters belong to Stephenie Meyers.

Chapter 9


As I pulled up to the house to pick up Alice, she was already on the porch but she was sitting down. When she saw me pull up, she ran to my car and began apologizing. "I'm so sorry, Edward! Please don't be mad!"

"Alice," I put my hands on both of her shoulders to try and calm her down, "Alice, breathe, what's wrong?"

"Mom found out…" I didn't hear what she said after, she had probably continued apologizing. I ran into the house to see Tanya and Esme on the couch, whispering to each other as they watched a television show.

"Edward, what is this I hear about some girl staying at our cabin?" Esme asked turning to face me as I walked in.

"Is that girl that we met at the store? I knew she was bad news!"

"Okay, you both need to calm down. I have been paying for everything-"

"Edward, son, you have a good heart. But, if you are paying for everything… It sounds like this girl is using you."

"Mom, that's not what I meant. I meant that I'm paying for electricity. Bella has a job, Alice and I watch her daughter while she's at work. She's paying me to get groceries, she's also saving up to get her own home." I was hoping my argument was strong enough to hold Esme off. When she didn't say anything, I took a deep breath and continued. "At least, come with me and meet her. Mom, she's a nice girl, she's the little girl that I shared my ice cream with on the bench when I was 8. Please, come meet her."

"Mrs. Cullen…" Tanya began turning up the television until she caught our attention. Did it ever catch my attention.

"We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming to bring you news of a fire on the west side of Forks, WA. The fire looks to have started at a cabin and has since begun to spread, firefighters are arriving on scene now to begin putting the flames out…"

"Edward!" Esme called but I was already on my way to my car.

"Edward, what's wrong?" Alice asked, jumping into the car without even knowing what had happened. "Edward, what happened? Talk to me!"

"The cabin is on fire." Alice began ranting off questions, asking if Bella and Emily were okay, what had happened. I didn't answer her, I knew that infuriated her as she went silent after a few minutes.

When we pulled up to the cabin, there was a crowd of people already looking on to see what had happened. Firefighters were working hard to put the fire out, they were doing a good job. Jumping out of my car, I began scanning the crowd to find sight of Bella.

"Edward! She's over here!" Alice called, pointing a fireman out to me I could clearly make out Bella's small figure holding Emily and talking to the man. Walking over to her, I put my hands on her shoulder, she jumped a little but calmed down when she saw me.

"Edward! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean for this to happen! Your cabin is ruined!" She cried, she set Emily down next to us so I could give her a hug.

"What happened?"

"Mike, Mike came and we got into an argument. I don't know how the fire started, I didn't see. But… The good news out of all of this is Mike is in police custody. He's gone." Bella looked so happy as she spoke of Mike's arrest.

"Sir, was this your cabin?" The fireman finally asked.

"Yes, well it's under the name of my parents. Carlisle and Esme Cullen," I told him, I was becoming very aware of the fact that my arm was around Bella's shoulder.

"I'm Esme," I turned and saw Tanya and my mom standing behind us. "I'll speak with you in just a minute sir."

"Mom," I began but she held her hand up and began looking Bella and Emily up and down.

"You must be the girl that was staying here," Bella nodded meekly as Esme took a deep breath. "Well, you can't sleep here. Edward, take her home and get her and her daughter set up in Alice's room."

"It'll be like a slumber party!" Alice jumped in, picking Emily up she smiled. "We are going to have so much fun!"

"Alice, she has a bed time," Bella said shaking her head a little bit. She turned to Esme and gave her a small smile. "I'm so sorry about your cabin. I shouldn't have been here. You have a really great son, he helped me out a lot."

"I know," Esme said giving her a smile in return. "Why don't you go on with Alice and Edward. I'll be there shortly."

As the girls walked off, I stayed behind to give my mom a hug. "Thank you. She doesn't have anyone in her corner."

A/N: Okay… Excuses for not updating sooner, let's see… I've been working, I just haven't brought myself to write this chapter… I don't know, anyway! I finally got a chapter out and I know it's short, sorry for that guys. I hope y'all enjoyed it, leave a review!

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