The halls were filled with the monochrome scheme of black and grey with accents of gold. I fought the urge to cower into Riddick's side as we were taken into a room with a strange feel to it. Riddick was sent to the center while I was escorted up into the seats that surround the room.

"Tell me. Do you enjoy being his consort?" The slick voice of Dame Vaako intruded on my thoughts as I watched Riddick bowing in pain.

"I am not his 'consort'. I am his and he is mine." My eyes never left his struggling form, but I stayed wary of this eel of a woman. "His 'ownership' is conditional. As is mine. Fidelity must be absolute. To say I am a consort would cheapen my worth to him."

"He has not taken others?" She seemed surprised. I guess it's the norm here, for women to be seen as assets with a little more dignity. "How odd."

"Not really." I dismissed. I listened to the shrieking of the quasi-deads about Furyans. Fuck. Time to go. "Not when the animal inside is a loyal thing." I flashed a grin to her stunned face before vaulting over the railing, to Riddick.

"Kill the Riddick! Kill the Riddick! Kill the Riddick!" The creepy things chanted.

"Kill the Riddick! And the girl!" The lord marshal exclaimed. The purifyer deactivated whatever gravity simulator was holding him down, and I was pulled by the scruff of my clothes to Riddick's side as he killed a few soldiers that got in the way before he pulled me with him to be hidden by one of the panels of the quasi-dead. From there, it was running. And we had done plenty of that. My mind was on autopilot, completely zoning out as my body dodged and evaded capture from the Necromongers.

"Stay by me." He growled and I nodded, fingering my hidden blade. A whole ship was coming for us. We ran, and dodged and weaved, glancing back to see it still on our heels. I hears shots fired, and almost tripped up when I looked back to see the ship taking a nosedive for the ground.

"Richard?!" I warned. He looked back to see what caused the alarm in my tone.

"Leg it!" He shouted back, gripping my hand before pumping his legs even faster. The ship vaulted us, and he put his hand out, blocking me from running further. I'd probably have a bruise later with the force behind that. The resulting crash was firey and chaotic. We heard footsteps echoing against the dull roar of fire. We both smelled someone familiar.

"Let me guess..." I muttered.

"A five man crew this time." Riddick affirmed. I groaned quietly. He smirked at me.

"There's a couple things you coulda' done better. First is trash the tracking beacon in my ship. The one you jacked." Toombs' voice reminded me of a chain smoker. He probably thought he was cool right now. I held back a snort. "And second, tell your woman to dust my dick when you get the chance. Any questions?" He snickered and I repressed a growl. I looked up at Riddick to find him smirking.

"Yeah..." We turned to them with empty hands as my companion spoke. "What took you so long?" I rolled my eyes. Toombs nodded toward the only female merc in the group, and she came forward with cuffs for the two of us. I glanced at my partner in mild agitation. She snapped the cuffs on him first.

"Come on, big boy." I nearly snarled at her slightly flirting tone. She turned to me in appraisal before slapping my cuffs on a bit harder than necessary. "Got a thing for the little women, it looks like." She mocked. Do. Not. Bite. I glowered at her smirking face.

"It's the little ones you gotta watch out for. They hold the most venom in their bites." Riddick chuckled. I looked up at him with confusion on my face. He gave a conspiratorial wink.

The ship was lifting off, and I had been cuffed and chained at his feet. "Suits her for being your little pet, don't ya think?" Toombs chortled. I glared up at his greasy face and leaned back against Riddick's leg the collar having just enough slack, unlike my wrists and ankles. I was stuck in a subservient pose, and the thought occurred to me as to why I was chained like this instead of how Riddick was, aside from space conservation. I was at a certain level for being taken advantage of. In front of Riddick. Only one seemed to be so depraved, but with a threatening click of my teeth, he seemed to banish the thought. Smart. Stupid, but smart.

Alarms started going off as the ship was being scanned. I glanced up at the con to see his head bowed for only me to see his face. He looked murderous. Looks like I'm not the only one who doesn't like my situation.

The mercs threw off the scanners, and Toombs turned to us.

"So where should we drop your merc killing asses? Where do you think they'd pay the most for you and your little whore? Butcher Bay?" Riddick smirked as he tilted his head up to look at the mercs.

"Butcher Bay..." He mused. "Ten minutes every other day after dog run. Protein waffles aren't bad." I wrinkled my nose. Protein waffles? Ew.

"How about Arcelona? Nice little double max prison." Toombs tried, lighting a cigarette. I almost sneezed. I hate these people. Smoke always fucks with me. By the end of this trip, my throat's gonna be burning, and I'll be unable to breathe through my nose.

"They keep a cell open for me. Just in case I drop by." Riddick replied with a grin.

"Ya know the problem with these places?" Toombs turned to his buddies. "Health clubs for waffle eating pussies. Maybe we need to think of upping our game here a little bit. Think of something truly diabolical."

"What the hell's he thinking now?" The lone female merc muttered, tossing some food in her mouth with a crunch.

"He's thinking a triple max prison; a no daylight slam. Only three of em left, two of em out of range with a shitty little ship like this one. That leaves just one. Crematoria." I jerked up at the thought at seeing Jack again. I looked up at Riddick, trying to decipher him. Couldn't in the past five years, can't now. "That is what you had in mind, right Toombs?" His smirk had grown as he spoke.

"Hey! How come he knows where we're going and we don't?" One of the guys asked, unnerved by the big man behind me. Because, dear boy, he's playing you.

"Scope it out." Toombs ordered the pilot, ignoring the question.

"I hate this run." The pilot muttered, kissing what was probably a good luck charm around his neck.

"Just. Do it." Toombs growled in his smoker voice.

"I don't know about this new crew of yours, Toombs. They're very... what would you call it, sweetheart?" He angled his head at me and I chuckled.

"Skittish." I supplied.

"Skittish. That's the word." He approved, and if his hand was free, he probably would have pet my head. "They're very skittish. Probably shouldn't tell 'em what happened to the last one."

I snickered. "I promise we won't tell." I teased. The stench of fear began to cloud the ship and I fought back a full blown laugh. It was swallowed down as Toombs swaggered up to us, leaning down to talk in Riddick's face, smoke billowing out of his mouth.

"Ya know, you're supposed to be some slick shit killer. Now look at you. All back of the bus and shit." He mocked, not even seeing the twitch in the con's jaw. He turned away. "Come on, if the course is set, let's get into cryo."

I waited for the chemicals to enter my blood stream and the mercs to go under to utter under my breath for only Riddick's ears. "They really don't know what they're in for."

"Yeah, but none of us really do." He murmured back. "Get some rest baby girl. It's gonna be a while between stops." I leaned into his legs and obeyed, closing my eyes.

We took turns resting, nudging each other lightly when we were going to sleep. We stayed silent through the trip, keeping up with the guise of being under in case one of the idiots woke up. It was my turn to sleep when just that happened. And she was horny, apparently. I felt a boot step on my hand and barely avoided giving away that cryo didn't put me under. She was climbing onto him, smelling his sweat. I held back the growl as I smelled her arousal. I probably would have lost it if I had smelled his, too, but apparently, she didn't do it for him. There was a slide of material against flesh, probably her curiosity getting the better of her. She sucked in a breath and nearly bowled me over, if he hadn't caught her leg between his own.

"Did you know, you grind your teeth in your sleep?" He asked, amused. The scent of arousal soured to fear and I bit back a grin, struggling to keep a straight face. She managed to get free, breath uneven. I opened my eyes, carefully shaking out my injured hand with a glare. Her eyes darted down to me, and her eyes widened further. "Sexy." Riddick mocked. I snickered. Just then, the ship began beeping as she backed away, and the others started coming to. I looked up at my partner and smirked.

I ignored them all as I locked eyes with him and he gave a grin. He pushed himself up to use the ceiling to push his goggles back down. The crew were beginning to panic as the ship began to heat up, barely managing to slide into the haven of the ship dock with a sigh of relief.

"Real skittish, Toombs." Riddick reiterated. I snickered at the mercs' faces.

"Get 'em up. Let's go." Toombs demanded, pushing his crew into gear. We were escorted none too gently to the transport to the main part of the prison. Riddick was strapped down, and I was chained back down by his feet. One of the greasy fuckers groped my ass, and I snarled.

"Don't touch what isn't yours, pig." Riddick growled in response to my words, but the stupid molester just laughed and sat on the con. The ride started and I was hardly paying attention to the others as I glared balefully at the fucker who dared to touch me. He leaned over and licked his fingers before rubbing them on Riddick's goggles lenses.

"When we get where we're going, your goggles are mine." The fucker taunted. I growled threateningly, only calming when I heard Riddick's foot tapping in time, with something. I stared at his boot, watching it tap a few more times before Riddick bucked upwards, having the guy get thrown back, dead, as his head hit the light. The others looked back to see they were one man short. They eyed Riddick and I curiously, and I snorted as Riddick shrugged. Toombs started cracking up.

"Four way split!" Toombs crowed, pleased with himself. The others wisely stayed quiet for the duration of the ride.

"And who is this?" One of the men leered at me and I snarled at him.

"Riddick's whore. Killed one of my men, so figured, she would fit right in." Toombs snorted. The other men stared at me with varying degrees of interest. "How much for the both of 'em?"

I ignored as the prison upkeeps and the mercs hashed out the prices on our heads, instead choosing to pay attention to the locking mechanism on my chains.

They hooked me to the chain further up than him as he was suspended in the air a ways down. As I was getting lowered into the hole, the resounding beat of the prisoners clanging things in unison, adding tension for the arrival of fresh meat. Riddick began to pull himself up, spinning to give himself enough room to break his chains, I assumed. I checked my shirt for the few pins I kept in case and began unlocking my cuffs. Just as he broke free, I latched onto the chain,carefully working on my second lock. The cuff fell free, and I looked down to see all threats disposed of. I slid down quickly, noting Riddick staring at something. Or rather, someone.
