Sorry if this story's not quality. I'm mostly doing this to get a better grasp on doing personalities. Some changes are on purpose, like wolf Faunus Ruby being more reserved and shy, but I'm still going to try to keep the personalities intact. I keep doing this- I write a fair bit, then I close it and it deleted it by accident- this is my second time re-writing. Anyways, I'm sorry if I don't do good personalities, or if my action scenes are off, or anything like that. I may roleplay alot, but that doesn't mean that I'm good at making stories. However, I figure doing this would help me become better roleplayer. Thank you for reading this, and I hope you enjoy, even a little bit. Also, We'll be doing 3rd person (slightly less limited) as POV. Basically, I'm doing 3rd person but only seeing Ruby's thoughts. Well, until POV Changes, that is. Finally, I've watched pretty much only volume 1, but have watched some volume 2- I've been doing my research, though. And since there's no existing Lien scale, I'm gonna say about Two lien equals one dollar.

"Speaking, with the characters 'quoting people.' "


August 26th, 4115

A small, Red-Cloaked wolf Faunus named Ruby walked along the side of the streets, looking around and taking in the sights. She basically had to focus on stopping her tail from unfurling from under her clothes and wagging, and was happy enough to keep her cloak up to keep her ears from showing. She walked a bit, counting the Lien she had been given from some people who were being attacked by grim while she was outside of Vale. They had thanked her, and wouldn't take no for an answer. She didn't want to take such a huge amount- Atleast, huge to her, anyways- But they had insisted, giving her 15,000 Lien. Most of that- "Most" Being around 10,000- was spent trying to create her "Baby," as she calls it- Crescent Rose. She had built it out of abandoned scrap and other materials beforehand, but that wasn't a sniper rifle- Now, her current Baby, that was a mix between a sniper and a scythe. A Scyfle... or a Scycher? Also it could be a Snythe. She could think on what it would classify as later. She skipped along happily as her thoughts wandered over to her weapon, and possible only friend, Crescent Rose. She had finished construction yesterday, but haven't got a chance to use her new High Impact Sniper-Scythe in combat yet. She walked into a nice looking- And good smelling, as well- Bakery. She walked over, pulling out about 30 Lien to get a plate full of strawberry cookies, seeing as they had those in stock here. She basically had to struggle to keep her tail from wagging happily, and she was practically bouncing at the thought of finally being able to eat more strawberries- She's been deprived from her personal addiction lately, and getting them in cookie form would just make her happier about it. After getting a small plastic plate with a fair amount of cookies ontop, she shot out with her semblance, making sure the cookies didn't topple- Leaving a very confused, but tipped, Shopkeeper.
She walked over to a bench, slightly allowing her tail to move a bit- Restricting it all day had some.. Negative effects, that she had to use her aura to fix, for the most part. It would ache, and it would sometimes hurt terribly, but... It's worth it- She's been beaten up for simply a glance of her ears before. She shook her head, clearing these thoughts, and focusing on the Cookies- And started devouring them quickly, taking in the scent of the strawberry cookies, and the taste. Within two minutes she was done with the small plate, skipping over to a public trash can and throwing the plate in, as not to litter.

Time skip ( A few hours)

Ruby sighed lightly as she went to approach her favorite dust shop, From Dust till Dawn. It was a good store- And very Faunus friendly... And the owner doesn't seem to know about the fact that wolf Faunus are mostly frowned upon by both races- Humans AND Faunus. She waved a small greeting at the man, which he easily returned, and went back to reading... Whatever he was reading. Ruby sighed as she continued walking, putting on some headphones over her normal ears. Although they do make Faunus-friendly headphones, most of them discriminate against her after they realized what she is- a wolf Faunus. She put on one of her favorite songs, humming along while walking over to the weapons catalogue. She may have already created Crescent Rose, but... Weapons. Creating weapons from scrap was a great form of stress release for her, as well as making Crescent Rose. She flipped open the magazine, looking at some of the weapons in there. ;;Oooh, is that a Machine gun Sword!? Aaah! That's a Explosive Mace! Oooh that's so cool!'' While she was busy looking at the neat weapons, in the front of the dust shop, a group of people walked in through the front...

The leader asked a fairly rhetorical question. "Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a dust shop open this late?" One of the lackeys pulled out a dust-fueled pistol, it making a very threatening noise, and pointing it at the shopkeeper. "Please! J-Just take my Lien and leave..." The shopkeeper said quickly, stuttering slightly- He was pretty frightened. "Hey, just calm down. We're not here for your money... Grab the dust." The five lackeys all went to work immediately, pulling out steel dust capsules and filling them up with the dust on the side, while one goes to look around the store to check around.

Ruby sighed at hearing the scene, tucking her wolf ears down harder to where they're hidden under her hair and turning up the volume on her headphones. One of them was approaching her, and that would be a good chance to get a surprise attack and take atleast one of them out, two if lucky. Her wolf ears vaguely registered the footsteps behind her, the music in her headphones being fairly loud. "Alright kid, put your hands where I can see them." She registered him speaking behind her... He wasn't close enough, though. She registered footsteps approaching her. A hand lands on her shoulder and turns her around, the one behind the hand saying "Hey, you got a death wish or something?". She turned with the hand, acting clueless while making a slight questioning noise at him. The grunt pointed at his ear, with her taking off her headphones slightly after. "Yes?" She resisted the urge to sound triumphant- He's in her trap. "I said, put your hands in the air, NOW!"... Wait a second... "Are you... Robbing me?" "YES!" "ooooh..." Time to put her plan into action... She kicked him hard, using her aura to enhance it, sending him flying across the store. She started walking towards the front of the store to take care of the rest of the thieves, one of them approaching with that dust gun she heard earlier. She quickly leaped into action, leaping at the one wielding a dust gun with an aura-enhanced jump, using enough force to send herself and him out the window, sending it shattering to the ground. Some of them looked out the window, with Rose quickly taking out Crescent Rose, supressing a squee of joy. She was finally gonna get to use Crescent Rose in real combat! She's used scythes before, but her baby has yet to see any real use, other then on training dummies. She would be careful, though, as not to kill anyone. "What are you waiting for? Get her!" At the drop of the metaphorical pen, All the grunts started rushing her- and she immediately jumped into action. For the first grunt, she swung her scythe into the ground, swinging on it and launching herself at him, landing on his face and kicking off, flying back over to her scythe, her picking it up and using the handle of it to smack another lackey down, sending him crumpling to the floor. She then used the recoil of her scythe to send herself flying up, before spinning in midair with her recoil helping her spin, and throwing her scythe at one of them- making sure that the blunt end would hit him for sure, she let loose, and it went flying- hitting him straight in the head, sending him flying with a light twirl. She quickly fell to the ground, picking her Crescent Rose back up, Before being filled with a sense of pride. ;;Her scythe was so... AWESOME! Calm down, Ruby. It's fine. Take out the final criminal, first... Aaaand he's aiming at me. What was he saying again? Something about... 'say good'-;; Her train of thought was cut short by a fire dust round being shot at her alarmingly quickly. She brought up her scythe just in time, the heat burning her slightly. She shook herself, head swinging around to find the criminal while resisting her urge to use her wolf ears to their maximum efficiency to hear where he went- noticing him almost all the way on the roof of a nearby building after a small bit of swiveling. Quickly turning to the shopkeeper, who as in the doorway, she shot him a question. "You gonna be okay if I chase after him?" After getting a noise of affirmation from him, she quickly shot after the criminal, using her semblance to go even faster, reaching the ladder using the recoil of her gun to launch herself higher before grabbing on and climbing. She jumped off the ladder, using her scythe to get recoil to launch her towards the middle, landing there- Only for her sensitive wolf ears to pick up the sounds of a bullhead. She hesitated a moment, the noise bothering her sensitive wolf ears, before realizing that the criminal was only on- and something landed at her feet... She barely registered it as a fire dust crystal before a bullet struck it, exploding it and sending her flying, with her noticing someone landing on the building where the dust crystal exploded... With the person proceeding to attack the bullhead with a riding crop. That was Ruby's last sight before she faded out of consciousness.