I have had this idea in my head for a long time, and there didn't seem to be a lot of brotherly Toshiro/Ichigo relationships going on. Therefore, I decided to make one myself. If you guys have any suggestions, please tell me!

Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach or any of its characters.

Toshiro knew he shouldn't be here.

It was punishable by exile should it be discovered that he had snuck into the Human World unauthorized. But he couldn't go back to Seireitei until he had come to his own conclusion about what had happened to his captain. Toshiro didn't believe for a second that Captain Shiba had been felled while in the Human World. His captain was too strong and, although he hated to admit and would never say it aloud, too smart to be defeated by a Hollow. That meant that there was another reason for his captain's disappearance. And he was determined to find out what.

Toshiro was currently searching Karakura Town and hopping from roof to roof, peering into the windows for a glimpse of his captain. Although it was unlikely that he would find him hiding in a home, his captain had done stranger things and he wanted to be thorough in his search. Glancing into a window, he immediately turned away from the naked couple on the bed.

Definitely not the captain, he thought, it's a good thing Matsumoto isn't here or I'd never hear the end of it.

Toshiro could hear her voice in his head now, taunting him about how a "cute, little kid" was actually a closet pervert. She'd laugh and ruffle his hair, promising to keep it a secret and then spreading it to the entirety of Squad 10 within a day.

Yep, definitely a good thing.

Continuing his search, he started to approach a nondescript shop. He had heard from some of the underlings about an exiled Shinigami Captain who had taken root in this town. Despite his "criminal" status, if you needed something and you were in the area, you came to him. Well, Toshiro needed a missing captain, so there he was.

Leaping off a connected roof and landing in front of the shop, he approached the entrance and knocked, shuffling his feet. He could vaguely hear something shattering inside and a brief explosion, followed by coughing. Pounding footsteps started to get closer and Toshiro barely had enough time to move out of the way before the entrance was flung open and a man popped out, coughing. Smoke billowed outside and Toshiro raised an eyebrow. As far as first impressions go, he wasn't impressed.

Debating whether or not to make his presence known (could this man even see him?), the man flipped around towards Toshiro and spread out his arms.

"Welcome to the Urahara Shoten!" the man proclaimed.

Toshiro raised his other eyebrow. The man was covered in soot and was wearing a ridiculous hat with green and white stripes. The hat went with a matching green robe and a pair of clogs to finish the assemble.

Toshiro was definitely not impressed.

He sighed, knowing that in order to find his captain he had to interact with this man. Kisuke Urahara, while not known for his shining personality, was revered for his intellect. If something had happened to his captain in the Human World, then Urahara would know of it.

Steeling himself, Toshiro stepped forward.

"You are Kisuke Urahara, correct?" he asked.

The man smiled. "The one and only! And how may I help my new customer, Mr. Shinigami?" Urahara crowed.

Toshiro could feel his head start to pound. He had just met him and already he knew that Urahara would aggravate.

Do it for the captain.

"I am currently looking for the captain of Squad 10, Isshin Shiba," Toshiro began, "I was told that you were well-informed about the happenings of the Human World. Would you happen to know where I may find him?"

Urahara placed his hand on his chin, giving off the impression that he was thinking. But Toshiro wasn't fooled. He could see the glint in his eyes. Urahara might be able to fool others, but not him. He knew exactly where the captain was.

"Why are you looking for him, Third Seat Hitsugaya?" Urahara said, ignoring Toshiro's startled look. "Yes, I know who you are. Shouldn't you be preparing to take the captain's test instead of searching for a dead Shinigami?"

Toshiro gritted his teeth. He had been approached by the Head Captain to replace Captain Shiba, but he refused to take the test until he either found his captain and brought him back, or found out why he vanished. Only then would he accept being the Squad 10's captain.

"We both know that he isn't dead, Urahara. The captain wouldn't be defeated by a mere Hollow, so that means that he has to be in the Human World," Toshiro said, ignoring Urahara's second question. He had his reasons for coming here, and he had no intention with sharing them with this shady Shinigami.

Urahara considered him for a moment, his eyes seemingly picking apart Toshiro. He must have passed whatever test Urahara had given him, for the glint in his eyes seemed to lighten.

"And what exactly do you plan to do when you find him?" he asked.

Toshiro's heart started to quicken. He was right. His captain was here.

"I plan on finding out what happened to him and hopefully bring him back to Soul Society," Toshiro responded.

Urahara merely raised his hand and pointed towards the direction that Toshiro had come from. "He's currently residing in Karakura Town in a large yellow building with a green roof. You can't miss it."

Toshiro knew that building. He had looked through the window and had only seen an orange-haired woman making food. He had deemed her unimportant and had moved on. Now she suddenly seemed very important.

Toshiro turned to leave, throwing out a thank-you behind his back, when Urahara grabbed his shoulder. His face was devoid of emotion and Toshiro was filled with dread. Was his captain injured? Had that woman been keeping him captive?

Urahara let go of him. "Before you go, I have a very important question for you," he started. Raising his hand towards the shop, he pointed at the entrance. Toshiro prepared himself for the worse.

"Would you like some tea before you go?"

Toshiro looked at Urahara's blank face before visibly forcing himself to turn around and leave. He could hear Urahara's laughter behind him.

If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't know where the captain is. That's the only reason I'm not gutting him.

Proud of his sound reasoning, Toshiro mentally patted himself on the back before landing on the roof of the white building. It wasn't that far from the Urahara Shoten, Toshiro realized, and the gaudy coloring stood out. Toshiro wasn't surprised that this was where his captain was. Only he would pick a building as ugly as this.

Scaling the side of the building, Toshiro peered inside. The woman was still standing in the kitchen, stirring what had to be some sort of soup. Toshiro could smell it from outside. Whoever the woman was, she was a good cook. Preparing to enter through the window, Toshiro paused as the woman turned to get something from a drawer. Toshiro flinched when he realized that she was heavily pregnant. A foreboding feeling filled Toshiro as his mind came up with a reason his captain would be living here.

He didn't!

Toshiro climbed the side of the building, following the woman as she retrieved a ladle from the drawer and filled two bowls with soup before heading to the dining room. Finding a window that showed the room, Toshiro started when he saw his captain sitting there, waiting. As the woman put the food on the table, the captain rose up to meet her, embracing her. Toshiro looked on stunned before scowling.

Of course he did.