Title: Human

Author: Metis' mischief

Summary: Harry Potter's life changed drastically, turning around 160 degrees completely. In an accident, he turned into a creature of the dark, feared by all. When the temptation for the call of the blood and flesh becomes too much for Harry. He becomes desperate and seeks help but many of his friends and colleagues turned away from terror and disgust. True bonds are revealed. Friendships are tested. Draco Malfoy, an old enemy, unexpectedly, becomes the light of Harry's dark world.

Disclaimer: This scripture was based from the characters and scenes from the astonishing novels: Harry Potter series by J.K Rowling, and as an aspiring writer, I have no rights and claims to these fantastic novels but I dare say, what I only own are the ideas in this tale: HUMAN

Author's notes: This tale focus on the darker aspect of life, such as blood, flesh, temptation, betrayal, hatred, and, revenge along with it is hope and love. You have been warned!

Note: I am sorry for the delay. Busy as hell because of the Quarantine And COVID cases uprising here in my place, especially when you a health care provider. Oh well! On to the story.

From the previous chapter:

"Har...ry, let me b-breathe..." He whispered in a breathy and raspy tone as his lips were so red and pulp from kissing.

I realize that I was too forceful as I muttered an apology but my mind was still on kissing him.

How single-minded am I!

After, what seems to be an eternity of waiting, Draco finally looks at me and chuckles breathlessly. "Do you still want to kiss me?"

I stared at him as my eyes widen and whispered, "Yes."

His arms that I held up as soon as they were released, enclosed around my neck, and then he whispered to my ear, "Please continue, Harry."

I shiver.

I took him in my embrace in an eager, passionate way and my tongue seemed to disappear inside his mouth as he let my tongue slip past his redden lips and I dive desperately as if I needed a part of him to breathe.

I am overwhelmed and captivated by this man.

End of the previous chapter.

Chapter 20: WATER from your Eyes (PART 1)

After that nerve-wracking and butterfly fluttering long kiss between us, Draco and I, finally separated in favor wanting to ...uhmm... calm down and think before doing anything drastic which I almost couldn't do as I couldn't stop kissing or thinking of Draco.

Everything about him was so addictive and mesmerizing, that I have to admit my full defeat.

Okay, I got it. I am in love with Draco Freaking Malfoy. My ex-enemy, an arrogant prick, a pureblood, and finally, a male. Hey! There's nothing wrong with being gay but in my entire life, up to this point, I thought I was straight not until Draco.

I don't know if being a dark creature is more sinful than cheating on your girlfriend with your ex-rival.


Draco and I settled down in the living room as we sat on the lounge in front of the fireplace as the fire burns the chopped logs, it creaks and breaks. Draco's house-elf pops in front of us as space where she appears crackles, bringing with her, a pot of chocolate drink with three cups and freshly baked cookies then disappear again with a snap, after Draco thanks her with a dazzling smile.

Taking a sip from my cup as I try to feel comfortable with the air of tension that sits between us. I felt awkward about how to go about this situation but at the same time, I felt impatient as I just really want to touch him.

His soft blonde hair that wasn't gelled back, his elegant pose as he sips his chocolate drink looks beautiful and sexy, his skin that was healthy pale and smooth as I have felt when I held him, his grey eyes that brightens in interest or darkens with desire when we kissed and those lips...

I can go on and on if I really want to.

"Like what you see?" He suddenly told me as he smirked at me apparently he caught me staring at him or more like ogling in a perverted way.

I blushed as I heard him then I just cleared my throat but didn't deny his accusation. He seems to like my silent yes to his question as he smiled brightly at me and slide towards me, making it that no space was between us.

My heart soared. 'How many times does this guy plans to stop my heart from beating?'

"So. What is your plan, Harry?" He asked.

"Plan?" I was startled with his unexpected question.

"With all of these happening to you, what are you planning to do?" He clarified as he set down his cup and face his whole body towards me. Giving me his full attention.

I stared at my cup as I swirl the liquid while I trying to gather my thoughts on this matter but I couldn't think of anything in this particular moment. "I don't have plan, Draco," I admitted. "I don't have an idea of what to do."

"How about your friends, Harry?" He asked again. "The others? Sirius, your godfather?"

A wave of raging anger flushes out of me as I remember how they turn their back at me. The memory of it was so strong that I snarled. "What about them?!"

"Have you thought of talking to them?" He probed forward as he laid his hand over mine.

"No," I said, with a bitter tone to it. "They seem to end our relationship with just this..." I pointed myself as I was sure my features were already changing. My eyes were still green but a red hue appeared in the middle of my iris seems to remain, skin paled but not like Draco's, mine was more of greyish hint that looks so unhealthy, my height shot up which I enjoyed as a side effect of my transformation but my ears and teeth have lengthened and my nails stay sharp even if I cut them every day. "But who I am kidding. Why would they remain with me when I am becoming a horrible monster. As for Sirius and Remus, I'll talk with them when the time comes."

"Really? I think you look dashing." Draco said as he raised my face, lifting my chin gently. "If not, I would have not kissed you."

I smiled at him as he tried to smoothen my worries. "Thanks, for calling me handsome."

We laughed at our banter, lighten the intense mood. I felt relaxed after our conversation but then Draco seems to think more deeply then he raised his head.

"Then, how about us?" He uttered, with a quiet voice.

I snapped out of my mellowing and just look at his face as he asked me. My heart went different kinds of seizure as I thought the possibility of a relationship with Draco but my mind throws me off, with a 'How about Ginny?'

"I don't know," I answer with honesty. Ginny, even though she had shunned me, was still my girlfriend. "I still need to have a talk and a closure from Ginny. I can't just let her hanging there."

"I see." He said, laced with disappointment.

"But," I whispered. As soon as he heard me, he looks up with intense grey eyes, waiting for me to continue.

"What I do know is I am starting to like you, not in a friendly way, more of..." I trailed off as I could not put the right word into it.

"Sexual way?" He teased as he leaned closer and slowly breathed over my ear, making me shiver in anticipation.

"Not that!" I grumbled, in panic. "In a romantic way. You're making it that, I just only want you for your body."

"Then it means you don't lust over me?" He asked in an innocent way as he flutters his eyelashes but his words made me choke on my saliva as I felt a cluster of emotional cocktail had just shot in all through-out my veins which were lust, exasperation, excitement, and annoyance. 'He is testing my control.'

I tried to breathe slowly as I push the boiling feeling in my stomach and clench both of my fists to prevent me from grabbing on to Draco because I might just lose it and just ravage him right here and then.

I heard him laughed as his eyes gleamed wickedly and his arms reached up and wounded them around me, pulled his body, and settled down on my lap. Perfectly, comfortable as he settled down and smiled at me. "Do you?"

I felt my breath left me in a harsh gasp as I could feel his warmth, his skin touches mine.

'He'll be the death of me!' I swear. This incubus!

Giving in as I pulled his face over and kissed him deeply, pushing my tongue into his mouth aggressively. Draco moaned softly in the back of his throat, as I lightly chew on his lips and suck on his tongue. Eagerly responding to my touch and kissing, tangling his tongue with mine.

My hands started to drift towards the edge of Draco's shirt as I seek out to touch his warm skin. My fingers reached within his clothes groping his stomach, his whole body jerked and he abruptly pulled away from our kiss as he pants. "H-harry" He gasped. The way he called my name to send a strong emotion in me that made me anticipate more, I was instantly becoming hard in my trousers. I was ready to completely eat this creature within my arms as I push him on the lounge and climb on the top of him when...

"I thought I was invited for a cup of chocolate and some cookies but I guess I was wrong."

Somebody sounded out from the door. I jump from a familiar voice. 'Shit! Hermoine.'

I rush to face the door as I saw Hermoine there, looking over and contemplating on the scene she just witnessed with curiosity and amusement. "Apparently, this kind of dinning is the type that I should not be invited."

"I- I was- I mean we were-" I started but could not say anything to salvage the situation. Being walk-in by your best friend, who is also the mutual friend of your girlfriend while making out with your ex-rival is not on my list that I want to happen in my life, right!?

The real panic mode here!

As minutes pass by that seems to be hours to me. Hermoine finally giggled.

"Guys, it's okay to express your feelings with one another but I would appreciate it if you do it in the privacy of your bedrooms." She said in a completely amused tone. "Next time."

"Huh?" Idiotically, I uttered. "Your not upset?"

"Upset?" She asked in confusion. "Why would I be upset?"

"I mean I'm having an affair here with Draco, a man," I answered in a more stupid way that I almost wanted to hit myself into the wall for my stupidity.

Under me, I could hear Draco snorted as he was amused by how I am making a fool of myself. "Very intelligent of you to say. Harry, my dear. Also very original as well." He snickered. "Actually, Moine isn't blind not to see."

"Shut up," I grumbled at him without any bite on it. I was already embarrassed enough.

"What's wrong with being with Draco, even he is an arse. Being with someone who can understand you, whether its a man or a woman, it doesn't matter as long as you are happy and safe. I am absolutely fine with it." Hermoine said. "And an affair? I don't see any sort of affair here when the partner that you speak of has already rejected you, Harry."

"Hermoine..." I whispered as I slowly sat up straight and helped Draco to fix ourselves in a more presentable manner. "I need to give Ginny some sort of closure, it's the least that I could do for her."

"I already voice out my opinion on this matter, Harry. When you disappeared from Hogwarts and I was left behind, I saw their reactions towards you and I was completely baffled on how they seem to treat and abandon you even of all those years being around you and being your friend." She was in a rage as she stomped her foot and clench her fist in anger. "Ginny and Ron were unbelievable! How can they do this to you?! It's a good thing the twins were on your side as they were the who help me escape Hogwarts."

" Fred and George, huh..." I mumbled as I slowly give out a small smile. "I guess I still have friends."

The flickering embers of the fire; the creaks of the snapping of the wood was the only sound that can be heard through-out the room. The harmonious aura as turn to strain one as I felt bitter and sweet from the news of the drastic change of the options of the important people in my life, regarding me. Hermoine seems to notice my despair and flinch in guilt as she realizes how insensitive the words that she had revealed to me as she twists her hands in a nervous manner.

But I can not blame her, she must have kept it for a long time from me and just burst out from her when her emotions were high.

I open my mouth but no sound came out as I wanted to reassure her that I wasn't mad at her but no words came out from me. I could not form a convincing sentence to let her know that I wasn't affected by the news because I already expected it that much.

But alas, I was caught off guard by the rush of emotions as I felt tears fall from eyes.

'So, I still do care...'

"Harry, I am so sorry," Hermoine whispered as she tried to approach me. Remorse was painted on her face as she drew closer and patted my back.

"I thought I stop caring, Hermoine." I sobbed as I enclose my face with both my hands, unable to stop the painful assault of the unexpected emotions that just burst in my chest, like a shotgun - fast and deadly. "In all of those years, how can they leave me because of a single moment? Was our relationship, Ginny and I, was up to this point? Replaceable? Meant to be abandoned? Was my friendship with Ron has an expiration date to suddenly disappear just like that? Does he not trust me or was I not trustworthy?"

"Harry..." She muttered, lost on what she can say to comfort me.

I stayed like that withdrawn, bent, and hidden in my hands for how long, as I can't remember.

'I know that I'll never be the same again.

I lose my best-mate, Ron.

I lose my girlfriend, Ginny.

I might possibly lose my adopted family, the Weasley.

My home, Hogwarts, and the Wizardry world.

And it's all coming back to me - realizing my nightmares and my fears.

That I might lose everything that I cared for.'

Realizing that, I just cried my heart out in front of Hermoine and Draco.

For now, adios