AN: Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood evening my Imperial Storm Army! Last chapter! I know, I know. All good things must come to their end. So must this story. I have no idea what comes next, but I'm sure y'all will enjoy. I will have new stories on the board later tonight. I always meant to and I forget. Blegh. Anyways. I've lost 4 lbs since I started belly dancing! Aaaah! I'm so freaking happy and I love it so much! I love this dance so much, I find I want to dance all the time XD Alright. Nothing else to report on, I think we're all good! Let's get on with the final chapter :) When we left off, Sam a Lam is A-Ok!

beckini-Thank you darling! He doesn't.

StyxxsOmega-Sam a Lam's all good! I'm sad too, I really like this one, but it's time to move on!


Join me and Team Free Will as Mutilated Pancake on Facebook or Twitter MissPancake9

All mistakes are my own and flames are not welcome

Sam's Private Laptop Diary

So Dean's all moved in and settling in pretty nicely. We share my room of course. After I was released from the hospital I was placed on medical leave for a few weeks then I was back in the field. It scares Dean when I and our brothers have to leave for missions but he now understands how I felt when he went on solo hunts when we were younger. He also fusses over me like he use to along with our brothers.

Dean doesn't hunt much anymore and found a job as a mechanic. He also goes to school part time. He wants to own his own body shop one day. I'm proud of my big brother.

My dad pops in every now again, Dean and I forgave him after letting him stew for months on end. Bobby, Josh, Caleb, and Pastor Jim visit when they can as well. My adopted brothers approve of them.

They're still clueless of the supernatural, which is good and I want to keep it that way. I would hate to see my brothers get hurt or killed.

All in all, everyone's finally happy.

Signing off,

Sam Phantom Wolf Winchester

Sam smiled and closed down his laptop. He pushed away from his desk and headed into the kitchen where his brothers were trying to decide what was for dinner. Sam rolled his eyes and got into the mix.

The household was happy and light.

Awwwwww! Yeah, I kept Sam's adopted brothers clueless. It's for the best!

See Ya In The Next Thrilling Season of Supernatural!