Grams stood in front of me. I stared at her."it's time?" I asked. "They're ready to send me back?"

"It will only be for a short while. They're summoning the Halliwell line for Piper's son's wiccaning. You are to be there with the rest of us as part of the line. You won't have a chance to speak with them. "

"Wait, Piper had a son? What happened to Melinda?"

Grams smiled sadly. "Clearly some things were just not meant to be." She brushed my hair back from my face tenderly.

Sadness and anger welled up inside me. I was supposed to be there for this! I was supposed to be there, holding the baby, helping my baby sister take care of her baby….boy. He was supposed to be a girl. We had seen all of this. I had owned Buckland's! Phoebe had been the one to ...die.

I shook my head. I didn't want that to come to pass. But I wanted to be WITH them, not stuck in some afterworld. They couldn't even summon me, like they could Mom and Grams. I had felt them try, so many times, but THEY stopped me from having the ability to answer.

"So after this I can see them?" I asked, praying for the answer.

"Darling, I don't know. It depends on how you all do tomorrow. The Power of Three has been reconstituted, and it is strong, but you know it relies on your bonds as sisters. Seeing you again may shake them and that bond too much, never mind how it will make you feel."

"How I FEEL? How I feel is pissed, Grams. That should be me there with them, not Paige! She was never one of us. It was Piper, and Phoebe and me who grew into these powers through the lifetimes. We SAW ourselves, and not Paige. Where was Paige? Who was she? Some distant cousin? We never even met her in any of our trips to the past. "

"She had her own path to tread, Prue. She grew into her powers on her own sometimes, and sometimes with you, just as you all did. There are lifetimes the four of you have been together; they are simply ones you haven't see. When you saved Phoebe's life, things changed. Melinda no longer exists, Phoebe's power will never become what it was in that reality. Phoebe will never become a killer."

"I just miss them. So much. This isn't fair, or right. " I spun around, and almost ran directly into my mother. "Mom?" I hadn't seen her much since I'd gotten here a year or so ago.

"Hello darling." She reached for me, and I let her hold me tightly. " I understand what you're going through. Being taken from the ones you love - especially from you girls, and giving up your sister - were the hardest things I've ever had to go through. You know why the Elders have kept you apart, right?" Patty Halliwell asked.

"So we could all learn to accept my death. And so they could replace me with Paige." I said bitterly.

"Darling, no one could replace you. I promise you, Paige will never replace you for Piper & Phoebe. And Paige will always wonder about and long for the sister she never knew." Patty stroked my hair as I cried.

Patty stepped back. "I must go now, darling. It is time." I sniffed, and let her go.

Excitement bubbled up and replaced the sorrow. I would get to see my sisters! Even if it was for a moment, it was something. More than I'd had in so long. I missed them so much.

From far away, I heard their voices. "Oh Piper, Phoebe…" I whispered. The spell continued.

"I call forth from space and time

Matriarchs of the Halliwell line.

Mothers, daughters, sisters, friends,

Our family spirit without end.

To gather now in this sacred space,

And help bring this child to grace."

I felt a tug as they cast the spell, and knew this time I would be able to answer.

In a whirl of light, the world I was in dissapeared, and reformed into the manor.