Hello beautiful people! My apologies for this update taking way longer than I anticipated! I'm an assistant director at this summer camp for middle school age kids and my schedule got crazy busy before camp started and has been jam packed obviously since our sessions began. It's a lot of fun, but a lot of work as well-like every time I think I'll have a chance to write someone's parent calls me lol. The cool thing though is that my brother is a counselor at the same camp so we get to work together while he's home from college for the summer which has been a ton of fun so far. Also, the kids love that we're siblings-I haven't quite figured out what the fascination is with that yet-but as long as they find it amusing I guess it's all good.

How crazy is it that Tuesday is the series finale of PLL?! I don't think it's hit me yet. Thank goodness are ladies are FINALLY together and in love and just so damn happy. I have to admit I was really worried about how the writers were going to put Emison together after the whole forced pregnancy story line, but I have to say I've been pleasantly surprised. 7x16 was probably my favorite Emison episode ever because they were acting like such a married couple the entire episode-fighting about vitamins and giving each other stubborn side eyes at school later that night was just too funny! Also, that was the episode where Ali finally said "I love you" to Emily and everything about that scene just made my heart flutter. ((Of course, I'm still waiting for Emily to tell Alison she loves her on screen cough cough)) Also, I love how the others found out about the two of them being together-like Emily just slipped up with that whole A.D. watching Ali and I sleep line-and then Ali's smirk throughout the rest of the scene was just gold. And Hanna saying, "Hmm...about time" was my favorite thing ever! Like she's been driving me nuts this season, but that one little line had me loving her all over again. It's going to be so weird seeing Emison as moms in the finale, but I'm excited for it (and crossing my fingers that we get a proposal too)!

With regard to who A.D. is-I'm really pulling for Melissa, but I've read some compelling theories about Spencer possibly having a twin which would be mind blowing (I mean there have been some scenes this season where Spencer has just seemed off-I'm thinking mainly of that one in the airport with Wren and then when she went to "visit" Toby at his cabin, so I could see her having a twin lol). I really hope it's not somebody dumb though...which I guess I'll know how I feel about it on Tuesday (and then I'll rant about it in an author's note lol). Also, this is kind of random, but was anyone else really disappointed with that whole "Dark Aria" story line? Like I thought that could have been so much more interesting if it wasn't focused on Ezra, but then again everything Aria does centers on Ezra (sigh).

Anyway, I just wanted to let you all know that I am working on the next chapters of Guardian Angel and Sinus Infection. I know it probably seems like I'm abandoning those stories, but I promise that I'm not! Thank you to everyone who has left reviews asking me to update those stories-I can't say exactly when that will happen, but just know that it will. And hey this way I can continue to write Emison even after PLL ends and you can continue to read Emison too. So, win/win, right?

Given what we found out in 7x19 one of the friendships I develop in this chapter will seem really odd, but please understand that I came up with the idea for this story after 7x14 (and hell, I love my take on Charlotte's character so much more than canon PLL anyway).

As always, thank you for reading! Please let me know what you guys think!

You're Not My Second Choice
Chapter Three: Game Over

"Charlotte, how do you know we can trust this guy?" Mona asked as the blonde finished packaging all the physical and computer evidence they had on Jessica, Melissa, Wren, and everyone else (including themselves) that was involved in the A.D. game into a large shipping box.

"I just do, okay?" The blonde knew her explanation wasn't going to be enough for Mona and sure enough not even three seconds later the brunette shot back at her,

"You're going to have to do better than that," Mona crossed her arms over her chest as she elaborated, "Because I did not spend the last however many months collecting all of this just for the police to screw it up."

Charlotte wrote in thick black letters across the top of the box:

ATTN: Lieutenant Brian Williams
NYPD Special Crimes Unit
Manhattan, New York City

When she finished, a small smile spread across her face because she could just feel how close they were to ending this game once and for all.

"Well lucky for us Mona, everyone in Lieutenant Williams' unit is competent and knows how to do their jobs. Plus…he's a friend of a friend."

Charlotte's heart was completely shattered. She knew she was never going to be the same again. She had just destroyed the woman she loved more than anything in the world-the purest soul she had ever met-to keep her safe from her psychotic aunt Jessica. Brittany's heartbroken voice, pleading for her to stay, and repeatedly declaring how much she loved her, was going to haunt Charlotte every time she closed her eyes (and every waking moment for the rest of her life).

The blonde let out a shaky breath as she tried desperately to keep her tears at bay as she crossed the street on her way to the airport in Paris. She honestly has no idea how she's even able to function at the moment-

"What the hell do you think you're doing?"

Charlotte stopped dead in her tracks and slowly turned around. Oh shit.

"Reggie…" She began but was cut off by the former CIA operative.

"Three weeks ago you told me you wanted to marry Brittany and now you're leaving?" Tears welled up in Charlotte's eyes and she had to avert her gaze because Reggie's penetrating stare was just too much, "I know how much you love her, Charlotte. So why are you doing this?" When Charlotte doesn't say anything, because she literally can't, Reggie continued his earnest plea in his simultaneously forceful yet gentle tone, "I've never been one to believe in fairytales or happy endings, but…My God, Charlotte you two are soulmates. Can't you see that?"

Reggie placed a comforting hand on her tense forearm and Charlotte finally looked into his searching eyes. Moments later, a look of realization spread across the muscular man's face.

"You don't want to leave," Tears streaked down the blonde's cheeks, because leaving Brittany was the last thing she ever wanted to do, "Someone's making you."

Taking her continued silence as confirmation, Reggie declared with steely conviction, "Charlotte, whatever this person has on you…I can help you. You don't have to do this."

Forcing herself to finally speak, Charlotte painfully stated, "The only way you can help me is by keeping Brittany safe," The blonde's voice cracked as she desperately pleaded, "Please Reggie, just…just promise me that you'll keep her safe…no matter what."

A heavy silence filled the space between them as it became evident to Reggie that maybe he couldn't help Charlotte after all…Whoever was making her leave had obviously threatened Brittany's life. And Charlotte loved his boss too much to ever live in a world where she ceased to exist, even if that meant sacrificing her own happiness to keep Brittany safe. God…

Feeling uncharacteristically overcome with emotion, Reggie softly promised the woman whom he had grown so fond of ever since he started working for the global basketball superstar a few weeks ago, "I will," He made sure Charlotte was looking at him when he finished, "I promise."

When Charlotte nodded and offered him a weak "thank you" in response, Reggie felt compelled to inquire, "What about you? Who's going to keep you safe?"

When Charlotte again doesn't say anything, Reggie fished out a business card from his back pocket and handed it to her, explaining, "Back in the States, if you ever want to take down whoever's making you do this…if it's ever safe enough for you to do that…My friend Brian can help. I know you don't trust the police-rightfully so-but I promise he's one of the good guys."

When Mona continued to offer her a skeptical look, Charlotte sighed as she ran her hand through her hair and stressed to the annoyingly stubborn brunette, "We finally have enough evidence to end this game once and for all. And we have to move quickly because any minute now Jessica's going to lose her shit-"

"Wait, why is Jessica losing her shit?" Mona cut her off and the blonde had to look away from the smaller woman.

Hesitantly, Charlotte muttered a few seconds later, "Because I killed her board game."

"You what?!" Mona screeched at her and the blonde almost covered her ears at the unpleasant sound, "Charlotte, are you crazy?! Jessica's going to know it was one of us who killed the board game considering we built the damn thing! Oh God…she's going to figure out we're double crossing her."

Charlotte had to look down as the reality of the situation washed over her. Feebly she admitted, "I know. I just…I just didn't want Ali and the others to continue to suffer because of that board game. They've all been through enough…"

The blonde was expecting Mona to rightfully be furious with her. After all, she'd thrown the other woman under the bus by destroying their creation and placed her directly in Jessica's cross airs. She was mightily surprised when the brunette let out a gentle laugh and mused, "Charlotte Drake you are such a fucking softy sometimes."

Glancing back up, she noticed the small smirk Mona was sporting, "Even after all these years, Brittany's still rubbing off on you."

Charlotte lightly crossed her arms over her chest (trying to protect herself from Mona's teasing) before she mumbled, "Shut up."

She couldn't contain the soft small that spread across her face at the mention of the woman who meant everything to her however, and Mona knowingly hummed in response.

"If we both weren't so good at evading death I'd be pissed at you for prematurely turning Jessica's sights away from Hanna and the others and onto us, but…I'm really fucking tired of double agenting this game."

Charlotte briefly chuckled, before Mona fixed her with a slightly intimidating glare and inquired, "So, what's the plan?"

The blonde waited a few moments before she replied with a determined flare, "We're going to New York."

"What does this plan entail?" Emily quietly asked Reggie as she continued rubbing soothing circles along the back of Alison's hand. She couldn't even imagine what the beautiful blonde must be feeling right now. The woman they all thought was Mary Drake was actually Jessica DiLaurentis. Ali's own mother was the one who was torturing them. It was just so…sick.

Emily briefly wondered if Mrs. D was bipolar or had multiple personality disorder, because in all of her interactions with the woman she had never felt anything other than welcoming warmth radiating off of her. And the swim coach knew that Ali had shared some tender moments with her as well. But to see Jessica take such sheer joy in threatening to kill Brittany, who Charlotte obviously loved with her entire being, was just…horrifying.

She may have only known Brittany personally for less than a day, but the tanned brunette could tell just how good of a person she really was. And seeing her interact with Ali this morning was one of the sweetest things Emily had ever witnessed. Brittany was the kind of person Alison deserved to have in her life, and God from all appearances Jessica wouldn't have batted an eye in ending her life. Jesus, this is all so fucked up.

"Well, we know that A.D. hates when any of you leave Rosewood…so, I suspect someone on the team will be contacting you soon, Aria. Trying to blackmail information out of you again."

Wait, what?

A guilty look spread across Aria's face as six pairs of eyes settled on her and a thick silence enveloped the room.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Aria tried to argue, but failed miserably as she stood up suddenly from the couch.

A perplexed look crossed Reggie's face after he'd gauged the others' reactions and he looked up at Aria, "Wait…did you not tell your friends-"

But the former CIA operative was cut off by Spencer who asked in a pained accusatory tone, "Have you been working for A.D.?"

Out of the five of them, Emily knew how close Spencer and Aria were-they were practically sisters-and for the publicist to not go to Spencer with this (even if she was twistedly trying to protect all of them by being A.D.'s helper) was just incredibly out of character.

Aria's silence was all the confirmation the brainy brunette needed and a few moments later she hallowed out, "What does A.D. have on you?"

"Spence…please," Aria weakly mumbled out as she turned to face Spencer-desperately pleading with her to stop pushing for answers.

The always inquisitive brunette however was not deterred as she borderline yelled at the smaller woman while she rose from the couch, "No! I want to know what could possibly be so damning that you decided to throw us all under the bus to keep it hidden!" Tears formed in both women's eyes as Spencer continued her rant, "What could Melissa and Jessica and whoever the fuck else have on you that could make you hurt the rest of us like this?!"

A tear streaked down Aria's flushed cheek as she brokenly inquired, "You can't honestly think that I'd ever do anything to actually hurt you," Spencer averted her gaze and Aria croaked out as she a took a step towards the taller woman, "God, all of you are my family. I love you guys so much."

Emily knew that Aria was telling the truth about loving them, she just had no idea why her compassionate best friend would work (in any capacity) with the people who were tormenting them.

"It's Ezra, isn't it?" Ali's soft voice startled the athletic brunette. Her girlfriend (wait, she could call Ali that, right? They were officially an 'us' now, so…Yeah Emily's calling her that.) had seemed pretty spaced out for the past few minutes, "A.D. has something on him or they have something on you that could threaten your relationship with him."

Aria sniffled hard as her hazel eyes locked with Ali's and for the millionth time since she had met Alison, Emily was amazed at just how well she could read people, "I thought I could keep him safe…keep us safe…and maybe figure out what A.D. was after if I played along," Aria painfully revealed before she looked down and confessed, "I hated keeping it from all of you."

"You could've come to us, Aria. We would've understood," Aria raised a skeptical eyebrow at Emily, so the swim coach explained further, "We've all done things in the past that we're not proud of because of this game."

Emily couldn't help but glance towards Alison and give her hand a gentle squeeze as the words came out of her mouth. They had all foolishly believed she was -A at one time and gotten her thrown in jail for Mona's "murder" (not to mention destroying the evidence that would have proven her innocence). The brunette will never understand how Ali was able to forgive all of them so quickly (and save them from the dollhouse right after she'd gotten released from prison). The beautiful blonde was truly the strongest person Emily knew. And she's going to be the mother of my child-how did I get so lucky?

"Besides whatever A.D. has on you they're going to give it to the police or Ezra or whoever whether you work with them or not, Aria," Brittany bluntly stated and she didn't mean to sound harsh, but how could Aria honestly believe that she could outsmart a psychopath as brilliant as Jessica DiLaurentis?

"Britt…" Emily noted how soft Alison's voice was-obviously trying to calm the other woman whose mind looked to be racing a million miles a minute. If anyone could empathize with what Brittany was experiencing right now only moments after finding out her long-lost love was still alive-it was Emily. The wide range of emotions that rattled throughout your entire being-the confusion, the anger, the relief, the joy, and of course the startling realization that you were still just as profoundly in love with that person (and that you would never stop being in love with them). It was a lot to take in, a lot to process, but Emily was glad to see Brittany's blue eyes soften when she looked at Ali. Because the swim coach knew if the professional athlete used a tone that rude with the teacher she was going to spring into full on protective Emily Fields mode.

"I'm just saying A.D. doesn't exactly play by any rules, Ali. You can't trust any promises they supposedly make."

"She's right. You don't show someone your cards, unless you plan to deal them. A.D. was always going to make your life a living hell, Aria," Reggie stated, shifting everyone's attention back to him. The former CIA operative shook his head before he turned back around to face all of them and stressed in a gentle tone, "We have the upper hand though. Everyone working for A.D. doesn't know that you all know who they are. We can use that."

"How exactly?" Hanna quietly asked and Emily momentarily forgot the usually loud blonde was even in the room with them.

A small smile spread across Reggie's face, "By beating A.D. at their own game. The next time they get in contact with you, Aria, we'll pinpoint their exact location. Instead of the five of you being the hunted, you'll become the hunters," The muscular male passionately stated, before he slightly amended his declaration, "Well, you all won't be the ones doing the hunting. That'll be some old friends of mine," He glanced towards Spencer before half-joking, "After all, we don't need anyone else getting shot."

"Yeah, if we could avoid any trips to the hospital that'd be fantastic," The brainy brunette joked right back and they all shared a gentle laugh. God, how sick is it that this game has made our humor this dark?

"But, wait…don't you think it's odd that A.D. hasn't gotten in contact with any of them yet," Brittany pointed out after everyone's laughter had died down.

Reggie quirked a curious eyebrow in the professional athlete's direction, "What do you mean?"

"Well, isn't the norm for them to constantly harass you guys? Why would they suddenly go radio silent? I mean from the sound of things the last person to even hear anything from Jessica or Melissa or whoever was Ali yesterday afternoon at school," Emily could see the gears shifting in Brittany's head as she turned towards Ali and observed, "And you didn't go home at all. You came straight here…"

Emily could hear the realization in her girlfriend's voice as she quietly breathed out a few moments later, "The board game…I didn't even think about that," Alison let out a frustrated huff as she switched her attention back to Reggie, "Do you think it could explain why A.D.'s focus seems to have…shifted somewhat?"

"That's certainly a possibility…" Reggie mumbled as he began furiously typing on his wireless keyboard, "And my apologies in advance Ali, because I'm about to creep on your house through A.D.'s camera…"

A live shot of the teacher's living/dining room area adorned the huge monitor in Reggie's office and Emily squinted her eyes as the board game that had made all of their lives a living hell these past few weeks was brought into focus.

The swim coach let out a surprised gasp when she noted the words written in red spray paint across the board game's map of Rosewood: GAME OVER.

In the center of the board game's map laid broken pieces of what appeared to be a small mechanical generator. Wait, that could only mean-

"Oh my God. Someone killed the board game," Spencer blurted-finishing Emily's thought process, "But why would they do that? Why now?"

Who the fuck knows, Spence…

"Okay, everything is all set…" Mona finished typing on her tablet as she glanced up at Charlotte. The two of them were standing on the roof of an abandoned ammunition plant in The Bronx (which Mona still didn't understand why Charlotte had decided this was a great place for them to hide out from Jessica, but whatever), "All the girls' cell phone GPS signals indicate that they're in Philadelphia instead of New York," Mona wasn't expecting a grand gesture of acknowledgement for the difficult task she had just completed, but damn some reaction would have been nice...

Charlotte appeared to be completely zoned out as she looked across the Harlem River at the Manhattan cityscape, "It's beautiful, isn't it?"

The blonde's voice came out in a whisper and Mona's eyebrows furrowed as she walked towards her double agent in justice (well she liked to think of the two of them as such anyway) and let her eyes absorb the view that was offered from the rooftop for the first time.

After a minute of silence passed between them, the brunette quietly confirmed, "Yes, it is."

Charlotte let out a pained laugh before she quietly explained, "When Brittany was growing up her uncle Eddie lived really close to here and on the nights when he'd watch her and Bradley when Teresa was working a night shift at the hospital, he'd bring them up to this roof with a telescope and they'd look at the stars," The taller woman wiped the lone tear that had cascaded down her cheek away as she revealed, "Brittany always wanted me to see this view…and I just wanted to before…" Charlotte's voice became laced with emotion as she finished, "Before it's too late."

Mona felt her heart clench in her chest at the blonde's words, "You're talking like," She began, but had to pause when the realization crashed into her like a freight train, "Like you're never going to see the light of day again."

Charlotte offered her a weak smile as tears pooled in her sad blue eyes, "I'm already dead, Mona. Remember?"

Mona took in a shaky breath because she knew where Charlotte was going with this and she refused to resign her friend to such a horrific fate, "I'm not leaving you here by yourself to fight off Jessica and everyone else, Charlotte."

"You have to," Charlotte earnestly declared and Mona had to look away as tears formed in her eyes as the reality of the situation hit her, "One of us needs to survive to help the police put all the pieces together and make sure the right people pay for the crimes that have been committed…And you still have a life, Mona. When this is all over, you'll still have a career to embark on," A smirk spread across Charlotte's face, "And maybe you'll actually allow yourself to be happy with Mike and accept the fact that he loves you no matter what."

The smaller woman had to look down as her cheeks flushed red, because goddamn if Mike Montgomery wasn't her motherfucking weakness…

"It's not fair…" Mona painfully observed a few moments later. Why did Charlotte have to die for her to live?

"Life rarely is, but this way the game will be over once and for all. The girls will be free. You'll be free."

After Mona had somewhat gotten her emotions under control she took a deep breath and looked back up at the woman, who was so incredibly misunderstood, and asked, "How long do you want me to wait before calling Lieutenant Williams?"

Mona could see Charlotte doing the math in her head-trying to calculate how long it would be until Jessica and the others would inevitably find her, "Like 45 minutes."

The brunette nodded her head in understanding, before Charlotte stressed, "And just make sure he brings a lot of officers with him. I don't want anyone from the A.D. team getting away."

Shit, no one can afford for them to get away…

Mona could only imagine how unhinged Jessica and Melissa were right now knowing that she and Charlotte had betrayed them-bested them at their own game and worked to undermine everything they'd done. The two were out for carnage and if the police couldn't stop them after they did whatever they were planning on doing to Charlotte; she, Hanna, and the others would be next.

A heavy silence settled around them. Mona wanted to say something reassuring, but was at a loss for words. She had never been the best at showing affection and well, Charlotte was kind of the same way…

"Thank you, Mona," The sincerity in Charlotte's voice left the shorter woman floored as she expanded, "For everything. You made this whole double agent thing a whole hell of a lot more doable. And you ended up being the friend I never knew I needed."

Mona sniffled hard and wiped the tears that were collecting in her eyes before she moved forward and enveloped the taller woman in a genuine, loving embrace. Who could have ever guessed that the same person who beat the shit out of her to stage her fake murder all those years ago would turn out to be her trusted ally and friend now? She let out a soft chuckle and murmured, "I feel the same way, even though you're making me cry right now…"

Charlotte mirrored her sad laugh and held onto her even tighter…almost like she knew as soon as their hug ended, shit was going to go down.

Mona pulled back slightly from their embrace a few seconds later and made sure Charlotte held her gaze as she honestly proclaimed, "You're an amazing human being, Charlotte Drake. I hope you know that," As the blonde absorbed her truthful declaration, Mona promised with steely conviction, "No matter what happens, I'll make sure Alison and the others know the truth about you. That they know how much you sacrificed to save them."

"You don't have to do that," Charlotte began to protest and Mona cut her off, "Yes, I do."

With that she stepped completely out of their hug, because she knew if she looked into Charlotte's piercing blue eyes any longer her resolve was going to crumble and she wouldn't honor her friend's wishes of getting the hell off this roof before Jessica and everyone else got there. And as much as Mona hated it she knew Charlotte was right-one of them needed to survive this and make sure the police didn't fuck up all of the evidence the two of them had collected over the past few months.

After she gathered all of her things, Mona hoisted her bag onto her right shoulder and threw out at the other woman, "Oh, and I'm telling Brittany how much you love her bitch, because she deserves to know."

Charlotte didn't say anything in response, but Mona could see a beautiful smile form on her friend's face.

As she walked towards the stairs that would take her down and away from the abandoned ammunition plant, Mona mused that if that was the last image she ever got of the other woman, she'd be okay with it. But Mona hoped beyond all hope that it wasn't…that Charlotte would somehow survive and they'd both be able to live the lives they rightfully deserved with the people they loved.

God, is there anything I can do to make that happen?

Mona sat in her car, trying to come up with a plan.

I could call Lieutenant Williams sooner and have him and his unit be here before Jessica arrives. But shit, she'd figure out it was a set-up from a mile away and despite how furious she is with Charlotte, she'd never knowingly expose herself to the authorities…Wait, what if I? Yeah…yeah that might just work.

Mona hurriedly dialed Hanna's number as she threw her car into drive and sped towards the New York City Special Crimes Unit.

Charlotte glanced down at her watch, closed her eyes, and let out a deep sigh. Any minute now she knew that her aunt Jessica and the other members of the A.D. team were going to find her…and that she was more than likely going to die. And even though she hadn't exactly been living much of a life since Wren "resurrected" her a few months prior, it still pained her that this was how her story was going to end.

Jessica had told her six years ago in Paris that people like her don't get their happy endings, but at least with all of the evidence she and Mona had collected in the hands of Reggie's friend Brian, justice could be served and Alison and the others could finally be free. At this point that was all Charlotte wanted. She had long ago accepted that her dreams weren't going to come true.

As she looked out at the majestic view the rooftop provided, Charlotte tried to focus on the moments in her life when she'd felt truly happy-the six months she'd spent in Paris with Brittany, the times when she and Ali had bonded and grown closer, and the friendship she'd forged with Mona over the past few months. Charlotte felt fortunate because some people never got the change to be in a relationship with the loves of their lives as their true authentic selves or experience genuine friendship. I love them all so much. I hope they know that.

"After everything I've done for you Charlotte, this is how you repay me?" Jessica's booming voice snapped the blonde out of her thoughts and she turned around to face the woman who had wreaked so much havoc in so many people's lives. She isn't surprised to see Melissa, Wren, Jenna, and Sydney there as well. And Charlotte doesn't miss the fact that all of them are wielding guns (even Jenna's blind ass).

"By destroying everything I worked so hard for?" Charlotte could see rage swirling in Jessica's cold blue irises as she moved towards her, but unlike her younger self would've done Charlotte doesn't flinch or show any signs of intimidation, "By destroying our family?"

Charlotte resisted the urge to roll her eyes. Because despite all of Jessica's talk about family and loyalty, she had no comprehension of what being a part of one entailed. She was a master manipulator and pathological liar and had never understood that what made a family real wasn't bloodlines or picture-perfect images. Unconditional love, genuine support, caring about someone else more than you do yourself-that's what made a family a family. What Alison, Emily, Spencer, Hanna, and Aria had-that was a family. What she and Jessica had was…sick.

Charlotte challengingly held her aunt's gaze as she shook her head and truthfully declared, "You did that all on your own."

Jessica ever so slightly flinched backwards, almost like Charlotte's words had punched her right in the stomach, "And on top of making the people's lives who you supposedly love a living hell, you also lost your precious game."

"What are you talking about?"

A ghost of a smirk crept onto Charlotte's face as she revealed, "The police know everything," Fear spread across Jenna and Sydney's faces as the double agents' words sank in. As red and blue lights began bouncing off the brick walls on the rooftop, Charlotte smiled-Brian and his officers were right on time, "You're going down aunt Jessica…for good."

In her peripheral vision, Charlotte could see Melissa, Wren, Jenna, and Sydney all scamper towards the rooftop's exit. Jessica just offered her a menacing stare as the reality of the situation became clear. There was no dramatic escape she could make this time-the game was over.

"Well, if I'm going down, dear. I'm taking you straight to hell with me," Charlotte knew what was going to happen before the other woman even opened her mouth. As her aunt raised the gun and pulled the trigger, Charlotte closed her eyes and reflexively turned her body.

Time seemed to slow down as she waited for the impact of the bullet to tear through her skin and leave behind deathly damage. But instead of feeling a searing pain course through her body milliseconds later, Charlotte felt two strong arms wrap around her and gently lower her to the rooftop's cement ground.

Emily hasn't felt this much adrenaline course through her veins since, ironically, prom night senior year when she, Alison, Spencer, Hanna, and Aria sprinted after Charlotte onto Radley Sanitarium's rooftop-trying to prevent her from jumping to her death. Now, here the five of them were almost six years later, with the additions of Brittany and Reggie, trying to prevent another tragedy involving the blonde from ensuing.

Not surprisingly, Brittany was a good twenty steps ahead of her and Ali as the three of them made their way up the stairs located in the back of the ammunition plant. Spencer, Hanna, and Aria had gone with Reggie up the main set of stairs near the front of the building. The swim coach felt better about the three of them being with the former CIA agent given that none of them knew how to properly handle a gun…Reggie would keep all of them safe (and hopefully stop some members of the A.D. team in the process…)

As Brittany flew through the door at the top of the stairs, Emily's grip on the 9 mm gun she was holding tightened. She really didn't want to kill Jessica DiLaurentis (especially in front of Alison), but Emily wouldn't hesitate to do whatever was necessary to keep her family safe.

"Well, if I'm going down, dear. I'm taking you straight to hell with me," There was a deathly threatening undertone to Jessica's words and Emily felt panic spread throughout her body. She knew what was going to happen before it even played out…because it was something she would do for Alison without hesitation. It wouldn't matter if she hadn't seen Ali in six years; she'd always sacrifice her well-being to ensure her love's safe keeping…

Right when Jessica pulled the trigger Brittany jumped in front of Charlotte-completely shielding her from harm's way-and brought the other woman gently to the ground.

Emily doesn't have time to access whether Brittany's been hit or not, because as soon as Jessica noted the professional athlete's body protectively encased around Charlotte's, a sadistic smirk spread across her face and she raised the gun once more.

Before the older woman's finger can even flex, Emily shot the gun out of her hand. She was aiming to disarm their tormentor and appeared to be successful as Jessica let out a yelp of pain and brought her wounded hand to her chest.

Emily blinked and suddenly she was standing in front of Jessica, pointing the 9 mm gun directly between her ice cold blue eyes. The swim coach doesn't know what's going on with her body, but she feels like she's going in and out of consciousness as she threateningly stares the other woman down…The person who had made her best friend's lives a living hell and caused the woman she loves more than anything on the planet unimaginable pain.

It was tempting to pull the trigger, but Emily knew she couldn't kill the eldest DiLaurentis woman. The brunette closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She thought about Alison and their baby…about how much she loved them. About how much she wanted to be there for every milestone their child ever achieved. She wouldn't be able to do that if she pulled the trigger…hell, she'd be in prison when Ali gave birth…

Emily opened her eyes and lowered the gun. She wasn't going to stoop to Jessica's level. She had too much to lose.

A look of pride flashed through the older woman's eyes as she truthfully stated, "You know I meant it when I said I couldn't have asked for a better person to love Alison than you, Emily," Genuine tears streaked down Mrs. D's face and the sight unnerved Emily because she couldn't understand how someone could both love and torment their children-it was just so fucked up. She vowed right then and there to only shower her and Ali's child with unconditional love.

"Take care of her, Emily. Take care of my grandchild," The brunette's eyebrows furrowed as she stepped back and processed the other woman's words. Jessica was practically pleading with her and the swim coach doesn't know why she felt like she had to reassure the other woman, but she finds herself whispering, "I will. I promise," as a swarm of police officer's burst through the door.

As Jessica's being hand cuffed, Emily's finally able to tear her gaze from her girlfriend's mother and access how everyone else on the rooftop is doing.

But when her hazelnut eyes located Ali, Charlotte, and Brittany; tears immediately welled in them.

Her beautiful girlfriend's hands were covered in blood as they desperately tried to stop the bleeding from the gunshot wound to Brittany's shoulder. Charlotte was holding the basketball superstar's hand and reverently caressing her face as she talked to Brittany-trying to keep her conscious. Emily heard murmurings of "stay with me, baby" and "I love you so much" coming from Charlotte and she damn near lost it, because fuck they had literally just gone through this with Spencer…

Emily wiped her eyes as she moved over to the trio and knelt next to Ali. Tremors were coursing through the blonde's body and the swim coach placed her hands over Ali's, so she could help apply pressure to Brittany's wound and get her girlfriend to breathe. Her medical knowledge is pretty lack luster, but Emily figured two pair of hands applying pressure to a bleeding wound is better than one. Or at least she hopes it is, because fuck if Brittany doesn't make it…No, don't think like that Emily! She's going to live…She has to…

Ali doesn't even glance at her-being too focused on her best friend fighting for her life, but Emily can feel that the teacher appreciates her being there. She doesn't know how much time passed during her stare down with Jessica, but Emily's praying to every higher power in existence that emergency medical personnel get to them soon…

"I…lo…love you…Char," Emily could see how mightily Brittany struggled to get the words out as she fought to remain conscious and the swim coach had to lean her head against Alison's shoulder to stop herself from completely breaking down.

"I love you too, Britt…so fucking much. And I promise I'm going to make it up to you. This isn't how our story's going to end, baby," Emily doesn't know how Charlotte's able to keep her composure and reassure the love of her life, because fuck if Emily was in the older blonde's shoes and Alison was lying on the ground bleeding from a gunshot wound under her, she doesn't think she'd be able to formulate any kind of cohesive thought. Yet here Charlotte was able to draw a love drunk smile from Brittany as she earnestly declared, "You're going to live and we're going to grow old together."

Charlotte had never been a fan of hospitals. To the blonde they felt like prisons. This feeling more than likely stemmed from all the time she'd spent in Radley Sanitarium while she was growing up (not to mention the five years she'd spent at Welby). But as the minutes slowly passed by while Brittany was in surgery, Charlotte realized that she'd much rather be a patient in a hospital than a loved one sitting around agonizingly waiting to hear news on a patient. Because this was fucking torture.

Charlotte glanced up from the floor of the waiting room and noted that Alison looked like she'd finally fallen asleep in the chair across from her. The teacher was nuzzled into Emily's side and Charlotte's heart melted as the brunette's fingers traced soothing patterns along her sister's (or well technically, her cousin's) arm. The two of them really were perfect for one another and Charlotte knew they'd be amazing parents together. Their child was honestly so lucky, because Alison was the most selfless person Charlotte had ever known and Emily was by far the most protective. Combine those traits with both women's capacity to love and you had two badass moms in the making.

Speaking of badass moms, Teresa was sitting in the chair next to her. The older woman and Bradley had gotten to the hospital no less than 15 minutes after the ambulance arrived (Charlotte's assuming Brittany's younger brother violated a few traffic laws along the way). Their shoulders were touching and Charlotte found the subtle contact comforting. Brittany's mom had always showered her with love and affection and the blonde was amazed that Teresa still unconsciously did it now…especially after everything that had happened.

"You can't prevent me from questioning her! I'm a detective, it's my job!" A booming voice rattled throughout the surgical intensive care unit waiting room and Charlotte had to prevent herself from rolling her eyes when she realized who it belonged to. Jesus, this fool doesn't know when to lay the fuck off.

"Actually…considering I'm Miss Drake's legal representative and she isn't under arrest for anything, I can prevent you from questioning her Detective Furey," Reggie's muscular arms were crossed over his broad chest as he stared Marco down, "And I'm going to ask you nicely to leave Charlotte and everyone from Brittany's family alone right now."

Marco used his hand to gesture to Alison (who had since woken up from her slumber) and the other girls as he condescendingly observed, "They're not a part of Brittany's family."

"Alison is Brittany's family," Reggie fired back and Charlotte had to bit her lip to suppress a chuckle when Marco flinched, "And Emily, Spencer, Hanna, and Aria are Alison's family. So, they're staying right here Detective Furey…and you're leaving."

The tension continued to mount between the two men for a good thirty seconds before Marco relented, "Fine…but they're going to have to answer questions eventually...and that includes your boss Reggie, because I find her involvement in this quite fascinating."

Before Reggie could tell Marco to shove whatever he was implying about Brittany straight up his ass, Teresa swiftly stood up from her chair and strode over to the police officer radiating a protective momma bear aura as she seethed, "I don't know who the hell you think you are, but you better watch your tone when discussing my daughter. Do you understand me, detective?"

Realizing how insensitive he was being given the circumstances, Marco gulped as Teresa's green eyes practically penetrated his soul before he weakly mumbled, "Yes."

The older woman nodded her head and crossed her arms authoritatively over her chest, "Good. Now I suggest you get the hell out of my sight because I really hate when people go after my kids. I have a tendency to pounce first and ask questions later when that happens. And considering the emotional state I'm in right now, there's no telling what I'll do detective…I'm from the Bronx after all."

Alison was walking up and down a random hallway near the surgical intensive care unit waiting room. Even though she knew how strong her best friend was, she couldn't ignore the fact that Brittany had been in surgery for hours. When Spencer had been shot not even two months prior, it had taken the doctors less than three hours to complete her surgery and they were now nearing hour six for Brittany. Ali didn't want to panic, but fuck Bradley had already donated a pretty substantial amount of blood to be used for a blood transfusion for his sister because so much of her blood had poured out onto the ammunition plant's rooftop…And if that didn't help Brittany pull through Ali didn't know what else the doctors would be able to do…

Ali's arms protectively wrapped around her stomach as tears formed in her eyes. She was thinking about her and Emily's baby and how messed up of a world they were bringing them into. Because no matter how much you love your children, the sad truth is you can't protect them from all the evil forces that exist. Teresa was the absolute best parent Ali had ever met, and yet here she was waiting for hours on end in a hospital to see whether her daughter would survive. It was all just so fucked up.

Knowing she was on the verge of an emotional breakdown, Ali walked into the nearest women's restroom and splashed water onto her face while taking some deep breaths. She wanted to calm down, but her pregnancy hormones really weren't allowing that to happen.

The teacher heard the bathroom door opening and felt warmth immediately spread throughout her body as her eyes settled on her breathtakingly beautiful girlfriend holding her best friend's adorable nephew securely in her strong arms. Despite how worried she was, Ali smiled through her tears at the pair.

Though Teresa and Bradley had initially intended for the almost four-year-old not to come to the hospital, Mandela had insisted that he be there to help his aunt Brittany heal. Ultimately realizing that they couldn't protect their son from this-especially given the media circus that was mounting as news of Brittany being shot spread across the globe-Eva had brought the little boy to the hospital two hours ago. Since he'd arrived (in his New York Liberty pajamas of all things), he'd been glued to Alison's hip while he got to know all the new people that were surrounding him. The English teacher didn't mind his company in the slightest-and actually appreciated the distraction-as she introduced Brittany's godson to her girlfriend and best friends. Like his aunt, Mandela was incredibly charming and Ali could tell he'd stolen everyone's hearts. Not surprisingly, he'd warmed up to Emily shortly after meeting her and made it a point to whisper in Ali's ear, "She's your mermaid, right?" just to confirm his mounting suspicions about the place the brunette held in Alison's heart.

Mandela looked like he was about to explode with excitement as Emily set him down on the ground and he rushed over to the teacher, "Aunt Ali! Aunt Ali! She's going to be okay! She's going to be okay!"

The blonde's eyes went wide as she crouched down to bring the little boy into her arms. Holding Emily's gaze she tried not to get choked up as she inquired, "Brittany's going to be okay?" Oh my God, please let this be what Mandela's talking about.

Emily nodded as she approached the blonde and drew her (and Mandela) into a gentle embrace, "Yeah. The doctors were able to remove the bullet and get the bleeding stopped. It just took way longer than they anticipated. She's in recovery right now, but probably won't wake up for a while."

Alison let out a deep sigh of relief as her head settled onto Emily's chest and she breathed out, "Thank you, God."

"I told you that aunt Brittany was going to be fine! She's a superhero after all," Ali adoringly smiled at the toddler nestled in her arms. He was just so incredibly pure and the fact that he considered her best friend a superhero was just too cute. She and Mandela had always shared a special bond and the blonde was so incredibly touched that he'd sought her out with Emily to share the fantastic news about Brittany. Mandela brushed a lose strand of hair behind her ear before he proclaimed, "She's going to get her happy ending with Charlotte just like you're going to get your happy ending with Emily."

Ali breathed the woman who meant absolutely everything to her in and relished in the feel of Emily's fingers running up and down her back as Mandela's prophetic words washed over her. God, how she wanted them to be true…After everything all of them had been through with first -A and now A.D., Ali wanted nothing more than for her, Emily, Spencer, Hanna, Aria, Charlotte, Brittany, and Mona to experience genuine happiness in their lives.

She could tell that Emily was thinking the same thing because a few moments later, the swim coach murmured into her slightly disheveled hair after affectionately kissing the crown of her head, "I love you Ali."

Alison closed her eyes and thanked her lucky stars that Emily Fields was her soulmate. She'd been her rock from the moment they'd met and Ali knew there was no way she could have survived this agonizingly long night as Brittany's life hung in the ballots without her mermaid. The swim coach was her knight in shining armor and Ali still couldn't believe that they were going to become mothers together soon-that they were going to be a family. In that moment, as Mandela's blue eyes that so resembled her best friend's, knowingly observed her, Ali realized that she wanted her and Emily to become a family…officially. Oh my God I want to ask Em to marry me. Okay, Ali maybe you should be Emily's girlfriend for longer than 48 hours before you go asking her to be your wife...But damn, I know that I want forever with Emily. Hell, I've always known that. So maybe…it wouldn't be that odd to ask her sooner rather than later…God, I really need to talk to Brittany about this.

A tiny smirk spread across Mandela's face as Ali set him down back on the ground and the three of them made their way out of the bathroom. Ali swore he could read the rampant thoughts that were running through her mind. He was Brittany's nephew after all…

Before they rounded the corner that would take them down the hallway to the recovery area of the surgical intensive care unit, Ali stopped in front of Emily and drew her in for a lingering kiss. The blonde kept their foreheads resting together when their kiss ended and gently held onto Emily's cheeks. Staring into her mermaid's soulful brown eyes, Alison felt her breath hitch momentarily before she sincerely declared, "I love you Emily. Thank you for always taking such great care of me. I don't know what I ever did to deserve you…but I'm holding onto you with everything I've got for the rest of my life."

Emily looked at her like she was the most precious thing on the entire planet as she earnestly replied, "I hope you know that I plan on holding onto you just as strongly, Ali. It took me so long to get to this place with you...I'm not letting anything come between us," The blonde felt her cheeks flush as Emily's hand reverently caressed her stomach, "Or our family…ever."

God, I can't wait to marry you Emily Fields.

"Not to interrupt your moment or anything, but do you think we could keep moving because I really want to see aunt Brittany," Mandela looked up at them expectantly as a sly smile spread across his face. Ali could kick herself for getting lost in Emily's sweet words and gestures when she should be focusing on her best friend who'd just survived a gunshot wound, but damn did Em always have to be so perfect?

Grabbing Emily's hand that was on her stomach, Ali interlocked their fingers as she held out her other hand to Mandela and offered the little boy a reassuring smile, "Of course angel."

The toddler happily took her hand and began to drag her and Emily down the hallway. Ali giggled at Mandela's antics and couldn't help but hope that her and Emily's child would exhibit similar traits in the not so distant future.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and have a nice day/night wherever you are! Enjoy the final episode of PLL (I know I'll probably be crying during most of it lol) and hopefully you'll be reading more from me soon!