A/N: Hey guys it's Infinite Snow! I got this story idea because growing up, I felt like nothing I did was enough for my parents. I felt one-upped by somebody else. Like: I could do something, but my parent's colleague's daughter or son could do it better. I felt like a let-down and so I kind of relate to Ichigo on some level.

I made her a bit OOC in a sense that she's not as emotional, dense, clumsy nor bad at academics like she is in the manga and anime. I am doing this because I am trying to portray myself. It has a special meaning, so please don't get angry at me when she's too OOC for your taste. It has a purpose.

Anyways… I have been really liking the Henri/Ichigo ship A LOT! I mean, Kashigo is great and all… but it's redundant and there are so many fanfictions for that pair! Also… Henri's tsundere in a way, a bit cunning but hey, he is cold on the exterior like Makoto, but in a different way. I want to experiment too. I think they're my new YP OTP.

I really, really do NOT like Mari/Henri ship at all. I do like Mari (when she's not being all arrogant about her accomplishments). And I do feel bad for her when she gets heartbroken. I have her happy ending in mind, because I do love her too (not as much as Ichigo, though). BUT I HATE FRANCOIS! Sorry but no pairing for her lol.

The theme song of this fanfiction is: "How Far I'll Go" from the Moana movie soundtrack, because it will describe Ichigo for the most part in this story.

Also… in the next chapter I will show the list of character pairings. SO, STAY TUNED!

Hi. My name is Amano Ichigo.

I'm the let-down of my family. Allow me to explain.

My mom is a musician and my dad is an artist. I had taken piano and art lessons and still my skills in either of them paled in comparison to those of my sisters'. Why? Because playing an instrument or painting on an easel was never my passion. And because I didn't want to conform to my rigid family, I got shunned by my parents, but not directly. They would just always focus on Natsume, my little sister, the star of the household.

Don't get me wrong, I love her. She never excluded me like my parents did, even though we rarely hung out. She was just… busy. A child prodigy, really. Nothing but piano recitals and art exhibits. My parents would parade her around like a trophy while I was the stain on the family name. I was such an embarrassment to my parents that whenever public would ask who I was, I was simply Natsume's friend.

No one will love me the way I am. And surprisingly… I accepted the cold, hard truth.


Ichigo was home… all alone. She had to pick out a dress for her to wear to her little sister's piano recital. Her parents had gone to go buy a dress for Natsume, because they wanted her to, 'be as beautiful as Aurora'.

I think Mulan, Merida and even Tiana are underrated, Ichigo sighed as she pulled out a plain, pale blue dress.

The door opened and she could hear the excited chit chat of her parents gushing over Natsume and the perfect dress they found for her. It was a pink dress, but a very lavish one. In Ichigo's opinion, it was far too extravagant to be for a mere piano recital. However, she honestly didn't care, as long as it wasn't against her free will.

They were about to leave when Natsume stopped their parents and said, "Wait for Ichigo!"

"Oh, she doesn't need to come if she doesn't want to," their mom said.

"If you want, you can watch TV," their dad said, pleading that she did stay.

"No! I want onee-chan to come!" Natsume argued.

"I promised you anyways," Ichigo smiled only at her sister, taking Natsume's outstretched hand, "I will come. Only for you."

Their parents groaned but Natsume didn't pay them any heed. Honestly Natsume hated how her parents literally acted like Ichigo never existed. Tightening her hand around Ichigo's hand, Natsume huffed angrily and dragged them to the backseat of the car, ignoring their parents' protest to let Ichigo stay home.

The car ride was pin drop silent. Ichigo didn't say a word as she looked out the window, admiring the scenery. She even began to ponder at her life. The only person who understood her truly was her grandmother, but she sadly passed away.

Ichigo would remember how her grandmother would make her smile even in the saddest of times.


A five-year-old Ichigo ran out of her house, intending on running away from her parents forever. She just felt stressed that her parents were forcing her to pick up a hobby in which she didn't want to do, which was piano.

Her mother called her dumb when she couldn't absorb anything in her piano lessons. It had gotten so bad that the piano instructor quit, refusing to teach Ichigo anymore because she couldn't live up to her standards.

"Ichigo?" A gentle voice called out.

The little girl sniffled and kept her face buried in between her knees.


And with that, a finger tapped her shoulder, requesting her attention. Ichigo looked up to see her grandmother Amano Michiko smiling at her.

"What happened?" Michiko asked, sitting next to her on the grass.

"Mom got mad at me," Ichigo mumbled.

"Oh? Why is that?" Michiko asked.

"Because I have no musical talent," Ichigo sniffled, "My piano instructor quit because I'm not learning fast enough."

"Ichigo… just know that you do have talent. It's up to you to find it," Michiko assured her, and pulled her other hand from behind her back, revealing a strawberry tart. Holding it out in front of Ichigo she beckoned her to eat it.

Ichigo always remember that just one bite would always make her smile. Somehow, she would just forget her worries for that one day. That strawberry tart her grandma made her always made her feel warm and protected from the cruel nature of the real world. Almost like… she was in a bubble.

Suddenly the car parked and they got out. Natsume grabbed Ichigo's hand before their parents neglected her again. They walked near the hallway and Natsume's pace slowed down considerably.

Ichigo looked at their parents who were chattering excitedly about Natsume to care about Natsume's sudden change of mood. Squeezing her sister's hand, Ichigo successfully got her sister's attention, asking, "What's wrong?"

"W-What if I mess up?" Natsume asked.

"What do you mean by that?" Ichigo asked, "You will do fine. You play so fine at home anyways."

"Yeah because it's only you I practice in front of, not hundreds of people," Natsume whispered.

Ichigo sighed and grabbed both of Natsume's hands and said, "Just look at me, take a few deep breaths and look at your piano. Imagine I am the only one listening. Without looking at the audience, play. You will be just fine, and you will shine like you always do."

Natsume slowly nodded and smiled. Then they ran to catch up with their parents.


After the recital, Natsume was bombarded with so much attention from her parents, the audience, and her fellow classmates from the music school she attended. At that moment, Ichigo felt so isolated and it was times like these that she missed her grandmother so much.

So instead of congratulating her sister as well, she decided to leave the hall. But Ichigo didn't dare go back to their car. She didn't want to wait right next to the car because she knew it would be a long time before her parents decide to come out of the hall with Natsume.

Instead, Ichigo found that not too far from the venue was a sweets festival happening. Maybe… she could take a peek. And buy one with her meager amount of money, but she would have to choose her sweet wisely. And if Natsume needs her, she has her cell phone, so done deal!

Walking through the sweets festival, Ichigo looked at sweets from different vendors. She was tempted to try a couple but knew she only had enough for one sweet, because of the meager allowance she gets from her parents (Natsume gets more than she does). However, Ichigo stopped at one stall when she saw a sweet that looked familiar to her. The patissier who was at the stall was working on something so she could only see his back. But his golden blonde hair struck her as something or someone foreign.

Nevertheless, she walked up curiously and pulled out her money pouch and asked, "Excuse me, sir. I would like to buy this sweet."

He turned around and smiled at her, charmingly, and Ichigo was struck by his beautiful cerulean eyes. As she handed him the money, he packed the sweet she asked for in a box and handed her a fork.

"Is there a reason you like this one?" He asked, handing her back her change.

Ichigo pocketed the change and opened the box and pulled out her fork, "It seems… oddly familiar. I remember getting this sweet as a souvenir somewhere else."

Taking a bite, her tongue recognized the sweet to be an identical match and asked, "This couldn't be… Marie Reine?"

But then Ichigo caught his tag and saw that his name is Henri Lucas, a lecturer at St. Marie's. Blushing profusely, she mumbled, "I'm so sorry. I didn't read your nametag earlier."

"I'm the grandson of Marie Lucas, who made this confection," Henri smiled, "I am rather impressed at your ability to tell from just one bite. You have an incredible sense of taste."

Ichigo blushed, not too familiar with complements, since all she got were condescending remarks from her parents and teachers. She's an average girl who passed her classes with average marks. Nothing was worthwhile to praise her for. Until now, possibly.

"Thank you," Ichigo mumbled, making some shape in the dirt with her feet, "I'm not used to praises."

"Well get used to it," Henri said, smiling, "And I will let your esteemed tongue taste my newest confection."

With that, he presented another sweet to Ichigo. She picked up her fork and gently scooped up some of the confection and tasted it. Immediately her eyes widened as a thousand flavors and emotions hit her with just a simple taste.

"Explain it," Henri requested.

Ichigo explained, pointing out every ingredient he used and tying emotions in it, explaining the light yet sensuous feeling as a girl's first love.

"You are correct," Henri nodded, respecting her instantly, "You have an incredible sense of taste that only a handful of patissiers and patissieres have. Tell me, do you practice making sweets?"

"I do at home, although not all the time because I could make too many sweets and get in trouble with my parents, although my sister wouldn't mind," Ichigo admitted sheepishly, "But I used to make them with my grandmother when I was little. She was also a patissiere, like you are, I suppose."

"What was her name?" Henri asked curiously because Ichigo bears a strong resemblance to the girl his grandfather mentored.

"Amano Michiko, why?" Ichigo asked why this man was suddenly interested in her family lineage.

His eyes widened in response before regaining his composure and turned around, looking for something. Whipping around he presented her with a flyer, he handed it to Ichigo, saying, "I recommend that you come to study at St. Marie's branch in Japan. You have such a talent that it would be a shame to see it go to waste."

"That's nice… but how much is tuition?" Ichigo asked, scared.

"I can always work that out with your parents," Henri promised, handing her a business card, "Should they take my offer, I can talk about fees and such. If you truly want to come, money shouldn't hold you back."

Ichigo nodded and pocketed the flyer and said, "No guarantees, but I will ask my parents for sure."

Henri nodded and said, "You know the number to call. You practically have admission to St. Marie's, because I am recruiting you."

Ichigo smiled softly, and said, "It is an honor, sir. But as much as I have to say your offer is tempting I must check with my parents. They do have a right to know. But I will let you know as soon as possible."

With that, Ichigo's phone rang and she answered it. A worried Natsume was wondering where she was and she said that she should run over to their car if she doesn't want to be left behind. Henri heard her talking to her sister and wondered, what parents would want to leave their child behind?

Ichigo bowed quickly and left, running in the direction of the concert hall and towards the car where she saw her parents and Natsume walking towards it.

"There you are, Ichigo! I was getting worried!" Natsume yelled, when they reached her.

Ichigo smiled and they got in the car, embarking on another silent drive home.


During dinner, Ichigo timidly asked, "Mom, I have something to ask you."

"Yes dear?" Mom answered, looking slightly ticked off.

"I got invited to study at St. Marie's," Ichigo said quietly handing her the brochure Henri gave her.

"To make sweets? Honey, that's not a living, it's a hobby," Dad chuckled.

"If she wants to do it then she will," Natsume firmly said.

Their mom nodded and said, "How much will the tuition be?"

Ichigo pulled out Henri's business card and handed it to her mother, saying, "Here's his business card. He wouldn't tell me the fees, saying he will talk to you about it."

"Very well. We will call him soon," Mom nodded.

"No, call him tonight," Natsume insisted.

"But sweetie-" Dad started but was cut off.

Natsume shook her head and said, "No. You know what? I am so sick and tired of you putting my dreams and ambitions above Ichigo's. She deserves to have a voice, she deserves to do what she wants but she never expresses it because she loves me. You call him tonight and for once, keep your promise."

Stunned, the parents nodded and said if the girls would clean the dishes, they would call him.

Their parents went to the office and closed the door so the girls couldn't hear them talking. The fact that they had a phone and were looking at the business card proved to them that they were doing what Natsume insisted them to do.

As they cleaned the dishes, Ichigo said, "Thank you."

"For what?" Natsume asked, curiously.

"For standing up for me," Ichigo admitted, "I thought they would never listen to me."

"Well they wouldn't and that's why I decided to help. You need to live your dream too," Natsume said, making Ichigo nod.

"Yeah… to make people smile," Ichigo grinned as she scrubbed the dishes in soapy water.

The next morning…

"Ichigo… we have come to a decision," mom said.

"And that is…?" Natsume asked.

"We will let Ichigo go to study at St. Marie's branch in Japan," dad said.

"When do I leave?" Ichigo asked.

"In a couple of days," dad answered, "Henri will pick you up, in fact."

"Really?" Ichigo asked.

"He insisted," mom said, "For some reason, he was excited, though I don't know why. I guess we don't have to waste gas trying to drop you off over there."

Natsume's hand curled into a fist, but Ichigo gently squeezed her hand to make it relax.

"I will pack," Ichigo said solemnly.

"I will go help her," Natsume said immediately so she didn't have to talk to their parents.