A/N: So, the idea of this story is that I want to see how WBY would react to Ruby regenerating in the middle of something important. They now have to learn to get along with their new leader and this will happen several times. The story will follow canon closely for a little bit, and then suddenly veer off of that course.

The Doctor bounced around the TARDIS console, flipping switches and pulling levers. He did so with a sort of childlike glee, as Amy and Rory watched him do so.

"What do you think of The Day of the Dead Festival in Mexico?" He asked. "One of the third best festivals in the universe! The first being a Sontaran funeral." Amy only smiled comfortably as she stood there next to Rory, just happy to be there. And then the TARDIS violently bounced, causing them to all lose their balance. They all grabbed onto some sort of railing. Amy and Rory, an actual rail, and the Doctor grabbed the console.

"What was that?" Amy asked. The Doctor frowned and moved around the console, grabbing the monitor.

"This again?!" He loudly asked, groaning. "This is supposed to be impossible!" He looked like a child having a tantrum, the way his face scrunched up, and the way he angrily stomped his feet on the floor.

"What?" Amy asked, watching the Doctor stomp his way to the door.

"We've landed in an alternate universe!" He said, throwing his hands up.

"How did we do that?" Rory meekly asked.

"Must have been a crack in the time vortex." The Doctor told him.

"Right." Rory said. "Can we get back?"

"The TARDIS still has power, so presumably, yes!" The Doctor slowly opened the TARDIS door, peeking out at the… sky. "So now the artificial gravity works…" he grumbled, taking a prone position and grabbing the bottom lip of the TARDIS. His hands were immediately affected by the planet's gravity, but the rest of his body wasn't. He began to slowly pull himself out, feeling his weight beginning to grow against his hands until he quickly shot his feet out, practically leaping out of the Tardis and onto the soft grass.

"Come along, Ponds!" He gleefully shouted back. He loved saying that.

Amy came first, trying to walk out like normal, but stumbling back in, so she had to do what the Doctor had done to get out. Then came Rory. Neither Ponds were surprised to see the Doctor trying to heave the Tardis right side up. Unfortunately, he couldn't get it more than a foot off the ground, so the two stood beside him, pushing up until the blue box was standing as it should be. The Doctor put his hands on his hips, pushing back his tweed jacket and sighed in contentment. He immediately turned and began to take in his environment. It was a forest. He frowned and pulled his sonic screwdriver out of his pocket, whipping it around as it made its routine buzzing noise. It quickly snapped open and he pulled it in front of his face.

"Very similar to Earth." He remarked. "Yet not quite." He waved the sonic around once more, and again pulled it in front of his face. He frowned again, and put it back in his jacket pocket before marching off. Amy and Rory very quickly followed behind him, stepping through the brush and trees. Soon, the sound of gunshots became clear. Gunshots and screaming, coming closer and closer.

"You monster!" A voice angrily screamed. The Doctor furrowed his eyebrows and very quickly pushed through the brush, only to find three girls pointing weapons at him. He jumped back, and smiled weakly.

"Who are you?" One of the girls asked. She was wearing all white, with matching white hair.

"I'm The Doctor, and these are my companions Amy and Rory!" He said, pulling the two out of the bushes. Amy waved, but not happily. One of the girls, a blonde one pulled back, and seemingly wandered off. The others, the white haired one and the black haired one each put their weapons down.

"You got here quick." The black haired one said. The three time travelers raised an eyebrow.

"You called for me?" The Doctor asked.

"Just a minute ago." The white haired said.

"I never got a phone call, but I heard gunshots and screaming. I assume you have wounded, yes?" They nodded. "Let's take a look see!" He said. They quickly pointed to the place the blonde girl had disappeared to, kneeling beside a fallen girl who was wearing a red cape. She seemed to be bleeding profusely, but the blonde girl was trying to stop the bleeding.

"You're not a medical doctor!" Rory whispered as they walked over to the other two girls. All three heard, giving them worried looks.

"Am too!" The Doctor said. "I have my doctorate in a range of topics; film, cheese, medicine! That's only a few things." The girls seemed to be somewhat reassured, but still gave him odd looks.

The Doctor kneeled down beside the injured girl, slowly moving the blonde's hands away from the wound to inspect the damage.

"Ouch." He said, pushing the hands back down, and telling the blonde girl of the damage. "That is most definitely fatal, at least for this decade. Your primitive weaponry and clothing suggests that you haven't made many advancements in medical technology. Weaponry maybe. You've got phones, but a simple impalement is too much for your physicians to handle." The blonde girl seemed scared for the red girl, and didn't seem to grasp whatever it was that was happening. He frowned. "There is only one way for me to save her, and it's going to involve that sword." He pointed to the black haired girl, and she slowly unsheathed her sword, handing it to The Doctor. "Now…" he began. "This is going to look really bad, but I want to remind you that I'm on your side and if you attack me after I begin, she will die." The blonde looked nervous as The Doctor lined the blade up with Red's wrist. He then raised the blade above his head, and cleaved her hand off. Everyone else looked away from the gruesome sight, while he just tossed the sword off to the side, and put both of his hands on Red's wound. Golden regeneration energy flowed between the two, and her wounds began to close. And then her eyes opened. She saw her severed hand not too far away and immediately began to panic. Her wrist was no longer bleeding, but her hand had not grown back either. Her remaining hand had begun to glow, just as The Doctor's had. She noticed this and her breathing picked up. He quickly grabbed either side of her head and pressed his forehead against hers. Next, he put some distance between the two of them and she stood. By now, her friends had returned their gazes to her. As she began to regenerate. The large, golden beams of light tore apart nearby trees and lit bushes on fire. Just as quickly as her regeneration began, she angled both arms to fire the energy into her severed hand, and the surge of energy stopped, allowing her to bounce away from the now glowing hand. She looked relatively unharmed, and even had two hands again.

"I didn't know you could do that." Amy said. The Doctor shook his head.

"I shouldn't be able to." He said. "But there's something about this universe that's different from our own." He was digging through his pockets as he said this, and then he pulled out a matchbox. He quickly pulled out a match and lit it, dropping it on top of the hand. The hand very quickly combusted, and the skin was very quickly turned to ash.

"What did you do?" Red asked. The Doctor looked up as if he was just now realizing she was there.

"The impossible. I made you a Time-Lady." He said.

"A what?" The blonde asked.

"I didn't mean to!" He said, as though he had been accused of a horrible crime. "I meant to make her regenerate just once. She should be able to do it eleven more times. Expanded her life span to at least a thousand years. Sorry." And just like that, he disappeared into the trees.


Team RWBY all stood around in shock after seeing their leader "regenerate". None of them really understood what had just happened, except of course, Ruby, who had accidentally mind melded with The Doctor, learning of Time-Lords, Tardises, and more she had yet to unlock.

The red girl suddenly let out a choking gasp and fell to her hands and knees. Her teammates immediately rushed to her side, but she put a hand up to assure them that she was okay. Her back suddenly arched, and a soft beam of regeneration energy flowed out of her mouth. And then came the waves of information, flooding her mind as if a dam had been broken. Her mind was drowning in this information and it hurt. She let out an agonizing scream as she clutched her forehead. She could feel herself being moved, being dragged, but she could not see where she was being dragged to, as her eyes were filled with visions of Daleks and Cybermen. Her mind was only filled with the most basic knowledge of the things The Doctor knew of. She didn't have access to his memories, just his knowledge. She knew who Amelia Pond was, yet she did not understand why she was so important to The Doctor.

Ruby's mind was filled with knowledge for what felt like days, maybe even weeks. And then Ruby awoke, laying in a small, white room, atop a small white bed. She knew where she was, but she did not know why. She remembered the pain, The Doctor and the regeneration. Yet she did not know why any of this warranted a stay in the infirmary.

She quickly took a look around the room, and found her father sitting at her bedside, fast asleep. Her eyes, and body felt sore as she pulled herself into a sitting position with a groan. Ruby knew this would wake Taiyang, as this was the man who could sleep through the TV being on full volume, but if either one of his daughters so much as whined in their sleep, he'd know about it and rush into their room as if he'd heard a guttural scream.

He quickly sat up in his chair, and helped her get into a comfortable sitting position, with a smile on his face to prove he was happy that she was conscious.

"What happened?" She asked. He voice was hoarse and it hurt to speak.

"Your friends are saying something about a doctor using magic to heal you." He said. He obviously didn't believe it.

"I remember that." She said. "What happened after."

"They said you just started screaming. The doctors are saying that you were conscious, but you were unresponsive. You just kept screaming." He said, looking down at his feet.

"What stopped me?" She asked.

"You lost your voice." He told her.

She nodded. It made sense with how much her throat currently hurt.

"The pain was a side effect of the knowledge I gained from the Time-Lord." She said. She didn't know how she knew this, she just did.

"Time-Lord?" Taiyang asked.

"The masters of time." Ruby said.

"Honey," Taiyang began, resting his hand atop hers. "You're not making any sense. Who was that doctor?"

"He's The Doctor."

"I know, but Doctor Who?"