Helllo everyone you thought I was dead didn't you. Well I came back from the dead to give you all another chapter


Me: what the...WHO IS IT!?


Me:*grabbed laptop* yikes *runs down the street with an angry mob of shield agents.*

Me: Lemme outrun these guys. Enjoy the chapter.

Chapter VI: Connected with the past again.

Phoenix blinked, then looked from the scythe to the hammer in awe. Cyrus' flames were powerful yes, but this?!

'Oh dragons breath what have I gotten myself into?' She though in panicked.

She walked over to Thor,who was out cold. Phoenix yelled and jumped on his chest to wake him, but it only resulted in more snores.

So she did the only thing left in her brain.

Kicking him in the balls.


"Oooooowwwww" came the response from Thor, as well as him gripping his pants in pain. Phoenix raised a red eyebrow and rolled her eyes.

"Jordan took that better than you." She said, her feet hovering off the ground and levitaing over Thor. He winced at her.

"PHOENIX!" Loki yelped. She waved.

"What happened?" he asked. she blinked.

"Me and Thor were sparring and I uh-"


That got Thor moving. He ran to the battle field and picked up his hammer.

There, in the top of it was a crack shaped like a lightning bolt.

Phoenix walked over, gently spinning the scythe, its flames whooshing with her hair. she smiled apologetically, but was stopped when Thor shouted.

"Mjlonir has never looked better!" He declared. Phoenix, dumbstruck, stated at him.

Before she could reply, Thor struck her in a bone crushing hug.

"OWWW THOR!" She cried, looking at her bandaged arm. Thor smiled apologetically

"Its fine." She exclaimed brushing it off as she turned to Loki.

As everyone cleared, Loki's and Phoenix walked to the great library. Phoenix had always loved books. Before he had come and destroyed her world, she remembered sitting in the library with Jordan, practicing new spells for her fire powers.

But they had been taken, and the great hall was burned to he ground. Cyrus no longer stood as the grand empire it once was when she was a young child. It had fallen to the hands of Cide, ruler of the dead and now she sat on the throne like it was hers.

Phoenix's blood boiled at the though and her hair went up in huge flames, her green eyes lighting a green fire from them. Loki raised an eyebrow.

"Phone is are you alright?" He asked. She closed her eyes and her hair went down, cooling her temperature to at least 700° Fahrenheit. When she opened her eyes, she turned to him, her messy hair falling I her face. She smiled.

"Just...thinking." She said. Loki smiled.

"Careful or you might burn something the way you think." Phoenix rolled her eyes.

"Haha." She said as she stood to stretch. She walked around to get another book. When she came back, Loki was waiting.

"Phoenix," he began. " was wondering if you could tell me a little bit more about yourself. " she blinked as she put the books on the table.

"Well what do you wanna know?" She asked. He though for a moment before they both sat down.

"Who are you, where your from, how you got through my mirror." She snickered at the memory. "Everything if it's okay with you."

"Okay well, I was born somewhat around 2,000 years ago, so I'm pretty old, but young in human years. About 20 I think. I am the daughter of Libra, the queen of Cyrus, which makes me a princess and next in line for the throne. I have an older brother named Jordan, and I was supposed to have another sister, but she died while my mom was pregnant. We were devastated. I was born with fire powers, because Cyrus is the Queendom of fire and fire breathing dragons. Its where dragons were originally from. But they spread across the universe.

Anyways, so I was about 4 or 5 when a vile creature named Abbadon attacked. He killed my parents and took us. Jordan was about 6. She. We got there, not only was our realm attacked, but all the realms. The Terra realm, The Aqua realm, The Wind realm, My realm, the Fire realm, and some other that can't come to my mind." She said.

Loki's eyebrows were up in his hair by the time he finished. She smiled.

"Well if that's it, I hafta go. I wanna see your mom, then I wanna spar a little. Can't let Cyclopes not spin." She said.

"Who's Cyclops?" Loki wondered. She tossed with the rod up in the air. Flames engulfed it before a dagger landed in her hand.

"This is Cyclops, the weapon of Cyrus. It can only be wielded by heir to the throne of Cyrus." She said, placing it in her pocket. Loki stood up and smiled.

"Well let's go see my mother." He said as they walked out the library.

A creature sat on his black obsidian throne. He had killed almost everyone that came near him.

"My lord, we have found the children of Cyrus." The creature, its face as white as a sheet of paper said.

The creature turned its ugly face to reveal black teeth and blood red lips. It smiled.

"Where do they rest?" He asked from the throne. Its eight arms helping it stand on its hooves feet. The messager shook slightly.

"The prince rest on earth, and the princess," he gulped.

The creatures lips turned I to a snarled. "Where is she?!" It asked, his breath reeking of death

"She rests on Asgard, where your brothers infinity gauntlet rest." He whimpered. The creature smiled

"Then its time we pay Thanos a visit, shall we?" He asked.

Across the galaxy the mad Titan turned his head and nodded. "I will be expecting you, brother Abbadon."

"As shall I." Came the reply in his head. Thanks smiled.

Ok guys so how was this cliffie? Good bad nn a little bita both? Well let me know in the reviews!

Loki's joke was cheesy if you like it, let me know in the reviews too.

-Myrtle he he 😏