If you celebrate Thanksgiving then Happy Holidays! If not, then just Happy DAY! Don't forget to rate and review xxx

Ninth Year, 1994

"Jack," Jeannie sing-songed, fighting a shiver that threatened to trail down her spine from the cool breeze of the crisp winter air. From beneath the thick hood of her coat she grinned widely at him, glancing up from her lashes. She'd been holding her tongue all day, it was time for her to let him in on her little secret. That little secret of Jeannie's was that her parents would be gone this weekend to visit her beloved Aunt Sadie;she'd have the house all to herself, she'd be alone.

Unless, Jack took the hint and just happened to show up, unannounced. Who was she to deny her best-est friend in the whole wide world entry into her empty home in the middle of the night? Why that would be barbaric. Jeannie simply wouldn't stand for it. A sly grin crossed her face, and her cheeks grew rosy from the thought of being alone with Jack. Oh, the possibilities.

Jeannie jumped as she realized Jack had been staring at her with his eyebrows raised, watching her expressions and waiting for her to snap out of her lewd daydreams, and finally notice him. Of course, Jack had no way of knowing her thoughts were anything but pure-except the glaringly obvious blush expanding across her cheeks, and chest, that gave her away completely.

"Well, Jeannie? Cat got your tongue?" She heard the little dreamy sigh escape her own lips when he grinned down at her, but didn't even bother trying to hide it;Jeannie had decided to make what she wanted painfully obvious, then there was no way he wouldn't at least get the hint.

"Hmm.. noooo. But, I do have some exciting news…" Jeannie said cryptically, skipping ahead happily and patiently waiting for him to take the bait. She knew he couldn't resist, but it wouldn't stop him from being an ass in the meantime, Jeannie looked back just in time to see him roll his eyes and lazily turn to follow her.

"Oh?" He questioned, pouting his lips teasingly at her once he'd caught up. "And does this… exciting news benefit me in anyway?" Jeannie knew he didn't really care if it had anything to do with him at all, but the fact of the matter was that it did. It had everything to do with him. Jeannie tried to ignore the way her heartbeat sped up when he pulled her closer by her wrist. How was he so damn warm in thirty degree weather?

"Well, Jack, it depends on how you use this exciting news to your… advantage." Her neck strained from the angle it had to be at in order for her to look up at him, but it was so worth it to see the surprise light up his face. That's right, Jack. Jeannie thought. All the cards are in your hands.

"And so what is this… what is this news that's so exciting?" Hook.

"My parents are going out of town this weekend, I'm gonna' be stuck at home… all alone." Line.

Jeannie watched as Jack swallowed, his Adam's apple being her point of interest, he didn't appear to be nervous though, excited maybe, but not nervous. That was… good. "Well, I could always swing by, keep my darling best friend company on this lonely weekend." And sinker.

Jeannie grinned innocently up at him and placed a not-so-innocent chaste kiss on the calloused palm of his hand. It's all part of the plan.

Jeannie couldn't remember a time when she was more nervous. Did Jack actually understand her meaning? Would he be prepared? She was sure if she snooped enough in her parent's room she could find some form of… protection, but… did he even really want her like that? Did she want him like that?-Yes, yes she did. Badly. She couldn't think of anyone else she would ever want to be with-there was no one else, actually.

Jeannie had busied herself at the microwave, popping some popcorn for the campy horror movie she was about to watch when a loud noise from behind her had the uncooked kernels flying everywhere. She turned around sharply to see Jack sat on the kitchen counter, his feet swinging effortlessly into the wooden cabinet, the sliding door across the room was still haphazardly left open.

"You asshole! You couldn't have gotten my attention in a nicer way?" Jeannie's hands found their way to the curve of her hips on their own accord, as she glared at him. Jack just stared back blankly.

"Hey Jen'," He stressed her name like a soft whine, "Angel. Sweeeeetdarling! Love of mine… I think you, uh… you might've dropped something." He deadpanned, Jeannie did her best to contain the snort of laughter, she really did, but to no avail. Even if she had-not!-been totally swooning. Nope, definitely. Not. Jack slid from the counter and sauntered toward her, tactfully pinning her against the corner where the island met the cabinets, and craning his neck to meet her eye.

"Hi." Jeannie laughed, blushing girlishly as he pressed the front of his body flush against her's.

"Hi." Jack echoed, a genuine smile of his own brightening his features. His dark eyes roamed her face, seeming to trail over her every little feature to note it to memory. It was Jeannie that leaned forward to press her lips against his, and she'd be lying if she said it didn't feel like every romance she'd ever seen or read put to practice.

Jack's lips, while, admittedly, a bit chapped from the cold, were soft when he leaned down further to keep her from losing her balance while she stood, trembling, on her tip toes. It was comforting to know he was allowing her to set the pace, Jack knew better than anybody that Jeannie didn't like being pressured. Into anything.

She practically melted against him when he brought his hand up to caress her face. It wasn't her first kiss, unfortunately, but Jeannie knew for a fact that Jack Napier would be her last. There was no way she was going to let him go after this. She also knew that if he didn't pull away then she would pass out from lack of oxygen, but when she felt his tongue test the barrier of her lips it was quickly decided that she would be a fool to try to pull away then. Jeannie draped her arms around his neck, unsure herself of whether she was doing it to yank him closer, pull herself to him, or to just get him to slide her onto the counter.

In any case, it worked in her favor when she was no longer stepping in popcorn kernels and she could finally wind her legs around Jack's waist. She'd never admit to the blush that was spreading across her body due to the fact she could feel him straining against his jeans. Also, offhand, she really wished he would stop smoking;he tasted like cigarettes and coffee-not that the last part minded, at least she liked coffee.

Despite kissing before Jeannie had never actually done much more than a simple little peck. So, 'technically speaking' her first kiss with Jack was special in the way that his tongue-Was he massaging her tongue with his?-was, well, she wasn't sure exactly where he'd learned that from, but it felt amazing. That brought up the question in her mind;What else was Jack experienced in that she wasn't? She had thought that they would both go into… this, whatever 'this' was, with close to the same amount of knowledge. Apparently not.

Jeannie broke away from Jack for what he thought had been to catch her breath-it was, but also-she held her hand up when he moved back toward her. His brow wrinkled in confusion and Jeannie tried not to get distracted by the look in his brown eyes. He was adorable;perfect. She shook her head at thst to clear the thought away. "W-Where… What the hell?" Was all Jeannie had managed to get out when she finally tried to form any coherent words. Jack smiled at her, looking a bit smug-albeit, confused-at his work of her red, swollen lips.

"Where'd you… What?" Jeannie mumbled jutting out her lower lip in frustration, she glared as best she could at him beneath her lashes, but the blush tainting her face didn't make it seem very believable. Jack actually let out a small laugh at this, not one with malicious intent, but boyish modesty. "Jaaaaack." Jeannie sniveled, shoving at his shoulder halfheartedly.

"I can't answer a question that you haven't asked, love." He captured her face with his hands again, so that he could rest his forehead against her's.

"How do you know how to… do that?" As soon as it appeared Jeannie wanted to punch that little smirk from his face, but contained her anger, she would have to at least wait long enough to get an answer out of him. Instead of physical abuse she decided on whining some more. "Jaaaaaaack!"

Jack winced before grinning again, she couldn't remember a time he'd smiled so much in a single sitting and also felt thrilled that she was a part of that. "Jeeeeannie," He mimicked cruelly, but stopped when she turned away, sliding back on the counter to pout, again. "Hey, now. I was just doing what felt right, alright Jen'?" Jack pulled her back toward him so that he was once again positioned between her thighs.

Jeannie's eyes softened when she looked up at him before narrowing suspiciously. "Yeah, you promise?" She thrust her pinky finger out toward him as threateningly as one possibly could. Jack dropped his head at this, chuckling before lacing his much larger pinky around her's. Jeannie was instantly smiling again, edging closer to press her lips to his.

"I also mighta' had some practice with that senior chick, Vicky, once, but, I mean, it doesn't really count because I actually care about you." She found herself in honest shock that he'd gotten the entire sentence out and had still managed to slip his tongue across the roof of her mouth. Despite the shiver that went down her spine without her permission, she did a good job of pulling away fast enough to escape any real temptation of his lips..

"Jack!" Jeannie growled, he dodged around her when she swung at him and she missed just by a hair. At first she was truly annoyed at Jack's lack of remorse toward the subject. But, she herself had kissed before, as well, and it wouldn't do to be hypocritical. What did it matter, anyway?

Jeannie soon found herself laughing too as she chased him around her kitchen at nearly one in the morning swinging various items of silverware and making ridiculous, taunting faces at one another.