Just FYI, I've changed the name of Kate's oldest brother from Jack to Eric. I apologize for the sudden changes since I will be using Jack as Jack Hyde in this chapter to clear up confusion regarding Kate's brother and Ana's boss. I've edited the previous chapters and changed the name. Once again please accept my apologies.

I was rereading old chapters and I laugh so hard when I read this one part that states "werewolves and vampires freaked me out". Although it was in Ana's POV, but it was somehow in my perspective too. Ironically, I love werewolf fictions these days lol.

Chapter 18

Ana's POV

June 2013

I am chilling in a cafe near Christian's office one fine morning, enjoying my cup of tea and croissant while dreaming away last night's rendezvous inside of Christian's car after his birthday celebration with his family. Sadly we are not able to spend the whole day together as he is extremely occupied with work and Grace made me talk to him for a celebratory dinner at the Grey mansion. It was spontaneous, but enough to make me dream the morning away before a phone call from SIP interrupted my fantasy.

Elizabeth, the person who introduced herself as one of the human resource staff, urgently needed a temporary assistant to one of the editors for three months since the current assistant went into early labor. I am beyond elated by the news and agreed to start the next day.

Christian has never skipped any meal, no matter how busy he is. We are tucked in a very busy Italian bistro during the peak hours of the day, swirling both our forks as we dig into the heavenly pasta.

"Care to tell me why you are all smiley and giggly baby?"

"So I got a phone call earlier from SIP, and they approved of my application to be a temporary assistant to one of the editors for three months!"

Christian can't suppressed his surprise of this new information.

"I didn't know you are applying for internships. Why didn't you tell me?"

"To avoid this exact reaction from you." I said after I swallow my last bit of pasta.

"Please elaborate."

It is so obvious that Christian is trying to keep himself calm.

"I don't want you to offer me job vacancies, or try to hook me up with one of your associates just to get me the dream job that I want. I want to do it by myself with my own effort to send applications, waiting like any other mundane citizens."

There was a brief silence between us. Although a tiny part of me is a little bit terrified of Christian's reaction, I do not feel what I did can be categorized as wrong.

"I don't know where you get such assumptions. I am not that overbearing, Ana." His tone is crisp and cool.

I want to feel guilty and sympathize to put him in such a situation. But then again, this is the Christian Grey I am talking about. What he wants, he gets. I can't help but assume he doesn't want me to lift a single hair during this my summer break.

I sip my ice tea slowly, trying to construct a decent response to avoid unnecessary argument. Fortunately, Christian beats me to it.

"I know what you are thinking Ana. Give me some credit here. Yes, I would prefer for you to just enjoy your summer break but if what you want is working experience I would totally support you even if it bothers me just for a tiny bit."

I lean in to give his pouty lips a small peck in a playful manner. He rolled his eyes, unable to stay mad for long.

Much to his dismay, I declined spending the evening with him. I need to be on my best presentation tomorrow. I picked my outfit for tomorrow so that I will be prepared. I also prepare my purse and stuffed in my ipad and notepad in case I need to write important notes to remember.

Christian is out in front of my porch at 8.30 in the morning the next day. He said that he wants to be the one to drop me off on my first day. It is very much unnecessary, but I appreciate the gesture nonetheless. Anyways there is no harm done since SIP is just a few blocks away from Christian's office.

"Good luck on your first day, love. If something is not right, call me or text me. If your boss is a creep, also call me. If anything is out of ordinary…"

I quickly interrupt him before he rambles more "I will call you and inform you if anything weird or out of ordinary happens. I am just interning for three months, Christian, I am not going to a military boot camp or some sort. You'll pick me up at 5 right?"

"Yes. I will be in this exact spot by 5."

Ana smiled and run her palm along Christian's stubbly jawline. He worries too much.

"And I will be out here by 5. See you baby." He pulls me into another kiss and begrudgingly let me out of the car.

Once outside, I turn my head and see that Christian has pulled down the window, worry mares his beautiful face. His hand gesture to shoo me away indicating that I should enter the building. I give him another big smile, faking my anxiousness to be working with a whole new level of strangers, professional strangers to be exact. I take a clean deep breath and enter the building.

I make my way to SIP on the second floor of the building and alert the receptionist of my presence. A petite tan lady smiles at me and asks if I have any appointment.

"Um yes, I am here to see Ms. Elizabeth Morgan. Um, it's my first day here."

"Oh! Ms. Anastasia Steele? Please wait a moment while I dial her office."

I thank her and take a seat in the waiting area. Soon a lady in her late twenties, with a professional uptide bun, blazer and matching pencil skirt that compliments her figure greets me.

"Helo, you must be Anastasia Steele. I am Elizabeth Morgan." we briefly shook our hands.

"I am so glad that you are able to join us in such short notice. Let's just get the paperwork done and I'll introduce you to the editor!" her chirpy mood calms me a little bit and I smile in relief knowing that I am off with a good start.

Elizabeth moves quickly and efficiently. She hands me a brown envelope containing my internship contract and informed me I can read and sign the documents within 2 days. She then delivers me to the editor, Jack Hyde. At the first glance, he seems like the average ambitious editor with a little bit of attitude. He doesn't seem too pleased with my arrival but nonetheless he tries to engage into simple conversation.

"So, you are eighteen?"

"Yes, Mr Hyde."

He simply hums in acknowledgement.

"And you go to Harvard to major in English Lit.?"

To my knowledge yes that is what i wrote in my CV. I politely answer him with another yes.

"Got a boyfriend?"

Too personal, but let's not make a bad impression on the first day of my career life. I slowly nod and try to read his expression or body language for any sign.

"Okay. Well, Anastasia, here is a manuscript that I've been reading for ages but not really into it. I hope you can read it for me and give me notes and your thoughts to it."

I take the thick manuscript and walk back to my desk, take out my pen and sticky notes and start reading.

Three hours into my reading, the telephone rings and saw the caller turns out to be Hana the receptionist.

"Anastasia Steele speaking, how can I help you?"

"Ms. Steele there is a very handsome man in the lobby with a flower basket by the name of Chris."

A wide grin spread across my face and I told Hana that I will be right out.

It is lunch time so I knock on Mr. Hyde's office to excuse myself for my lunch break. He nods and returns to his work without any second glance. There is a small pang of unease deep within my guts.

I quickly take my purse and head to the receptionist area. My nostrils are welcomed by the sweet smelling fragrance from the basket flower arrangements that Christian is holding. I tip on my toe and kiss him on his right cheeks before I take the flowers from his arm and admire the beautiful arrangements.

"Thank you for the lovely flower. I didn't expect this, but thank you. I love it and I love you." We are both grinning and when I turn my head to see the receptionist she is also grinning dreamily.

"Wait here while I put the basket on my table."

As I put the basket down on my table, Mr. Hyde suddenly exits his office looking like he is about to head for his lunch as well. He instantly notices the basket and raises his brow in question. "From your boyfriend?"

"Yes, Mr. Hyde." I answer him politely as we both make our way out.

"So this boyfriend of yours, is he from Harvard too?"

"Um yes he is."

We are out by the reception in no time and Christian quickly make his way to me and pull my waist close to his.

"Christian, this is Mr. Hyde, the editor that I will be assisting. Mr Hyde, this is Christian my boyfriend."

The both of them exchange pleasantries as we walk out of the building.

"We'll get going Mr. Hyde. See you in an hour." I excuse the both of us.

The rest of the day is quite uneventful as I make reviews and comments to the manuscript. In all honesty the story is not half bad, but I have to admit it was very romantic and how descriptive the story is through the lady's point of view. I don't understand how Mr. Hyde finds this story uninteresting because honestly any lady can read this over and over again without getting bored. The man described in the story is unlike Christian, his romanticism is a different version of Christian's. Maybe, just maybe, if I have not met Christian and am still living my single life, I would've been in love with the character as well.

I am so deep in reading and making notes throughout the day that I did not realize it was 5 pm.

Mr. Hyde exits his office and clears his throat.

"Anastasia, it's past 5pm. You don't need to finish the whole manuscript today. What's the progre… WOW have you really read that much? That is, what, half way done? Wow, Anastasia, I am genuinely amazed. I think that's more than enough for today. Shall we head out?"

I quickly pack my things and walk along Mr. Hyde.

"So…. this Christian guy, is he working? I mean, I'm just assuming since he was wearing business suits earlier."

"Um, yeah something like that, Sir" I give a nervous laugh.

"Just Jack is fine. Oh? Where does he work?" Mr. Hyde casually pry, but whatever it is I feel uncomfortable sharing information about Christian to him.

"He manages a little of this and that in a company." I answer him vaguely.

"Oh! So he is a manager? How old is he?"


Before I got to answer the question we are out of the building and true to his word Christian's car is waiting for me out front, but no sign of him. I suddenly see a man step out of the Christian's Audi A5 and greets me while he opens the door for me.

"Miss Steele? Mr. Steele is asking for your presence at dinner."

I don't question him further since that will raise further questions if I don't play along. This is Christian's car with his license plate so I assume it is safe to enter the car without any fuss. I smile and thank the man before I bid Mr. Hyde goodbye and enters into the safety of the car.

Once the car starts driving I start to question the identity of the man.
"So…. you are…..?"

"Sawyer. Luke Sawyer. I am part of Mr. Grey's security team, maam." He stoically introduces himself.

What the… security team? I feel like I am in some sort of bond movie with my own bodyguard or some sort.

"Where is Christian?"

"He is held up with work so he assigned me to drop you home safely, maam."

"Um, you can just call me Ana, Mr. Sawyer." I'm not exactly sure what to call him, I guess.

"Just Sawyer, maam."

"I am probably younger than you, so just call me Ana, Sawyer."

He gives me the slightest smile through the rearview mirror but does not speak anymore until we arrived home.

I take out my phone and send Christian a short text that I am with a man named Luke Sawyer who is driving me home with his car. I receive a response right away telling me that he is sorry for not being able to pick me up himself and that I can trust Sawyer.

The car stopped in front of my front porch and before I have the chance to gather my things, Sawyer opened the door for me to exit.

"Um, thank you Sawyer for driving me home."

"No worries, Maam." I roll my eyes for still calling me maam. I am eighteen for god sake.


"Good morning Hana," I greet the receptionist the next day.

"Good morning, Anastasia. So, was the guy yesterday really your boyfriend? He is so charming and dreamy." She asks. I couldn't help the blush on my cheek and smile coyly.

"Do you want to have lunch together later on?" She asks. She seems pleasant enough so I approve of the invitation and head to my desk.

Sawyer picks me up this morning and drives me to the office. He told me that Christian has an early conference so he could not pick me up. My poor baby is working too hard everyday.

I am about to take my seat and resume my reading when Mr. Hyde arrives.

"Good morning, Anastasia. Please come to my office and brief me with your progress for that manuscript in 5?"

"Sure,um, Jack." I quickly place my bag down and grab the manuscript and a pen before I enter the room.

We discussed for about an hour, but it seems that Jack is not overly fond of the story.

The topic discussion quickly moved on to Christian again.

"How did you both meet?"

"I am roommates with his sister." Such creepy questions hm.

"Oh, that's convenient. Hey listen, we occasionally have this gathering at the bar called Fifty's just across the building on Friday. You should come. You can even ask Christian to come along. Everyone is welcome to join."

"Thank you for the invitation. I'll think about it." I politely answer, but deep down I am so declining the offer. I rather not.

"Yes please do. And don't forget to invite Christian." He smiles broadly.


That evening I decided to visit Christian at his office with dinner. I spot Christian exiting the meeting room with Ros, who quickly makes her way back to her office and Christian to his. He didn't notice me and slam his door shut just as I was about to call for his attention.

Surprised, I see this lady sitting down in front of Christians room, noting that she must be Andrea, the infamous workaholic PA. I head to her desk and notice that she too has a very tense expression typing furiously on her computer.

I slowly clear my throat. If she is surprised for a guest visit at this late hour, she doesnt show through her stoic expression.

She smiles brightly and greets me. "Good evening, I'm Ms. Parker, Mr. Grey's assistant. How may I help you?"

Oh god have mercy on me this gorgeous lady with a very good body figure and beautiful face is a MISS! She's not married yet. I hate to think of her flirting with Christian.

"Hello, I'm Anastasia Steele. Is Christian busy? I'm just here to give him dinner." I sweetly ask her, trying to keep my jealousy intact.

"Ms Anastasia Steele?!" She gasps in surprise.

"Let me check for his schedule right away." She furiously type on her computer and in no time Christian exits his office room.

"Ana baby? What are you doing here? Are you okay? Are you unwell?" Christian is obviously surprised by my visit.

"What? No, um, I just want to drop by and give you dinner, I mean, if you are busy I'll just leave the dinner here for you and head home…"

"NO! No, please come in. I'm just finishing up for the day. Andrea, head home for the day will you?"

Christian did not wait for her reply and pulls me into his office. He slams his door again and quickly pulls me into a searing kiss. I can feel his frustration and exasperation in the urgent kiss. I quickly submit into his kiss and let him have his way with me. It's the least I can do to destress him.

I pull away and drag him to sit at his throne and help him with his dinner.

"Eat first, babe. You must be tired from a long day. I bought baked salmon with asparagus and rice." I lay out the container and open the lid. Steam of goodness escape through the room and Christian groans in appreciation.

"Smells divine. You are the best, love." He pulls me onto his lap and gives me a heated kiss before he digs in.

We make small talk occasionally while we feast. Christian told me that there is this one deal that is driving him mad. The people are looking down on both him and Ros due to their young age and lack of experience. I try to calm him while slowly rubbing on his tense shoulder.

"Let me make you feel good before you finish up with work?" I slowly rub his groin with my hand as I intensely stare into his hypnotizing grey orbits.

I hear him sigh in content and slowly close his eyes. I take that as a yes so I pull his zipper down. He helps me pull his pants down before situating himself back on his chair while I kneel in front of him.

Feeling extremely bold and urge to satisfy my man, I commanded him to look at me.

I lick the palm of my hand before firmly grip his impressive length and pump it slowly, keeping strong eye contact all the while. Christian hiss in appreciation and I quickly lean closer and lick the base of the head.

"FUCK Ana! So good!" I take that as a hint to move things forward and suck his whole length into my mouth until the tip of his head hits the back of my throat, and deeper.

"FUCKK yesss! Open your blouse and let me see your beautiful tits." He begs in a ragged voice. Who am I to deny my baby? I slowly unbutton my top and throw it over the papers scattering on Christian's table.

"Lose the bra too baby."

I hesitate for a moment, afraid that someone could barge into his room or hear what we are doing, but Christian reassure me that it's almost 7pm and that no one is working overtime that day. That relieves me just by a small margin, but nonetheless assured myself that no one will dare to enter the room without knocking and disturb the lion.

Before I lose courage I quickly take my bra off and suck his cock again.

Christian fist my hair and slowly start to fuck my mouth in a slow pace, but slowly pushing deeper and deeper into my throat. I moan as my nipples rub against the material of his pants, getting more and more turn on myself. The heat between my legs caused me to rub my thigh against each other to relieve the need to be attended, feeling a gush of wetness to release and wet my panties.

His cock pop out of my mouth and we both pant in lust and anticipation. In a swift motion, Christian has lifted me off the ground and placed me above his desk, right on top of my blouse, spreads me open through my black flare skirt and without warning he swiftly nudged my panties aside and pushed his whole length inside me.

I scream in surprise and pure bliss. I miss this thick long intrusion between my heat, to have them right now is a luxury I can't afford no matter how much I am willing to spend.

"CHRIS! Arghhh! M-moreee! Harder, please!" I scream in between my bliss.

Christian is panting hard, giving me exactly what I ask from him. He push my shoulders down so now I am laying on the desk, legs pushed against my shoulders making him go deeper than ever. The head of his cock hit the cervix and when he pulls out it rubs pass through the magical spot.

Beads of sweat starts to form on my forehead and the room is getting warmer as I am on my way to paradise.

"I am so close baby, are you close? It's been too long," Christian say in between his puff of breath.

"N-noo!" i guide my right hand to my clit and apply pressure to speed up my orgasm.
"No baby, let me," he starts to rub my clit roughly and I start cursing and screaming his name. My legs are shaking furiously and when I was about to cum the door suddenly opened.

"Grey I… WHATHEFUCK! I'M HEADING HOME, HAVE FUN AND STAY SAFE!" Ros quickly slam the door close and leave. Ros' intrusion did not waver Christian's action as he chased his orgasm without pausing at all and in no time both of us are screaming for our release.

Christian pulls out and grabbed the tissue to clean us up. I locate my bra on the floor and quickly fasten it before I take my now soil blouse from the desk. I'm not sure if i should wear it anymore since there is a giant wetness in the middle of the blouse from my cum and I am horrified if I should wear it again.

"Chris, do you have any spare clothing? I can't exactly wear my blouse… its… wet." I blush in embarrassment.

He chuckles and take the blouse, only for him to bundle it up and stick it to his nose and inhale deeply while keeping good eye contact with me.

"Why baby? It smells divine. It's my addict."

My horrified expression earns myself a good laugh from him. He assists me to put on my blouse. I did not exactly fight against it since it's better to put on the soiled blouse than wearing nothing at all.

"I'm going to work for a bit, wait for me? I'll drive you home after this." He asks while cupping my face with his thick rough hand. I nod and situate myself at the couch.

An hour and half later, we parked right on the corner of my street, making out in Christian's car yet again.

"Hmmm, I can't get enough of you babe. Is there no chance for you to stay at my apartment? I miss sleeping with you." He pouts.

In all honesty, I miss it too. But what kind of excuse should I make to my dad?

"How about, this Friday I'll tell my dad I will sleep over with Mia. But to make it real, we should stay at your parents' house." I suggest.

"That is actually not such a bad idea. But I really don't like the idea that you have to move back to her room early in the morning."

"It's better than nothing." I shrug.

"Oh right, I just remember, Jack invited us for a gathering on Friday at the bar Fifty's across the building. He specifically told me that you are invited." my sour tone didn't go unnoticed.

"He seems okay, but kind of creeping me out a little bit." Christian comments.

"He is a total creep because all he asked is about you! For example where you work, what kind of job you are working, your age, and so on!" I huffed after my long rant.

The sound of Christian's chuckle annoys me further. "Is that the sound of jealousy I'm hearing?" he nuzzled his nose to the column of my neck.

"What? NO!"

His wide grin tells me that he is not convinced at all.

"I'll be there and then we can go to my parents' house?" he says in between pepper kisses on my face.


"Want to go back home now?" he softly asks.

"Hmmm… why don't we….." I start to gyrate my hips to his, loving the way his manhood grow in size.

"My naughty little minx. You want more of this thick cock, don't you?" Christian's sultry voice clouded my mind as his hand roamed and groped my ass. I quickly unbutton his pants and grab his amazing cock out of its confinement to stroke it at a fast tempo.

I heard a sudden rip of material and realize that Christian ripped my panties into pieces and without thinking any further, I grabbed his cock and shoveled it inside my wet pussy. The sound of pleasure from the both of us echo through the small space of his car. I started to lift my hip and push back down and when I am sure of my movement I speed up, giving in to what we both needed.

Using one of his hands, Christian undo the top two buttons of my blouse and nuzzle his face to my cleavage, nipping and licking on my sensitive skin, as I continuously bounce on top of him. His arms return to my ass, guiding me to bounce better. When I am close to my release, I suddenly feel Christian touch my forbidden hole and I scream in shock.

"WHAT THE!" My eyes wide open questioning him. All he does is shush me and tell me to relax. His thumb continued to rest on the entrance of the hole, but he didn't advance further. I focus back to chase both or our orgasms. I let out a long groan when I finally release. I open my eyes, just in time to see Christian's face in pure bliss making me proud that I am the one who made him lose all of his sanity. Christian slowly push his length up and down to ride his orgasm.

Unfortunately there is no tissue in the car, so Christian take off his shirt to clean me up. I don't have any panties with me so I need to be extra clean so no reminiscent of our love making will slide down my leg as I make my way to my room.

After our breathing return to normal, he drives me to my house and graciously open the door and held my hand to my door.

"Goodnight my princess, sleep tight."

We kiss each other goodnight before I enter the house.


Friday come in a blink of an eye. I have excused myself for the weekend to stay at the Christian's. Yes, indeed Christian's apartment.

2 days prior

"Dad, I'll have a sleepover at Mia's for the whole weekend, will that be alright?" I place his favourite medium rare rib eye steak with a side of fries, just the way he likes it.

"Anastasia, don't think for a minute that I don't know what you are trying to do here. I was once young. You are staying at Christian's, am I wrong?" He gave me this serious look.

I slowly gulp, trying not to make it too obvious that he caught me red handed.

"I'm not judging you. You are young and want to live the time of your life. Just be safe and use protection. As much as I want grandkids, but not anytime soon. At least, not within this 3 years."

"Yes daddy," I hug him and eat our dinner in silence.

Present time

Right at 5 everyone was buzzing with excitement for the gathering at the bar. Not long after I pack my purse Jack exits his office and smiles at me.

"Ready to head out?"


"Will Christian be joining us?"

"Uh, he said that he will be a little late but yes he will be joining us." I answer.

"Very well. Let's head out first shall we?" and I nod in agreement.

The rest of the evening is mostly filled with socializing with Hana. She introduces me to various coworkers and they all have been very friendly to me.

"So I heard that a handsome young lad brought you flowers on your first day?" Elizabeth teases. I blush and nod my head slowly and all the girls sigh in awe.

"Such a sweet boyfriend, I wish mine is that romantic." a lady named Ivana chirps in.

"Me too," Hana sigh again.

From a distance, I see Christian enter the bar. He is scanning the room to search for me and when our eyes connect, we smile as he makes his way to me.

Halfway through Jack interrupts his path and tries to make small talk to him. Surprisingly he is polite enough to entertain Jack's small talk but when I feel that it's been long enough for him to stall MY boyfriend, I excuse myself from the ladies, grab my beer, and walk toward his direction.

I circle my left hand to his waist as he leans down to kiss the top of my head and greets me.

"Hello, love." I giggle and nuzzle my face to his chest.

"I hate to bring this up, but my mom wants us to have dinner with the family in 30 minutes. I told her that you have plans." he pats my ass lightly twice, and at that moment I know he is just making an excuse to bail me out and start our weekend fun early.

"Oh no? I think that we should go. Poor Grace must be so sad." I frown.

"Jack, I'm afraid I have to leave early." I turn my head to face him, but then I see that he is intensely staring at Christian, like, he is about to jump his bones. FUCK Lord have mercy, don't tell me…. HE IS INTO CHRISTIAN? OH FUCK NO, NO TO THE HELL WAY!

No wonder the first time I met him he doesn't seem so interested in me, and he doesn't like the romance manuscript very much, and he became friendly when Christian is included in the equation. The signs are blaring obvious and I totally missed all of those signs.

"I'll have to tell the girls first, alright?" I try to hide my anger in check and leave his side to excuse myself to the girls.

Everyone gives me the thumbs up and I make my way back to Christian, and for a moment I caught what Jack has said to Christian. "We should hang out sometimes, you know, guy time. I mean, I don't really have much male friends." He smiled bashfully. Fuck fuck fuck. I am definitely not hallucinating. HE REALLY IS INTO CHRISTIAN! URGH! I already have enough on my plate that I have to compete with beautiful ladies, NOW I HAVE TO SHOT DAGGERS TO MY BOSS TOO?! PERFECT!

"Baby, Lets go! Have a great weekend Jack!" I muster my best sickly sweet smile and pull Christian towards the exit.

Once outside Christian pulls me into a bone crushing embrace and whispers "you are so jealous and I love it. It shows how much you are crazy about me as I you." he kisses me soundly in the middle of the sidewalk in front of the bar. We are still close in proximity when I slowly open my eyes and caught Jack gaping and staring intensely toward Christian with a look of lust written on his face.

Acting as if I didn't see him at all, I drag Christian to his car and we speed off to his apartment.


Christian's POV

Today marks the last day of Ana's internship at SIP and I am extremely proud of how well she progressed and grow during the last 3 months. I can't believe that she will be returning to Boston in 5 days. I can't wait for the day she graduates and move back to Seattle for good.

I can't wait to make things official with Ana, like, marriage official. She is so goddamn cute with her jealousy. That night she found out that Jack flirts with me, she dominates me and forces it into my brain that the monster attached between my legs is hers and no one else's. Oh no, just thinking about her claiming my dick as hers cause my pants to tighten. I adjust my pants, trying to fit the image of Elliot farting to calm the erection. Once calm, I check the time and it is almost 5, meaning Ana will be out in any second.

I decided to surprise her and throw a farewell celebration for her at her office. I've instructed Sawyer to bring the food ahead. I exit my car and enter the building, heading straight to SIP like I own the place. Might as well get acquainted with the company as it may be my future investment if this is what Ana wants to do in her life.

My pathway is halted by Jack Hyde, grinning from ear to ear.

"Christian! So wonderful for you to be here."

"Yes, I'm here to surprise Ana and to pick her up." I answer politely.

"Right, she is still out and about, finishing up her clearance form." he smiles widely, in which I did not return.

There was a momentary silence before he chips in again "Do you play golf?"

Being in the business world, I do play as most business people conduct business while playing golf sometimes. Though I am not overly fond of that specific sport. I nod and he lit up.

"Really? I play golf too. Maybe we should play together sometimes. How about next weekend?"

It will be amusing if only Ana is here to show her jealousy, but since she is not here then I should clean up the mess myself.

"Mr Hyde, I would much appreciate it if we do not play golf, or any other social events for that matter, together. I am very much in a committed relationship with Ana and I am straight. I have and will never be interested in the same gender relationship. My apologies. Now if you will excuse me." I move past him towards Ana.

For the rest of the evening Jack keeps quiet. He occasionally steals small glances at me but I ignore it.

Tonight will also be the first night for both Ana and I to stay at our new penthouse at Escala. It finished just in time for Ana to stay before she returns to Boston.

Thankfully Ana reasoned with her dad that she wants to make sure everything is perfect at the penthouse and that she is hosting housewarming for Sunday dinner in two days. But for the next 36 hours it will all be about christening every single surface of our very own living quarter before she leaves for Boston again.

The sexual tension is palpable during our ride up to the 31st floor. The sound of her short breath led me to peek to my left and see that her face is flush with lust. I have prepared a surprise for her waiting in the bedroom and I can't wait to enjoy using it on her.

The second our feet step into the foyer, our lips clash together into a heated kiss while I direct her towards the vast glass window overseeing Seattle night view, Space Needle at the palm of my hands.

I trail small kisses down the side of her neck, nipping and licking it making a line of hickey and I have to admit I love the sight of it, Ana writhing errotically under my touch.

I slide both my palms under her blouse, cupping both breasts and give them a good squeeze. The rewarding sigh wakes my dick in a flash and I know soon I have to show her my gift that I layed out in our bedroom.

"I have a few presents for you in our bedroom." I whisper seductively at the shell of her left ear, which is more sensitive than her right one. I can feel the goosebumps on her and I quickly lift her bridal style toward our bedroom.

I drop her on the fluffy emperor size bed and slowly crawl towards my bunny who is trying to scoot towards the headboard trying to escape this big bad wolf. Her back hit the headrest, and I quickly trapped her in between my hands.

"Now my little bunny can't escape." I smirk, staring intensely at her lust filled eyes, her breathing is labored like she has been running a marathon trying to escape the wolf. I lean in and ravish her soft plump lip that is already chapped from our intense make out earlier.

We quickly undress each other, not wasting anymore time. Once naked I remember to tell her of my purchase earlier this week.

"I bought some things for us to use."

I grab the box that I place on top of the bedside table and hand it to her.

She slowly opens the box with curiosity, and directly sports pink hues on her cheeks down to her whole body.

Once I got acquainted with her pink vibrator, various indecent fantasies painted my thoughts all night long, starting from that sacred back hole. I heard that it is so tight back there it will feel like heaven if done right. I can't imagine how tight it can be, considering how snug her pussy feels around my huge cock. I tested the water a few times by placing my finger at her entrance. She freaks out the first time, but not so much the second time when I place my finger at her entrance during her climax. So I bought a box of toys to prepare her back hole, but I'm just afraid there is not enough time for us to experiment within one week.

The box contain various size of vibrators as well as anal beads, anal plug, and a huge bottle of lube.

"Before you close the door to the possibility of anal, I want you to at least try first, alright? I will slowly try to work my way up, and if you don't like it we will forget about this box completely. But you have to trust me on this."

She gulps and slowly nod her head so I lean in to kiss her soundly, making her forget and relax about the talk.

I pull her closer, so that now She is sitting on top of me, legs stretched on either side of my hips. Her hot, pulsing pussy is rubbing exactly on top of my raging erection and I can already feel how wet she is. I pull her upper body close to mine, feeling this personal satisfaction of her breasts pressed so tightly against my pecs. My hands run along her back and end up on her ass cheeks, while hers is running through my messy curls and directing my head to her desired position. I let her control the kiss, letting her get comfortable and in the zone.

Slowly she starts to grind on my erection, her wetness dribbles down on my shaft. Without further ado, I guide my thick, veiny cock and shove the whole length into her eager pussy. God it is so wet and hot and tight in there. Our physical union earned moans after moans to erupt within the room.

In that moment I grab the bottle of lube and squirt a good amount on my pinky. Ana is close to her orgasm, but apparently I am too focused on this anal idea that I am not exactly on the same page as coming close to my orgasm.

As Ana is in the midst of chasing her orgasm, I gently press my pinky to her asshole. She widened her eyes in surprise, but I quickly throw the both of us so that we are lying on our side and plowed my length back inside her dripping tightness.

"Relax baby. Deep breath and just concentrate on your orgasm," I shush her gently while I try to push my pinky finger in once more. This time, she is more prepared and relaxed.

She gasps in shock, I am not entirely sure whether it is a good sign until I feel her walls starts to tremble. I slowly push my pinky deeper in until the whole length of my pinky is in her ass hole. Fuck, even my small pinky feels goddamn tight. Picturing my dick to be squeezed in that amount of tight space shudders my entire being as I chase my own release. Soon we are both screaming each other's name and collapse in a heap of sweaty mess.

"How was it? Do you like it?" I gently run my hands to swipe the sweat on her forehead and lean to kiss it. I can feel her cheeks warming on my skin, she is definitely blushing.

"It seems wrong, b-but… it feels so good," she buries her face further into my chest. I let out a small chuckle. So cute.

"I mean, it's my goddamn asshole for god sake. Isn't it disgusting?" her face is full of mortification.

"No baby. Nothing about you is disgusting, I feel even more in love with you now that you give your everything to me." I stroke her hair.

"Sleep now baby."

But we didn't sleep for long and make love over and over again for the rest of the weekend.

I guess I overdid with the kinks. See you next time ladies :)