Disclaimer: I do not own any of the fate series, its characters, or any other content that may be traced to other sources found in this story. I do own the OCs and the story itself.

Watched the anime a month ago and did this for fun.

Takes place after Fate/kaleid liner 3rei.

Chapter 1: A New Threat


A giant black silhouette monster is seen in a crater with an orb of golden light in its hand. Meanwhile, four silhouette dragons each veiled in a different colored light; one red, one blue, one green, and the last one brown. Appeared from a pitch black sky.

"We are too late." Said the red glowing dragon

"This makes the third Grail he's consumed and counting." Said the green glowing dragon

"Fortunately he still hasn't been able gain divinity yet. So will still have time." Said the blue glowing dragon

"But how are we supposed to stop a monster like that?" said the brown glowing dragon

"We're the great four. There's nothing we can't do." The red glowing dragon answered

Suddenly, the giant black silhouette monster turned towards the dragons and rushed at them.

"Well it's now or never." Said the green dragon

The four dragons chanted in unison, "We call on the four elements of creation; fire, water, wind, and earth! To banish this terrible creature of greed and darkness! Let the souls of fallen dragons here our wish and seal the demons!"

There was a flash of golden light and when it dispersed the monster and the dragons vanished.

-10,000 YEARS LATER-

An eleven year old looking girl with pale lavender hair, golden eyes, and tanned skin awoke in shock.

"That was one strange dream. But why did it feel so real?"

The sky was cloudy and the streets of Fuyuki city were silent. However, in the woods just outside the city with snow as far as the eye could see. There was a rainbow colored light that filled the area. When it faded standing there was a young boy that looked around eleven years old. He had red eyes, along with slightly long and messy black hair with a few red streaks. He wore a black long sleeve jacket that covered a dark grey long sleeve undershirt and wore long black pants. Beside him was an average sized white fox with multiple tails. It had red fur on the tips of each of these tails along with its paws and ears. It also wore a collar decorated with red teeth as well as red eyes.

"So this is the parallel world Lord Nelhan spoke of. Are you sure that the Holy Grail is here, Bahamut?" The boy turned to face a floating dragon themed chocker that was opened up at the back. Its band looked like black dragon wings and had a red dragon eye in the center.

"Yes master. While I can't pinpoint its exact location, strong traces of the Holy Grail are within the city, it has to be here." Said the chocker known as Bahamut.

"And besides master." Said the white fox

"If Bahamut's magical sensing skill doesn't find the grail, my nose will."

"Oh shut up Ryker." Bahamut said to the fox known as Ryker

Meanwhile the boy looked down at the city with a serious look.

"Something wrong master?" asked Bahamut

"Do you remember the last thing Lord Nelhan said to us?"

"Of course, he said that the Holy Grail ceremony must never happen. As per his final wish for us." Bahamut answered

"Exactly, our master entrusted us with this incredibly important mission, so failure isn't an option." Said the mysterious boy.

"All the more reason to find the Holy Grail before someone else does." Said Ryker

"That and the promise I made."

"Uh-Oh!" said Bahamut

"What is it?" asked the boy

"I'm sensing demonic energy approaching the other side of the city! There appears to be two of them and I'm willing to bet their here for the Holy Grail as well."

"Figures that 'He' wouldn't be far behind." The boy thought

"Damn! We can't let them get to it first. Bahamut Release now we'll get there faster if we fly." The boy ordered

"Yes master Aden."

The boy known as Aden was suddenly consumed in a crimson blaze. When the flames dispersed Aden had been completely transformed; he was now wearing a long black coat that went down almost to his feet with small red crystals running down the sides from the collar down with traces of gold on his shoulder blades. He also wore a black and gray armored shirt under the open coat with the same small red crystals running down from the collar to just over the waist. Along with red pants and blacked armored shoes. His hands became claws with daggers like mandibles on top of his wrists and his arms wear covered in black dragon scales. His hair had gone from black to crimson red and now went down to his shoulders. He also had red dragon like horns above his ears pointing backwards. His eyes were still red but they were now slit, matching the eye in Bahamut's center. The chocker in question was now around Aden's neck as the transformation finished.

"Alright guys let's go hunting." Aden said as his eyes flashed red.

The coat tails extended like wings and the boy took flight. At the same time Ryker's boy was enveloped in a red glow and flew after Aden.



I woke up with a weird feeling this morning, I looked around to see that I was alone in my room.

"I still can't figure out what was with that dream."

I went into the living room to see the others all eating breakfast.

A woman wearing a black, two piece business suit with a red-violet necktie. She had short, Magenta hair and a mole just below her left eye. (Bazett)

A woman with long golden blonde hair styled entirely in large coils. (Luvia) Who was argue with another woman with aqua eyes and long wavy black hair, which was styled with flanking twin-tails tied with black ribbons. (Rin) While a woman with pink hair and wearing gym clothes just ate. (Tanaka)

There was also a male teenager with Auburn hair with a small streak of white and Golden-brown coloured eyes. Dressed in a white and blue sleeved shirt and slim blue jeans, as well as several tanned streaks of skin throughout his body. (Shirou)

Finally there were two girls the same age as me. One was my twin Illya she had crimson eyes and long white hair. The other was Miyu a girl with black hair and golden brown eyes. Both still in their pajamas. There was also the two sticks, or the wands without their handles. The first was Ruby with a five-pointed star inside a winged ring on its "head", and small cross on the other end. Second stick, Sapphire, has a six-pointed star on its head, and what looks like a rope ending on its other end. In addition, Sapphire's "wings" resemble a ribbon or Butterfly wings, giving its head an appearance of a brooch. Flying around them.

"Kuro do you want to join us for breakfast?" Illya asked me.

"No thanks I'm not hungry. I'm going to go for a walk. Be back later." I said to them as I went out the door."


"Even though we got Miyu back from the Ainsworths this world is still counting down to destruction. It's been a week since then and there still so much we don't know."

"According to Shirou; Miyu nullified a great darkness that Julian unleashed in Fuyuki. I guess if Miyu was that great of a threat to him it was all the more reason to capture her. Oh well at least they're gone for now."

"We all came back safely from a brutal fight. But why do I feel like the so anxious. I'm probably just letting that weird nightmare get to me."

Suddenly, I sensed a burst of magic, I turned around to see an orb of purple mana flying towards me. I dodged it and turned into my heroic spirit form. While a cloud of smoke was kicked up when the orb hit the ground.

The smoke in front of me cleared and I could see my attackers but what I saw I couldn't believe.

My attackers were inhuman. One of them had grey skin and soulless black eyes. It had long boney arms and huge metal claws. It had regular shaped human legs and body.

The other one had a human like body and was a bit taller than Shirou but with purple skin and fur. It had eight spider legs coming out of its back. Along with blue eyes and a spider's jaw it had bug like feet and sharp claws.

"What the heck are these things? They don't seem to be human but if that's the case than where did they come from?"

The grey monster leapt at me swinging its large claws. I jumped in the air to gain some distance and materialized my bow. However, the humanoid spider shot a thin needle like burst of mana from its mouth and hit me in the shoulder.

"OW!" I yelped in pain.

Suddenly my bow vanished and the grey monster grabbed me in midair and threw me to the ground.


I tried to get up but for some reason I couldn't move.

"Why can't I move? Is it the mana dart in my shoulder? It must cause paralysis."

To make things worse the grey skinned attacker landed in front of me, with a hungry look on its face.

"This is going to be fun." I heard the grey one say.

"Just hurry up we have other things to do." Said the humanoid spider

"So they can speak. I wonder what they meant by other things?"


"Illya! We've got to hurry Kuro is in terrible danger!" the wand exclaimed

"What! What do you mean?" Illya asked

"I can sense two evil powers fighting her right now, and for some reason Kuro's power is dropping."

"I feel it too." Said Sapphire

"Do you know who the attackers are?" asked Miyu

"No, but whatever it is it's dangerous." Sapphire responded

"Let's go then." Illya said after she and Miyu transformed.

"I'll go as well." Said Shirou

"As will I. The rest of you stay in case more attackers show up." said Bazett

"Alright." said Rin

With that the group went off, unaware of what they would find.


"This thing. It's going to kill me then eat me. I'm going to die here." I thought preparing for the end.

The beast raised one of its claws preparing the final blow with a sinister grin.

I closed my eyes waiting for it to come.


I heard the monster scream in pain. I open my eyes to see that it had backed away. I also noticed that its right arm had been severed and was on the floor next to me.

Then what I saw next I couldn't believe. Standing between me and the monster was a boy about the same age as me holding a red medieval style sword with small dragon like wings at the handle. He wore a long black coat that went down almost to his feet with small red crystals running down the sides from the collar down with traces of gold on his shoulder blades. His hair was crimson red and went down to his shoulders. He also had red dragon like horns above his ears pointing backwards. His hands were claws and his arms wear covered in black scales. When he turned to look at me I noticed that he also wore a black and gray armored shirt with the same small red crystals running down from the collar to a little over the waist. Along with red pants and black armored shoes.

What I found most notable were his eyes, they were blazing red and slit like the eye in center of the dragon themed chocker around his neck.

"You damn brat, I'll kill you!" The grey monster said charging at the boy

However the boy was still facing me. "DDDDDDIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEE!" the beast exclaimed raising its remaining arm to attack.

The boy looked back at the monster and sighed but didn't say anything else.

As the monster's arm came down the boy struck with his sword with almost lightning speed. A second later the monster was split in half and the two halves caught on fire and turned to ash.

"What the? How did he do that?" I thought not sure whether I should be more scared of the monsters or this boy.

"Hey punk." Said the humanoid spider coming closer to both me and the boy.

"I don't like it when people get in the way of my business so why don't you just walk away now and I'll let you live." The spider finished

The boy's sword dispersed in fire. I thought he was going to leave until he spoke.

"Sorry but that's not going to happen. If fact you should leave unless you want to die like you're friend." He said

"That's enough outta you!" the spider said before shooting another mana dart.

"Look out!" I said to him.

But just as I did a black armored mandible from his wrist extended into a long piercing dagger. Which he then used to deflect the needle.

"He blocked a needle that thin going that fast that easily. Who is this guy?" I thought

"No way! Grr, die!" the spider monster leapt into the air and the eight spider legs on his back extended and shot at the boy.

The boy did not move or try to dodge. Instead he sucked in some air looked like he was about to take a deep breath but what came out was a large stream of crimson fire that burned the spider legs. But before the flames hit the body the spider put up a purple shield made of mana. However, the shield didn't hold very well and the spider was burned and screamed in pain.

The human spider fell to the ground all eight legs that were on his back incinerated.

"What amazing power." I thought as I managed to sit up a bit.

However the spider got back up. "How is he still alive?" I asked

"That shield must have absorbed some of the damage." The boy answered

"Those flame." The spider said

"There is no mistaking it. Those were the flames of purgatory."

"Flames of purgatory?"

Before the spider could continue a white fox the size of a full grown horse appeared and bit into his neck killing him.

"About time Ryker." The boy said

"Sorry master, but you could've killed them both easily without my help anyway." The fox said

The fox then shrunk down to the size of a normal fox. On closer inspection I noticed the fox had multiple tails and it had red fur on the tips of each of these tails along with its paws and ears. It also wore a collar decorated with red teeth as well as red eyes.

The boy then walked back over to me and crouched down looking at me face to face.

He came closer and I felt my cheeks heat up. "What does he think he is doing?" I thought panicking.

He then pulled the needle out of my shoulder and stood up.

"Oh, that's what he was doing."

"Ryker if you would." Said the boy

"Yes master." The fox said coming up to me.

"Now just hold still this might sting a little." The fox said before licking my wound.

"Ow!" I yelled

"Well I did warn you." The fox said before continuing and then backing away

"Master I believe this girl is connected to the Holy Grail." Said a voice coming from the chocker

"Wait a minute did your necklace just talk?" I asked

"Yes I did. And also I'm not a necklace." The chocker answered

"Okay next question, who are you and what do you know about the Grail!?" I asked loudly.

Before the boy could answer I heard a familiar voice.


A pink ball of mana was shot from the air but the boy blocked it with his sword and then jumped over me.

"Get away from Kuro!" Illya screamed as she and Miyu appeared from above.


"More kids my age with magical powers. And what is with those outfits? Speaking of which, why does that girl look so much like this one? Must be sisters."

One had red eyes, white hair and was dressed in all pink with feathers in her hair.

The other had girl black hair and golden brown eyes and was dressed in light grey with white hair accessories.

"Master I am sensing traces of the Holy Grail from each of those girls." Bahamut said

"Wait how is that possible?" I asked

"Yeah, shouldn't the Holy Grail be well, a grail?" Ryker asked

"I don't know." Answered Bahamut

"Real helpful Bahamut." I said mentally

"The three of you seem to be connected to the Holy Grail and by extension my mission." I said while manifesting my sword.

"What do you want with the Holy Grail?" asked the girl with white hair in the pink outfit

"You three really are unlucky. Because now I have to kill you." I said causally before flying towards them.

"WAIT A MINUTE WHA…" I attacked with my sword before the white haired girl could finish.


A shield of mana shaped like a seven petal flower appeared blocking my sword and pushed me back.

"Damn it! Where did that shield even come from? Rykar sic 'em!" I ordered

Ryker than grew into his larger size and attacked.

"What is that thing!" the girl with short black hair said in surprise as Ryker smashed the shield

"FIRE!" the two girls said in unison as a stream of pink and blue mana pushed Ryker back into a building.

I then tried blasting with my fire breath attack

"He breathes fire too!" the white haired girl screamed

"Trust me, he can do a lot more than that." Said the tanned girl I saved


The same shield from before appeared and was able to block my fire but shatter right before the fire dissipated.

"Seems I needed to put a bit more power into my attacks to get threw that shield."

"That's enough!" said a teenaged boy with white streaked red hair who appeared from the smoke of my attack.

"I assume that the shields from before came from you." I said

"Yes, now why don't you tell us who you are and what you want." He said

"And if I refuse?" I said

Before the guy could answer a woman wearing a black, two piece business suit with a red-violet necktie along with short, Magenta hair and a mole just below her left eye, rushed at me with a fast punch.

"A fist fight huh. Alright I'm game." I said with enthusiasm as I raced towards her.

Our fists clashed and waves of mana were produced from the collision.

"He's matching Bazett in a fist fight!" the black haired girl whose name I think was Miyu said in surprise.

"Wait a second Bazett. Could this be? I thought she looked familiar."

The two of us backed off from each other and the woman gave me a surprised look.

"So it is you Enforcer."

"It has been a while Black Dragon of Purgatory." She said to me

"Bazett, do you know this boy?" asked the tanned girl known as Kuro

I jumped back and snapped my fingers then Ryker emerged from the building he was blasted into and stood between me and the others. I then turned around.

"Ryker we're leaving."

"But master." He said back

I cut him off and looked at the others. "I'll back off for today. But I wouldn't let my guard down if I were you. It might just be what gets you killed."

With that Ryker changed back to his smaller form and the two of us vanished in a fiery vortex.


"Ha! After all that tough talk he just runs away." Said Ruby

"Sister, I think you're taking this situation a little too lightly." Said Sapphire

"Who was that guy?" asked Miyu

"And what was with that fox that changed sizes like that?" asked Illya

"I think if anyone knows it's you Bazett. You acted like you knew that boy. Feel like sharing?" said Shirou

"I will tell you everything when we return. But first…" she said going to the man spider corpse

"What is that thing?" asked Shirou

"Just as I thought. I believe this is what originally attacked Kuro. A creature from the demon world." Bazett said

"Demon World?" everyone else said in unison

"Another thing I'll tell you." She said as began walking while carrying the corpse.

"Is she seriously taking that with her?" said Illya obviously creeped out.

She then noticed Kuro staring off into space.

"Hey Kuro you okay?" she asked

"Yeah I'm fine just tired."

The group then started walking back. As they did Kuro thought back to the demons and that boy.

"Just who is he? First he saves me and then he tries to incinerate me along with Illya and Miyu. Not to mention he has knowledge of the Holy Grail."

The memory of the boy removing the needle pops in her head causing her cheeks to flare up.

"And why the heck does that one image comeback?"


The group then arrives home.

"Oh good everyone's okay… WHAT IN GODS NAME ARE DOING WITH A BURNED CORPSE!?" Rin screamed

"I'll just put it in the freezer." Bazett said calmly

"There is something seriously wrong with her." Though Illya, Miyu, and Kuro

"Angelica do you mind putting this in the freezer for me?" Bazett asked a tall woman with long golden hair.

"Sure." She said completely nonchalant

"There is something seriously wrong with both of them!" Though Illya, Miyu, and Kuro


Kuro informed everyone about what had happened.

"Wow, so monsters from the demon world attacked you." Said Rin

"And then this mysterious dragon boy appeared and saved you." Said Tanaka

"Yup. And Bazett seemed to have recognized him."

"You mean after he tried to kill you all?" said Luvia


"Now that you're all up to speed I'll tell you about that boy." Said Bazett

"It was about a month before I came to Fuyuki in our world. I was on a mission relating to demon activity in Scotland."

"You mean like those monsters that attacked Kuro?" Miyu asked

"Yes, you see a small group of low class demons had crossed over to our world from the demon world. I was sent to discover they're purpose. The demons had taken refuge in an old castle where I found them feasting on human corpses."

"I think I'm gonna be sick." Said Illya

"I then proceeded to exterminate them, when they were all consumed by crimson fire. It was then I met the boy in question.

"He killed them all?" Miyu asked

"Yes, they call him the Black Dragon of Purgatory. The reason for that is because he actually has a partner similar too you're Kaleidosticks."

"You mean that chocker around his neck, right? I heard it speak." Said Kuro

"Precisely, its name is Bahamut."

"Bahamut! I thought that thing around his neck looked familar!" said Ruby

"You know him Ruby?" asked Illya

"I'll share the details later, but let's just say he is Sapphire and I's distant relative."

"Meaning that Bahamut was created by the same one who created us." Said Sapphire

"The boy in question is actually from a mage family who the Association looks to when it comes to anything related to the Demon World." Bazett continued

"Wait so are you saying that boy is from the-!" Luvia said in shock but was cut off.

"Yes, that boy is from the infamous Grimoire family. His name is Aden. Aden Grimoire."


And so ends first chapter of my second fic. What is the meaning behind Kuro's mysterious dream? What is Aden's objective? What is the history behind the Grimoire family? And what is this new evil that is taking root? Find out on the next chapter of FATE/KALEID LINER PRISMA ILLYA: THE FOUR DRAGON GODS

Read and review.

Flames encouraged.

Till next time.