"stars" she whispered staring up at the night sky "i can see the stars again, my lady." a tear trickled down Artemis's cheek "yes my brave one, the stars are beautiful tonight." "stars" she did not move again. A silver essence came out of Zoe's mouth and into the night sky. The stars suddenly re-arranged themselves to make the image of a girl with a bow. "Let the world honour you, my huntress." Whispered Artemis. "Live forever in the stars."

10 years after the war

A lone person sat on the golden sands of the beach next to Camp-Halfblood looking up at the sky with a hint of longing as if looking for an old friend, "Zoe Nightshade The Huntress of the Night, The girl placed forever in the stars. We honour you, and your sacrifice, i'm sorry you died, it was my fault." whispered Percy as he stared at the Constellation of Zoe nightshade as it seemed to pulse with swirling energy and light up even more from his confession as if she somehow heard him. as Percy turned away he heard the barest of whispers that moved with the wind,

"It wasn't thy fault, Perseus" and for the first time in 10 years he felt a weight lifted of his shoulders and a small smile light up his face face.


Hope you like this, i felt like i should write something for Zoe.

- TheDirewolfsGrimm