Ianto was quiet, quieter than normal and Jack was glancing at him every few minutes as he tried to work out what the problem might be.

It had been a simple retrieval turned to shit, thanks to Unit and now they were heading back to the Hub triumphant.

Ianto had stood toe to toe with the general snarling, much to Jack's excited libido's delight but now the temperature was definitely cool.

As in ….

Iceberg Alert!

Jack even let him drive for the love of the gods.

The coms pinged and Ianto reached for the internal blue-tooth, letting the speakers crackle to life as Tosh talked with Owen.

"Tosh? Do we have a window for the transporter Jack had organized for this?"Ianto cut into the conversation in an uncharacteristic show of rudeness.

"Two hours away, but Owen and I can handle it here at the Hub. You need to get your skates on if you …"

"I still have to do the report on it and enter the other tech that we recovered from the scene. I have three to four hours worth of work before the de-briefing in the morning" he cut her off a second time as he swung the SUV onto the Plaza.

"Can't it be done in the morning, you'll miss his …"

"It's already too late" Ianto snapped, "Just fucking drop it. I'm a big enough bastard in my sister's eyes as it is, why turn up late when the party is almost over? So she can crow? No. I will go next weekend, if she lets me in and I will have to take my lumps."

Jack was looking at Ianto with shock as he heard the cursing and open aggression coming from the usually sedate Welshman.

"I am so sorry" Tosh sighed, "You had this day locked in for months."

"Torchwood, what can I say" Ianto snorted, "I do my duty for queen and fucking country!"

Ianto came to a halt and pulled the handbrake on viciously, sliding from the vehicle as it was still turning off.

Jack blinked with confusion, "Tosh? Ianto was meant to have today off?"

"Oh Jack, he told you again yesterday that he was not going to be here today, then you went and gave Gwen the day off without even telling him. He's missed the birthday party for …" she stopped talking and Jack frowned.

"For who?"

"One of his sister's kids" she finally said, "It was an important one. Fifth birthday. He has been reminding you all week that he had the day off."

"Shit" Jack sighed, walking down to the lower levels where he expected to find Ianto filing, what he didn't expect was to find him sitting at the desk staring forlornly at the birthday gift wrapped in a huge bow.

The tears were a surprise as well and Ianto stood, wiping his face angrily as he saw Jack entering his domain.

"Ianto?" Jack asked hesitantly, stepping forward and he was surprised to see Ianto stepping back with a frown of warning.

"I'm sorry Ianto" Jack said softly, "I should have remembered. Gwen just …"

Ianto made a small noise and scooped up some files, shrugging, "Yeah. Gwen. Never mind, I'm sure she enjoyed her day with Rhys' mother shopping."

"No, it was …a dentist …what?" Jack reared back as Ianto swung to glare at him.

"She was crowing about it, the party favors for the bloody wedding. That's where she's been all day. Buying gifts for her bridesmaids, which do not include Tosh, and trying different wedding cakes. Cake. She's eating cake while my …" Ianto slammed the files down and slumped, looking so young and beaten.

"Ianto, I …"

"Doesn't matter. Done now. I missed his pre-school check and today was his first day of school. Now his party. All I have to do now is find a way to run over his cat to finish the job. My efforts to get him to hate me are almost complete" Ianto said deadpan, then he sighed softly, turning his back to Jack. "Will make it easier when this job kills me anyway."

"He sounds like he means something to you" Jack said as he winced at the cold logic.

Ianto froze, a hand holding a file almost slid into a stack.

"So, what's his name again?" Jack asked as he leaned over the desk to take a boiled sweet from a jar.


"Nice name. Did your sister choose it?" Jack smiled as he crunched down on the lemony sherbet sweet.

"No his father did, one of the only things he ever gave him so my sister likes to say" Ianto replied, smoothing the files and turning to face Jack, "Excuse me sir, may I be excused? I need to assist with the autopsy of the Dergif."

"So, the oldest is David, right? Then … Micha?" Jack frowned, "I thought she not long since had her fifth. You got her that pop up tent thing."

"Yes, I actually attended her birthday two months ago, thanks for pointing out that I did go to hers but not Flynn's. I had forgotten about that, Rhia won't though." Ianto sighed.

"Is he adopted?"

"Pardon?" Ianto snarled, swinging to step into Jack's personal space, "Are you making a racist remark sir? Do you think just because of the color of his skin that he cannot be a Jones?"

"Ianto?" Jack gaped, "I've never seen the child. I have no idea what his skin is like. I was referring to the ages. Either Rhia had a baby and crossed her legs on the twin or they are not both hers."

Ianto stared at him until he started to feel uncomfortable.

Then to Jack's immense confusion, Ianto left.