Arizona and Eliza were each other's first love. They met in High School but timing wasn't good for them. What will happen when they reunite, many years later at Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital in Seattle?

P.S. Each chapter will have a song that you could (or should!) listen while you read it.

'There she goes, there she goes again;
she calls my name, pulls my train,
no one else could heal my pain
and I just can't contain this feeling that remains.

There she goes, there she goes again,
pulsing through my veins
and I just can't contain this feeling that remains.

There she goes, there she goes again.'

There She Goes - Sixpence None The Richer

July 1992 – Portland Maine

Arizona Robbins was experiencing stability for the first in her short life. At 15 she had already lived in four different countries and many, many different cities. Since her older brother, Tim, had already left for West Point, her parents decided that for Arizona's sake they should settle at least for her last years of high school. Switching schools again would be too hard for her without Tim around. His dad, Colonel of the United States Marines Corp Daniel Robbins, had been assigned to an office job within the Marines Corp in Maine, their home-state.

As she was sited under a nice big tree in a park not far from her new house, attempting to read she couldn't help but think about her new life. She was excited but scared at the same time. This school was much bigger than any other she had ever attended before but the fact that these people had only been together for a year calmed her a little bit. Being the new girl during sophomore year was certainly a lot better than being the new girl during senior year. She was hoping to finally make more than just circumstantial friends and, why deny it, to finally get to kiss a girl. Yes, a girl.

Ever since she was little, Arizona had always known she was different. While she was your typical all pink and glitter girly girl, she was never interested in boys. Not even any of the guys on The New Kids on the Block or Corey Haim. Ew. No…she was more interested in repeating over and over that scene where Phoebe Cates came out of the pool on Fast Time at Richmond High. Or in watching Beverly Hills 90210 every week just to see Shannen Doherty's pretty face. Also, she was now really into this new show called Melrose Place just because of a green eyed brunette character named Jo. Yup. Arizona Robbins definitely liked girls. She still wasn't sure of what it meant. She had never met any girl who liked girls but she knew they existed. k.d. lang was one of those.

The problem with kissing a girl was, how was she to do it? She couldn't just go and kiss a girl. What if they didn't like girls? She thought she would notice when she met another…lesbian? was that the correct word? But it wasn't as easy. Except for some boyish looking women that she saw once in Sunset Boulevard when she was in Los Angeles she had never been able to tell. She wanted to run to them and ask them for advice in noticing other fellow lady lovers.

Another thing was that she had never really met a real girl that she liked and wanted to kiss. Sure, Shannen Doherty and Phoebe Cates were real people but wanting to kiss them or 'Jo from Melrose Place' was completely different from wanting to kiss 'Anna' from her math class. Maybe it was because she had never been anywhere for too long. Or maybe it was because she was too young before. Or maybe she wasn't one of those lesbians. Or was she? This was all so very confusing. She of then found herself wondering: What would k.d. lang do?

Arizona was so deep into thought that she didn't saw the frisbee flying straight into her head. It didn't hurt too much but it surely startled her and hurt enough for her to place her hand on her forehead to sooth the pain. Thank god it wasn't a football or a baseball. She looked straight up and saw three kids running towards her.

"Are you okay? We're so sorry, are you hurt?" asked an adorable little boy who must've been around 8 years old. He had dark brown hair and big and shiny green eyes. He had a worried look on his face.

"Oh I'm alright, don't-" she was beginning to say but then got interrupted by an older boy with the same green eyes. He looked around 12 years old.

"It was all Mrs. Poopface's fault here. If she wasn't so freaking competitive she wouldn't have thrown the frisbee so hard that it hit a girl on the forehead!" he said loudly looking at the third kid, a girl, who had just caught up with them.

"Shut up Crapbag! If you weren't such a weak little weasel with spaghetti arms you would've caught it!" she said looking at her brother, who clenched his fist at her as she shoved him to the side "Listen. We're sorry. Are you okay?" she said looking directly to Arizona.

In that moment Arizona couldn't say a single word. She was too lost on the beauty in front of her. She wanted to say something but her brain hadn't caught up with her yet. This girl was the most beautiful creature she had ever seen in person. She had the same mesmerizing green eyes as her brothers but hers were bigger, her skin was tanned and almost golden, her straight hair was almost het black and it reached her waist. She was wearing shorts, sneakers and a tank top and still looked more beautiful than any other woman she had ever seen before. Hell, even better than Cindy Crawford and that was saying something…she really did like Cindy.

"I think she's braindead." Said the youngest boy nonchalantly.

"Of course she's not braindead Alec, she's just probably a little shaken." Said the girl, with a much more affectionate tone than the one she used with the older boy. With a worried look in her face, she leaned so that her face was at Arizona's level. "Hello, are you okay? Do you need us to take you somewhere? The hospital?"

"Yes Stupiliza, she needs to go to the hospital for a frisbee concussion! Why don't we call an ambulance so that she doesn't code on us?" said the older boy, clearly frustrated at his sister.

"Well Branasshole you got a better idea? She's not answering." She said pointing at her.

"Fine I am" She finally said, still lost in the gorgeous brunette in front of her. It wasn't after a few seconds later that she noticed what she had just said. "I mean, I-uh. Fine. I'm Fine. Don't worry. I was just a little startled." She said offering one of her best dimpled smiles.

"Great." The brunette said, smiling just as widely. "I was scared the bump had turn you into Yoda or something…" she said blushing and putting a piece of her dark hair behind her ear.

"Yeah, me too." Arizona said laughing. Not only was this girl gorgeous but also adorable. Arizona needed to know more about her. Her name, her school, her phone number. What would k.d. lang do? She would surely do more than speak like Yoda and muster few words. "Hey, what are your names? My name is Arizona, I'm 15 years old. I'm new to Portland and I don't know anybody yet. You're the first kids I've met."

"I was going to tell you that I hadn't seen you around before but then again this isn't a small town. Anyway, I'm Eliza I'm 14, almost 15. This cute little fellow is Alec, he's 7"

"Almost 8!" Alec interrupted.

"Almost 8!" Eliza said laughing and caressing her little brother's hair "and this stinky little worm here is Brandon. He just turned 12."

"He's adopted! That's why he's a ginger!" Alec interrupted enthusiastically.

"Mom is also a ginger, little shrimp." Brandon said, looking pissed. This whole sibling bickering made her miss her brother. They would also argue and bicker nonstop but at the end of the day they adored each other.

"Well, Alec, Brandon and Eliza…" She looked straight into the brunette's eyes when she said her name "It is very nice to meet you." She said extending her hand so that the girl could shake it. As soon as she took her hand, the blonde felt as if a million butterflies had made their way to her stomach. Their touch lingered for a little bit longer then it should've had and Arizona felt the other girl holding tight too. Could it be? No. She was surely projecting. The brunette finally let go of her hand.

"Uh...guys, why don't you go play with the frisbee while I talk to Arizona here for a while." She said to her brothers as she sat down next to the blonde.

"Are you going to talk about boys like all teenage girls do?" Alec asked rolling his eyes.

"Dykeliza doesn't talk about boys. She IS one." Brandon said amused.

"Go away now or I'm gonna beat so hard not even mom will be able to recognize you…" Knowing very well that her sister meant what she said and knew how to punch, Brandon took the frisbee and ran away with his little brother.

"I'm sorry for him. The little one is cute so far but the other drives me insane." Eliza said, looking to her side.

"Oh shut up, you love him." Arizona said, lightly punching Eliza on the arm. What had Brandon meant when he called her 'Dykeliza' and that she was a boy? Dyke meant lesbian.

"Yeah…I'd LOVE to drown him in a public toilet." She said laughing.

The blonde couldn't help but stare at her. Her beauty was hypnotic. They sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes.

"Brandon likes to tease me because I'm sort of a tomboy…" Eliza started to explain. "I think he's just jealous of the fact that I can throw balls and punches a lot better than he can." She said winking at the blonde. Eliza herself was a mess in her head. She didn't understand why she was being all flirty and winky with this blonde stranger. Yes, she understood very well that it was because the girl was beautiful and she had discovered recently that she liked girls. Not that her brother knew, of course. She just fit into a stereotype.

She had never been interested in boys but she had also never been interested in girls. All she ever cared about was soccer, softball, swimming, science club and horseback-riding. It wasn't until last year, when Andrea Stevens, captain of the cheerleading team and senior prom queen kissed her out of nowhere in the girl's locker room one day after swim practice. She had never been kissed before. She made her swear she would never tell anyone. And she never did. After that, Andrea kissed her many times more. Always out of nowhere, always a secret. Each time more heated and passionate. They even hanged out sometimes, at Andrea's house. Although all Andrea ever wanted was to kiss and touch Eliza.

They didn't have sex, of course…she didn't fell ready for that. But Andrea broke her heart when she started dating senior prom king Finn Morgan. The kisses became more sporicidal until they stopped. Before leaving for college Andrea wrote her a letter in which she told her she was really attracted to her but that she couldn't be a lesbian. That was the first time Eliza had ever heard that word. The description fit her quite well. She did liked girls.

"I bet you do. You look strong and sporty." Arizona said, returning the wink. Was this girl flirting with her? With guys it was easy to know when one was interested in you…but this whole girl thing was confusing. The one girl who had ever shown interest in her kissed her out of nowhere in the school's bathroom. She was also scared, what if this girl was repulsed by the idea of liking a girl? Sure, it was 1992 and the world was getting more accepting but still.

"So, Eliza. What school do you go to?"

"I go to Deering High School. I'm gonna be a sophomore this year." Eliza said smiling.

"No way! Really?" Arizona said.

"Yes. Why?"

"That's the school I'll be attending to! I'm also a sophomore." Arizona said excitedly. Even if nothing was to happen between her and Eliza, she was at least going to be able to look at her all day long.

"Yay! That's awesome. I like you, Arizona. I see this as the beginning of a beautiful friendship" Eliza said, giving Arizona a big smile.

"I'm sure it is." Arizona said. Certainly, moving to Portland, Maine was the best decision her father had ever made.

December 31 1992

"I don't understand what is wrong with you!" Arizona yelled at Eliza. It was cold and it had snowed but they had been arguing for the past half an hour at a park that was rarely visited during the winter. They were standing near a small pergola they found. The brunette started walking away but Arizona grabbed her arm "Eliza come on! What's going on?" they had walked away from the New Year's Eve party they had attended to.

"Don't touch me…just…don't. Don't touch me." Eliza was at the verge of tears. She had never felt so helpless and frustrated before. She looked down. Tears were threatening to fall down.

"Why? Hey look at me." She said lifting Eliza's face. "Why are you crying? Eliza…you're my best friend, please-"

"Are you gonna go out with him?" Eliza cut her.


"Henry. Are you going to go out on a date with him?" by this point she was full on crying.

"What are you talking about, Eliza?"

"Come on, Arizona, I'm not stupid. I've seen him flirting with you all night long. Shamelessly! And I've seen him at school too. He likes you. It's so obvious." Eliza was basically throwing a fit. She knew she was approaching the point of no return but she couldn't take it anymore. Arizona was simply amazing. They had become the best of friends in a short amount of time and she was absolutely in love with her. She couldn't hide her feelings for her any longer. Sometimes she felt as if the blonde reciprocated her feelings but she was hard to read. She was affectionate and sweet towards her but then again she was like that with everyone. But then they were those looks and those smiles that she gave her and no one else. Or the lingering touches or the sweet cuddles and caresses when they had sleepovers.

"So? Why are you mad? Do you like Henry?" Arizona asked, seemingly clueless. She also had lots of feelings for Eliza but didn't know how to express them. She was too scared of losing her to make the first move.

Eliza laughed and her eyes filled with even more tears "Do I like Henry? I don't give a damn about Henry, he's nothing but a stupid boy!" she yelled at Arizona.

"Then why the hell are you so upset?" Arizona yelled too. She was crying too, she hated fighting with Eliza.

"You want to know why I'm so upset? Like really want to know?" she asked, looking the blonde straight in the eye. Both sets of eyes seemed lighter because of all the crying.

"Yes please. Tell me." Arizona almost pleaded.

Eliza took a leap of faith and grabbed Arizona's face and kissed her on the lips. It was sweet and passionate and loving at the same time. She poured her heart on that kiss. After a little while, she felt Arizona's hands on her waist pulling her closer. They let go for a while and starred into each other's eyes, grinning madly. Eliza's hands went to Arizona's neck and they both leaned in for another kiss. This time a lot deeper. Their tongues met for the first time and they felt fireworks. This was the most beautiful and incredible thing the two fifteen year olds had experienced.

After kissing for a while they both heard real fireworks and without unwrapping from their embrace they looked to the side to see the dark sky light up with colors and sparkles.

"Happy New Year, beautiful girl." Eliza said hugging the blonde tighter and kissing her cheek.

"Happy New Year, my love." Arizona said, leaning into the brunette's touch; 1993 was going to be awesome. She then leaned in to kiss Eliza again. k.d. lang would totally approve.

P.S. For some reason I picture Eliza as having brothers and not sisters, so in all of my Ariliza stories (if I write more) she will always have brothers.