A/N: Thank you for all of your support along the way, this has been a crazy ride and I've learned so much writing this and made so many friends. Please come see me on AO3 for my smutty fics and Tumblr if you ever want to chat! I hope to see you in my next epic, Forever.


He wakes up to the sun streaming through the curtains and rolls over to hide his face from it. He pauses when he hits a warm body instead of a soft pillow, but it hums at him and an arm drops around his shoulder. He grins and throws his arm an a leg out over the other body as he presses his face into the black tee-shirt.

Otabek murmurs something he doesn't catch, then fingers thread into his hair and begin to pet him, it takes all of his self control to not start purring. Almaty is too warm and he really shouldn't want to be this close to another body, but when Otabek starts humming a song he wants to mold himself into him. He figures he's earned the rest after winning the Grand Prix and taking silver at Worlds. Who knew that stupid Kenjirou Minami would sweep in and steal the gold out from him while he was distracted by Otabek showing up on a fucking motorcycle?

He's almost drifted back to sleep when his boyfriend (boyfriend, he still can't get over it) has to ruin it with, "Diaz will be here in twenty minutes or so, you might want to get in the shower."

Yuri bites at the closest skin to him and Otabek's hand clenches his hair and pulls his head up. Yuri grins at his glare, unafraid, "Why did you have to ruin the nice morning by bringing up him?"

"Because I'd rather he not walk in on us again." He lets go of Yuri's hair and drops his hand to the curve of his back.

Yuri bites back a laugh, "We're not even doing anything this time." He drags a hand up Otabek's clothed chest and winks at him, "Yet."

Otabek catches his hand and pulls it to his lips, kissing the tip of each finger before letting it go, "Get in the shower, I'll start the coffee."

"You're the best boyfriend ever."

"I know." Neither of them move.

Yuri reaches up and runs his fingers through the long part of Otabek's hair, eyes following his fingers, "When did you know? That you were in love with me?" He doesn't wait for Otabek to answer, instead looks him in the eye and continues, "I fell for you at the Duomo." Otabek smiles, "But I didn't realize it until later. Didn't really know what my heart was trying to tell my brain."

Otabek's fingers rub circles on the small of his back, "You had a lot going on."

Yuri pushes a finger into Otabek's side, feels him try to shift away then come back when he relents, "Answer the question, asshole."

"I've always loved you, Yura. It just...changed as we got older." Yuri opens his mouth to interrupt, but Otabek keeps talking, "I found myself always wanting more. More time, more attention, more touches." He looks down at him, "And then I wanted to kiss you in Milan, so I took you to the Duomo."

"Why didn't you?"

"I lost my nerve."

Yuri sits up, "You're fucking adorable." He throws a leg over Otabek and pulls himself over him, then leans down, "Another question."

"You're full of them this morning."

"What would you have done if I'd lost NHK? What if I hadn't qualified for the Grand Prix? Would you have let me hear the song? Would you have ever confessed?" He squeezes his legs against Otabek's hips and enjoys the reaction he feels.

"Of course not. I told you, it was a prize for taking gold. If you hadn't won, I'd keep it safe until you did."

"What if I hadn't won anything this year? Would you have kept waiting?"

"I'd always wait for you, Yura." Otabek's hand cups his cheek, then slips behind his ear to the back of his neck, "You're worth waiting for."

Yuri grins, leans down and kisses him softly, "So are you."