
the camera turns on to the scene of paris in chaos, police cruisers and personnel ran back and forth as they tried to usher people out of the streets, behind them, the Eiffel tower was a smoking, twisted hulk of metal and debris, only one of it's lets supports remained in a semi-recognizeable condition, standing off to the side, allowing the camera to see all the destruction, was a redheaded woman who was looking slightly frazzled and worried,

"this is Nadja Chamack, We are live here at the Eiffel tower where it's been said that an Akuma battle involving ladybug has severly damaged the great French icon, not much is known what happened in the battle, all that is known is that ladybug has disappeared, the only witness to the battle is said to be in critical condition after the collapse of the tower," she looked to the side as a pair of paramedics carried a stretcher by. Nadja's eyes widened as she quickly abandoned her microphone and took off towards the stretcher.

"marinette!" she cried.

A police officer stepped in the way. "mrs. Chamack, the young lady is in no condition to be interviewed.'

"out of my way! She's a family friend!" she said urgently, pushing past the cop, with the camera man following sheepishly.

"Marinette!" Nadja said again as she got to the stretcher as the paramedics loaded her up on a gurney.

"you know her?" the paramedic c asked.

"yes! She's marinette Dupain cheng!" Nadja said, looking past the paramedics to look at the young girl.

Her right arm was covered in gauze, which were soaked with blood from the underlying gashes, her clothes were torn and bloody, and her face was bruised from what looked like a beating.

"We think that the Akumatized victim attacked her," the paramedic said, "She was unconscious when we found her, probably suffering from blood loss."

"oh Marinette…" She whispered, putting a hand to the girls cheek.

Marinette's eyes slowly opened, "Mrs…Mrs Chamack…" she whispered.

"marinette! Thank god, what happened?"

"I…I don't remember…" she mumbled, "I…I was headed to school…dropped my macaroons helping…who was I helping…"

"School? Marinette it's a Saturday,"

"N-no it isn't….it's…it's a Monday…first day of school…"

"ma'am we have to keep moving." The paramedic said before Nadja could say anything, as they walked past her, she turned to the cameraman and gave him the signal to cut


Nino and Alya ran into the hospital, "we need to know the room that Marinette Dupain-Cheng is in!" Alya demanded as se got to the front desk, the nurse looked up at her.

"are you family?" she asked.

"family friend,"

"I'm sorry, but as of right now only family-"

"listen to me." Alya growled as she grabbed the nures by the front of her shirt, "my best friend is injured, alone, and probably scared, so either you tell me were she is, or I tear this place apart while dragging you by your two front teeth!"

"D-Down the hall f-fourth dor on the left." She squeaked out.

"thank you," Alya said, dropping the nurse and running down the hall, Nino gave the nurse a sheepish 'sorry' before taking off down the hall after her.

By the time he had caught up with Alya, she had already burst into Marinette's room, "Mari!" she exclaimed, then quickly put a hand over her mouth when she found the young girl asleep.

"smooth Alya." Nino said, looking at the sleeping marinette, "Woah, she's pretty beaten up."

"That's what happens when you get a tower dropped on top of you." Alya said, 'what was she even doing there?"

"don't know," Nino said, "we'll ask her when she wakes up."

as if on Que, Marinette's eyes slowly fluttered open, her head slowly turned to the side, "N-Nino?" she asked.

"hey Mari," he said softly, "how are you?"

"I'm…fine…" she mumbled, looking past him and towards Alya. Alya started to smile, until Marinette asked, "who's…who's your friend?"

"d-do you not remember me?" Alya asked, her smile disappearing.

"I…I'm sorry…" Marinette said, "I don't…did…we have a class together before the summer break?"

"summer break?"

"yeah…today's September 1st…right?"

Nino shook his head, "It's august 17th."

"i…that's not…how…"

"you must've hit your head hard girl." Alya said, "and…I'm Alya Sinclair…I'm your best friend."

"best friend?" Marinette asked, trying hard to remember, "I…I think I remember…us sitting beside each other…and…you helping me babyist manon…"

Alya smiled softly, "glad you remember a little bit." She said.

Marinette closed her eyes, "I'm tired…" she mumbled, "and my legs are numb…do you think you can cover them up Alya?"

"um…Marinette…you're legs are already covered…by two blankets.'

"they are?" she asked in confusion as she started to sit up and looking at her legs. Wincing at the pain in her right side, "They are…" they said in surprise. "but then…why…how…" she started touching her legs frantically, "How…i…I can't feel my legs!"

"Mari, calm down." Nino said as soothingly as he could, even though he himself was freaking out.

"why can't I feel my legs!?" she cried, the heart monitor at her side spiking.

"Marinette calm down!" Alya said, putting her arms around her best friend, attempting to calm down.

"why can't I feel my legs?" She asked shakily, laying her head against Ayla's chest, "Why can't I feel my legs?"

"I don't know girl," Alya whispered sadly, "I really don't know…"

Marinette started sobbing as Nino wrapped his arms around both of them, "why can't I feel my legs!?" she sobbed.


Adrien ran as hard as he could towards the hospital, Plagg trying to stay upright in his pocket, 'Adrien! Slow down!"

Adrien ignored him, "hospital Cognac-Jay," he mumbled as he turned the corner and pumped his legs faster, heading straight into the emergency room, sliding to a halt in front of the desk.

"Monsieur? Can I help you?" the nurse asked as Adrien tried to catch his breath.

"Mari…*huff*…Marinette…*Gasp*…where is she?" Adrien struggled out.

"Mlle. Dupain-cheng was checked out earlier today," the nurse said gently, as Adrien finally straightened up. "I'm sure she's back at home, safe and sound.'

Adrien let out another huff, "thank you ma'am." He said, turning around and taking off at a dead sprint.

"Can we get a taxi this time!?" Plagg cried, "I'm gonna get a concussion from this!"

"no time." Adrien said, "I need to make sure she's fine."

"you heard what Nino said, she's safe! And she's completely fine except for the whole amnesia and paralysis thing."

"I just…I got to see it for myself." Adrien mumbled, slowing down to a walk.

"you know there's a good chance she won't even remember you." Plagg commented, "you could get that second chance at a first impression."

Adrien rolled his eyes, but said nothing, just kept up a brisk walk to get to the Dupain-cheng bakery.

"wonder what she was doing at the Eiffel tower during an akuma attack," Plagg said.

"wish I knew," Adrien muttered, "if I hadn't of been out of town for modelling I could've helped."

"not your fault your dad wouldn't take no for an answer."

"I know…but ladybug needed me, and now she's disappeared…"

"don't worry, she'll be fine." Plagg said, glad that Adrien couldn't see the worried look on his face.

"I hope so," Adrien mumbled as he walked into the Dupain-Cheng bakery, where Tom was busying himself with baking.

"Mr. Dupain?" Adrien said, attempting to get his attention.

The large man jumped, "oh, Adrien," he said, sighing in relief, 'don't scare me like that son."

"Sorry…I was just wondering if I could see Marinette? I got to the hospital and they said that she was signed out already so…"

"of course! Of course you can see her, it's just…well she's not here at the moment."

"what?" he asked in confusion.

"she's going to be staying at her cousin's house until we can install some way for her to get up the stairs." Tom said, sitting down in a chair with a big huff.

"oh…it's that bad, huh?"

Tom nodded, "no movement below the waist," he said, seemingly aging in front of Adrien's eyes, "she gained a little bit of feeling back, but the doctors say she…she may not walk…ever again."

Adrien put a comforting hand on Tom's shoulder, "If I know Marinette," he started slowly, "then it's safe to assume that she won't let a doctors prediction get in the way of anything she does."

Tom smiled, "she's stubborn…just like her mother…" he rubbed his face and stood up, "Come on, I'll give you a ride to her cousins, you can see her there…and don't be offended when she doesn't remember you."


Marinette sat in a wheelchair looking out the window of her cousin's living room, watching the cars drive by, her hair was out of its usual pigtails, and she was in her pajamas, a blanket covered her legs.

"Marinette!" a cheerful voice called, making Marinette smile as her cousin Bridgette ran into the room, followed closely by her mother, "we got everything settled!" she said giddily, "you'll be staying in my guest bed room and I'll get a couple of friends to help move some of your stuff here so things will be more homey!"

"thanks Birdy." Marinette said softly, "I'm sorry for the inconvenience."

"no inconvenience at all!" she said cheerfully, "almost never spend time together anymore! This'll be the perfect time to get reacquainted!"

Marinette smiled, "I guess so."

"are you gonna need help getting back there?" Bridgette asked.

"I got it," she said, unlocking the wheels and maneuvering the chair around the quaint apartment, following Bridgette into a large bedroom, "Now, I'm directly upstairs, so if you ever need anything, food, water, someone to talk to, just shout, or call, or hit the ceiling with a broom!"

Marinette chuckled, "I'll be sure to remember that Birdy."

A knock at the door made Bridgette jump, "I'LL GET IT I'LL GET IT!" she shouted, running out of the room.

"she does know this is her house right?" Marinette asked her mother, who was softly laughing.

"yes, but she's always been an excitable one." Sabine said, walking over to her daughter and putting a hand on her shoulder, "Will you be fine here? We can come up with something else so you can be at home…we can close the bakery down and move everything downstairs."

"I'll be fine Maman," Marinette said, putting a hand on her mothers, not looking up from the bed, "It'll be…different, living with Bridgette, but it's only temporary, right?"

Sabine nodded, "two weeks, three weeks' tops."

Marinette smiled and closed her eyes for a second.

"Marinette!" Bridgette called in a sing-song voice, "a boy is calling for your hand in marriage!"

"what?" Marinette asked in confusion, unlocking the wheels and rolling out into the living room, her heart seemed to stop for several seconds when she saw Adrien standing there, looking slightly nervous.

'Um…hi…hehe…I'm not here to ask for your hand in marriage…i-I mean! Not that I wouldn't want to! I mean…you're a very beautiful girl I'm just not…heh…I'm going to stop talking now."

Marinette giggled softly, "Sorry for my cousin," she said, "she tends to get excited.

Bridgette shrugged, "worth a shot," she said.

Tom squeezed past Bridgette and Adrien, walking up to his daughter, 'how are you?" he asked.

"I'm fine papa." She said.

"would you like to speak to your boyfriend privately Marinette?" Bridgette asked slyly.

"dah…I'm not…that is to say…I'm…hehe…"

"he's not my boyfriend Birdy," Marinette said with a good natured eye roll. "but yes…I'd like to speak to him privately.

"go ahead and use the living room then!" Bridgette said cheerfully, stepping out of the way to let Adrien walk past her.

Marinette wheeled herself into the living room, rolling her eyes as she saw her parents and Bridgette lean against the wall 'non-chalantly'. "hello." Marinette said with a smile as she finally turned to look at Adrien, who was nervously tapping his foot.

He gave a nervous grin, "hey…Mari…"

"I…I know this may sound bad…but…who are you?" She asked.

Adrien's grin disappeared, "you…really don't remember, huh?"

She shook her head sadly, "I wish I did…" she mumbled, looking out the window, "I can't remember the last year of my life…I can't remember school, or friends…I didn't even remember my best friend Alya…the only reason I remember her name is because she was one of the first people to come visit me in the hospital." She looked back at Adrien, she took a deep breath, "So, what's your name?"

"A-Adrien, Adrien Agreste." He said.

She smiled, "Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Pleasure to make your acquaintance monsieur." She said, holding her hand out.

Adrien reached out and took it, then bent over and kissed her knuckles, "the pleasure's all mine Mademoiselle."

Marinette blushed slightly, "very smooth, aren't you Monsieur?" she asked, giving a giggle as she withdrew her hand.

Adrien grinned slightly, then cleared his throat, "in all honesty, I'm not that smooth," he said, bashfully scratching the back of his head, "I mean, the first day I actually met you, you thought I was putting gum on your chair."

"why would I think that?" she asked, her eyebrows creasing in confusion.

Adrien sat in a chair across from her. "well, when I walked in, I saw Chloe putting a wad of gum on your chair, and while I was trying to get it off, you walked in and assumed I was putting it on for Chloe and…well it just went downhill from there."

"wow…I'm sorry, I don't usually jump to conclusions like that," she said.

"don't sweat it, I'm pretty sure we resolved everything." Adrien said with a smile, then his brow creased with worry, "are you feeling fine Marinette? You don't need anything, do you?"

"oh I'm completely fine." Marinette said, waving him off, "I'm just cold…but I think that'll be normal for a little while…" she looked down at her legs, a distant look in her eyes.

"Marinette…" Adrien said softly, shaking Marinette from her thoughts, "I know…we weren't the best of friends back before…"

"not that I'd remember." She said with a teasing smile.

"r-right…but…I want to be there for you, help you with anything you need."

Marinette raised an eyebrow, "was Bridgette right when she said you wanted to marry me?"

"W-w-w-what!?" Adrien exclaimed, "n-no I mean, I want to be there as a friend! Like, if you have rehab or something; n-not that I don't think you're not marriage material I just…that is to say…" he stopped as Marinette started to giggle.

"I'm just messing with you," she said lightly. "I'm not one to turn away a friend."

Adrien smiled, "you know, this is actually the longest I've ever talked with you."


"yeah, you used to be all stuttery and flustered when you would talk to me."

"That doesn't sound like me." she said.

Adrien shrugged, "Just how I remember it, but I assumed you didn't like me…"

"well, I'm not feeling any hatred right now, so i assume you're good." She said. Making Adrien smile.

"anyone hungry!?" Bridgette asked, walking in with a tray full of food, Sabine right behind her with a fresh pot of tea.

"um, I should actually be going," Adrien said, "my father's going to be mad for me ditching most of my daily lessons to simply come find Marinette."

"I'm sure he'll understand if you're a little late back home because you're hungry," Tom said, putting a bowl in front of him.

Adrien shook his head, "I've been gone all day, I wouldn't be surprised if he sent Gorilla out to look for me," he stood up and turned to Marinette, "I'll see you tomorrow Mari, you need anything…well I should be in your contacts, but if I'm not, just ask Alya for my number." He gave her a smile and went towards the door.

"goodbye Adrien," she said, waiving as he left.

"so…" Bridgette started once she heard the door click shut, "your boyfriends pretty cute!"

"not my boyfriend," Marinette mumbled, "he's just a friend."


"Nathalie!? Nathalie I'm home!" Adrien called, looking around the Agreste mansion as he walked up the stairs, "Hmm…Nathalie's not here…that's weird…" he walked towards his father's study, the door to the room was open wide, showing Gabriel Agreste sitting at his desk, looking at something in his hands.

"Father?" Adrian asked hesitantly, making the man look up sharply, closing his hand around the object in his hand.

"Adrien?" Gabriel asked, "where have you been?"

"Visiting my friend Marinette," Adrien said, tensing at his father's uneasiness.

"I heard the young lady got hurt during the last akuma attack…how is she?"

"she's paralyzed from the waist down," Adrien said sadly, "and she has amnesia.

Gabriel took a deep breath, "poor girl…"

"I'm going to help her as much as I can father." Adrien said, waiting for his father to get mad at him, when he didn't, Adrien pressed on, "she needs friends by her side after all of this…and I want to be there for her, and I don't care if fi have to skip my lessons to help her."

Gabriel looked at his son, "well, I guess there's not much I can do to sway your opinion." He said, walking up to the doors of his study and pushing them closed, 'goodnight son."

"Um…goodnight…" Adrien said, a little stunned at his father's reaction.

"and…let me know how she does…"

"yes sir." Adrien said as the doors clicked shut. Gabriel leaned against the closed doors and looked at the pair of earrings he held in his right hand, his whole body shaking.