A/N: Thank you for all the reveiws! I'm new so those mean so much to me!So here's some trivia about this AU:This is called the Raven Chronicles because I originally just referred to them as the Raven fam, because of their dark hair.There will be more characters from ML, VLD, and various Disney and Dreamworks movies, and like our main characters, they will be shoved into families as well.The lions exist in this AU, but not in the sense you're used to.Please ask me if you want to know more, thank you!#*#A month or so since our last chapter...

Ladybug. Marinette. They were the same person, but the world couldn't know that.

Or my family, the heroine herself realized as she snuck into her room at midnight. She also realized that would be quite the challenge, considering her brothers' intelligence. Sooner or later, one of them was bound to notice their sister's uncanny resemblance to the lady in spandex.

But for now, I'll have to be careful. She detransformed, and an exhausted Tikki appeared in front of her. The two didn't dare talk, incase they accidently caught the attention of a late working Tadashi, or a light-sleeping Keith...


Where was Keith? And Hiro?

Oh no.

All Tadashi had wanted was a decent night's sleep after working all the previous night on a special project.

Fate had said otherwise. And in the form of a concerned Mari and two missing, thrill seeking, probably-doing-something-illegal siblings.

So that was why he and Shiro were awake at 12:30 a.m., driving through downtown San Fransokyo, looking for idiotic teenagers.

"Keith, you are in so much trouble when I find you," Shiro muttered through gritted teeth. He, like Tadashi, had been needing a full night of sleep.

Tadashi just frowned at his phone. "Turn left here."

Shiro practically swerved the car. Oh, those boys were going to be dead meat.

The map on the phone showed they were on the right track. Tadashi had sewn tracking devices into Hiro's clothes, unfortunately he hadn't been able to get his hands on any of Keith's...

"Are those...Are those sirens?" he groaned.

"Not again."

Sure enough, at least half a dozen of police cars were blocking the entrance of a dark alley. Shiro caught a glimpse of a familiar hover bike.

"Aunt Cass," Tadashi spoke into the phone. "We're gonna need some bail money."

Hiro and Keith had gotten away from the thugs, only to be caught again. By the Police. Again.

The cell door was opened by a familiar red-haired cop. "If I didn't know any better," he stated with a smirk. "I'd say that you were trying to get thrown into juvie."

"Sorry, Nick," the offenders apologized.

"Your aunt and brothers are waiting outside for you, and they don't look too happy."

"It won't happen again, sir," Hiro promised.

"You said that the last three times," Nick Wilde sighed. He knew these two were good kids, they were just putting their energy and intelligence toward the wrong things. And he knew that, if given a chance, they could use their skills for something better. He saw himself in these kids, and if he could change, well, so could they.

Those were his thoughts as he watched the miscreants be reprimanded and pulled into the car by a frustrated aunt. He smiled at the scene. And they have plenty of people who won't give up on them.

Unknown to both parties, a third had been watching.

All but one of her sisters had chosen, now it was her turn.

Unseen and unnoticed by the humans around her, she had analyzed and observed them. But none of them seemed to have what she wanted.

Until tonight. And tonight she was a witness to their actions, and they had impressed her.

She had made her choice.

She followed the vehicle home, her eyes never leaving her Chosen.

Her Paladin.

"I heard you got arrested last night."

Keith hated this school. You could never keep secrets here. "Who told you?" he sighed in exasperation.

"Myself," the person stated calmly. "I was there, but I didn't get caught."

"How many people know?" He sincerely hoped that he and this half-pint were the only ones that knew of the incident. There were quite a few people that seemed to resent his existence, one of which Keith hadn't even tried to offend. He had tried to be nice, but no, that infuriating, cute, oblivious boy was dead set on believing that Keith was his rival (whatever that meant) and just wouldn't stop-

"Are you even listening?" Keith was jolted back to reality. His thoughts of his problematic crush temporarily dissipated.


The person smirked and pushed their slipping glasses back up their nose. "I'm Pidge."


Pidge, or Katie, as Keith would learn later on, was quite the interesting person. They weren't like other people he had met, that was for sure. But they were loyal, and for the first time in a while, Keith had someone he could call his friend (that wasn't already related to him).

When Keith had gotten home, his siblings were no where to be seen. Shiro and Tadashi were at their respective universities, Marinette was with her friend Alya, and Hiro was doing who-knows-what.

So Keith was expecting to be alone, in his room, without anyone bothering him.

That's not what he got.

To this day he denies that he was the one that had every dog within the neighborhood barking because of a high pitched shriek.

But I personally think that that is a perfectly reasonable response to finding a lion chilling on your bed.

Author's Note:Again, if you have any questions, please ask! Thanks again for your support and if you have any suggestions, feel free to tell me!