Chapter - II: The Outbreak

Here is the 2nd chapter, let's get the scene rolling!

It was a normal day in Fort Benning, Georgia. So far there were no other high alerts going on. There was a serious outbreak that spread in Atlanta and citizens were required to head over the nearest evacuation zone. The Military was stationed in Fort Benning to help and secure perimeters around a safe zone there.

The 82nd armored division was given orders to create a perimeter in the safe zone.

In the military base, soldiers were making preparations just in case if an attack was occurred. Some posted as sentries, others were sharpening their skills. The rest were

In the Parking Lot right next to the Motor Pool filled with transports as well as tanks and other equipment.

The Three Eds Boys were together once again, They were assigned as armored support.

Eddy's group was composed of himself, Double D , Ed, Morris , Yuri and Evan.

Morris Farenholt was a Caucasian-American, he had black cropped hair and brown eyes and also he was the tank Driver.

Yuri Dimayev was a Russian-American, he had black shaved hair tall stature, green eyes and also he was the tank loader.

Evan Ramirez was a Hispanic-American, he had brown medium length hair, brown eyes and tan skin. He was the Tank spotter.

Together the 6 were like brothers and they were on security duty. They wanted to serve the army and wanted to be veterans as well. It was already sunset and Fort Benning was eerily quiet.

Eddy was on the entrance below the watchtower in his shift.

Eddy was on guard duty along with a few others, He took on his shift early. Eddy was also thinking about a few memories he had before joining the army as he stands and let his mind wander.


2 years ago,

Before the outbreak happened and before Eddy along with his pals graduated. He was running from a holdup of thieves. Apparently two thieves armed with pistols and had black ski masks on their faces were trying to rob him.

Eddy distracted the two robbers by punching both their heads and made a break for it.

Stunned and caught of guard the two thieves used their pistols on Eddy and shoot him but the bullets missed as Eddy was too fast. Apparently the gunshot noises alerted the other bystanders and they made a run for cover or safety.

Eddy was running as fast as his feet was carrying him. He turned right into a street block up ahead and when he look back he saw the thieves were still chasing and shooting him.

Eddy turned another right as it was an alleyway. He swerved hard to the corner and as her turns right the thieves followed him close.

Eddy hide in a wall in the alley right next to a dumpster and then as the two gunmen came in to search for Eddy, Eddy then fight back.

"Hiyah!" Eddy shouted as he dog piled the two thieves and knock them both down.

The two thieves were unaware that Eddy was right behind them and caught them by surprise and they drop their guns as well.

Eddy then start punching the first robber in the face by grabbing his head and deliver punches straight to him.

The other guy got up to help his comrade but Eddy then drops the first man and head for the second. Eddy then kick the guy in the head before the 2nd guy got to stand up and he was brought down.

Eddy then turn his attention to the 1st one and punched him repeatedly and then he kick the first guy to the abdomen sending him to the dumpster completely unconscious.

The 2nd robber got up again and then he tries to reaches for the gun but Eddy threw a trash can on his head stumbling him.

Eddy then grabbed another trash can to use it as a melee and then the shove it to the 2nd robber completely falling him down.

Eddy then proceed to beat up the 2nd robber by giving him a left and right punch 3 times and then an uppercut kick which made his head swerved to the right as the blow intensifies and was knocked out cold.

By the time it was over, Eddy panted "Well that takes care of those assholes."

The police then arrived on the scene and was quite shocked.

There were two policemen on that day, it was Deputy Rick and Deputy Shane on the scene.

"Whoa, would you look at this?" Rick said as he and his partner saw that the robbers were knocked out cold and Eddy was panting as he was sitting down.

"What the hell?" Shane said.

As the crime scene was secured, The two officers quickly took care of the situation. Rick and Shane interviewed Eddy and asked what happened. Eddy explained to the two officers as he said he was chased and he knock them both down.

"So you're telling me that you were hold upped, and then made a break for it and when they were chasing you, you knock them both out to stop them." Rick said.

"Yeah (pants) I sure did." Eddy nodded.

"Wow, you really are a fighter, You against them, plus they had a gun while you were armed with only fists and kicks." Shane complimented.

Eddy smiled at the compliment and said "You could say that" he looks at the arrested robbers and replied "Those two were chasing me down, I turned on an alley way and then hide, but they were intent to kill me so I fought back and knock them out otherwise they would have shot me instead." Eddy replied.

Rick understands Eddy's words and story "I see, no doubt these two had two pistols as well which we got them and you managed to fend yourself with only your brawn."

"Uh huh." Eddy said.

"Don't worry, we got these two scumbags and they are not getting out after what they did." Rick explains "Leave this to us."

"Thanks for the save officer." Eddy thanked the two.

"Call me Officer Rick." The first one said.

"And I am Officer Shane." The cap one said.

"I'm Eddy." Eddy stated his name.

The two officers then hauled the two robbers in the police car and Eddy thanked those two once again.

As time passes, Eddy would see Rick and Shane together since they were deputy partners and also they eat at the Donut store which Eddy also eats Donuts. Eddy would also interact together with the two officers since they seem to form a friendship bond together.

When Eddy graduated he lost his parents during a train accident as well as the apocalypse started he even thought about the two officers who always gave him good advice when they were together.

(Flashback ends)

Eddy's shift was over, and he went to the mess hall along with his buddies to eat together.

There were so many refugees evacuated via helicopter or any transport inside the military base.

Eddy and his comrades ate their food, joke and had a great time despite the tension.

But that would soon be out as the alarm went off.

"The Walkers are coming!" A sentry alerted and sound the alarm, pretty soon the base was in uproar and full alert.

"Alright let's go!" Eddy ordered his team

Then the soldiers ran to their positions and they saw a large horde of zombies converging in the area.

"Man your battlestations!" A soldier said.

It was gonna be a long night to fight the horde.

There you go guys, sorry for the delay. Next chapter will be the base overrun and Eddy's group will soon meet Rick's group.