Hi. So I know it's been quite a few months since I have been on here but I'm back. The idea for this story has been running in my mind all day and I couldn't wait any longer to write it down so here ya go. This takes place during Mutagen Man Unleashed.

Disclaimer: I don't own TMNT.

"Mutant monsters and robot ninjas are taking over my city. How long before those freaks hurt somebody close to me? Like my dad, my little sister, April... Well, I'm not waitin' around to find out. All my life I knew I was meant for something greater. THIS is my call. My destiny. A true warrior's gotta be prepared."

I awaken with a start, my palms and face sweaty from the excruciating nightmare.

"Another nightmare." I mutter as I rub my hands through my unruly hair. As I am doing so I keep reliving the images that pop through my mind.

Pink Aliens with probes that continue to poke and prod me as I am struggling to get free.

Bradford and Xever continually beating me in training sessions till I am beaten with scrapes and unsightly bruises.

A cold hard glare showing disappointment that can only unmistakably be my fathers.

Being beaten again and again by my younger sister while getting the praise from my father that I deserve.

When I am done reliving these horrific images I happen to look at my alarm clock. To my horror the time reads 5:55.

"Crap!" I whisper and hurry to get out of bed and into my Foot uniform all the while tripping over clothes and various objects in my minuscule shell of a bedroom.

"You would think that after 17 years of training you would be a little more diligent with this kind of routine.." I think to myself as I hurry out the door and into the dojo.

As I enter softly into the dojo I glance carefully to my right and to my left. Unsurprisingly I see in the far left corner of the room my little sister demonstrating katas with exact presicison and deadliness. I try to enter softly in hopes that she won't see me but of course she spots me anyways.

"Well if it isn't little Kosho himself! Off to a late start I see. Did you have fun crying in your sleep again from the blows I gave you yesterday?"

"No I wasn't Karai. And frankly it's none of your business. You should know better than to go sneaking off into my room. Besides, we both know who is the older sibling."

"Careful Kosho all I have to do is say the word and you know what will happen next..." She then leans in and whispers into my ear. "You wouldn't want to spend another day with Kranng now would you?"

I close my eyes in horror of the last time I was forced to endure a mind probe by one of those nasty puke colored aliens.

"Now, Karai says looking me over, "Does little Kosho have something to say to his big sister?"

I hang my head in defeat, knowing there's really no other option.

"I'm sorry Karai."

Before my younger sister can humiliate me anymore, Mr High and Mighty himself, other wise known as Shredder enters the room.

And the award for worst father of the year goes to...

"Karai." he says while nodding to her.

"Kosho." he says with contempt while giving me the coldest of glares that a father could possibly give.

I shudder at his presence while at the same time loathing the hateful "name" that I had been given with since birth. In Japanese, "Kosho" means failure or rejection, which is appropriate since Shredder considers me less than dirt. I lean in trying to pay attention once more.

"It appears that the disgusting vermin known as the turtles have not been spotted in weeks, not since they have damaged our allies the Kraang along with their precarious cargo."

"So the mission is simple right? A simple lure them back out and ambush them from the rear?" Karai asks with a gleam for vengeance in her eyes.

"Quiet Karai! You should know when to keep that curt tongue of yours silent." A pause.

"But, yes we will lure them out in order to destroy Hamato Yoshi for all he has done to us."

Shredder then turns to me. I cower down anticipating a blow to the head or something. But the beating never comes down on me.

"Kosho, you will be the one that will lead the turtles out of hiding."

"What?!" Karai and I both yell out at the same time.

"Father you can't. Kosho has never gone out on a mission before like this let alone a real mission. I have encountered the turtles numerous times, I know how to attack and encounter them."

"Then you may also know that each time you have fought them has ended in failure has it not?"

Shredder walks over to me again and motions for me to stand.

"The turtles have an ally of theirs, a girl by the name of April O' Neil. You will befriend her and gain her trust. By doing so she will lead you to the turtles where you will destroy them and their pathetic master. This is your chance to prove yourself Kosho, if you fail I assure you the consequences will be dire."

"But I don't even know where this April O' Neil lives? How do I get close to her?"

"I've encountered the O' Neil girl before, she goes to Roosevelt High school. I can have Stockman make you some fake transcripts and your in." Karai answers in a non chalat manner.

"Excellent daughter." Then it's settled. Your mission starts now. Do not come back until you have completed the mission. You are excused."

I leave the dojo as quickly as I had entered before. I enter my room and begin to pack up some of the few belongings I have. I glance around looking for some civilian clothes that can be acceptable while trying to come up with a believable alibi to pass off. Some torn jeans and a black shirt. These will have to do. In the corner of my closet I find a couple of hockey sticks with a beat up for mask.

Heaven knows why I'll need these..

As I leave Shredders lair focused on completing the mission and restoring honor to my clan I only have one thought running through my mind.

The class is Pain 101. Your instructor is Casey Jones.

Hope you guys liked this first chapter, I'm not sure if I want to continue it but if I get enough reviews I will continue it into a longer story. Let me know what you thought of it!

Edit: Yeah I decided to change some aspects of the story after looking at it several months later. So Casey is his real name, but Shredder and Karai decided to give him that nickname since he was very young, in order to further humiliate him and show more of their spite and hatred. I thought that would be a nicer twist then giving him Casey the actual Asian name "Kosho"

Peace out Shell Heads! -Ninjaturtlegirl16