Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze. Eldest of the Uzumaki-Namikaze quadruplets. Jailer of the soul of the Kyubi. Sounds like he would have a good life. Son of the Yondaime Hokage Minato Namikaze, and Kushina Uzumaki the Matriarch of the Uzumaki clan who were both respected and loved by nearly the entire village.

That's what you would think but no. He was all but forgotten. Nelgected for his younger siblings by his family and by the village.

But did he care? Fuck no. He couldn't give two shits what those asshats thought about him.

Currently he was watching his siblings and his parents in the back yard training to unlock their chakra. His siblings from youngest to oldest were Narumi, Mito, and Menma. Narumi had smooth blonde hair and blue eyes and overall looked like their father. Mito on the other hand had spiky red hair tied into a ponytail with violet eyes and looked like a mix between both parents. Menma on the other hand had short smooth red hair and blue eyes and a facial structure similar to his mother's. They all had 3 whisker marks on each cheek.

Naruto wild and untamed spiky blonde hair with red streaks that went down to the bottom of his neck and covered most of his forehead. He had a violet eye on his left and a blue eye on his right. His eyes both seemed to be a shade lighter than his parents. Naruto was the only one out of his siblings that didn't have any whisker marks.

"Tch... fuck this. If they won't train me I'll train myself!" He exclaimed to no one in particular. He was done watching them train. He would not be left behind. He would be the strongest so he can kick anyone's ass.

It was his 7th birthday today and his parents sprung it on them that his siblings would be receiving training. While he wouldn't! when confronted about it all they could say is that they need to be able to control the Kyubi's power when the time came. He was of course disappointed and angry that he wouldn't get training but he brushed those feelings aside. Thinking that he didn't need their help to become stronger.

Marching down the hallway he busted into his father's study and began shuffling around through papers looking for instructions on badass jutsu. He stopped looking through scrolls though when he realized something. He doesn't know how to unlock his chakra yet. Groaning he began a new search. Looking for some instructions on unlocking chakra.

He didn't exactly find anything on unlocking chakra, but he did find a scroll on meditation. He remembered his dad saying something about how meditation helps you understand chakra better. After a fist pump and a muttered "Yeah Boi" he quickly put the scroll in his pocket and put every thing else back where it used to be. Then he left the house.

Dashing out the front door to the house and running past the gates to the compound all the while grinning like a madman. Startling and confusing the villagers as they were passed by blonde rocket. Naruto was on the lookout for a place he could meditate without being bothered. He remembered seeing a forest near the Uchiha compound. He would often visit the Uchiha compound with his mom to visit her friend Mikoto, who was a nice woman.

Seeing himself quickly approaching the forest he kicked his speed up a notch. He quickly arrived at the forest bit didn't stop running. He was looking for a clearing that he could safely meditate in without being bothered.

He finally arrived in a clearing and stopped running. Most people his age would be on the ground drenched in sweat after the amount of running he just did, but not Naruto. To him that wasn't even a workout. Naruto has always been a physical monster, with very little actual exercise he was in a better condition than the clan children that trained everyday since a young age.

Plopping down in the middle of the clearing he smirked and whipped out the scroll that he snatched. Reading the scroll his smirk only grew. This seemed easy. All he had to do was relax and focus a warm feeling in his gut.

Tossing the scroll aside he got to work.

Four Hours Later

"WHAT THE FUCK!? THIS SHIT SHOULD NOT BE THIS HARD!" Raged our blonde haired protagonist. He has been at this for four hours but he could not get this for the life of him. He didn't even feel a warm sensation in his stomache. What the hell!? He was about to continue yelling but he heard laughing behind him.

He turned around ready to give this person a piece of his mind until he saw who was laughing. Shisui Uchiha. He had met this shaggy haired Uchiha before during one of his visits to the Uchiha compound and he did not like him. He respected him. But like him? Not one bit.

He eventually developed a habit of attacking this man whenever he sees him. So that's what he did right now. Pulling out a kunai that he had found in his dad's study a few weeks back, he charged seeing that Shisui was still laughing.

To his credit he actually managed to cut Shisui. Currently he was laying on the ground in the forest bruised and battered. After charging Shisui he landed a cut on his arm. But that apparently broke Shisui out of his laughing fit, then he proceeded to thrash Naruto then laugh even harder.

Naruto knew he couldn't beat Shisui, the man was the youngest jonin in the villages history. But he still didn't expect to be beat down that bad. "Heh... fuck you, you cunt waffle" he ground out out. That just made him laugh harder.

After about ten more minutes of laughing Shisui finally said something "Naruto what are you doing out here" he asked. "Hmph none of your buisnes" was the response he got.

"C'mon Naruto don't be like that" Shisui whined with a childish pout that almost caused Naruto to laugh at how ridiculous it looked. "Fine. I'm here because those asses I call parents decided to train my siblings without me because they need to be able to use the Kyubi's chakra without getting out of control" Naruto said while glaring at the ground.

"They always do this. Leaving me out of stuff while only paying attention to my siblings" He stated angrily "It's supposed to be my birthday for fucks sake, but they only teach my siblings how to unlock their chakra. So I took a scroll on meditation out of my dad's study hoping it would help me unlock my chakra but I still can't get it!" He yelled with anger heavily lacing his voice. He was about to continue ranting but he heard something.

Sniff* *Sniff* it was someone sniffing. Turning his head to look at Shisui he quickly noticed it was him. Shisui had waterfalls of tears running down his face and slimy green snot running down his nose. "Waaaaahh! Naruto I'm so sorry I-I-I-I had n-no idea. Waaaaahh!" he cried comically and pulled Naruto into a bone crushing hug nuzzling his face against Naruto's hair. Naruto had mixed feeling about this at first he was disgusted then he found it funny, but when Shisui started hugging him he quickly was disgusted again.

"What the hell!? You just got snot all over my hair you cunt! Realease me!" He yelled while punching Shisui in the face trying to be separated from him but to no avail. Shisui just cried harder. "It's okay little Naru buddy your sadness is being turned into anger. Let it all out" Shisui said. Dusgusting Naruto even further so he used his last option, his special move that took down even the mighty Yondaime Hokage.

"Dick Punch no Jutsu!" He shouted while rapidly punching Shisui in his groin. After about five minutes of consecutive dick punches he was finally released.

Now Shisui was standing with his hands on his hips grinning proudly in front of Naruto who was shocked his special move didn't work. "H-how did it not work? That was my special instant win move" he asked staring at his hands powerless. "I have balls of steel" Shisui stated factually and proudly. Naruto was shocked. He had a revelation, maybe if he trained under Shisui he too could have them. The trump card to win any battle. The only counter to his special instant win move.

The Legendary Balls of Steel.

He quickly stood up and bowed deeply forehead touching the ground. "Shisui please teach me your ways, I too wish to have steel balls" he stated resolutely with determination I'm his eyes.

"Do you really? Can you handle the training I would put you through? Are you willing to go through this training!?" Shisui yelled challengingly.

Naruto shot up and put his hand to his forehead in a military salute "Sir yes sir" he said. "This will be the most challenging thing you have ever done and will possibly ever do. We are going to train day in and day out to help you on your path to steel balls! This is your last chance to back out I suggest you do so!" Shisui yelled fiercely. When he got no response and Naruto just kept staring directly into his eyes his mood did a complete 180 and he smiled happily at Naruto.

"Okay" he stated simply. Naruto facefaulted he thought he would have to go through a perilous adventure to obtain some legendary item or something of the sort. But that was it? "Wait really? That's it?" he asked clearly disbelieving. All he got was a nod from the older boy in response.

"Yatta! Fuck yeah! I'm gonna be the most badass ninja ever! Even better than my old man!" He cheered running and jumping around the clearing. After about five more minutes of cheering Shisui finally called Naruto over. "Alright Naruto since you don't know how to unlock your chakra yet we will start off with that. Stand with your feet facing forward about shoulders length apart and put your hands in the ram seal. Once you do that I will show you how to do the rest"

Naruto walked over in front of Shisui and did as instructed. "Alright what's next?" he asked. "Close your eyes and focus. You will eventually feel a warm feeling in your stomache and then you have to grasp it and pull" Shisui instructed.

Naruto closed his eyes. The world seemed to wash away after he did. His sense of smell and hearing dulled until there was nothing left. After about five minutes he felt it. A warm feeling, the most pleasant feeling he has ever felt. Grasping onto that feeling he tugged.

Shisui was watching intently until he felt a massive chakra spike from Naruto. A deep royal purple hue of chakra started to ooze from Naruto. The ground cracked under the pressure of his chakra. Whatever Shisui was expecting went right out the window. He knew the boy was bound to have massive reserves of chakra due to his Uzumaki heritage. But this was ridiculous!

After a few more moments Naruto released the handsign and his chakra. Opening up his eyes he stared at his hands in wonder. "Holy shit... that was AWESOME" he raved. "That was the best I have ever felt I felt powerful" He pranced around the clearing for about five minutes then he finally took notice of Shisui's shock. "Uh... Sensei did I do anything wrong?" he asked.

Shisui was snapped out of his shock by Naruto's voice. "Uh... no you did everything perfectly. Anyway do you feel tired or anything?" He asked worried about Naruto.

"No, I feel normal. Why?" Naruto asked wondering why his sensei was worried.

"Naruto you just released enough chakra to give a low level chunin chakra exhaustion" He said incredulously. Did this kid seriously have that much chakra. He knew Naruto did not have the Kyubi's chakra like his siblings. So why did he have so much chakra? "Oh shit I'm late to an ANBU meeting. Bye Naruto come here tommorrow for more training!" He shouted hurriedly before leaving via Body Flicker.

Naruto sat down in the clearing a serene smile on his face. Reflecting over what happened today. It started off a bad day but ended up being one of the best he had in a while. He unlocked his chakra and made got a sensei.

Deciding to try meditating one more time now that he actually unlocked his chakra he closed his eyes and focused on the warmth called chakra.

Only to pass out a moment later.

Alright hoes this is my first story and so it will probably be bad. The whole reason I'm even writing this is I was listening to Kendrick Lamar DNA and I kept thinking about DNA. The reason it is called DNA will be revealed in the next chapter. So uh bye bitches