3 stories. 187 chapters. 1,385 reviews. 1,826,009 words.

Writing these stories for Carrie and Rick has been a highly rewarding labour of love, and I'm so very grateful for the 1,385 reviews I've received at the time of posting this final chapter, Chapter 84.

Your reviews are what kept me posting these chapter after chapter instead of keeping Rick and Carrie in my head, so thank you for being such a rewarding part of this experience.

6 months later

Friday, 30 June

Setting the baby monitor down by the door Carrie made her way upstairs, relieved to be ticking something else off her list of things to do, the afternoon naps. Her mind was busy keeping track of what was up next, who needed her where and what supplies were ready for distribution. Alexandria had undertaken a mammoth task, one they had underestimated, but when it was done it would be all so worth it.

As she entered her bedroom she caught a glimpse of a child disappearing out of sight, and her hackles were immediately raised. "Calvin Daryl Grimes," she started, her voice low with the tone of threat.

She was met with no response, but she could hear him shuffling to hide underneath the bed, knowing he was in trouble. Sucking on her toes in the crib was Ally, cheerfully greeting her mom with a smile. As the sunlight shone through the open window Carrie took a moment to admire her little girl, one whose appearance had earned her the nickname Cherub. Her white blonde hair was an array of curls, her sweet rosy cheeks and chubby thighs completing a package that melted even the coldest of hearts.

Instead of going straight to Ally she tiptoed her way through the bedroom, one that was presently crammed with two children's sleeping bags on the floor and an array of their clothing and belongings. Crouching down beneath her bed she reached under and seized the two little feet, hauling her son out from underneath.

"Calvin, what have I told you?" she scolded him, making him stand up. "Stop getting in the crib with her!"

His mouth and eyes widened comically, looking between her and his sister. "I didn't! I swear I didn't, we were just playing."

"In the crib?"

"No, I swear."

When he extended his pinky finger she narrowed her eyes at him, looking for evidence of a white lie, because his face gave him away every time he tried to get something past her. At first it had been cute to find Calvin had climbed into the crib to be with his little sister, adoring her so much he just wanted to be with her every minute of the day. But fearful that he might accidentally hurt her they had to put a stop to it. Now the problem wasn't so much keeping him out of the crib, but keeping him from waking her up as she slept.

"You were meant to be having your nap too," she reminded him sternly, gesturing to his sleeping bag. "Did you wake your sister up?"

He shook his head, looking her in the eye. "She woke me up. She needed me to play with her."

She held his gaze a moment longer, but Ally ruined the suspense by loudly blubbering at them. Carrie turned to her now, satisfied that she looked well rested and happy. If she had been woken prematurely she would have cried the house down, the whole of Alexandria would have known about it.

"Get me a diaper," she instructed, playfully spanking Calvin's butt until he laughed and squealed.

"A poopy diaper?"

"A clean diaper!"

"No, a poopy diaper!" he insisted, rushing to the crib and pulling faces at his little sister. Lapping up the attention Ally reached through the bars and blubbered at him again.

With little help from Calvin she quickly set about freshening Ally up after her nap, finding some lightweight clothes for her to wear in the warm weather. She neatened her fine blonde hair and then put an elastic band on her head, wanting her to look particularly cute today.

"Mom, are they here yet?"

"Do you see any horse and carts at the gate?"

Heading over to the rear window he looked out, giving a sigh of disappointment. "When are they going to get here?"

"They'll get here when they get here," she said patiently, she too sharing his excitement.

"Tilly's coming home, right?"

"Yes," Carrie said in exasperation, having answered this question no less than three times every day for the last week. "Tilly is coming home, I promise."

Taking out her trusty wrap she entwined it around herself and then reached for Ally, knowing she needed her hands free today. The moment she picked her up Ally was grabbing at her shirt, mouth wide open with a devilish growl that said feed me now, or you'll regret it. Normally she would sit down and rest while Ally nursed, she'd get a better let down if she was relaxed, but today she was too busy. Settling her into the wrap Ally started eagerly wriggling around, dribbling spit and blubbering until she started nursing, and then for once she was quiet. Glad to tick off these things from her list she ushered Calvin to find his shoes and a hat, needing to get back out there and keep going.

"Mom, who's sleeping in my bed tonight?"

"Your Aunt Maggie and Herschel."

"And Judy's bed?"

"Aunt Tara."

"Mom?" he asked again, following her downstairs. "Where's Aunty Carol sleeping?"

Praying for patience she answered yet another question. "At Lana and Daryl's house."

At this answer he rushed in front of her, looking worried. "What about Henry?" he asked anxiously. "Where's Henry sleeping?"

"Good Lord," she muttered, opening the front door and hurrying him out. "Henry's sleeping in his room like he always does."

"Is he having a proper visit again? A whole month?"

"Yes," she assured him. "Now come on, we've got work to do."

The wedding of the century was tomorrow, and there was much work for them to do.

There had been weddings in Alexandria over the past years, they were always a cause for celebration, but there was a different atmosphere about Carl and Enid's wedding. People were coming from every single community to be present, a celebration unlike anything seen before, and it came with an enormous amount of work. It had started as a running joke, but lately it really did feel like they were preparing for a royal wedding, like it was Prince William and Kate Middleton getting married at Westminster Abbey, not Carl and Enid getting hitched in the local church.

Alexandria's gardens and homes had been manicured and maintained with great precision, the grass trimmed and weeds pulled, the flowers in full bloom. By the church were a dozen people getting ready to erect an enormous tent, a necessary addition to provide refuge from the sun for the wedding celebrations that would last the whole afternoon and into the night. The canvas was spread out on the ground, everyone sorting through the metal poles while Eugene marched around giving orders. Judith was out there too following his every move, Eugene being her new favourite grown up now that he started letting her compete in the Junior Mario Kart tournament.

Seeking out Rick she made her way over to him, rather endeared by his sweaty and dishevelled appearance. He had been out since the crack of dawn taking care of not only the usual work to be completed, but helping oversee work on Carl and Enid's new home. It was mostly still a construction site and the upper floor was barely weather tight, but they were determined to move in on their wedding day, even if they did have to put their bed in the future dining room. Despite its incomplete state they had the bare necessities to make it habitable, a bed and curtains, these features particularly important for a newly married couple.

"Hey," she greeted him, passing him her bottle of water so he could take a drink. "Can you take Calvin? He's suddenly worried about where everyone's going to sleep, and Mommy's had enough."

Rick just laughed as he took a sip of water, knowing that his endless questions drove her crazy. "I wonder where he got that worry from?" he questioned, for it had been Carrie who worried and meticulously planned how to accomodate so many people without making them sleep in tents. "Want me to take Ally too?"

She shook her head, taking the water back. "Unless you've started lactating, she's not interested."

"Come here," he said, waving Calvin over to join him. "Come help your old man for a while."

"What are you doing?" Calvin asked, using his boot to nudge the canvas material on the ground.

"What does it look like we're doing?" Rick countered, challenging him to actually look.

Annoyed that he had to figure it out himself, Calvin took a moment to look around, and Carrie could practically see the wheels turning in his head. "Is it the tent?"

"That's right," Rick praised, rustling his head before passing him a long metal rod. "Give this to Eugene. Tell him I said to stick it somewhere."


"He'll know. Just tell him I said to stick it somewhere."

As Calvin strolled off to do as requested Carrie slipped her arm around Rick's waist, coaxing a kiss out of him. "You're naughty," she scolded, knowing exactly what he was saying to Eugene.

"He hasn't threatened to fire anyone for nearly an hour. This gives him cause."

Giving him another kiss she reached up and brushed her hand over his curls, a feature he passed on to Ally. "Carol's giving you a haircut tonight," she reminded him. "You're not looking like a Woolly Mammoth at our son's wedding." As she walked away she made a point of tapping him on the ass, unable to help herself. They'd been in bit of a dry spell right now, their children, preparations for the wedding and Carl and Enid's new house leaving them exhausted most of the time.

"Don't start something you can't finish," Rick called out to her as she walked away, reminding her they had the kids sleeping in their room for the next few nights.

Suspecting he was still watching her she walked with a little extra swing in her step, moving her hips in a way that never failed to make him look twice. When she glanced over her shoulder he was indeed looking, his gaze rather appreciative of the summer shorts she was wearing. Though she hadn't been holding herself to any particular criteria, recovering after Ally's birth had been a slow process, her tummy still soft and her hips and legs rounder than before. In preparing for the wedding she had dug out some of her old clothes from the back of the closet, forced to admit that she was never going to squeeze into the pencil skirt she first wore to her welcome party over six years ago.

Chatting to Ally who continued nursing ravenously she made her way down to the south gate, checking in with the person on watch there. They were expecting the first arrivals to be here any minute now, and their delay was making her feel anxious. There were any number of things that could have held them up, maybe the horses had tired quickly in the heat, but she longed for news.

Getting back to being useful she started making her way around Alexandria, using her clipboard to shield Ally's beautiful soft skin from the hot sun. These days they had a population of almost one hundred and twenty, and even with the numerous expansions they were full to the brim in their houses, but they still had to accomodate extra guests from every community. One of their brownstones served as a guesthouse, a place where any visitor could hang their hats if they so wished, but it wouldn't be nearly enough to accommodate the influx of almost sixty wedding guests.

Consulting her list of guest allocations she went house to house and double checked things, ensuring each host had received their extra rations of food and toiletries, that the accomodations were ready for the imminent arrivals. Really she ought not make such a fuss, the guests were not expecting a room at the Hilton, but Carrie wanted everything to go smoothly, and not just for Carl and Enid's peace of mind.

The wedding was the first event for the communities since Negan's death, the first big occasion they had looked forward to. As expected there had been the initial reactions to the death, some people outraged and accusatory, some smug that it had finally happened, but Carl and Enid's engagement had given people something else to focus on, something to celebrate. As usual it was them bringing the communities back together, the newest generation that seemed to be universally trusted and respected no matter what. But for one person in particular Negan's death had changed things a great deal…Maggie.

While she knew she didn't have to put on a show of perfection for Maggie, Carrie wanted everything to feel like home for her. This would be the first time since the end of the war five years ago that Maggie had set foot in Alexandria, and to make it an even more momentous occasion she was bringing Herschel with her, introducing him to his first home and showing him where his father was buried. It was this that constantly lingered in the back of Carrie's mind, and the small hope that Maggie might be coming home for good. She had heard rumours of it, an offhand remark Daryl made not long ago…Maggie might be coming home.

Months had passed, but the spectre of Negan still lingered in the back of her mind. What she did to him was wrong, hypocritical, and what she did to him five years ago was wrong too. It had taken her some time to really come to terms with it, to accept that the two wrongs did not make things right, but it was easier these days. Often times it still felt like Negan was a spectre lingering over her shoulder, but her feelings towards him were not resentful and angry anymore.

Ally had provided a much needed distraction in the aftermath of his death, arriving early on the first of January, and since then Carrie hadn't had much time or energy to keep Negan in her thoughts. But the day before her birth she had asked to be taken out to his grave, asking Rick to allow her that much even though she was heavily pregnant, even though it must be quite a journey. Much to her surprise he had reluctantly agreed to take her out, though the suspicious part of her wondered if the place he took her to really was Negan's grave, for it was surprisingly close to Alexandria, only a two hour journey by horse and cart.

At his supposed graveside Carrie had stood there, trying not to feel guilty for wanting to pay her respects to the man who had terrorised and murdered her friends. No cross or headstone had been erected to mark the burial site, and feeling that it was a step too far she hadn't brought flowers. She simply stood there at the grave, bundled up in scarves and a thick winter coat and praying that it didn't start to snow, for the weather sure was turning that way. Rick had given her space and privacy, allowing her to work through whatever it was on her mind, to process the anger and resentment so that she could finally move on.

In the end they didn't stay long, Carrie suggesting they head home after only thirty minutes. Not wanting to panic Rick she didn't mention that she could feel her Brixton Hicks contractions beginning to hurt, that she sensed their daughter's arrival was only a few hours away. She had been right of course, and on the last day of the year she said her final goodbyes to Negan, putting him to rest so that he could no longer haunt her. Only twenty minutes into the new year Ally had been born, and though she was earlier than expected Carrie liked to think that it was as if she knew that her parents needed a new start, that the first day of the new year was the perfect time to meet them.

Having checked on all the guest accommodations Carrie made her rounds again, passing another hour as she checked in on the rest of the work and preparations going ahead. One half of the tent was erected, a small crowd having gathered to watch the spectacle of triumph and failure unfolding, and it was here she joined Amber and her boys. The babies played on a picnic rug together, Mason and Alistair eleven months old and looking at Ally in curiosity and wonder. She could see the two brothers' minds ticking over as they studied her, while Ally was just delighted having someone paying attention to her, always wanting to be the centre of attention. The twins were cute, but Carrie still could not pick them apart from one another, though Amber proudly boasted she could tell them apart by the smell of their diaper.

"Mo-om!" Judith was yelling, sprinting down the road towards her. "Mom, they're here!"

Carrie's heart leapt into her throat, and she breathed a great sigh of relief at this news. Elsewhere people were looking up, the last half of the tent fluttering back to the ground as people stopped paying attention. "How many carts?"

"I don't know," Judith shrugged breathlessly, excitedly jiggling on the spot. "I could see Tilly, I could see her from the watch post!"

"Go tell Dad," she instructed, looking around for Rick as she got up from the picnic rug. "Quick, tell Dad."

While she sprinted off to find him Carrie swooped down and picked up Ally from the blanket, giving her diaper a quick sniff. Opening the satchel of supplies she carried everywhere she made quick work of changing her, putting up with her protests and cries now that she wasn't playing with the other babies. She lingered a moment longer, straightening Ally's clothes and fixing her hair one last time, and then they set off together.

Rushing down to the gate she arrived as just the first of the convoy passed through the gates, people already milling around to welcome them. Sitting up front was King Ezekiel and Jerry, and though she warmly greeted them with a wave there was no denying who she was most excited to see. Jumping down from the back of the cart was Carol, her grey hair longer than Carrie had seen it in months.

"Carol," she sighed, embracing her tightly. "God, it's been too long."

"I know, I know," she said kindly, patting her on the back as they embraced. But a moment later she pulled away, giving Carrie an apologetic smile as she reached her arms out. "Give me that baby. Give her to me!"

Beaming with pride she passed Ally over, the six month old going without protest. Happy to be with anyone who would give her a smile Ally just looked at Carol sweetly, reaching up and grabbing at her hair and face.

"You really are a perfect little cherub, aren't you," Carol crooned, peppering her face with kisses. "It's me, your Aunty Carol. She's grown," she exclaimed, affectionately pinching the rolls of baby fat on her thighs.

"You haven't seen her since she was ten weeks old."

"She's absolutely gorgeous," she complimented, straightening her dress and then stroking her blonde curls. "Look at you gorgeous girl. Now, I should warn you," Carol began seriously, gesturing down the road to where the next cart was approaching. "Daryl's named the baby, and Lana's not happy."

"Ahh," she cringed, having foreseen this. "Ned?"

"Ned. I think it's a sweet name for a little boy," Carol admitted. "But Lana hates it. I think that's mainly why he likes it."

"He's screwing with her, always looking for a way to…" Carrie trailed off now, her eyes widening as she looked at Henry who was unloading the cart, shocked to see how tall he was. "Carol, what on earth have you been feeding that boy?"

"Apparently not enough," Ezekiel answered, coming over and embracing Carrie. "He's going to eat you out of house and home."

"He's tall enough to hunt Geese with a rake," Carol said affectionately, passing Ally over so he could hold her. "He's as tall as Ezekiel."

"And this is Alexandria's heavenly namesake," he said in wonder, admiring her before pressing a kiss to her forehead. "Pleased to meet you, Alexandria Grimes."

Still content to be passed around Ally lunged for his dreadlocks, bouncing around in delight as she grabbed a fistful and tugged. She laughed at his yelp of pain, much like she did when tugging on Rick's beard, and concerned for Ezekiel's scalp Carrie apologetically freed him from her clutches. He doted on Ally a little longer, passing her around to Jerry and Nabila who also marvelled over her, but she soon started fussing, not content until she was returned to Carrie's arms. Wishing she had remembered to bring the wrap she shifted Ally's weight onto her hips, relieved when she went back to her usual cheerful self, looking around and calling on everyone to give her attention.

Having abandoned the tent Judith and Calvin were breathlessly arriving on scene, all but ignoring their Aunty Carol as they stood in the open gate and looked out. The next horse and cart was closing in, but now able to see the walls one of the occupants had fearlessly jumped down and set off at a sprint. Matilda was running as though her life depended on it, leaving Daryl no choice but to wearily get out and follow her. As they waited Judith and Calvin anxiously jittered, making Carrie head over and grasp them each by their shirts, preventing them from running out into the Walker infested world.

"I'm never going again!" Matilda shouted, her long blonde hair trailing behind her as she ran straight into Judith and Calvin's waiting arms. "Never - ever - ever again!"

The three children almost fell over as they hugged one another, Matilda still declaring her refusal to ever return to the Kingdom. Behind her Daryl walked through the gates, looking both relieved and fed up, and his only greeting to Carrie was a cursory pat on the shoulder as he passed her by.

"She didn't have a good time?" she asked, trying to hold back a smile.

Already heading home Daryl slowed to a stop, looking at his daughter and then back at Carrie. "Y'know how some animals eat their young?"

Carrie just laughed, and as he walked away she turned to Carol for a better explanation. "She had a wonderful time at the Kingdom," she assured her. "Until she had to sit in a cart and be quiet for another seven hour journey."

A few moments later the second cart arrived with Lana in the back. Her belly had grown a little, she was five months pregnant by now and looked fantastic, and as usual she was glowing radiantly.

"You wanna keep my kid?" she asked, she and Carrie embracing. "Even Daryl's fed up with her," she laughed, beginning to walk around in order to stretch her legs. "He kicked her out of the cart, made her jog just so she'd quit complaining."

"Did it work?" she asked, moving Ally to her other hip.

"No, she's fit for a four year old."

"How'd her surgery go? Grommets in okay?"

At this Lana smiled, something for her to be relieved about. "When she woke up Daryl was holding her, and she complained about his beard scratching her face. She's fine, didn't even know she'd had them put in."

"That's a relief," Carrie smiled, glad to hear Matilda's recurring ear infections would be no more. "How's little Ned doing?"

Lana sighed in frustration, narrowing her eyes. "Not you too. He's got everyone calling the baby Ned."

"Ned Dixon has a good ring to it."

"He's tried to tell me its his dad's name," she said incredulously, proudly sticking her little belly out. "But that's bullshit, he'd never name his son after that arsehole. He only likes it because I hate it. It's the name of a bloody Bush Ranger."

"Do you really hate it? Really?" Carrie pressed, remembering a time when Lana too thought it was sweet. "If you really hate it, tell him you dated a boy named Ned. Worked with Rick, and he was dead set on Joseph for a month."

"Thanks for the tip," she sighed, reaching up and taking some of the bags from the cart. "The Hilltop carts are just down the road, we met up with them halfway."

"Maggie? Did she say anything?" she asked eagerly, able to see the other horse and carts closing in on Alexandria. "How long is she staying?"

Lana looked at her apologetically. "They didn't seem to have a lot packed. Supplies for trading, but not a lot of personal things."

Disappointment welling up in her throat Carrie took a moment to herself, nodding slowly. "Okay, thanks," she said awkwardly, forcing a smile as she looked down at Ally, seeking comfort in her happy expression.

"They're settled there. They have friends, Herschel has school…" Lana said kindly, touching her arm. "Doesn't mean she won't came back one day."

Carrie nodded again, finding it easier to hold back the disappointment now. "One day," she said hopefully.

Leaving Matilda to play with the other kids Lana started collecting their belongings from the cart, yelling for Daryl to come and get his stuff. He had stopped further up to talk to Rick, and as Lana approached they went their separate ways, Daryl looking guilty as he hastened to help her with the bags. He didn't tend to dote on her the way she'd like, not even when she was pregnant, but he could usually take a hint when it was shoved in his face.

Joining her down at the gate Rick quickly set about welcoming those who had arrived, shaking Jerry's hand and embracing Carol, the two of them commiserating about their greying hair. Meanwhile Carrie lingered at the open gate, bouncing Ally to keep her happy while Maggie's horse and cart drew closer. Her heart ached with joy as Maggie waved to her, and sitting beside her was a black haired little boy who was unmistakably Herschel. With her encouragement he started waving too, but quickly his attention was elsewhere. He was looking around in absolute awe, having not left the safety of The Hilltop in well over six years. As they drew nearer Carrie couldn't help but stare at him in longing, for she hadn't seen him in person for almost two years, seeing him only in the occasional photograph that was exchanged. His resemblance to Glenn grew stronger with each passing month, as did the pain in acknowledging this.

A moment later Rick appeared by her side, his hand resting on her lower back as they waited together. Moving closer to him she looked him up and down, conscious that he too was holding out hope for Maggie's return, and quietly she mentioned what Lana had told her, that it looked like Maggie had only packed light. He simply nodded, and given he was the one who travelled to Hilltop most frequently perhaps he understood better than she that Maggie was settled, that coming back to Alexandria was never going to be a permanent move.

When the carts came safely through the walls Maggie stood up, jumping down to the road before they had really slowed to a stop. For a moment Carrie just looked at her, admiring her longer hair and the way her features had changed, the lines on her face that the years and wisdom had given her. But the wide smile Maggie gave was like an instant icebreaker, and suddenly it didn't feel like it had been two years, but that it was just any other day and no time at all had passed.

"It's so good to see you," Maggie implored as they hugged, the two friends holding one another for a long moment.

"You too," Carrie said sincerely. "We're so happy you're here."

"I know, me too," Maggie replied, holding her a little longer before slowly stepping back. Her eyes were warm with kindness as she smiled, turning her attention to Ally. "Can I?"

"Of course," she acquiesced, turning a little and encouraging Ally to reach out.

She fussed a little, strange behaviour for her, but she settled when Maggie took hold of her and brought her close, holding her securely as she spoke to her. "Hello Miss Ally," she said warmly, kissing her on the cheek. "I've been waitin' so long to see you, yes I have. Herschel, come down and meet your cousin."

Standing up in the cart Herschel was looking down at them apprehensively, his shyness making Rick come forward and reach a hand out. Though his expression seemed to indicate familiarity with Rick he didn't come forward, but a smile grew on his face as he said something quietly, something that made Rick give a heavy sigh.

"Go on then," he said, stepping back from the cart and holding both hands up. "Ready?"

"Ready," Herschel agreed, taking a step back before rushing forward and leaping down from the cart, letting Rick catch him.

"Oh, got you!" Rick exclaimed, pretending to let him fall a little before swiftly lifting him back up. "Hi there big guy," he said happily, holding the six year old on his hip. "Look at you, bigger every time I see you."

"Yup," Herschel said proudly, slinging an arm around his shoulder. "When are you coming to visit again?"

"Maybe next month," Rick assured him, bringing him over to Carrie. "You remember your Aunt Carrie?"

Though Herschel gave her a polite nod he started to shy away, clenching his hands into Rick's shirt and then hiding his face. "Don't worry about him," Maggie said in exasperation, bouncing Ally a little. "He can't decide if he's shy or outgoing. It changes minute to minute."

"That's okay," Carrie assured her. "Kids are like that sometimes," she said, looking around as Judith, Carl and Matilda slowly approached, scoping out the new kid they probably didn't recognise as their cousin.

As they all made acquaintances again Carrie watched on fondly, her heart fit to burst with joy the longer she watched Rick and Herschel together. It was clear they had good rapport with one another, particularly so now that he was back to visiting Hilltop once a month, and it made her feel so happy that even after everything that had maintained the relationship with Glenn's son.

It meant a great deal to them both, but to Rick in particular, who although mourned the loss of everyone who died in the war still felt particularly heartbroken by Glenn's death. Perhaps it was just one of those things he would never quite fully get over, something that would always haunt him in the silent hours of the night when one's mind would wander…but the relationship with Herschel made it bearable.

"Here he is" Carol cried, opening her arms to Carl who had come down to meet them. "You'll make a fine groom once I trim that mop on your head."

Carl chuckled as he hugged her. "I knew that would be the first thing you said."

Immediately everyone's attention turned to Carl, him being the major reason they were all there together, ready to celebrate his wedding to Enid. Having also missed him Herschel was rushing over to him, abandoning Rick in favour of his favourite Uncle Carl. Like Rick did, Carl picked Herschel up and rough housed with him, making the other kids giggle and laugh. Carl's approval of the new kid seemed to be enough for them, and they all seemed a little more confident when they approached him now. As she watched them Carrie wondered how much of Herschel they really remembered, for it had been two years since they saw him in person, since they had been at the Hilltop when Rick was injured.

"We've packed light," Maggie said, still holding Ally who was content in her arms. "But we're thinking of staying two or three weeks. I'd like to use the lake to properly teach Herschel how to swim."

Carrie's heart soared, for most were planning to head home in a few days. "You're more than welcome," she said immediately, not even needing to consider it. "Stay as long as you want."

Maggie smiled, taking Herschel's hand when he returned to her side. "Well what I want now is a stiff drink. Can you help me with that?"

Grinning, Carrie nodded and then hastened to start unloading their belongings from the cart, thanking Alden who passed down the packs. Another cart had arrived now, people like Tara, Jesus and Kal coming down to greet them, but though she was pleased to see them she made a point of sticking with Maggie, helping her and Herschel bring their things up to the house where they would be staying. With them they carried a large garment bag and sewing kit, and when they safely hung it up in Judith's wardrobe Maggie let her take a peek at Enid's finished wedding dress, one she and Maggie had made together.

Though they had kids running around their ankles and an abundance of work to do, Carrie poured them both a drink, and together they relaxed on the porch back at home catching up. They talked with such ease and familiarity that it was easy to forget all they had been through, why it had been so long since Maggie had come to Alexandria. Though the topic was sure to come up at some stage, particularly if she was staying on after the wedding, Carrie didn't even spare a passing thought for Negan, and later she would suspect that Maggie hadn't either.

As the day drew to a close and the bachelor and bachelorette celebrations began, Carrie knew that Alexandria and the communities had turned a corner.

"Rick…Rick, can you get up…please?" A long sigh followed, echoed by a little whine that came from inside the crib. "I know you're awake…"

Laying in a state of semi-consciousness Rick groaned in response, giving up trying to pretend he couldn't hear Carrie's plea for help. Nevertheless he delayed a little longer, the whine of discontent from the crib growing louder as he felt an elbow shoved into his lower back.

"Please Rick…she needs a bottle."

He groaned again, not wanting to do it. "Can't you feed her?"

"I've been drinking. She won't take a bottle from me when my boobs are right there," Carrie sighed, already turning over and going back to sleep. "Please…I'm tired."

You're hungover, he thought unkindly. It wasn't that she didn't deserve an evening on the drink to celebrate Enid's bachelorette party, it's just she wasn't the only one who enjoyed a big night. Carl's stag night had been a hit, an evening of Mario Kart and poker with more than enough beers to go around. Maybe if he waited long enough Ally would go back to sleep, would forget that she was hungry…

It was raining. That was just about the only thought that registered other than the desire to go back to sleep.

Hearing his little girl calling out again he forced his mind to switch off, his body automatically beginning to rise to tent to her needs. He rubbed his eyes as he sat up, having been confronted with Calvin's butt in his face, the now five year old laying upside down with his feet up on the headboard. It wasn't unusual to find him like that, for even in his sleep he didn't sit still, always tossing and turning. Judith slept a little more comfortably snuggled up against Carrie's back, both kids having abandoned their sleeping bags on the floor and crawling into bed with their parents. If they allowed it they would sleep in here every night, they normally waited until the morning to come in, but sleeping on the floor last night must have proved too much temptation to resist.

Plucking Ally from the crib he kissed and cuddled her just the way she craved, setting her down to quickly freshen up her diaper. She whined a little longer, lifting her head and looking towards the bed where she could see Carrie sleeping, confirming that she was indeed hungry. Though she hadn't liked it at any stage last night, Ally was going to have to take a bottle again or go hungry. Creeping through the dark house he urgently shushed his baby daughter, begging her to stay quiet for their house full of guests. Of all his children she was the most vocal regardless of whether she was happy or sad, loving to make good use of her vocal cords at any opportunity.

The house was silent and still, every noise Ally made feeling even louder than it really was. She started fussing when he turned on the light in the kitchen, hiding her face when he opened the refrigerator and fetched a bottle of milk Carrie had prepared yesterday. Putting up a fight already she arched her back as if trying to flee his arms, but he didn't take it personally. Trying to keep her quiet he tided her over, scooping a spoonful of stewed pumpkin into her mouth. Blinking in surprise she smacked her lips together, moving her mouth and tongue as she tried to manage the strange texture in her mouth. They only started her on solids a few days ago, and though she had been happily gnawing on crackers she was still getting used to soft foods. As she tried to eat she kept pushing it out of her mouth, smacking her lips as she curiously looked back into the refrigerator, wondering what it was.

"You like that?" he asked, getting her another spoonful. As she worked the food around in her mouth he used the spoon to clean her up, ensuring none went to waste. "It's sweet, I bet you like it."

With the refrigerator open he held her on his hip as he gave her a third mouthful, anything to keep her from crying and waking their numerous guests. It was a full house at the moment, as evidenced by how untidy and disorganised their home had become, not that it mattered to them. As she licked her lips and opened her mouth for another spoonful he looked around, liking the sight of the extra shoes at the front door, the coats slung over chairs and food and various supplies strewn about. The only thing he didn't like was the sight of rain on the windows, the heavy rainfall on the roof.

He ought to put Ally in the highchair to feed her, but he held her instead, trying to revel in every moment with her. He and Carrie had decided that she would be their last, a decision that didn't quite feel certain until after she was born and their family felt complete. With that he had summoned the nerve to go to Saddiq for a vasectomy, making sure they had sustainable contraception for many years to come. But with Ally being their last came the urge to spoil her rotten, and though he disliked the notion of the youngest child being a spoiled brat he found he couldn't help himself at times. He just wanted her to stay little forever…hell, he wanted all his children to stay young, to never grow up and really face the horrors of this world, dead walking or not.

The front door opened and closed, the increasing volume of the rain alerting him to this fact, and giving Ally the spoon he closed the refrigerator and crept into the hallway. Through the darkness he caught sight of a figure climbing the stairs, a silhouette he would never fail to recognise.

"Sneaking in to see your bride?"

Carl stopped in his tracks, giving a heavy sigh as he turned and looked down. "It's raining."

"I know."

"Dad," he said heavily, emphasising his words. "It's raining."

"I know," he repeated, trying to convey a sense of calm and level headedness. "There's nothing we can do exact wait and see how the weather turns. Go back to bed," he added. "With or without your bride, just get some sleep."

Carl didn't move, not an inch. Instead he stood there looking down at him, anxious and worried, asking his dad for a solution to the problem, and Rick knew he was never going back to sleep. He glanced at his watch, seeing that it was a little after four in the morning. With a great sigh he gestured for Carl to come down and join him in the kitchen.

"Put on some coffee," he requested, gesturing to the glass jar their house had been rationed. Alexandria had received some coffee in a recent trade, and everyone was so happy there was talk of a public holiday to commemorate. "We can sit up and talk if you want."

As Carl turned on the coffee machine he continued tending to Ally, fetching her a bottle of milk and somehow convincing her it was worth giving a try. Carrie didn't often have to express milk for her, but with the bachelorette party coming up she had been stockpiling enough that she could enjoy herself without concern. With reluctance Ally took her bottle and started drinking, still snuggled up with him as he and Carl made their way outside onto the porch. It was warm out, but with the rain falling he made sure to keep her warm with a blanket from the couch, and he watched her expression change as she looked around and listened to the rain, trying to recall when she had last seen this.

"It's all going to be fine," Rick began, seeing how anxious and worried Carl was. "Even if the rain doesn't let up, it's not catastrophic. It's actually good luck."

Carl scoffed at this, looking glum as he put his feet up on another chair. "It's bucketing down…we can't get married in this."

"The church does have a roof."

"We'll be lucky to fit in the church already," he complained. "And what about after? Even with the tent it's still going to be shit."

Rick didn't make any comment to this, letting Carl vent his concerns, getting them off his chest. With fondness he thought back more than twenty years ago to his wedding to Lori, all the stress and planning that went in to it. They hadn't much money back then, they had worried and scrimped every penny to pay for it, but once the celebrations got started they didn't spare a single thought for the cost, they were having too much fun. Carl would be worried right now, no doubt Enid was laying awake upstairs miserably listening to the rain, but everything would work out just fine. Even if they had to postpone a day or two, none of the guests needed to rush back to their respective communities.

"I suppose this is a good'a time as any to ask," Rick began lightly. "Any cold feet?"

Carl looked around in surprise, but his answer was certain. "No. No cold feet."

Trusting him, Rick nodded, but he continued. "There's a bit of pressure on you. Everyone's come so far, they're excited….doesn't mean you have to get married if you don't want to."

"You think I want to do a runner?"

"No," he began, choosing his words carefully to convey his unwavering support. "But if you did, you would have my unconditional support. Whatever you need, I'm here."

Carl laughed a little uncomfortably, putting his head back and closing his eye for a few moments. "Nah Dad, I'm okay."

"I'm your best man, this is part of my job," he said lightly. "Giving the groom a way out at the last minute."

"Did Shane do that for you?

He nodded, remembering fondly. "He told me if I wanted to leave he and I would get in the car and drive to Vegas. He already had your Grandpa prepped to break the news to Lori if I did make a run for it."

Carl laughed in amusement, sitting up and looking at him. "Seriously? What a jerk."

Rick shook his head, disagreeing. "It sounds like he was being asshole, but he wasn't. It was nice knowing that I didn't have to get married, that he wouldn't think badly of me. Same with you. There's a lot of pressure, a lot of expectations from the communities. But you don't have to get married if you're not ready."

"Do you think I shouldn't?"

"That's not what I'm saying. This is about what you want. Do you want to marry Enid?"

"I do" he said emphatically. "See? I'm practicing my vows already."

Leaving the discussion there Rick nodded in understanding, not trying to add any more pressure or make Carl justify anything. Though in the back of his mind he feared that nineteen was too young to marry he knew that things were different these days, that Carl was not a young college kid still figuring his life out. He had plenty of life experience in this new world, the only challenge would be actually being married, and people of any age would naturally find that appropriately challenging.

"So, go on then," Carl prompted, sipping his coffee. "Between mom and Carrie you've been married over two and a half decades. What's the secret?"

"The secret? I'm still trying to figure that out," he said, not entirely joking. But when he saw Carl was genuinely waiting for an answer he sobered, giving it some thought. He cast his mind over his two marriages, both the good and the bad parts, recognising his faults and his successes. "All the normal things you have in any relationship. Enid's your partner, you have to communicate with her, and you have to be willing to listen."

"That's all you got? Communicate?"

"It's a big part of marriage. Communication can be the difference between a debate and a full blown argument."

"Let me guess," he said, sounding disheartened. "Next you'll tell me to never go to sleep angry."

At this Rick scoffed, having always detested this advice. "That's bullshit," he said lightly. "Sometimes you need to cool off. Go to sleep angry, try again the next day."


"Sorry," he apologised, seeing that Carl wasn't exactly satisfied with the advice so far. "You've got me on the spot here…I should have prepared for this kind of question."

Carl seemed to brush it off, the two of them resuming a comfortable silence. As the rain continued to fall he turned his attention to Ally, whose eyes had closed with the bottle still in her mouth only half finished. But the moment he tried to take it away her eyes flew open, and she made a ravenous growl in the back of her throat as she reached for the bottle again, refusing to let him take it. Readjusting the way he held her he settled her on his other knee, rather enjoying the way she snuggled up against his side and continued drinking, her long eyelashes fluttering as she relaxed. He so rarely got to feed her a bottle like this he wondered why he had bothered protesting when Carrie asked him to get out of bed.

"Alright, listen up," he began, getting his thoughts in order. "You want advice on marriage?"

Carl nodded eagerly, looking at him and paying attention. "I'm listening."

"The woman you marry today is not going to be the woman you're married to in a year," he began, spelling it out as clearly as he could. "She's not the same woman you'll be married to in five years, or in two decades. She's going to change, and so are you."

Following along Carl nodded, taking a deep breath as he listened. "Yeah, I know she'll change. We both will."

"Remember that you're not just committing to Enid as she is now. You're making a commitment to who she's going to be in the future, good or bad. And she's making the same commitment to you as you are now, and in the future."

"Yeah…I guess so."

"The person your mom married all those years ago. I wasn't the same person five years into the marriage, or ten. After the outbreak, after the farm and being on the road…I changed again, and so did she."

Carl nodded, sinking back into his chair and looking out into the dark night as he digested this advise, the kind warning as to what was going to come. He seemed remarkably less content now, his brow furrowed and his mouth set into a thin line.

"If mom didn't die, would you still be together?"

Not at all uncertain, Rick nodded. It felt strange to admit that, especially when he was now remarried with two more children, but it was true. "Your mom and I would have made it. We were committed, good or bad…regardless of the mistakes we both made."

"W-what mistakes did you make?"

Rick's heart faltered, having not seen where he was leading the conversation…but he had to be honest, he owed that much to Carl. "I was afraid," he admitted, having had many years to think his mistakes over. "I was afraid of opening up to her, both before and after the outbreak. I was afraid of hurting her…" he trailed off for a moment, summoning the courage to keep going. "And I was afraid of being hurt by her…so I stopped trying for a while. By the time I would have been ready to start trying again, she was gone. That's not a mistake I want to see you making in your marriage."

Carl held his gaze, slowly nodding. "Communicate?"

"Yes," he said, glad he was no longer brushing that advice aside. "Marriage is not just something you do on your wedding day, it's work," he said candidly, not minding if he came across too blunt or strong. "Your marriage to Enid is going to take work, sometimes every day. Are you willing to do that?"


"Are you willing to work at it, and be committed to her, even when it feels like the marriage is over? Even when it feels like you've got nothing left to work for?"

Carl seemed worried now, and he swallowed heavily. "Yeah," he said softly his voice wavering. "I am."

"Okay then," he breathed, feeling a weight lifting off his shoulders as if the advice dispensed had been weighing him down. "If you're willing to do all that, then get married if that's what you want."

Carl muttered a few words of agreement, confirming again that he was ready for that commitment, but he trailed off into silence. Starting to feel concerned Rick watched him from the corner of his eye, starting to worry he had said the wrong thing, that his advice had been a deterrent. Looking uncomfortable and worried Carl sat in silence, clutching his mug of coffee and staring at it as though it had personally offended him.

With a great lurch Carl leapt to his feet, the patio chairs scraping as he pushed them out of the way and rushed inside. As he disappeared Rick slowly rose to his feet in horror, his heart pounding. What have I done? Had his well meaning advice actually scared him off?


A few moments later he returned to the patio, clutching a sheet of paper and Judith's pencil case from the craft box. "Say all of that again," he said very seriously, turning on an oil lamp as he rummaged around for a sharpened pencil.

"Say what?"

"All of it!" he said urgently, finding a purple pencil and beginning to scrawl onto the paper. "Say it all again. I-I need this for my vows."

Rick blinked at him, relief slowly creeping in as he began to understand. "Vows?"

"We're writing our own vows. I just haven't finished mine."

Letting out a laugh he settled back into his chair, stroking Ally's hair as she neared the end of her bottle. "Looks to me like you haven't started."

With a great sigh Carl looked up, the pencil shaking in his hand. "When did I ever start my homework except the night before?"

"Good Lord," he laughed jovially, beginning to smile. "Hang on, hang on…where did we start?"

"All the stuff about people changing, but you have to put up with them anyway because you're committed."

Grateful that his mind was recalling his earlier words, Rick gave him a nod of reassurance. "I think we can put it a little nicer than that."

Almost an hour later Rick was creeping back upstairs to his bedroom, having sent Carl back to his bed over at Daryl's place. The rain was easing up now, and the house remained quiet and undisturbed, the guests and children still sleeping. Back in his bedroom he cradled Ally as she worked on her second bottle of milk, her eyelids beginning to flutter in satisfaction. It was no surprise to him that Carrie was awake, for she was always up this time of morning for Ally's first feed of the day. She stretched out in the bed as she watched him settling Ally, whispering words of gratitude to him for getting up.

Taking the risk he settled Ally down into her crib, making sure she didn't drop her bottle of milk as he laid a blanket over her lap. There he lingered a little longer with his hand on her chest, watching her fondly as she looked up at him, comforted by his presence. When she was settled he let her be, and with one thing in mind he set about attending to his other kids. Calvin was still small enough for him to pick up, he was fairly easy to relocate back into his sleeping bag on the floor, but Judith took a little more coaxing. As he slipped her out of the bed and into her sleeping bag Carrie watched him with a frown, no doubt questioning why he risked waking the sleeping children. To his relief both children remained silent, Judith's eyes fluttering only when she turned over and snuggled up with her brother, giving a happy sigh.

"You were down there a while," Carrie murmured. "Everything alright?"

Slipping back into the bed and relishing that they had it back to themselves, Rick nodded. "Carl came over, worried about the rain. I gave him some advice…helped him write his wedding vows."

"Now?" she questioned, letting him kiss her on the cheek.

He moved closer to her, settling his hand on her hip as he lay by her side. "A bit late, he knows…he wants you to take a look at them later. You're good with words."

She nodded in agreement, looking rather touched by the request. "What advice did you give him?"

"Mmmm, lots," he murmured. Beneath the lightweight sheet he moved his knee towards her, using it to nudge her legs apart so he could touch her inner thigh. She raised her eyebrow at his bold advance, no doubt smirking at him in her mind.

"Advice like what?"

"I talked to him about sex…" he whispered, leaning over to kiss her again, her lips this time. "Told him not to slack off in the bedroom, to keep things…exciting."

Though she kissed him back, she did seem to roll her eyes at him. Nevertheless he took this as a positive sign, lingering close to kiss her again, using his tongue to coax her lips apart. The rain was the only background noise in their otherwise silent bedroom, making their innocent kiss feel salacious and over the top.

"Rick, the kids."

"They're asleep. If we're quiet, we can get away with it."

Unconvinced, she turned over and looked at Ally in her crib, the little one still awake but gloriously milk drunk, her eyes practically rolling back in her head she was so content. It seemed taking the bottle wasn't so terrible after all. Elsewhere in the bedroom Judith and Calvin were still fast asleep, happy sleeping next to each other the way they liked to. With what sounded like a sigh of both defeat and relief Carrie turned back to him, reaching one hand out and stroking the side of his head.

"Your haircut is nice," she complimented, running her fingers through his newly short curls. "Less wooly mammoth, more hot dad next door."

Holding back a snort of laughter Rick grinned against her lips as they kissed again, his body responding eagerly when she moved her knees apart, welcoming him. Keeping the blankets over them he pushed himself up and moved on top of her, her hands on his hips encouraging him as he pressed himself against her centre. They kissed languidly as his hands roamed her body at leisure, tenderly cupping her breasts before tracing the swell of her soft belly where she carried their children. His lips moved to her neck, tongue and mouth worshiping her skin as he breathed in the smell of her hair, also newly cut.

When she pushed him away he stilled, wondering if he had done something wrong, but her head was turned towards the kids, looking at them nervously. They waited and listened to the sound of them both breathing, Rick resisting the urge to continue for as long as he could tolerate. Letting one hand keep roaming he squeezed the back of her thigh, her ass and legs so heavenly he couldn't ignore them anymore. As he waited for her to be ready he stroked the soft skin on the her thighs, his mind running away with him as he looked down at her, eager to remove her clothes.

Shaking her head in exasperation Carrie kissed him swiftly, but then pushed him off and to her side, taking the opportunity to divest him of his sweatpants and herself of her pyjama shorts. With the sheets shrouding them she straddled him and leant down for a kiss, her hand working him over as his did the same between her legs, beginning to tease her with just a finger. They took their time with one another, not worried about the kids waking up, nor concerned for the necessity of catching up on sleep…when moments like this struck they just had to run with it.

It felt like sheer ecstasy when she finally sank down onto him, this incredible feeling never getting old. He questioned why they weren't doing this every minute of every day, wondering why they wasted their time with anything else. The weight of responsibility, worry and stress melted away, letting him free himself of all things other than her and himself, the primal need they shared right now. Having her on top like this was the fastest way to get her off in a pinch, but for him it was a torture of deprivation, forcing him to watch her breasts through the thin fabric of her tank top, knowing he couldn't touch them the way he wanted to right now, not when she hadn't nursed for hours. He longed to turn her over, to hurriedly thrust into her until he reached his completion, for having her like this was the sweetest torture.

When she climaxed it was with his hand over her mouth stifling her throaty sighs, his other clutching her hip to keep her moving, to extend the pleasure for her. As she satiated herself she lay down on top of him, their hips rocking together until he too finished, a groan hissing silently between his teeth as he held her right there, gyrating on top of him. It was only quick, certainly not the greatest of orgasms they could coax out of one another, but that made it no less perfect.

Though his head was heavy with the desire to sleep he fought to stay awake, wanting to take advantage of every moment…the day ahead was sure to be stressful at times, and moments like this were a welcome precursor. As Carrie lay down beside him they fixed their clothes, knowing the kids would likely join them in an hour or so, and with that in mind round two was probably off the table. He didn't mind though, simply content to have her there beside him, the touch of her as she lay with one leg slung over his knee, her hand resting on his stomach. Not caring that it would eventually become uncomfortable he reached his arm out and brought her closer, letting her rest her head against his shoulder just the way they both liked.

"I can't believe he's getting married today," Carrie murmured.

Rick nodded, those words still feeling strange to hear and say. His son, Carl…getting married. "Lucky him."

Carrie lifted her head. "Was that sarcasm?"

"No," he said honestly, meaning it. "He's lucky."

Satisfied with his answer Carrie fell silent again, her fingers restlessly playing with the fabric of his shirt as they lay there together, listening to the rain that just might postpone the entire wedding.

As he held her in his arms he relished the feeling, the joy of having her warm body against his bringing him a sense of comfort and peace that she had brought into familiarity for him. He dwelled on what he told Carl about struggling to open up to Lori, both before and after the outbreak...but being with Carrie had slowly changed a great deal for him. With Carrie it started as purely attraction, an undeniable lust for one another that grew into trust, comfort...it was through her that he had learned how to open up again, to be completely vulnerable in a way he had never been before in his entire life.

Through her he became ready to love again, a reminder that the horrors he faced were not just so that he could provide for his family, but so that he too could live again. Carrie was the one who brought that understanding to light, and he knew that only through her all those years ago he had started living again.

Her eyes were closed, her breathing slow and steady and he knew he shouldn't wake her...but he did anyway. Turning a little with her in his embrace he brought his lips to the top of her head, kissing her and murmuring into her messy hair.

"Are you awake?"

There came a small rumble from within her throat. "What?"

When he didn't respond she opened her eyes, allowing him to look her in the eye. For a few moments he simply held his gaze, feeling foolish for waking her. She looked at him expectantly, her eyes dropping as he stroked her hair and considered what he wanted to say, wishing he could find the right words.

"I love you," he said sincerely, holding her gaze. "More than I know how to say."

"I kno-"

He stopped her from speaking, putting his fingertips on her lips. A part of him still felt foolish for saying this, apprehensive to truly keep opening up to her, but that was feeling smaller and smaller with each day that passed. "You are the love of my life."

For a few moments she was simply silent, laying there beside him and looking at him through the dim light of their bedroom. She pushed herself up on her elbow, her blonde hair falling around her shoulders like an angelic halo, and he couldn't help but feel it was particularly appropriate.

"I always knew Logan wasn't the love of my life," she murmured, reaching out and putting her hand on his stomach, resting just over the place the rebar impaled him. "I suppose I didn't put much importance on it back then."

He let this thought linger a moment, knowing that she didn't speak of Logan and her old life very often. "And now?"

"Now...it's more important than ever. I knew a long time ago you were the one."

Though he had always felt and known this before this moment, hearing the words from her made it mean all the more. Moving onto his side he gave her a light kiss in thanks, glad when he felt her pulling at his shirt to bring him closer, their lips lingering together as they shared one another's breath. I love you, came her whisper in the darkness, her lips brushing against his as she spoke. I love you too, he whispered in response.

Without regard for the time or potential interruptions she pulled him back on top of her, parting her knees and welcoming him against her again. They kissed languidly, neither rushed nor time bound, simply content to enjoy one another. He wanted to bury himself inside her, but it wasn't lust talking this time, and it wasn't their dry spell either. It was the closeness he craved, and he could feel that she did to. When he kissed her neck he exalted in the breathy sigh she made against his ear, the way her fingertips stroked his side before slipping under his shirt to touch his skin. Soon after she reached between them, making her intentions clear.

At her prompting he lowered her pyjama pants and then his own, sinking inside her with a moan he was forced to stifle. As he started stroking himself in and out of her he kept the pace slow, pushing himself up a little so he could properly see her, could kiss her. For a brief moment she became distracted, her eyes darting left to Ally in the crib, and then right towards the kids on the floor, ever alert for the sound of them waking up.

He had known for a long time that he would spend this life with Carrie, that the idea of growing old together wasn't just something people said. For them, he just knew that they were going to make it to that point together, even in the world occupied by the dead.

By late afternoon the wedding was over. The rain had completely ceased by the time the sun rose, but judging by the dark shadows beneath Enid's eyes it had kept her up all night with worry, just like it did to Carl. But the rain had cleared to make way for another hot and sunny day, the damp ground and canvas tent drying out remarkably quickly, making way for the decorations and set up required to host the party everyone was looking forward to that afternoon.

There had been so much going on that morning, so much to take care of, but Carrie still found the time to miss Rick. That day she couldn't help but feel like a love sick teenager for how she wanted to be with him, especially after what he said to her in the early hours of that morning. But he was too busy to linger in bed that morning, staying only long enough to change Ally's diaper and then put her into bed with Carrie and the kids, Judith and Calvin having of course made their way back in the moment they started to rouse.

"I'll miss you," Carrie murmured, sitting up and tilting her head towards him for a kiss.

"You too," was his automatic response.

When she grabbed at his shirt he came back to her, affording her a proper kiss more fitting to the morning of their sons wedding, but he really couldn't linger. Wedding or not there was the usual work to be done with the livestock, and she had no doubt that Carl would be waiting downstairs to join his dad, the two of them going about their usual morning routine together. As she lay in bed with the kids she imagined father and son working side by side, Carl practicing his newly written vows while Rick calmed his last minute jitters.

It was much the same in their household that morning, everyone helping to calm Enid's wedding day jitters and generally fuss over her. They all kicked back with a champagne breakfast and facial, cool slices of cucumber soothing Enid's tired eyes as she got a little more rest after her sleepless night. With the exception of Ally, all other kids had been sent to spend the morning with Lana who was tasked with keeping the kids entertained and organised throughout the day, allowing the others the chance for peace and quiet as they prepared Enid for the wedding.

She saw Rick briefly halfway through the morning, catching him as he came home from tending to the livestock. Trying not to disturb the celebrations he simply slipped inside and headed for the shower, Carrie following ten minutes later to ensure he was dressing in the clothes she had set out, determined he wasn't wearing his ratty old jeans to his son's wedding. They managed to find a middle ground, Rick settling on a less worn pair of jeans in exchange for combing his hair to her satisfaction.

"If the groom's wearing jeans, I'm wearing jeans," he argued, pulling on the ironed shirt she had set out for him.

"Jeans?" Carrie questioned in outrage. "Does Maggie know about this? Does Carol?"

"He's not afraid of either of them," he teased, kissing her on the cheek as he passed by, still doing up his buttons. "He's got a wife to be afraid of now."

"And when did you stop being afraid of your wife?"

"Hard to be afraid of you when you're wearing a mud mask."

In exasperation she let him go, knowing if he wore jeans to their wedding he wouldn't be talked out of it. Besides, it didn't matter what anyone wore that day, not even Enid who could wear a potato sack and still look beautiful. Today came down to so much more than what people were wearing or the decorations inside the tent. More than just a wedding, today was about all the communities coming together to celebrate and be one again.

Nevertheless, the wedding had been perfect. Carl and Enid had decided that if the communities were going to make a fuss they might as well do the whole thing properly, like weddings used to be back in the old days. The Alexandrians and all the guests had crammed themselves into the church while Carl, Rick and Michonne stood at the front with Gabriel, awaiting the bride who was appropriately late. The kids were nicely dressed, wearing clothes so nice that Carrie didn't normally keep them in their wardrobes, and blessedly Ally slept through the entire ceremony, silent instead of her usual chatty self.

Carl had drawn the line at wearing a suit, simply pairing his jeans with a nice linen shirt he ironed and tucked in, his hair tied back in its usual pony tail, yet still somehow he managed to pull it off and look respectable for his bride. Michonne and Rick were his groomsmen, and throughout the wedding Carrie kept taking her attention from the ceremony and turning it to her own husband instead, watching the emotions playing out over his face. The joy and happiness he felt for his son were readily evident, as was the relief that he had been able to provide this life for his family, a life where Carl could marry the one he loved in front of his friends and family.

Enid looked gorgeous in the wedding dress Carol and Maggie had made for her, and when she arrived with Maggie and a friend as her bridesmaids Carrie couldn't help but tear up a little, because it really did feel just like the old days. Judith and Calvin spent most of the ceremony sitting silently in the front pew together, Calvin swinging his legs back and forth out of boredom, but when their big moment came they performed perfectly. At Rick's prompting they came up to the front and dutifully handed over the wedding rings to their big brother and new sister, and though their part in the ceremony was only small it meant a lot to them.

The party after the wedding had gone well, everyone managing to pull together to serve food and drinks, Carl and Enid's friends managing the music while people danced and had a good time. Aaron was making his way around taking photographs, and though it proved to be quite the ordeal getting so many people in one place at a time, they did manage to get some photos of the whole family, the original group who arrived in Alexandria all those years ago. It still hurt knowing that there were so many absent that day, people like Glenn and Abraham, Carl's mom Lori, but the day hadn't been wasted or dampened by their losses.

Now the newly expanded Grimes family were being herded together, Enid asking for one more picture with her now official in-laws. Feeling a little stressed Carrie was bouncing Ally up and down on her hip, the six month old nearly at her wits end after a long day. As they stood together and waited for Aaron she felt Rick's arm slide around her waist, and as she knew it would it began to slide down her hip towards her ass.

"Rick Grimes," she said sternly. "Wrangle your children instead of my ass."

With expertise he reached out for Judith and Calvin, grabbing them by the back of their clothing and bringing them back as they started to sneak away. "Behave yourselves for five more minutes."

"Can we have some more cake?" Judith asked, still licking frosting off her lips.

"No, now stand still," he said sternly. But his brow furrowed as he crouched down to look at her more closely, reaching out for a lock of her hair. "What is this? Is this cake or mud?"

"Calvin!" Carrie cried, lunging for him when she saw him standing up with his hand in his pocket. "That better not be a snail in your pocket!"

He looked up at her wide eyed, hands protectively shielding his pocket from her reaching hand. "Mom, don't!"

"I've told you, no more snails in your pocket!"

"It's not a snail, it's a frog!"

No longer so revolted by the things her children brought home with them Carrie simply reached into his pocket and freed the poor frog, tossing it into a nearby garden bed. Calvin promptly burst into tears, Ally immediately following suit with a loud wail as she too lost her cool. Straightening up Carrie and Rick just looked at one another in exasperation, and she knew immediately the words that were on the tip of his tongue. They're your kids.

Carl, Enid and Aaron approached, the newly married couple blissfully ignoring the crying children. Oblivious to almost anything other than each other they were talking sweetly, holding hands as they said something to Aaron, pointing out the location they wanted their next photo taken. Not wanting anything to dampen their day they hastily quietened the kids, Rick handing both Calvin and Judith some candy he had kept in his pockets for this very situation. Taking to the bribe remarkably well Calvin immediately stopped crying, his eyes alight with interest for the very rare treat of candy.

"This is the best day ever," Judith whispered loudly, unwrapping her candy and gazing at it in awe.

"Anything sweet for me?" Carrie asked expectantly.

Feeling rather confident with himself he just leaned in and kissed her. She rolled her eyes at him in amusement, bouncing Ally who was shrieking in disapproval, demanding her own kiss too. When Rick kissed her she settled back into content silence, more interested in looking around at all the exciting things going on than in making a fuss. Taking advantage of the opportune window they hastened over to Carl and Enid while the kids were still happy, the newly expanded family of seven standing together for another photograph.

As they stood together Rick put his arm around her side, tickling Ally's foot to keep her happy and smiling. Beside him stood Carl and Enid, the new couple having eyes for only one another, and Carrie's heart soared when she caught a glimpse of Carl's hand, seeing his wedding ring. A lifetime ago it had been Rick's, and she loved that Carl was wearing it now, that it was no longer a relic of the past but a symbol of his future with Enid.

As Aaron photographed them she moved further into Rick's embrace, enjoying the touch of him up against her side. Returning the favour she slipped her free arm around his side, watching his expression from the corner of her eye as she slipped her hand down to his ass, giving it a firm squeeze.

"How come you're allowed to do that, but I'm not?" he whispered, nuzzling her ear while Aaron paused to adjust the settings on the camera.

"Treat me right and I'll let you look down my dress when we dance."

If he had any protest against being made to dance he wisely kept it to himself, just as he had all those years ago when they danced at their own wedding, a much quieter affair in comparison to this. Once Aaron was done taking their picture they set the kids loose to and handed Ally off to the first person who reached for her. She really was the belle of the ball right now, her happy smile and cheery disposition threatening to upstage the bride and groom, not that they seemed to notice anything outside one another.

As they took to the dance floor with the others the music changed to a slower song, Carl's friends from the Kingdom manning the CD player for the afternoon. Not needing to think about it she and Rick started dancing together, the mood feeling peaceful and romantic. Looking around she breathed a mental sigh of relief that the day had gone ahead without a single problem, that Carl and Enid had a perfect day and the guests from other communities were enjoying themselves too. Everything was fine, and Carrie felt confident and optimistic for the future of all four communities, something she hadn't often felt in the years that had passed.

Moving around the dance floor they passed Lana and Daryl who were dancing, the latter looking like he was there under protest. He was annoyed with Rick who had shown Matilda how to dance with a grown up by standing on their feet, and she had immediately insisted on Daryl dancing with her like that. It had been nice seeing him that way with his daughter, but particularly too with Lana whose resistance to the name he had chosen for their son was wearing down with every passing day. Her belly of five months was cute and petite, and she had seen Daryl brushing his hand over it more than once that day, showing the kind of affection she knew Lana craved from him, from her partner.

"Where do you think we'll be in ten years?" she asked softly, resting her head on Rick's shoulder as they swayed together.

"We'll be grandparents by then."

Carrie nodded in agreement, looking forward to the day that Carl and Enid chose to start a family together. "Won't be long after that we'll be marrying off Judith. Will we still be here, in Alexandria?"

"Do you want to still be here?"

She considered this, having often wondered what else was out there in the world, if there were any countries that had recovered. Surely somewhere in the world there were bigger communities, places that were safer and could provide more stability, could negate the need for them to face the dangerous world of the dead. She had always imagined that places like Manhattan might have eventually recovered, that being water bound would ensure their longevity. If such a place existed it would make sense for them to relocate there, if anything for the security of it. But just as this thought settled she turned her head and looked towards the walls that protected their community. She could just see a glimpse of the names painted there, the people who had helped them build Alexandria, who gave their lives for it.

"I wouldn't want to be anywhere but here," she said honestly, tightening her arm around his shoulder. "Not unless we absolutely had to."

"This is our home," he agreed, understanding where she was coming from. "We built this place. Together."

Remembering how far Alexandria had come, how far she and Rick had come together, Carrie smiled in agreement. She lifted her head and looked at him fondly, still unable to believe that after everything she had suffered she managed to find the one in all of this, the love of her life. What a miracle it was that from nothing they had built a life for themselves and their children, so that they could share days like today even amongst a world filled with the dead.

These days, life was good.

Final A/N

I started writing this story in January 2015 and posted the first chapter of The Stray Passenger in June 2015. From then on I continued to write throughout my university degree, my year studying abroad, graduation and my first two years working full time - I was addicted to Rick and Carrie.

Thanks again for sticking your enthusiasm and support. I genuinely couldn't have done it without knowing that so many people were enjoying the story and felt as invested as I did. I'd also like to thank the people who have helped me write this story such as AngieB who helped so much throughout The New Resident, a great source of ideas, constructive criticism and general banter.

Make sure you're favourited or subscribed to me on this website so you can be updated about my future postings, which may be the occasional chapter of various one shots. There won't be a schedule for these, so getting the automated updates will be important. Don't forget to drop me a line with any specific requests for me to consider.

Thanks again to all my wonderful and faithful reviewers, especially those who had reviewed so very frequently. There are too many to list you all, but I'm seriously grateful to everyone!

Thanks to: CLTex, Nala Syrena, Fester01, Caspersix6six, Sophiewhettingsteel, D-Calif, Keirarose, Missflowergirl13, Awanderingreader, Lilsuccubus, AngieB, Eventualprocrastination, RebornRose1992, Melspringer, Stacey40, BellePheonix, Babylesbian, Arc-shipping99, Codedriver, I Hate the snow, Hpharvliviantojack4ever, Katarzyna88gb, Laura201112, Ren244, Rose, Jofrench22, Hockeyfangirl, Friendlyneighbourhoodhufflepuff, RoweenaJAugustine, Elliewellybear, Breezzylife12, Eve, Gigi, Melissa, Theloveroflit, Clementsc1992, Kara315, Jaspercontrolsmyemotions, Jackie spring, Walkerharley, Vicky4422, Ambray, Hayleyjnewb

Letglennlive, The 5 of Spades, Evelyn208, Lunar678, Xstormqueenx, Rhatch89, Feathersun19994, The Mexican Taco Overloard, Blueambo, L0velylexx, Rhishklish, Cotton Strings, BeeTeee, ndzfinest, MiaEllie, SpringBorn, WriteByTheMoon, streunekatze, nameword, LeggoMyMeggo92, DeepestGreen, queenisabella123, Always1921,GrimesChonne,

(There are so many more reviewers that I'm so very grateful to also. Thanks everyone!)