Ey, how's it going guys, plushieeee here, back at it again with a new chapter.

A Knight with a Metal Heart – Chapter 2

A Grimm-felt reunion:

To say that Winter Schnee was having a bad day would be an understatement. She had received orders from General Ironwood to capture the escaped 'subject 636' when she was in Vale, where she tried to enjoy a well earned vacation with her sister. Receiving such a vague mission had piqued Winter's interest though, she got on her scroll and had tried to find out who 'subject 636' was or where the subject was from, but every time she tried she was kicked out of Atlas servers. Even when she used her specialist authorization, the information was still classified, this 'subject' had undoubtedly garnered her full attention now.

She had received a manila folder 24 hours later, which contained a mug shot of what '636' looked like. The mysterious figure looked like a boy in his teens with messy blonde hair, artificial skin that was as pale as snow, and hypnotic blue eyes that generated a kind of ethereal glow. Winter gave a predatory smirk, if she wasn't trying to hunt down the kid to drag back to Ironwood, she was sure that she would be capturing him for an entirely different reason.

2 days later, somewhere in Atlas, in an abandoned building:

Jaune felt a cold shiver race down his metallic spine, he wasn't even sure if that was possible, but in a world filled with huntsmen, Grimm, and aura, he was sure that something weirder has happened. Nevertheless, Jaune was happy. Sure, he was still in a cold wasteland called Atlas, but he had just creatively procured a ticket for a ship ride to Vale. He could fly there, but a 7-foot-tall man with jet booster's all over his body will definitely attract unwanted attention, especially if he's trying to escape Atlas without drawing attention to himself, it would be like painting a neon sign over his head that said 'Hey, I'm over here.' As he wrapped himself up in a long brown cloak which he had also creatively procured, he couldn't help but feel thankful for the scientist back in the Atlas facility who thought that it will be a good idea for his body to resemble a human being rather than a stereotypical robot. 'It had made blending in with the citizen's a bit easier and cut my return trip to my village a bit quicker.' He internally pondered. "Village? Where the hell did I get that one from?" Jaune asked himself, there were 3 different continents that he could choose from, he wasn't even sure why he chose to go to Vale. To him it just felt…right, like it was meant to be.

Jaune's existential crisis was crudely interrupted when one of his sensors had 'felt' a slight vibration from something that had landed 40 meters away from his current position, Jaune looked out the makeshift window that he had created to see a bullhead. The blonde boy's artificial face scrunched up in concentration and his bionic eyes glowed with power, Jaune's eyes gave him magnified vision and information about the bullhead as well as insight on its current threat assessment. Said threat assessment shot up when a female figure exited the parked vehicle, the figure had her snowy hair styled in a top bun with her bangs covering the right side of her face. She wore a white coat buttoned at her waist, with some sort of white fancy suit as an undershirt, white pants, and a pair of white thigh high boots with heels, her entire fashion sense screamed that she really likes the color white. Jaune's blue eyes burned with intensity as he focused his attention to the woman, his eyes gave him information about her identity, her weapons, how she fights, and her semblance. Jaune smirked, in world where everybody and their mother has a trump card, victory will be decided over which person holds the most dirt on the other person, and the 5 seconds that it took for his eyes to feed him that amount of information was all it takes for him to get the upper hand in a fight.

Winter stretched as she got off the bullhead, this was the 57th abandoned building that she had visited. Her outward appearance was still as crisp as ever, even as she was stuck in a lurching bullhead for 48 hours straight. 'And it surely wouldn't be the last, why can't things never be easy for me? Turns out a 7-foot-tall, blonde haired man isn't really all that uncommon in a world where Aura and Grimm exists." She internally whined, her impatient thoughts betraying her cool and calm demeanor that she showed on the outside. She looked at the half collapsed building, unimpressed, then she turned around and was about to walk back to the bullhead when she felt a rather intense gaze that threatened to burn the back of her head. Call it a gut feeling, but her instincts had never been wrong before. She acted upon it, saber in hand, she called forth her glyphs which accelerated her towards the ruined building.

"What the- how did she see me?" Jaune asked himself, 'do all soldiers in Atlas have enhanced vision or something?' He mulled over. A pacifist at heart, Jaune didn't want to fight for no reason, but if he was provoked he will retaliate, and retaliate he will.

Winter walked up the ruined steps of the abandoned building, she hasn't heard anything since entering and it honestly unnerved her. As she reached the 8th floor she saw signs of somebody being there, and recently too. The floor had a make shift bed, a jury rigged T.V, and a dining area -Winter guessed- littered with half open boxes of unhealthy cereal called Pumpkin Pete's. She quickly fished her scroll out and ordered the other search parties to investigate her current location.

Jaune watched from the ceiling as the oddly dressed specialist grabbed her scroll and made some calls, he focused his hearing and had heard a part of her conversation, "-m a 100 percent sure, send them all here…" 'Alright, its time to go.' Jaune decided, he dropped from the ceiling, his legs dampening and absorbing the shock and making no sound. He snuck away from the woman and to a makeshift hole that led outside the building which he had made in preparation to an event such as this. He was about to jump down into the hole when he felt a saber rake against his aura sending him flying towards a wall, partially embedding him in it.

"You honestly thought that you could sneak away from the Winter Schnee?" The woman now known as Winter Schnee asked, a miniscule twitch of a smile on her lips. "Your plan was brilliant as it had almost worked, but you didn't account for the fact that even if you had made no sound, your footsteps would've still produced vibrations." She continued, while she twirled her saber in her hand.

Jaune inwardly groaned, he knew that his day was just going a little bit TOO well for him, he should've expected that something like this would've happened. He pulled himself out of the Jaune sized crater on the wall, turned to Winter, mustered up his big boy voice and spoke. "Look, lady, you don't want to fight me." Jaune explained, however, his metallic voice had no effect on the brave specialist. Jaune knew that if Winter and him fight right now he was sure that he could pull out a win, even if he had no training on using his augmented body he still had the upper hand of knowing how the older Schnee fights, it would be a very close battle though.

"I will gladly take this dance." Winter spoke confidently, as she leveled the pointy end of her saber towards Jaune and lunged at him.

Jaune was surprised when his body transitioned into battle mode. The 'pupils' of his eyes narrowed and dilated, trying to predict what Winter would do next. The dormant parts of his brain were shocked with currents which awakened them, he now used 100% of his brain power to process the information that his artificial eyes were giving him, the full usage of his brain gave him a slowed perception of time which worked in tandem with his bionic eyes. Jaune was amazed that he saw everything so clearly, droplets of water that fell from the ceiling as they eventually hit the ground, the group of ants that crawled up the walls, the rippling of Winter's individual muscle fibers as she charged at him with her saber, everything looked beautiful to him, but sadly all beautiful things came to an end. He spun and dodged Winter's lunge with inhuman speed, his artificial limbs activated quickly to his will, they reacted even before his brain signals had reached them. Winter used her semblance to stop her momentum and accelerate towards Jaune, she then futilely sent a combo of swings aimed at him. The blonde cyborg merely side stepped all of them, while he studied how her different muscle groups contracted and relaxed when she was using her fighting style, he was learning all her moves. After a minute or so of dodging Winter's attacks, Jaune was satisfied that he had learned enough. He promptly dodged a swing with a graceful front flip and sent a deadly counter attack in the form of a rocket boosted punch, it hit Winter square in the back and sent her flying outside through the walls of the building, she flew in the air for about 30 seconds and finally crashed onto the cold dirt. Jaune looked at his prosthethic hand and made a fist, what took Winter all her childhood to learn, it only took him a minute.

"Winter, remember that us, Schnee's, have an image to uphold." Winter's father, Jacques Schnee, said to his daughter, his face devoid of all emotion.

"Yes, father." Winter answered animatedly, however, she was suprised when her father pulled her in for a hug.

"But sometimes we're not all perfect." Jacques smiled warmly, his hands gently caressing his daughter's hair. "Because, we all have a certain weakness for ice cream. Isn't that right, Winter?" The white haired man asked his daughter, while he handed her a vanilla ice cream cone.

"Yes, father." Winter said, but this time she held a huge genuine smile over her face.

"-cialist Schnee! Specialist Schnee, please wake up!" A voice said, Winter awoke from her pleasant dream and looked down to see an Atlas soldier's hand over her body. She raised an eyebrow at this, "I'm awake soldier, you can take your arms off of me now." She stated, the tone on her voice had sent an unpleasant chill on the Atlas soldier as he scrambled to take his hands of off her. She stood up and towered over the soldier, her boots adding 2 inches on her already tall stature. "Next time you touch your superior like that you will end up court martialed and will be forced to work in the SDC mines with no pay, am I understood?" She questioned the soldier, giving him a very nasty glare that showed that she was serious. The soldier couldn't even talk in response, he was shaking like a leaf and only managed to nod in reply. "Good, I'm glad that we straightened that out." She said flatly, a smile on her full lips that she had used and practiced too many times. "Now then, please tell me that you have good news or I will get angry."

After he knocked out Winter, Jaune had creatively procured Winter's bullhead and flew away from his former dwelling. He landed at a pier where he used his semblance on the bullhead to wipe out its former system and rewire it to make it his own. After he rebooted the system and triple checked everything for any surprises, Jaune set his G.P.S on the course to Vale and flew away from the cold wasteland.

It didn't take long for Jaune to reach Vale, although he had to ditch Winter's bullhead on the way there because he knew that he will be shot down in the air if he tried to fly in Vale's airspace without authorization. Right now, Jaune is effectively in Vale and out of Atlas jurisdiction, he's now a free man, in a Grimm infested forest. Jaune sighed and started to walk towards what he assumed was north.

Arthur Arc was worried; three months had passed since he entrusted his son to the mysterious enigma named Ozpin. After searching Ozpin's name on his scroll, he had found out that Ozpin was a headmaster at a nearby hunter academy, this didn't ease his growing worry at all though, he simply didn't trust the man. After he met and questioned the silver haired professor at Beacon, Arthur had only received a vague response about his missing son, "Soon enough, you will meet him. Though, you will not recognize him at first, and he to you, but if the bond that you formed with him is strong enough then it can likely be rekindled." Ozpin is mysterious, too mysterious, for Arthurs liking, with a mere glance it felt like the headmaster knew everything that Arthur had done through out his life, and that had put Arthur on edge. Arthur put it all in the back of his head in the mean time however, it was time for his morning stroll.

"Hmm, 3 Beowolf packs that roamed too close to the village…" Arthur mumbled to himself, while he wrote on his notebook. He had been on his morning patrol in the forest that surrounded his village, eradicating and recording all the Grimm packs that had wandered too close to his hometown. Suddenly, Arthur heard a loud groan coming from the western part of the forest, his mind instinctively classified the whine as that of a Goliath. He immediately rushed towards the source of the commotion, he didn't want anyone in the village getting hurt by the massive Grimm, even the little minx that had almost led his son to his death. Arthur still couldn't find it in himself to forgive Zoey, sure, she had been coming to the Arc house to do some menial labor as a way of apologizing, but to Arthur it wasn't enough to forgive her. 'Maybe in a year or two.' He thought, he's going to have to forgive her eventually. Hate, especially deep rooted hate, is bad for a Huntsman. It messed with their abilities to make decisions, made them erratic. Back in his days, Arthur had seen his fair share of veteran Huntsmen and Huntresses that died from fatal mistakes that were fueled by their emotions.

Arthur bursted through a bush just in time to see a blonde haired teenager, from the looks of it, send a flying, rocket boosted, axe kick to the goliath's armoured face plate. The goliath's knees buckled under pressure from the sheer force of the axe kick, its feet created a massive crater around it from the weight of the kick that it had just tried to absorb. The overgrown elephant was stunned, the blonde teenager wasted no time and jumped at the opening, he sent a powerful rocket propelled fist that crashed into the goliath's face plate with enough force that its boney mask shattered. However, the blonde warrior wasn't done, the figure then sent dozens of lightning fast punches that dug through the Goliath's vulnerable face, his fists eventually pierced through its skull and turned its brain into mush which instantly felled the giant Grimm.

Arthur ran up to the mysterious blonde individual, he took the chance to look over the figure more closely, piercing blue eyes, golden blonde hair, and pale skin that looked really delicate. 'He looks like an older version of Jaune.' Arthur thought, idly wondering how a stranger managed to look like a matured carbon copy of his missing son.

"You fight pretty well, what's your name son?"


A battle between Jaune (10 years old) in a 17-year-old frame/body and Winter Schnee, specialist extraordinaire of Atlas. If you guys didn't like Jaune winning against Winter, please consider the following.

1. Jaune was made to fight hunters and Grimm alike, he's literally was jam packed with abilities that gives him a natural edge against his enemies. Even if he doesn't know how to use any of them, his body shifts to its battle mode automatically when it senses danger.

2. Winter underestimated Jaune, remember that she received a manila folder that only contained Jaune's physical descriptions, to her it was like an older sibling fighting against a younger sibling. If she had information about his abilities before hand she would've been more careful against him, but Ironwood wanted to keep Jaune's abilities confidential.

3. She only used her semblance to help her move faster in the fight. She never used her semblance to summon any familiars or used it to enhance her physical abilities. Again, she severely underestimated Jaune.

A reunion between father and son/robot, too bad Jaune's memories were erased, but he still has some left, locked in his chip implanted noggin.

Btw, Jaune still feels emotions, it only seems like he doesn't because of his voice.

I hope that Jaune's battle mode isn't too OP, his bullet time/mode isn't as effective if he's facing 2 or more opponents, he needs to focus on one opponent only since his sensors focusing on 2 or more enemies would overload his brain. I will try to explain and broaden his robotic abilities and his semblance in the later chapters.

I would be updating my other story "The Spark in Him" in a few days. I can't thank you guys enough for the support that I've received on both of my stories!

Please leave a review of what you think of this chapter. I wanna know what you guys wanna see in the later chapters.