A/N: next part

Usual apologies

Disclaimer: See previous chapter

Four years.

Alice sighed in exasperation as she stared down at the sketch pad in her hand while she sat at the table in the furthest corner of the room, pausing to lift the teacup placed neatly on the table and brought it to her lips to take a sip.

So much has happened in the past four years.

Particularly to the Cullen family.

First their eldest son, disappeared, seemingly vanishing in the night without a single trace of his whereabouts, then the second oldest son disappeared as well in a similar fashion a year after that and the beautiful lady Cullen was left in a tailspin of despair. Luckily her youngest son Edward never left; he even married his intended Isabella Swan not more than two years ago and there was word that the duke would be taking over his father's place in the king's court.

Yes, things were finally looking up.


Alice set her cup down and went back to frowning at her sketch pad in confusion.

The first few visions she had about the Cullens came through clear as day.

She saw the eldest son Emmett get on a pirate ship and leave Port Angeles, she saw the second son Jasper leave on the same ship just a year later and she had predicted a similar fate for the youngest son. Surprisingly enough the boy took a different route and remained in Port Angeles and so Alice assumed that he would stay.

But now…

The psychic was so sure.

There was a blind spot in her vision, one she wasn't all that unfamiliar with and silently she berated herself for what she'd done.

You see the tricky thing about being able to see the future; is that once you look at it, it changes because you looked at it and if you looked at it too many times you risked possibly losing sight of the future events that you wanted to keep an eye on.

So now, she has a blind spot that she can't see passed.

All the psychic knows for sure is that whatever is meant to happen is meant to happen today which is why she sat in the back of Sue's tavern in one of the booths nearest to the back. Usually Alice spent her days in the room that she rented from the older woman where she conducted her business, reading palms and telling fortunes as a way to make a living. But today she's taking a day off, if only to satisfy her curiosity on the infuriating block that refused to leave her sight.

From what Alice could tell it, whatever was going to happen was meant to happen on July fifth at Sue's tavern in five, four, three, two-

The tavern was full and buzzing with activity as it was every night. The air was thick with the scent of smoke and alcohol and the room was dimly lit as always. Alice watched with rapt attention when the front door opened and in stepped Jacob Black, looking just as handsome as the first time that she'd seen him in her visions all those years ago only this time there was a glow about him. An air of happiness and content that he didn't have before and Alice briefly wondered what on earth it was that could have brought that on when another figure stepped in behind him.

Tall and pale, with raven hair going down to his shoulders and bright red eyes.

A vampire.

Alice had seen enough vampires to recognize one when she saw it.

"Jacob!" Sue said with a bright smile when she turned away from one of the other customers to see the pirate walk in and immediately leaned over the counter to give him a hug just before he slid into one of the stools at the bar and his companion did the same. "It's so good to see you."

Jacob laughed, "It's good to see you too Sue."

"You look great. Where are Seth and Leah, I was hoping that they'd come in to say hello before you guys took off again." Sue asked with a tilt of her head and Jacob only seemed to roll his eyes in annoyance, "Seth is a little preoccupied with Jasper and Leah said that she'd stop in once things are settled on the ship."

"Well at least one of my kids remembers me." The woman said in a teasing tone when her gaze drifted over to the figure beside him and she couldn't help but ask, "New crew member?"

"Oh yeah," Jacob cut himself off as his face suddenly caught in a light blush, "He joined us a couple of months ago."

The man gave a snort as he reached out a hand for the human to take and spoke with a smile, "Marcus."

"Sue. It's nice to meet you." Sue said as her eyes narrowed down in suspicion as she glanced between the two, "You want your usual Jake?"

"Please." Jacob said with a heavy sigh as he raked a hand through his hair and Sue turned away with a nod just as Marcus reached over and placed a hand on Jacob's shoulder, leaning in closer to the younger man as he seemed to speak softly beside his ear. Jacob flushed and nodded. Sue didn't comment after she set down his drink and turned away to serve some of the other customers.

Alice's head gave a tilt as she took another sip of tea.

How strange.

She never saw this man as a possibility in Jacob's future, maybe he's what changes. Maybe Edward really wasn't meant for Jacob after all.

Just then the door opened all over again and this time another man stepped into the tavern. One that had a striking resemblance to Jacob with his dark skin and long black hair, only his eyes were red instead of a warm brown.

Another vampire?

The man seemed to snort in amusement as he approached the two, smoothly slipping onto the stool beside the vampire causing both men to look up in surprise.

"I feel like I should be worried about how close you two are now." The man said causing Jacob to roll his eyes and Marcus to smirk as he turned towards the man and wrapped an arm around his waist to pull him close and give him a soft kiss, "I thought you wanted us to get along."

"I think I preferred it when he hated you."


Alice blinked in surprise, well… wait what?

"Billy?" Sue gasped when she turned back to see the new occupant and beamed as she ran right around the bar to wrap the newcomer in a hug, which he accepted, standing up from his seat as they rocked a little from side to side and she pressed a kiss onto his cheek.

"I thought you were-… How on earth did you escape?"

"I had a little help." Billy said as he glanced back at the man that still sat behind him only this time his eyes seemed to have narrowed down in annoyance. Sue blinked at the look before she quickly let go of the man and pulled away.

"Oh…Are you- I thought." Sue cleared her throat and looked away, "Never mind, do you still take your rum straight?"

"Never stopped." Billy said with a smile as he made to sit down only for Marcus to grab his hand and start pulling him to a table a few feet away while the vampire just rolled his eyes at him. Jacob gave a snort turning back to the mug of rum that Sue had set in front of him and Alice slowly tried to make sense of the situation.

Alright so Jacob and Marcus aren't together.

So what is it about this particular day that her sight refuses to let her see?

One minute turned into two and then five and then an hour.

Leah came in to see her mother along with Seth who tagged along with a red eyed Jasper Cullen. But otherwise it was all painfully boring.

Alice was starting to lose her patience and was seriously starting to consider calling it a night and retiring to her room when the door opened one more time.

In stepped Edward Cullen looking extremely frazzled and lost as vacant green eyes stared around the tavern.

Jasper seemed to catch sight of his brother but didn't try to get his attention. Not surprising since he supposedly disappeared three years ago, but Edward didn't take notice of him as he made his way over to the bar and sat down. Jacob didn't react when the younger man sat down beside him. Just kept his back straight and his chin up as he slowly sipped from his mug while Edward waved Sue over and asked for a glass of whiskey.

Edward let out a heavy sigh as he rubbed a hand over his face just as the glass was set down in front of him and he immediately started gulping it down.

Jacob gave a snort, "Thirsty?"

Edward set his glass down and took in a deep breath, "Something like that."

"Long day?"

"Long year."

The bronze haired man paused to look up at Jacob only for his eyebrows to furrow in confusion and his lips to purse together in a tight line in thought, "I-I don't… Do I know you? You look familiar."

Jacob shrugged, "I doubt it. I don't think we run in the same circles." Jacob said as he held out his wrist to show the other the letter "p" branded onto his wrist and Edward's eyes widened in surprise before he suddenly just let out a sigh. "You're a pirate."


"Of course you are." Edward said as he took another gulp from his drink, "If it's not one thing it's another."

Jacob just sat and watched as Edward reached into his shirt and tugged at the chain hanging around his neck until a pendant appeared at the end and he started fiddling with a wolf pendant.

"You know," Jacob started as he gestured towards the pendant, "That's supposed to be a good luck charm."

Edward looked up at the older man with an arched brow, "It is?"

"Yeah," Jacob said as he took a sip of rum, "Its old folklore, but still pretty effective from what I understand. One day a young boy made a deal with the great spirits of his land, exchanging his soul for great power and strength and luck to last him a million years."

Edward gave a snort, "Really?"


"All for the price of one soul?"

"No," Jacob paused, "The kid had to give away something else too."

"And what was that?"

"A chance for true love." Jacob said with a wry smile as he just looked back down at his mug, "It was never supposed to be a permanent thing, it was only meant to last a thousand years. After that he'd be allowed to fall in love but then he'd have to stay on the sea to keep it, being allowed to go on land only once every ten years. Of course, the stupid kid didn't know what he was doing till he'd done it."

Edward frowned as Jacob nodded towards the pendant again, "Still, you should keep that safe. It could be useful one day. You never know when you might need a little extra luck."

The bronze haired man just shook his head, "It hasn't been very useful as of late so I don't see how it could ever really help. It used to be my brother's until he disappeared four years ago, three years before my other brother vanished into thin air as well. I'm starting to think it's cursed."

Jacob gave a snort, "Then why not get rid of it?"

Edward didn't answer the question, just stared down at the wolf idol for another moment and Jacob's head gave a tilt before he spoke again, "You know, you don't really seem like the sort to hang around a place like this."

The younger man blinked as he let out a deep breath, "Normally I don't."

"So why come here now?"

"I don't know." Edward said honestly as he moved his gaze from his pendant to his drink, "I just… Do you ever feel like you're missing something?"

"What do you mean?"

"Have you ever felt like you forgot something important only-" Edward cut himself off with a sigh, "I feel like there's something I'm forgetting, it's been like this for three years. This whole that just doesn't want to close even though I have no idea why."

"Maybe you're just being paranoid."

"Maybe…" Edward raked a hand through his hair, "After my oldest brother left I started spending time with this wonderful girl and for a long time, I felt like I was happy, but then a year later I woke up and I just felt empty. I felt this exact same way two years ago, I just felt the need to get out of the house and I ended up right here just like I am now. The same thing happened a year after that. It's like, like I lost a piece of my soul. Something keeps telling me that I need to be here."

Jacob stared at the man beside him for at least five seconds before he spoke, "And you have no idea why?"


The werewolf paused as Edward finished off his drink and asked for another, "What if I told you that I knew why you felt so empty? Would you want to know why?"

"How would you know that?"

"I'm saying if I did know, would you want me to tell you?"

The bronze haired man frowned, "Why wouldn't I want to know?"

Jacob raked a hand through his hair, "It might change some things, make you see things differently. Nothing would ever be normal again."

"I think it's better to know the truth than live your life in some elaborate lie." Edward's eyebrows furrowed in confusion and he leaned in a little closer to the other man with a deep frown marring his features. "Are you sure we haven't met before? You seem so… familiar."

Jacob looked away and let out one last deep heavy sigh as he finished off his drink before he slid off his seat and grabbed a hold of Edward's shirt to him close.


The younger man was cut off when Jacob suddenly kissed him, full and hard right on the lips causing Edward's eyes to go wide in shock. He let out a muffled yelp of surprise only for those same green eyes to slip shut as Edward leaned into it, wrapping his arms around Jacob to drag him even closer before they both had to break for air.

"Jacob?" Edward gasped and Jacob smirked, "Ready to go on that adventure now?"

Edward laughed as he buried his head in the side of Jacob's neck.

Surprisingly enough no one so much as batted an eyelid at them, but then again, people around these parts tended to keep to themselves. Alice mused silently as she grinned at the pair and slowly felt the mental block on her sight begin to lift.

"Finally." The girl sighed as she finished off the last of her tea, as her lips curled into a smile and she leaned back into her seat.

Now, who to study next?


A/N: yup

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